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#76 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 09:50
Assalamu alaykum
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ummi taalib's avatar
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#77 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 09:56

Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Actually not sure why there is this bickering in the first place. Those women who are more practicing will take every precaution when going out and in fact will go out only in neccessity and these are the women who usually will learn from within their homes - specially nowadays with receivers and live online lectures. In places where this is not the case they will take the neccessary precautions and those who do not take those precautions, well, it is hoped that by attending places of learning they too will inshaAllah take those precautions....something becomes a means for all of us, not all of us were "fully practicing Muslims"  from the cradle!


Why are simple matters made so complicated (not to mention confusing for the beginners)?

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#78 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 10:05

ummi taalib wrote:
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#79 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 11:09
abu mohammed wrote:
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Brother Arfatzafar, apologies for the delay. I have located the Hadith which I was referring to. Of course both Hadith are correct and both have their places.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: When the words "And warn your tribe (O Muhammad) of near kindred" [al-Shu'ara' 26:214] were revealed to him, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "O people of Quraysh (or words to that effect)! Ransom yourselves, I cannot avail you anything before Allaah. O Banu 'Abd Manaaf, I cannot avail you anything before Allaah. O 'Abbaas ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib, I cannot avail you anything before Allaah. O Safiyah, (paternal) aunt of the Messenger of Allaah, I cannot avail you anything before Allaah. O Faatimah, daughter of the Messenger of Allaah, ask me for whatever you want of my wealth, I cannot avail you anything before Allaah." Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2602) and Muslim (206).
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#80 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 11:44
ahamed_sharif wrote:
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So so-called "street language" used by Ulama against other Ulama should be condemned with street language by laymen against those Ulama? Hilarious reasoning by yourself Mr.!
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Maria al-Qibtiyya's avatar
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#81 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 12:26
abu mohammed wrote:
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I myself follow Mufti Taqi Uthmani's and Mufti Abdur Rahman's fatawa. My local scholars opinion is the same as theirs i.e. allowing sisters into mosque. But I don't understand what you & brother Yasin meant by saying that the fatawa of 3 respected Miftiyan is theirs "personal"opinions. Care to clarify?

My understanding of the matter is that there are two "valid" fatwas:

1. Allowing women into the masajids, when limits aren't crossed, for the sake of sisters deeni Ilm and Islah.

2. It's not allowed in any way anywhere in any masjid for any sisters because of the wide spread fitnah of modern times and because of the probability of one falling a pray to fitnah.


Are you and brother Yasin meant to say 2 isn't based on any shar'i reason and is "personal" opinion? Or what do you exactly mean?

The respected guest fails to understand that it's okay to follow other side of miftiyan who allow sisters into masjid as we have fatwas from the other side as well. I pray that Allah grant him understanding.
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#82 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 12:37
Maria al-Qibtiyya wrote:
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What I personally am trying to say is that each situation will require a bespoke answer. All 3 answers will be correct for the question asked for the area and situation in question.

I'm sure if a detailed question was asked to Mufti Usmani or even Mufti ibn Yusuf with two different scenarios, they will both give different answers accordingly. One scenario will be YES and the other scenario will be NO.
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#83 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 13:25
abu mohammed wrote:
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Okay. But I'm not completely satisfied by your post.

See that's what brother Yasin said:
Yasin wrote:
Those "Fatwas" are personal opinions of Scholars. None of the 3 "Fatwas" posted by the guest gives a Shar'ee reason why except for conditional circumstances, possibilities, location etc.

Doesn't those fatwas mean this:
"2. It's not allowed in any way anywhere in any masjid for any sisters because of the wide spread fitnah of modern times and because of the probability of one falling a pray to fitnah."

Clarify what does the brother mean and why were you siding with him. If he says their fatwas are personal opinion and not based on sharee reason then he clearly means it couldn't be valid fatwas.

What the respected guest was doing rejecting the fatwas of other side as if it wasn't valid, I feel some of you doing the same by calling the other side of fatwas as "personal" opinions not based on shari reason. So what's the difference between the guest and you?

What I'm trying to say both side of fatwas are valid and based on sharee reason not mere on personal opinion.

If you think I misunderstood something you may clarify.

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#84 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 13:35
Maria al-Qibtiyya wrote:
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Doesn't those fatwas mean this:
"2. It's not allowed in any way anywhere in any masjid for any sisters because of the wide spread fitnah of modern times and because of the probability of one falling a pray to fitnah."

"Yasin wrote:
Those "Fatwas" are personal opinions of Scholars. None of the 3 "Fatwas" posted by the guest gives a Shar'ee reason why except for conditional circumstances, possibilities, location etc.

The explanation and answers are there if one is willing to see it otherwise no amount of explanations will quench the defence of unnecessary wrongful and out of context offences taken from my posts.
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#85 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 14:45
Maulana Yasin, you are merely re-posting thinking that your post is self explanatory. May be it is to you, but now there's two of us that interpret what you wrote as negating the position of the 3 Muftis, possibly more senior to you, on the basis that it is only their 'personal opinion.'

May I suggest you re-explain yourself properly, because having studied at Uni, & having a decent grasp of English, there seems to me to be a categoric rejection of the Muftis fatwas by a Molvi as if it came from their pocket.

1. Are you saying that the Muftis' fatwas are wrong?

2 If so, are you qualified to say that they are wrong?

3. If you say that they are wrong, please explain clearly why?

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#86 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 14:59
Abdi M wrote:
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Having studied at Uni doesn't really mean much as was shown by Ali to a Super literate who made tons of errors in a single post :) or was that still you :0

I've studied at Uni and I make plenty of errozs too :)
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#87 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 15:04
Maulana Yasin, you are merely re-posting thinking that your post is self explanatory.

Well it made sense to many others and was made crystal clear after the key words were highlighted.
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World Of Allah
#88 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 15:34
Hey another secular intellect who can't grasp basic English even when re-posted in bold, underlined and red, lol

May I recommend a thing we call a dictionary?




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#89 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 15:50
This post has been reported. It could be due to breaking rules or something as simple as bad use of bbcodes which breaks the page format. We will attend to this soon.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#90 [Permalink] Posted on 10th September 2014 15:57
Abdi M wrote:
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Respected Abdi M, this imbecile asked by stating "OR was that still you..." How am I supposed to know if its not. Anyone can post with any guest name.
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