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(Urdu) Yazeed Ki Shakhsiyat Ahle Sunnat Ki Nazar Mein

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd September 2020 13:10
Yazeed Ki Shakhsiyat Ahle Sunnat Ki Nazar Mein

By: Maulana Abdur-Rashid Nomani

209 pages

A detailed book about the Sunni view of Yazid, seen as a highly sinful (fasiq) person.

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd September 2020 14:27
Assalamu alaikum

abuzayd2k wrote:
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only a disbeliever is eligible to be cursed.

Yes it is the position of Ahlussunnah to refrain from cursing Yazid but their abstention is because Yazid was not directly involved in the killing of Sayyiduna Hussain رضی الله عنه and showed displeasure with the act of his governor Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad although he did not punish him either.

That is why many Sunni scholars abstain from cursing him but please do not portray it as the absolute position of ahlussunah as many great scholars of the past have cursed Yazid in their books (please refer to the book linked above - page 88 and 128 onwards) and those who have not, have definitely considered it permissible to curse ibn Ziyad, Shimr and others who actively took part in killing Sayyiduna Hussain رضی الله عنه and other members of ahlul bayt RA.

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