Not a practical joke but this just happened today...
Went to get my haircut and Barber said that a 5 year old girl asked him which Mosque he goes to. He asked her why but she insisted on knowing so he told her our (Tableeghi) Mosque.
She said, "O! So you are a wahabi!!!"
Astonished he asked you are 5 year old! What is a Wahabi and she replied in Punjabi "Unna Diya Muchaan Nahi Hondiyan"
They (Wahabees) don't have Moustaches ...:) :) :)
I was in Jamaat and asked to do Taleem and a Salafi brother comes up and comments about weak Hadeeth. So I deliberatly baited him and mentioned "Imam Nawawi RA)" to which he replied I don't know this man.
I said, "If you don't know Imam Nawawi (RA) you are too much of an ignoramus to know anything about Hadeeth and its sciences". If me and you are discussing USA would you still continuing to discuss if I didn't know that there was a city called "Chicago". He replied in the negative.
So I said you not even knowing "Imam Nawawi (RA)" shows that you have no idea what you are talking about! How am I supposed to even discuss the nature and injunctions of weak Hadeeth when you don't even know the man to articulated the rulings? carried on with the Ta'leem.
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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