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SUPPLICATIONS for The Quest For Peace And Blessings

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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, abu mohammed
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 18th March 2016 13:43
Please See attached pdf file

40 Rabbanā pg 4
Āyāt-e-Sakīnah pg 20
Asma al Husna pg 25
40 Dūurud pg 30
Durud Tunjīina pg 49
Duas for Haj and Umrah pg 50
Intention for Haj pg 50
Intention for Umrah pg 50
Intention for Haj and Umrah pg 50
Talbiyah pg 51
Duā on entering Makkah pg 51
Intention for Tawāf pg 53
Duā during Tawāf pg 53
Duā after Tawaf pg 54
Duā when drinking Zam Zam pg 55
Intention for Sa’ī pg 55
Duā for Sa’ī pg 56
Additional duās for Tawaf and Sa’ī pg 57
Additional duās for Prosperity pg 59
Duā on entering Madīnah pg 62
Duā on entering the Masjid pg 63
Intention for Nafll/Sunnah I’tikāf pg 63
Intention for Ramadhān I’tikāf pg 63
Duā for Laylatul Qadr pg 64
Salāms to Rasulullāh
pg 64 صلى الله عليه وسلم
Salāms on behalf of another pg 66
Salāms to Hadhrat Abu Bakr � pg 67
Salāms to Hadhrat Umar
pg 67
Suplications for the Quest for Peace and Blessings
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 16:05
MA SHA ALLAH you have posted a lot of beneficial spiritual prescriptions. Question for you what would be the best prescription recommended by the pious to help the Brain to perform at an optimum level, with focus concentration and alertness. It seems to me the internet is ruining peoples ability to focus and concentrate, and to see projects through to completion we seem to quickly lose interest and jump from one thing to the other never completing any task , mental lethargy is becoming common place. Attention deficit disorder is starting to afflict all of us.

Your thoughts?
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 18:46
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

'Lo in the dhkr of Allah do the hearts find tranquility' - Al Qur'aan

Abdur Rahman, from what little knowledge I have ...the elders have said that the main cause of forgetfulness, lack of resolve, lethargy, disinterest, and confusion is sinning. Sinning takes away a persons ability to concentrate and be alert as well. Of course there could be other reasons as such as ill health,problems, stress etc but for many people sinning is the main reason.
So the most important things would be:

1. Leave sins completely

2. Make much tilawat of the Qur'an. This increases a persons mental alertness and sharpness, gladdens the heart and makes the heart strong again

3. Do abundance of tawba- Allahs very special mercy is on the person that does sincere tawba and and everything thats wrong in ones life begins to be corrected through unexplained mysterious ways which we could never imagine. Tawba and Istighfar should be in very great abundance daily and our tongues should be moist with it. (at least 1000 daily - but it must be with feelings of remorse and regret in the heart) merely saying the words of Istighfar will not help much

4. After doing tawba for a long time and the heart is sufficiently purified then a person should increase Salawat/Durood and other Adhkaar. No moment should be without dhikr of Allah. Dhikr is very effective remedy for all the ailments you have mentioned.

5. Ghaflat/negligence - Wordly distractions such as surfing the net, facebook, social media etc should be avoided or kept to a bare minimum, even for permissible things like news. Too much precious time is taken from this and barakah from Allah is taken away due to it. This destroys a persons peace of mind and feeds the nafs and darkens the heart. Dhikrullah should be done instead.

The blessings of Quran, tawbah, durood etc will only truly be felt and take full effect once a person leaves sins. If a person is pious and still suffers from the the ailments you have mentioned then most likely the cause is stress, an imbalance in work and free time, worries or health problems. Eating the right foods, good diet, excercise and prioritizing ones affairs will help to remedy the imbalance in the body and mind.

My Shaykh, Rahimahullah, at bedtime used to make a list of all the things he needed to do for the next day. Then he would ensue that each task was completed before bedtime before making the list for the next day. He likes that a task be completed before beginning a another one.

I hope this helps

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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 19:20
fazmy wrote:
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SUBHANALLAH some very valuable advice.....Out of those I have been doing no:3 with abundance silently in the heart daily in hundreds of repetitions. Although it has become almost habitual, and I have experienced some benefits especially of lowering stress etc.

Major changes as mentioned in lectures that I have heard concerning Kasrat of Istaghfar , have alluded me...So rather then habitually reciting it one should try and ensure that every Istaghfar is done with reflection and focus for maximum benefit? And how does one create genuine remorse in ones heart for ones sins?

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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 19:34
If we can just leave the Internet and useless surfing I think most of these problems would go away and we will fund much peace in our lives. Easier said than done though! I have seen great Mashaikh still using very old Nokias and simple phones that dont even have colour screens.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 19:51
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My reasons for asking is purely so that I can take benefit from what you have learnt from the Mashaykh as well as many younger members on here, and being an Old timer I also use a very old Nokia. I think my own Chronic concentration problems probably precede the Internet age, perhaps becoming more potent with Internet surfing.

I think your right about too much surfing,I have read somewhere the Internet and also TV cause a similar effect on the Brain to when a person is in a trance, during hypnosis.

May Allah reward you and keep posting....Link to Brothers fazmys website everyone please visit and take benefit In Sha Allah

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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 20:14
Yes definitely the Istighfar that is done few in number with remorse and regret is of more worth than Istighfar done in large numbers just out of habit. These actions like tawbah and shukr are the amal-e-qalbiyah, the actions of the heart. Thousand repetitions with the tongue are of not much benefit if they are done unmindfuly whereas even one time with the heart with sincere feeling equals a lifetime of repetitions with the tongue.

Either way istighfar should be done in abundance throughout the day, when we are working, walking, driving etc and one can easily do a few hundreds while thinking or saying in English 'O Allah forgive me' BUT there must be a time in the day preferably at night for at least 30 minutes or an hour if one has time when tawbah and istighfar should be done with whudhu facing the qiblah with feelings of shame and regret and remorse. This is when it will really be most effective adn it is like washing the heart. At this time do not keep count on a tasbeeh, just do the itsighfar with as much feeling as possible. Dil badal de and other similar poems can be thought of to help stir the feelings in the heart. One should not necessarily mention the sin when repenting as the mention of a sinful act is disliked by Allah and if a person is weak the thought of sin might make him want to do it again. The purpose of repentance is to forget sins completely and not to remember them

One of the ways to feel genuine remorse is to ponder and reflect on the many never ending gifts of Allah upon us. The gifts of Iman, Islam, hearing,sight, touch, speech, skin, teeth, hands fingers, every part of the human body, variety of foods and fruits etc. Think of all Allahs bounties and thank Allah for them and at the same feel shame that "I am using all these bounties of Allah for committing sins' and this in reality being ungrateful! Attaining remorse and regret needs deep pondering on Allahs kindness on us and what He gives us and compare that to what we give back to Allah and do with those same gifts. If we want to sin then we have no right to live in Allahs earth, eat his food, not take his shelter, breathe his air..... we should think upon those lines. Initially it is difficult but once we begin and persist and dont give up then Allah makes it easy and opens up the reality to us and also gives such contentment in it that we will begin to look forward to those precious moments conversing with Allah Ta'ala. We should make a habit of talking to our nafs and addressing it and rebuking it for the sins we commit. This is very much loved by Allah.

Some pious ones have said : In these times the door to Allah is through Tawba and Shukr and whoever does not enter through these doors, does not enter! The most difficult actions are the actions of the heart but they are also the most effective most loved and most rewarding actions with Allah. And off course, following the sunnah completely and love for Rasulullah sallallahu alayi wasallam is a requirement.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 20:33
fazmy wrote:
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Jazak'Allah Khair...That has clarified a lot of issues that was confusing me. Just one final questions on this topic. You say one should not mention ones sins when making Istaghfar and Tawbah.

What if one is not aware as to which sin is causing an obstacle in ones life then can one make a general istighfar in the following manner using some common examples of issues that crop up in peoples lives, "Oh ALLAH I seek your forgiveness for each and every sin that its causing me to feel mentally and physically lethargic." "Oh ALLAH I seek your forgiveness for each and every sin causing me to feel despondent", "I seek your forgiveness for each and every sin that is causing me to be Lazy in my Ibaadah." "I seek your forgiveness for each and every sin that is preventing from finding work and earning a Halal tayab income",
" I seek your forgiveness for each and every sin that is causing to feel self pity, and sorrow." "I seek your forgiveness for each and every sin that is preventing from getting married" " I seek your forgiveness for each and every sin that is causing me to have problems in my marriage" etc.

So would general Istighfars mentioned in the above examples be acceptable?
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 20:50
Yes defintitely that would be acceptable and good. The 70 Istighfar of Shaykh Hasan Basri RA is full of such Istighfar. You will find it among the downloads on our salwaat wordpress site. I will post it soon also insha Allah.

We can say at times or after sin is committed, O Allah i seek repentance from theft, gheebat, zina etc but the important thing is not to dwell on it and keep repeating it over and over. It is not a rule that mention of the sin should not be made at all. It is just the opinion of some great mashaikh that it is better not to mention something that Allah dislikes especially when turning to Him, and to forget it is better as Allah Ta'ala says 'Bi'sa-l ismul fusooqu badal iman' which basically means that even the mere mention of sin after Iman is bad. Generally after a sin is committed and repentance is sought for it, it should not be mentioned thereafter. Just a general tawbah should be made. It is sufficient for us to intend and know in our hearts what we are making tawbah for.
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 20:56

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جزاك الله خيرا و احسن الجزاء

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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 21:07
For concentration you can practice muraqabah, mindfully saying ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH in a moderate pace with your heart and concentrating and thinking that you are talking to Allah or crying out to Him and Allah is listening to you as you say it (just like you would speak to a person in front of you). Practice this regularly and your concentration should improve insha Allah.

Allah Ta'ala had given Hazrat Shaykh Zakarriya RA a form of Muraqabah for his khanqah. It is called Muraqabah e Dua'iyah and permission from a shaykh is not needed to do it. Anyone can do it. - the method is to close your eyes, keep the tongue on the top pallate and dont move it and make dua with your heart only. Make dua for yourself , for the ummah and for good conditions, removal of poverty, crime etc. We normally do about 10 min for each or more but you can start with what is easy for you and then increase. The idea is to talk to Allah all the time about your most personal matters and fears and take refuge in Him
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 21:25
fazmy wrote:
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(1) As for the Zikr of "ALLAH, ALLAH" would that be through out the day as recommended by the Mashaykh of Naqshband?

(2) I have tried the second part of Dua , although until now I did not know that it was Muraqabah of Dua...My Manner of doing it was slightly different whilst lying in bed just to time myself I would listen to a 40 minute recording of nature sounds the sound of Rain Falling, birds singing in the forest, etc. and close my eyes and make Dua similarly to how you have suggested silently with my eyes closed, although I felt close to ALLAH whilst doing it was not sure if it was correct ettiquette.

On a similar note For the benefit of others reading this thread the following advice from Mufti Taqi Usmani (DB) will be of help.

Talk with Allah

Sayyidi wa sanadi Hadhrat Mawlana Mohammad Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) said,

“Develop this habit of talking to Allah.

My shaykh Arif-billah Hadhrat Dr Abdul-Hayy ‘Arifi (may Allah have mercy on him) told this to us repeatedly.

Sit in solitude and contemplate that I am infront of Allah. Tell Him everything that is on your mind and bothering you. Your past mistakes, the present difficulties and future apprehensions . Tell Him in detail and ask for guidance and help.

InshaAllah, in addition, to relieving your anxiety it will lead to the creation of a bond between you and your Lord, Allah (ta’luq ma Allah).”

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 21:51
Although the Zikr of "ALLAH, ALLAH" in this case is a meditative exercise for concentration and it is best done sitting in the dark in the quiet by gathering your thoughts and concentrating on the name of Allah as if you are calling out to Him, off course you will also get rewarded by Allah for doing Dhikr and that is what should be intend- to draw closer to Allah. Your calling should be 'Munajaat'-intimate whispers Allah, the true Beloved. You can do it like the Naqshbandi's do if you like, there would be no harm in that but then should you do it slowly as if you are calling to Allah in Shukr, Tawbah and in desperation need and poverty. Or you could just do Istighfar in that time as the virtue is so great.

Alhamdulillah, you can continue doing the muraqabah the way you were doing it before sleeping as the Quran has praised those who lay on their sides (in their beds) and do dhikr. It is relaxing and beneficial for the mind. But also do the method shown by Hazrat Shaykh RA with whudhu facing the qiblah. Shaykh Haji Nakhuda has advised that we do it between the Azaan and Iqamah as at that time duas are accepted. So going to the masjid a little early would be good for this.

Then there is a higher level. It is that you dont attach yourself or become dependent on the sounds. Shaykh ibn Arabi RA has said that for the person sitting in solitude,he must not even become accustomed to the sounds of the birds chirping outside or the water flowing or even a beam of light that enters the room because that would mean his attention is diverted to other than Allah!
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd March 2016 22:45
Jazakallah for that advice of Mufti Taqi Uthmaani. Beautiful! I had come across it some time back but lost it.
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 24th March 2016 01:45
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