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Split: Refuting Ahmadi Sect defence by Qadiyani

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 12th August 2015 22:46
Assalamualiukum Warahmatullah brothers and sisters, please bare with me as I am getting accustomed to this website.

Let's have a good discussion today. Firstly I would like to say that you guys censor posts in here (you censored my fellow Ahmadi brother, I have proof) Can you guarantee that you won't censor my posts?

Let's have a DIRECT DISCUSSION FROM QURAN AND HADITH. No flip flopping, running, no manipulating, no playing around. I am going to refute a lot of your misconceptions (I'm not going to say lies yet, because maybe you are just ignorant) and you will have many many questions to answer.

I'm going to look through this thread and refute the main points you have made, and I can already tell you that there are alot of lies in here made by the Sunnis. InshAllah all will be answered.

Before we begin, you have claimed that Wahi and Prophethood have come to an end.

Can you all please make the oath to Allah that Wahi and Prophethood have ended? Waiting.

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 12th August 2015 23:38
I have split this post from the other thread to address a few things that'll take the other thread off topic.

Let's have a good discussion today.[/quote] Then immediately you follow up with:

Firstly I would like to say that you guys censor posts in here (you censored my fellow Ahmadi brother, I have proof) Can you guarantee that you won't censor my posts?

Kindly provide proof of "censoring"

Secondly, please read our rules and regulations before posting.

[quote]Can you all please make the oath to Allah that Wahi and Prophethood have ended? Waiting

On behalf of ALL Muslims around the world, I take that oath that Muhammad (saw) is the last and final messenger. We practically say it every day so I'm not sure why you need confirmation on an online forum.

Regardless, this thread is to simply get info on the censoring that you have proof about. Kindly provide.

Thank you
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 13th August 2015 03:46
JazakAllah for giving me the platform to speak, I am still getting accustomed to this website, I thought you had deleted my post but you have "split it" into another.

PROOF YOU GUYS CENSORED POSTS: (I am trying to send a screenshot of it but it wont let me so I'll post the contents) "Your posts were censored for going around in circles, and the only one contradicting is you" From discussion with a follower of an Ahmadiyyah sect.

I just need confirmation from you right now brother, that this won't happen to me.

Also your claim that Wahi and Prophethood have ended are WRONG.

Point 1: You are waiting for the prophethood of Jesus, AFTER Nabi saw

Proof 1: Nabi saw calls future Messiah "Nabiullah" 4 times (Sahih Muslim a2937)

Point 2: Allah will reveal to this prophet you await, AFTER Nabi saw

Proof 2: "Allah would reveal to Jesus these words" (Sahih Muslim a2937)

It comes down to a very simple question, are you waiting for a prophet or not?
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Maripat's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 13th August 2015 04:43
I have to put my feelings on record. I would not like my brothers and sisters exposed to this filth.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 13th August 2015 05:53
AhmadiTruth wrote:
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Point 1: already answered in other thread
Proof: other thread

Point 2: already answered in other thread
Proof: other thread

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Maripat wrote:
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Sometimes filth just simply needs to be cleaned
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Jinn's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 13th August 2015 10:02
Qadiani has taken to twitter to moan about the censoring of his posts.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 13th August 2015 15:33
Jinn wrote:
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not one single letter was censored. he's still not provided proof that he said he has. It seems he came prepared with an excuse in case he gets confused and lost even to himself.

So if that's what he's doing then I hereby declare that Qadiyanis are inherently liars and it's in their nature to lie and lie until even Iblees walks away knowing he has no more work left on him
Posted via the Muftisays Android App
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abuzayd2k's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 4th March 2023 09:38
It is also necessary to mention in the end that the qadiyanis have been declared a non-Muslim minority in the Constitution of Pakistan. However, the qadiyanis have neither accepted this decision nor concluded an agreement to live in Pakistan as non-Muslim citizens (zimmis). They do not, therefore, enjoy the status of zimmis, but their position is like that of belligerent Kafirs and it is not allowed in the Shar’iat to have any sort of dealings with the belligerent. -- Maulana Yusuf Ludhiyanvi Shaheed RA
This explains so much about the situation in Pakistan regarding qadiyanis. They are categorically "harbi kaafir" according to the ulama of Pakistan, and are the only community in Pakistan to bear this ignominious label. I am in awe of the ulama of Pakistan who preferred martyrdom yet did not waver in their commitment to Shariah.
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