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The Where's That Thread ?

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abu mohammed, Taalibah
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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 28th August 2014 00:21
abu mohammed wrote:
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I apprecaite the reply but it's not this one. There is another post where saffs have been discussed.
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 19th June 2018 10:56
I'm looking for a thread/post in where I've posted a story of Eesa (as) in which he makes a Dua (or curses a thief) to die by the next day. However, this thief does not die and the Dua is over written due to the charity given on that day.

I've tried searching for "Charity, Sadaqah, Eesa, Jesus, Thief, Calamity, Snake (just in case). I've also searched through my threads via UCP. I haven't tried searching through post ratings as there would be too many to go through

If anyone recalls it or the story, please share. JazakAllah.
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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 19th June 2018 19:49
abu mohammed wrote:
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But you've got almost 20 thousand posts.

I've checked as much as possible. Any exact keywords that are definitely in the post you can recall and are you sure you posted it?
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 19th June 2018 22:31
Yasin wrote:
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I've tried the exact words within the posts and title (as above),
I recall you and others gave it a like, and therefore went through all those +1 posts by reading the title only, approx 10,000+ of them.
I've most likely overlooked it.

I was looking for it in order to ask a specific question and to clarify my understanding. When all else failed, I asked the question anyway and Alhumdulillah the response was positive anyway.

UPDATE: 20/06/18 With the aid of Maulana Yasin, I have found the thread and most of the search hits were incorrect due to a similar thread and the relationship of the topic and talk. However, I've managed to find it with the term "Charity" narrowed down further with posters name and searching all posts instead of title only.

Thread was called "The Ulitimate Cover"
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 9th April 2023 15:18
If I recall correctly there is a thread in which brother Abdur Rahman ibn Awf mentions something along the lines that some of the Right wing and Islamophobic parties in the West are actually supported by Gulf leaders who provide funds for them. Does anyone what the thread topic is in which this was written.
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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 9th April 2023 15:29
There is report written by spinwatch it is called "spinwatch UAE lobby report".

Let me know if you can't find it.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2023 03:14
Malak wrote:
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I am not sure where I posted it. But it was specifically related the U.A.E. giving 8 million loan. To Frances far right French National Front party of Marie Le Penn which struggling with debt , a french businessman was used as an intermediary the U.A.E firm that gave the money was called Noor Capital.
I believe it is illegal to take loans from a foreign government so there was an investigation into this, and hence why an intermediary was used.

If you google " UAE loan to Marie Le Penns French National Front" you will find several articles.

Whatsmore the U.A.E. recently only a few weeks ago was exposed by the New Yorker Magazine for using an Islamaphobic smear campaign against the Islamic Relief charity portaying it as a funder of extremism . Once again using intermediaries... By feeding stories to the Rupert Murdoch owned news papers.most notably the Times newspaper in England.

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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2023 10:21
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Jazakallahu Khairan for your reply.
Why I remembered this was because the other day on my YouTube account I got a video of the Italian prime minister visiting the UAE and meeting with leaders there. The Italian prime minister has been accused of xenophobia and Islamophobia and I was like why do you even want to meet Muslims, then I remembered what you wrote a while ago.
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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2023 23:04
Malak wrote:
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That’s because the U.A.E.
Supported her bid for prime minister.See the following article

The U.A.E. Policy over the last decade. Is linked to the electoral win of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

U.A.E. Leadership Saw that as a major threat to their own rule. And feared that Islamic Brotherhood inspired movement In U.A.E. might lead to their overthrow.

Hence why they and Saudi Arabia sponsored Sisi in Egypt to remove the Brotherhood from power. And outlaw and declare it a terrorist organisation.

The Muslim Brotherhood movement in U.A.E. In the Emirates was called
Al Islah. You will find more on AL Islah, on Wikipedia.

To cut a long story short the U.A.E. Arrested and convicted members of this group and outlawed and declared it a terrorist organisation. Under false charges of plotting against the authorities.

They subsequently decided that all Muslim political or advocacy groups around the world represented a threat because most of them have been highly critical of the Gulf States.

Out of these Muslim advocacy groups the ones in the west were deemed a major threat. They have behind the scenes supported any political movements and policies in Europe and America against what they call Islamism.

This includes Islamic charities and Dawah organisations whose leaders may have been influenced by Muslim Brotherhood.

So in conclusion the U.A.E. And Saudi policy is four fold.

(1) To stem the power and influence of Muslim organisations around the world. By supporting Islamaphobic policies and parties. Particularly in Europe.

(2) To liberalise their own societies so that the future generation of their youth become nominal Muslims at best.

(3) To support Progressive and Secular modernist Islamic movements around the world.

(4) To remove the concept of Ummah from the hearts of the Muslims. Instil the idea that any issue or oppression of muslims anywhere in the world. Be it Palestine, Kashmir, the Uygirs, the Rohingya or even places like France is nothing to do with them or their strategy interests.

Hence why they invited Modi despite his persecution of Muslims in India , normalised relations with Israel, strengthened relations with China, invited and increased trade contracts with both Macron of France despite his Islamaphobic policies and insult of The Prophet. And now invited the Italian, leader and increased trade links with them.

They even invited the father of New Atheism Richard Dawkins to do a tour just over a month ago.

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