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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 7th February 2012 13:25
Translated by Mufti Afzal Hussain Elias

Women are not the same as men and while acknowledging this fact, Islam has some commands that are different for the men and the women.

This book is a compilation of commands regarding women in issues of:

- Where do Pious Women Perform Their Salah

- Women coming to the Masjid

- Prohibition of Women in Congregation

- Female Leadership in Islam

- Female Education

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 7th September 2014 00:31

Assalamualaykum 1. Is it permissible for women to attend Islamic talks at the local Masjid at night with their Mahram where there are separate entrances & segregation, but at the time of departure, due to the large numbers there would be an inevitable intermingling of the sexes in the Masjid car park? 2. What would the ruling be in the same situation, but where the lady comes to the Masjid at night without her Mahram & not in niqab? 3. If the speaker, who is an Alim, knows or should have reasonable cause to believe that women will be travelling to the Masjid on their own at night, without niqab, should he still give a talk or refuse to do so? 4. Would the scholar be complicit in sin if he were to give a talk in such a situation knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that ladies were attending a night talk without their Mahrams & not observing the rules of Hijab?


1) There is no need for women to emerge from their homes. They can listen over the transmitters. 2) This is Haraam. 3) He must refuse. 4) All are sinners: the speaker, those that attend, and the organizers.

And Allah Knows Best

Mufti Elias (May Allah Protect him)
Category: Masjid
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ahamed_sharif's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 7th September 2014 09:30

[Assalamu alaykum

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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 7th September 2014 12:07
Hajj is Fardh. Bayan is not. For clarification don't post your query on muftisays. Show some mettle & contact Mufti Elias via his website & once you have the answer post it here.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 7th September 2014 17:21
So sad. We really have no right to criticize the modernists, barelwis, salafis, etc. for their dedicated efforts for tableegh and dawah. All haraam and doubtful methods are fine today because of modern needs and times. Why don't we catch up with modern times a bit faster and start nasheed concerts to attract the youth. A few have started but rest are lagging far behind like tortoises. Invite both wayward boys and girls. No need to impose medieval purdah measures because it happens all the time in Hajj. And let's all start posing every where for flash photography like celebrities. Oh I forgot, some of our people have already triggered that trend. But others are still lagging behind and need to catch up. And let's up the pace and catch up with modernists a bit faster by encouraging our women folk out of the confines of their homes without necessity. It's perfectly fine because most women are flagrantly transgressing the Quranic command anyway in the marketplaces, fairgrounds, museums, graveyards etc. And of course no need for medieval purdah measures because it's perfectly fine in Hajj. In fact take their niqaabs off as I heard in Hajj it's not necessary. My local salafis recently hired funfair facilities in local park to attract wayward boys and girls into a freemixing (hajj-style) but Islamic environment so that we can give them naseehah and dawah. An excellent success story with thousands of participants. So what are we waiting for? Let's invite the local prostitutes while we're at it, they too require purdah-free flash photography dawah.

Do we actually realise what's happening to us or are we just acting deaf, dumb and blind?
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 7th September 2014 21:48
I was tempted to get the moderator to lock the thread. Glad someone making some sense.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 03:20
Assalamu Alaikum

Is it permissible for women to attend Islamic talks at the local Masjid at night with their Mahram where there are separate entrances & segregation, but at the time of departure, due to the large numbers there would be an inevitable intermingling of the sexes in the Masjid car park?

Other Maulanas would agree with Mufti Elias's answer to this question, even though its not speaking about praying salah in the masjid but only attending a lecture.

Let's ask the same question with ONLY TWO changes: replace "Islamic Talk" with "wedding/walima,aqeeah", and replace local Masjid with Local Islamic School. Now if Mufti Elias's response would be the same for that question then 99.99% of the Maulanas in my area have surely got it wrong!! Not a word is spoken against the "wedding/walima", everyone including the Maulanas happily attend the wedding/walima with their wives and familes and enjoy the biryani. In fact the same Maulanas are the ones having the dawat when its their family getting married or child recently born!!

Also does going from your separate sections into your car means that your are intermingling with sexes?
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ahamed_sharif's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 07:28

Assalamu alaykum

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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 10:35
The alternatives available are:

(A) Men are encouraged to attend the Masjid & are educated & teach their wives @ home or

(B) Women are accompanied by their Mahram to women's only Taleem during the day & picked up when Taleem finishes &

(C) Female scholars may be dropped off by their Mahrams to teach women at their houses &

(D) Women may read books of the pious aimed at them.

You impliedly refer to the Mufti as a zealot, which shows your ignorance.

Why don't you pose your concerns to Mufti Elias regarding his fatwa or are you lacking courage?
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 10:41

Anonymous wrote:
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Anonymous wrote:
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  1. Attending the Mosques may be discouarged but it isn't HARAM or MAKROOH-TAHREEMI by any stretch of imagination.
  2. The solutions are personal Ijtehaad of the person and they are entitled to their opinion

Anyone who disagrees with above please post substantive evidence from Shariah which can then be discussed.


  • Don't abuse
  • Don't rant
  • Don't be judgemental of the Taqwa of others
  • Don't look down upon others
  • Don't enforce your personal view on other people, you are entitled to your views.

Please feel free to consult the Ulama of your choice and ask them to justify their position.

Jazkallahu Khayran

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ahamed_sharif's avatar
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 11:14
Assalamu alaykum
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ahamed_sharif's avatar
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 11:41
Assalamu alaykum
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 12:04

ahamed_sharif wrote:
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May I know the opinion of Hazrat (Maulana) Ali Miah (RA) on the matter specific to America and UK? He did visit here but I don't know where he condemned this issue?

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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 12:15
Firstly you sarcastically called the alternatives proposed as those of an arm chair executive & then, in the very next sentence, you describe them as 'ideal alternatives.' So the logical conclusion to your point is that the ideal is not ideal in this day and age. Bravo.

Mufti Elias is one of the most pro TJ Alims around. Ask people in South Africa. So your 2nd Paragraph, Ahmed, is invalid.

Your next argument impliedly promotes that the end justifies the aim. No it doesn't. If a batil method is used and 100 people get start practicing Deen & the correct method is used & nobody gets hidayat, we will still use the correct method or the ideal alternative as you like to call it, because Allah's pleasure is with the correct manner of education.
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2014 12:17

Anonymous wrote:
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  • Please justify the position taken from the original sources and listen to the opposite point of view


  • Say that you are making Taqleed of Hazrat (Mufti) Saheb (on the issue) in that case those who disagree with you are making Taqleed of Shaykh (Mufti) Abdur-Rahman Ibn Mangera (HA) and others.

Rest is tittle-tattle.

Do you want to discuss taking position 1 or position 2?

Further tittle-tattle on the issue should be censored.

Either discuss or make Taqleed of an Alim; there is no 3rd option.

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