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#2191 [Permalink] Posted on 20th May 2014 21:49
Jinn wrote:
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This is a new name for me. Do you know if they are 100% legit?

I got a similar email but from UWT. The fear is that there are too many dodgy people out there.

If you are certain or if someone can verify, then please leave the post as it is, otherwise, please edit the bank details, mobile numbers and leave a link to the site.

At the end of the day, if it is for donating, then those who want to donate, may as well donate via UWT if they are not sure.

Hope that's ok

Please don't get me wrong, but in this day and age, no one can be trusted when it comes to money, and that is very unfortunate.

Bosnia Floods Appeal

Unprecedented flooding in the Balkans has engulfed huge swathes of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Powerful rains have triggered landslides and burst river banks.

Dozens of people are feared dead while tens of thousands have fled their homes. More than a quarter of the country's population - approximately one million people - are estimated to have been affected.

The country has witnessed its worst displacement since the war in the early 1990s. Like in those dark years, hundreds of thousands of people are in urgent need of food and shelter.

'Uthman ibn 'Affan RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated:
'By Allah! We have accompanied the Messenger of Allah in his journeys and while he was at home. He used to share everything with us, either little or much.'
- Musnad Imam Ahmad

Ummah Welfare Trust has launched an emergency appeal for our beleaguered brothers and sisters in Bosnia. With your help, the charity will provide shelter and food packs to needy families.

Open your hearts for the Muslims in the Balkans and donate what you can. For our sadaqah will benefit the Ummah; and will indeed benefit ourselves.

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#2192 [Permalink] Posted on 20th May 2014 21:56
abu mohammed wrote:
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I can't verify akhii it was a forwarded message via whatsapp so feel free to edit where necesarry, no problem.

I also got the UWT email today in regards to Bosnia

I prefer to stick to UWT as well myself due to their 100% donation policy
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#2193 [Permalink] Posted on 20th May 2014 22:20
Not sure where to put this up, but I have a quick question.

The Deobandi's follow Imam Abu Hanifa rahimullah only in fiqh but not aqeedah, I just heard this, any truth in this and if so then why ?
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#2194 [Permalink] Posted on 20th May 2014 23:08
Jinn wrote:
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It sounds like a Salafi claim. The `Ulamaa' of Deoband follow Imaam Maturidi (rahmatullaahi `alayh), an indirect student of Imaam Tahawi (rahmatullaahi `alayh), author of al-`Aqeedah al-Tahaawiyyah and in turn an indirect student of Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullaahi `alayh). When I say "indirect student," I mean by a few chains (perhaps two or three).

[Edit: I made an error above. Actually, Imaam Maturidi (rahmatullaahi `alayh) is an indirect student of Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullaahi `alayh). However, Imaam Maturidi and Imaam Tahawi were contemporaries (rahmatullaahi `alayhima). See below.]

Maulana A.S. Desai talks about this extensively in his books Scourge of Salafi'ism, Part 1 and Part 2 .

Short excerpt from Part 1:


In answer to this silly question of the coprocreep, we say: We interpret Tahawiyyah in the glorious celestial light of the principles of Imaam Abu Mansur Maturidi (rahmatullah alayh) who was among the illustrious Salf-e-Saaliheen. Via just three intermediaries he was the Student of Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullah alayh). He was a great Imaam in Usool. We follow him, and all kutub in Aqeedah are incumbently interpreted in the celestial halo of Maturidi principles. The difference between Maturidis and Ash'aris is neglible. They differ on about a dozen masaail only. But fundamentally they are one Soul. All Hanafis, Shaafis, Maalikis and Hambalis are the followers of these two illustrious Imaams of Aqeedah. Only a moron of the coprocreep's kind following his Saudi Salafi masters, will proclaim all Hanafis, Shaafis and Maalikis to be kaafirs on the basis of their submission to the Aqeedah of Islam as propounded by Imaam Mansur Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Mahmood Hanafi Maturidi (d:333 Hijri) and Imaam Abul Hasan Ash'ari (d:324 Hijri). Despite Imaam Abul Hasan Ash'ari himself being a Hanafi, the majority of his followers in Aqeedah are followers of the Shaaf'i Math-hab.


According to the in-text page numbers, that is from page 21-22.

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#2195 [Permalink] Posted on 21st May 2014 00:19
samah wrote:
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جزاك الله خيرا

Will check out
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#2196 [Permalink] Posted on 21st May 2014 02:24
Video shows fatal shooting of Palestinians

Rights group says footage shows Israeli security forces shooting dead two teenagers who posed no danger.

Last updated: 21 May 2014

A human rights group has released footage that it says shows Israeli security forces shooting dead two unarmed Palestinian teenagers.

The video released on Tuesday allegedly showed the teenagers, who posed no danger, being shot during a protest last week on Nakba day, when the Palestinians mark the loss of their homes in the 1948 war that resulted in the creation of the state of Israel and the flight of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

Defence for Children International (DCI) posted the two-minute video on YouTube, which it said was edited from six hours of surveillance footage from fixed security cameras at a Palestinian-owned business that overlooked the scene.

The group said the video showed that troops had committed "unlawful killings where neither child presented a direct and immediate threat to life at the time of their shooting".

The Israeli rights group B'Tselem said the images back its findings that troops killed the teens without cause by firing live rounds from more than 200 metres away. The soldiers were in "zero danger" at the time, said Sarit Michaeli of B'Tselem.

Palestinian hospital officials said Mohammad Abu Thaher and Nadim Nuwara were both shot in the heart. Officials originally gave their respective ages as 22 and 17, but later said they were 16 and 17.

The Palestinian government issued a statement on Tuesday accusing Israel of "cold-blooded murder" and carrying out "a war crime against defenceless children".

Hanan Ashrawi of the Palestine Liberation Organisation condemned the killings "in the strongest possible terms", saying both shootings were "deliberate executions".

"Israel's use of excessive and indiscriminate violence and live ammunition at non-violent Palestinian demonstrations constitutes war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law," she told AFP news agency.

Ongoing investigation

The Israeli military said a preliminary investigation indicated that security personnel fired rubber bullets and not live ammunition during the May 15 clashes outside Israel's Ofer prison near the West Bank city of Ramallah.

However, it said that two investigations, one by military police, were still under way.

"There are still question marks around this incident and there is an ongoing investigation," said Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Lerner, an Israeli military spokesman. "In parallel, a military police investigation has also been opened," he said.

No uniformed Israeli troops can be seen in the video footage and there is no audio.

The initial video shows a youth preparing to hurl a stone from the end of a street. Seven minutes later, according to a time stamp on the film, a young man is seen falling over, felled by apparent gunfire, as he walks down the street.

A group of bystanders are then seen to duck at the same moment. And an hour later, a second youth collapses to the ground as he walks away from the area.

US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said her office was seeking additional information from the Israeli government in order to determine whether the soldiers' use of force was justified.

"We look to the government of Israel to conduct a prompt and transparent investigation to determine the facts surrounding this incident, including whether or not the use of force was proportional to the threat posed by the demonstrators," Psaki said. (Al Jazeera)
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#2197 [Permalink] Posted on 21st May 2014 09:37
Black Turban wrote:
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This should be posted as News, not random.
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#2198 [Permalink] Posted on 21st May 2014 09:39
I have decided to lock this thread as it doesn't server much purpose. Many useful posts and sometimes even conversations get lost in here and with 147 pages of posts it will most likely never be read.

Please start new threads for any new subject. Many threads already exist for even random stuff. I hope this won't be the end of "random" posts. And as I've posted before, no post is really "random"
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#2199 [Permalink] Posted on 21st May 2014 15:57
lol @ umar123's report. Sorry but it's best for the sake of good posts.
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