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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Conspiracies, Wild Theories, Rant, Moan Thread

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Moonlight, Eliza Zegham, abuzayd2k, sharjan8643
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#241 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2020 05:57
I think the point of deliberately infecting people may not be wrong in the UK...the NHS is overloaded...deaths = file closed. Tbh, this is what I felt was behind Pakistan and India being lax on their restrictions. Population control.

Also, I am not sure if its the exact same as in Canada, but doesn't the government take the remaining pension money of seniors who die early and no one survives them? So death = gov't money.

There was a quote on twitter from Rahm Emanuel (American politician): "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Banks, insurance companies and governments will find a way to benefit...using riba or other means. You can get away with a lot of stuff in a crisis and have a perfect excuse later on.
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#242 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2020 06:11
Tbh, this is what I felt was behind Pakistan and India being lax on their restrictions. Population control

Don't know about population control, but seems like the opportunity to beg for more aid from everyone (developed countries to overseas Pakistanis) was certainly on Pakistani govt's mind.
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#243 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2020 12:45
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mSiddiqui's avatar
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#244 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2020 16:40

This is the full version of the press conference, called by doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, to release the results of their Covid19 testing program.

The video, initially broadcast on a local television station in California, went viral on youtube garnering over 4.3 million views…before YouTube took the video down, without explanation.

The two doctors, who own and run a clinic in Bakersfield, report that – according to their results – a higher than expected percentage of people are infected with the coronavirus, but that the vast majority show no symptoms. This is in line with other studies done at Stanford University and by Japanese scientists in China.

If true, the danger of the virus may have been greatly exaggerated by the media, and shelter in place orders/lockdown policies could – through poverty, suicide and stress – potentially cause more damage than they prevent.

Apart from the video being taken down, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) released a joint statement which accused them of attention-seeking to further their careers, but didn’t actually refute their arguments.

Whether they prove to be right or wrong, whether you agree or disagree with their theories or political opinions, is there anything in the video that justifies banning it or undermining free speech?
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#245 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2020 20:22
mSiddiqui wrote:
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Yes, when opinion can lead to people dying as I have been campaigning Maulana Yasin to ban speech on this forum which can lead to death!
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#246 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 02:19
I have another rant / cover up and this comes from people in the medical sector.

As I mentioned earlier, doctors are telling their sick patients not to go into the hospital, ambulance staff ha e been telling patients to say their goodbyes, In fact, some ambulances refuse to take the patient in with them, and if the GP or family insist, some of the crew members ask them to sign something to say they have given their approval to be taken and they know the consequences (to keep it simple)

Doctors and Consultants are telling their close friends not to go into hospital because they are killing people off.

It's being said that there is a shortage of ventilators and that's no secret, but the government is refusing to take new ones from manufacturers like Dyson and so on.

Why, because they don't want to save people, they are killing them off!

Think about it.

The virus works the same way as it would anywhere else in the world, yet, so many countries are fighting it properly and taking the right steps.

Look at New Zealand for example, very fast in taking action and very few deaths.

Look at USA, UK, top of the world in resources, but what are they advising its people? They are acting too late on purpose.

They need to bring the population down, they found a way and they are abusing this.

They are killing off the sick, weak, elderly, minorities and anyone with some sort of medical history because all this is going to sacs them money in the long run.

The UK doesn't want ventilators from people to save lives, they don't want ventilators that will work for hours because that defeats their objective.

What's going on in these high death rate countries is mass murder.

They are killing people on purpose.

If you know people in the medical profession, ask them. Ask them for facts, tell them to be honest.

The truth is that the virus is a killer but these nations are using it in their advantage.

Countries not murdering their own people will have a lower death rate!

On a final note, from a consultant doctor. The Dr said there are two types of machines in the hospitals, one to assess your and another to aid you.

When they want you dead, they will put you on the one to aid you and then turn it off and suffocate you. This dr also said that they will look at you and your history, if you ate costing the nation too much, you will be struck off.

The Dr also said that the next stage is to get people back out again, reinfect people by spreading the virus further and have the chance to wipe off more people.

People are being murdered!

These fake hospitals, one of which my son and a pharmacist friend works is are saying its all non sense. All for show. Nothing is happening there. Hardly any patients, just staff enjoying their break with no social distancing being followed properly.

This is not a conspiracy, this is a moan about what's really happening in those places where the death toll is rising to high.

Why are third world countries doing better than UK and US?
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#247 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 02:51
abu mohammed wrote:
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Who is telling the doctors, nurses, etc to kill people?

Who is deciding which individual to kill and which individual to keep alive?

Why hasn't a single credible doctor or nurse gone public with this?
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#248 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 03:20
xs11ax wrote:
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Why would they go public?

They don't want to put their lives into jeopardy.

Who's telling them to kill? No one needs to tell them. They know that the virus is a killer, they set guidelines for the staff who then have the painstaking decision to turn the machine off.

We all know that the elderly are high risk. So from the start the decision was that they will not waste resources to help the elderly. Then the rest just carries on like a domino effect.

If a patient is costing the nation loads of money and they are infected with the virus, instead of helping them live, they will cut their lives short.

It's difficult to accept, especially when we have loved ones in hospital or those who are at high risk.

Yourself and I both have high risk family members very close to us, fortunately, the one in my side is being advised to stay low and cancel all hospital appointments, not to even think about sending the children back to school soon and being told of the dark reality.

Once again, it's the guidelines that tell the doctors, nurses etc on what action to take and when.

On the one side, we have doctors telling us not to go anywhere near a hospital or ambulance and on the other hand we have make shift hospitals that are meant to be caring for the infected and sick patients, yet, these hospitals are empty and the death toll is still over 500 a day in the UK. Where are they dying? In normal hospitals!

And then we have people like Matt Hancock telling the British public to go to the hospital for their check ups and appointments because apparently, the temporary hospitals are doing a great job ams taking the burden off the local hospitals!

What a load of non sense. Nightingales are about to be shut down temporarily, staff are being cut in numbers, NO PATIENTS in the hospitals, so why in the world is the government encouraging people with lots of lies?

Health Secretary Matt Hancock stressed to the public the importance of using the NHS not just for coronavirus issues, but for all urgent medical needs.

He said "it's absolutely critical" that people continue to use the service, for example "if you find something that shows you're at risk of cancer, or if you have symptoms of a heart or stroke, or if you have small children who have a medical problem".

Yet today's BBC news had an elderly cancer patient who fell down flat in her house, she wanted to go to the hospital but was advised by her GP and the hospital that she was better off staying at home. Why? So she could live!
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Moonlight's avatar
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#249 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 12:02
Nhs staff have been warned not to comment on any issues or make public statements or they will be sacked.
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#250 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 12:30
abu mohammed wrote:
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xs11ax's avatar
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#251 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 12:42
abu mohammed wrote:
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You literally said they are killing people off!
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xs11ax's avatar
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#252 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 12:45
People are completely losing the plot!
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#253 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 12:58
Doctors playing God!

British Doctors contemplate harrowing care choices!

These are just the basic stories.

Why do they need to make a decision on who lives and who dies. Is it because they don't have the equipment or space in the hospital?

They refuse to take the equipment being supplied, they have 4000 beds in an empty makeshift hospital

UK government doesn't want the ventilators that have been built and designed by reputable companies!
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#254 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 13:02
abu mohammed wrote:
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Sure, Doctors and Nurses are killing patients at the behest of British Government and specifically targetting BAME :lol
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#255 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2020 13:19
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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xs11ax wrote:
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Hey Doc, I've got a few dozen ventilators lying around and some clean space with beds to house these in with the patients. I've got thousands of workers fully trained too.

I'd like to sell/donate this to you, it will ease the burden and save lives, what do you think.

Doc: We need to get authorisation from the Gov.

Gov: No thanks, we don't need it.

Patients: What the hell! I'm better if staying at home like my GP advised and no wonder the paramedic wanted me to sign a waiver.

Family member: My dad was fine, he just went to get his stitches removed and never came back!

So yes, you got this right
xs11ax wrote:
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