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Taalibah, kanzoorbhai
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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 13:06
Assalamu alaykum
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Taalibah's avatar
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 17:34
Reminder! Title of thread: women are different

I'm sure majority of practicing sisters take pracaution when going out, whether it's the Masjid, shopping or school runs.

Alhumdulillah, that he also granted us an intellect.
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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 18:12
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 07:54

In this day & age, where female Islamic education is necessary & males are not fulfilling their Islamic duty of educating their women, would you please:

1. Advise specifically on each of the scenarios below &
2. If any one or more of the scenarios below are Haraam, Makrooh, undesirable or not advised please advise what the alternative solution is &
3. If any of the scenarios below are permissible, in particular (B) & (C) are there any conditions attached, which if not followed would make it impermissible?

So the question is:

Is it permissible, undesirable, not advised, Makrooh or Haraam for women to attend the Masjid for:

Is it permissible, undesirable, not advised, Makrooh or Haraam for women to attend the Masjid for:

(A) Islamic talks WITHOUT their Mahram?
(B) Islamic talks WITH their Mahrams
(C) Salah WITH their Mahrams &
(D) Salah WITHOUT their Mahrams.

If any of the aforementioned scenarios are Haraam or Makrooh, it would be very helpful if you could specify why, in the light of Shari'ah, this is the case?



Br/Sister in Islam




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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 08:10

In this day & age, where female Islamic education is necessary & males are not fulfilling their Islamic duty of educating their women, would you please:

1. Advise specifically on each of the scenarios below &
2. If any one or more of the scenarios below are Haraam, Makrooh, undesirable or not advised please advise what the alternative solution is &
3. If any of the scenarios below are permissible, in particular (B) & (C) are there any conditions attached, which if not followed would make it impermissible?

So the question is:

Is it permissible, undesirable, not advised, Makrooh or Haraam for women to attend the Masjid for:

Is it permissible, undesirable, not advised, Makrooh or Haraam for women to attend the Masjid for:

(A) Islamic talks WITHOUT their Mahram?
(B) Islamic talks WITH their Mahrams
(C) Salah WITH their Mahrams &
(D) Salah WITHOUT their Mahrams.

If any of the aforementioned scenarios are Haraam or Makrooh, it would be very helpful if you could specify why, in the light of Shari'ah, this is the case?

Answer Two:

Haamidan wa Musalliyan

Respected Brother in Islam

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh

Your email refers

Women who are concerned they do acquire the Islamic knowledge within the confines of their homes. Unfortunately, the women who have a strong desire to leave their homes are looking out for ways and reasons to get out of their homes.

And Allah Ta`ala knows best

(Mufti) E Salejee

Madrasah Taleemuddeen
4 Third Avenue
P.O.Box 26393
Isipingo Beach

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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 11:52

In this day & age, where female Islamic education is necessary & males are not fulfilling their Islamic duty of educating their women, would you please:

1. Advise specifically on each of the scenarios below &
2. If any one or more of the scenarios below are Haraam, Makrooh, undesirable or not advised please advise what the alternative solution is &
3. If any of the scenarios below are permissible, in particular (B) & (C) are there any conditions attached, which if not followed would make it impermissible?

So the question is:

Is it permissible, undesirable, not advised, Makrooh or Haraam for women to attend the Masjid for:

Is it permissible, undesirable, not advised, Makrooh or Haraam for women to attend the Masjid for:

(A) Islamic talks WITHOUT their Mahram?
(B) Islamic talks WITH their Mahrams
(C) Salah WITH their Mahrams &
(D) Salah WITHOUT their Mahrams.

If any of the aforementioned scenarios are Haraam or Makrooh, it would be very helpful if you could specify why, in the light of Shari'ah, this is the case?

Answer 3


13 Zul Qa’dh 1435 (9 September 2014)

Your e-mail dated 8 September 2014 refers.

In this day and age, Allah Ta’ala has simplified for women the acquisition of basic Islamic knowledge necessary for their day to day life. An abundance of Islamic literature is available in English, Urdu and Arabic to cater for the Islamic education of females. The basic Waajib quota of Islamic knowledge necessary for all Muslims, male and female, is available in elementary kitaabs such as Kitaabul Imaan, Kitaabut Tahaarat, Kitaabus Salaat, Kitaabus Saun, etc., etc. All of these books are available in English. In fact, a kitaab such as
Beheshti Zewer, covers far more than the Waajib requisite of Deeni Ilm. Thus, there is no excuse for any woman who refrains from
educating herself at home in the sphere of Waajib Deeni Ilm.

It is not permissible (Makrooh Tahrimi) for women to attend the Musjid for talks just as it is Makrooh for them to attend for Salaat. The same ruling applies whether they are accompanied by a mahram or not. In fact, the mahram who takes them to the Musjid is likewise a mal-oon just as his mal-oonah female.

We have published five or six books on this subject. In these books we have argued and answered the issue from all and every aspect. If you have not read these books, inform us. In fact, all these books
are available on our website. All the Shar’i dalai-il have been explained.


A.S. Desai


Mujlisul Ulama of S.A.

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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 12:17
Assalamu alaykum
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True Life's avatar
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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 12:28
At least the fatwas above are not asked in a biased way and do not single out a scholar, and to be honest those Muftis are totally entitled to their opinion and to give fatwa. Since the laymen's (like us) work is only to find out from scholars and to follow, there is no problem with someone following this view. But, in the same way there seems a reason for a legitimate difference of opinion, so anyone else following another reliable Mufti with a differing opinion is also fine. Wallahu 'Alam.
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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 12:36
We have unqualified Muftis on here writing in red thereby seeking to purport that they are an authority on Deen & claiming that it's not Haraam or Makrooh Tahreemi for women to attend the Masjid by any stretch of the imagination. No evidence was provided for such a bold claim & one of the 3 fatwas clearly states above that it is Makrooh. We should be wary of self-appointed Muftis on forums, who due to their popularity & aggressive manner may be taken as authorities in the Deen.
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Saheb's avatar
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#25 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 14:02
Guest-31384 wrote:
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And brother what evidence have you provided?
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#26 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 14:24
I remember listening to an audio clip where Mufti Taqi Uthmani allows for women to attend the Masjid to seek knowledge. Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf ibn Mangera also wrote in a response that it is allowed. No wonder these are the words of a prominent Shaykul Hadith at a prominent Darul Uloom in the UK when speaking about fatwa websites: "Some in (south) Africa are very strict."
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#27 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 14:55
ahamed_sharif wrote:
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Assalaamu Alaykum
Noble brother,

Elsewhere you have written we should not attack or criticise Arabs.
You have also claimed dynamic ijtehad.
You have attacked Muftis as "arm chair executives" and "fatwa giving people".

Criticising Arabs is not permissable (according to you) but attacking Muftis is fine?
You are very anti-ghayr muqaliid but you want to make ijtehad dynamically?

I suggest you think deep and hard about these comments and rectify yourself.

Br in Islam
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#28 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 15:00
Saheb wrote:
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You obviously didn't read the 3 fatwas from scholars, did you?
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#29 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 15:02
Assalamu alaykum
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#30 [Permalink] Posted on 9th September 2014 15:03
Concerned wrote:
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Provide the audio clip & the written response. If not, we can't accept what you say. Anybody can say Mufti Taqi said & Mufti Abdur-Rahman said that.
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