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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 11:51
Hijir Ismail (peace be upon him) AKA Hateem

It is the curved section to the north of the Holy Ka'bah on the side of the waterspout. It is called Al-Hateem because a part of it was demolished when Quraish reduced the area of the House while reconstructing it. It is a marbled area with a wall in the form of a .semi-circle with an eastern and a western opening. It is about one and a half metres high, and has three lanterns for lighting and decoration.
A part of it amounting to three cubits and a hand span is considered as a part of the Holy Ka'bah. It has been renovated more than twenty-five times
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 11:52

It is called Al-Muda'a and AI-Mutawwaz. It is the part that lies between the corner of the Black Stone and the door of the Holy Ka'bah. It is the place where Muslims cling to in submissiveness and supplication to Allah, the Almighty. It is said that prayers are answered in this place.
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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 11:59

It is also called AI-Mutawwaz or AI-Mustatjab. It lies between the Yemeni corner and the closed door at the back of the Holy Ka'bah. It is called AI-Multazarn of the elderly of Quraish. It is also a place where supplications are answered by Allah, the Almighty.
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:00
The Black Stone

This is the site where circumambulation/Tawaf starts, at the south-eastern corner of the Holy Ka'bah. Its origin is the Sapphires of Paradise, its hidden corner is white like the colour of Abrahams Station. It is the place where Muslims repent of their sins and ask Allah's forgiveness. It is a customary practice to touch and kiss it. The Black Stone will be a witness on Judgement Day to all Muslims who have touched and kissed it in sincerity. It is the spot which has been kissed by the Prophets, Hajj and Umrah pilgrims and visitors.
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:02
The Door of the Holy Ka'bah

In the time of Ibrahim AI-Khalil (peace be upon him), the door of the Holy Ka'bah was just a ductless entry. Asa'd Tubba III, one of the Kings of Yemen, erected a single-paneled door that could be locked and opened. Quraish added a double door. Then it was replaced and often decorated several times through history. It had a special key kept by Bani Shaiba and no other people or tribe can possess it, as instructed by the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him). During the reign of King Saud (may his soul rest in peace), the present dimensions of the door were established: 318 centimetres high, 171 centimetres wide. It is elevated 222 centimetres from the floor of Al-Shadhrwan.
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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:03


It is a small pit adjacent to the wall of the Holy Ka'bah on the eastern side between the Iraqi corner and the door of the Holy Ka'bah. It was said to be the site of the location of Abraham's Station. During the reign of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), the temporary site of Abraham's Station was restored to its original place after the flooding of Umm Nahshal. The pit is also the place where the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) performed prayer on the day of the conquest of Makkah, after leaving the Holy Ka'bah. It is also the place where Gabriel said his prayers. It is permanently closed now because people stumbled while performing tawaf around the Holy Ka'bah, but its place was marked by a square of marble in 1377 H. Opposite to it, there is a square piece of marble inscribed in Arabic but difficult to read. It is called the pit, the well, AI-Akhsaf and AI-Ghabghab.

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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:05
The Station of Abraham(peace be upon him)

The Station of Abraham (peace be upon him) is considered as one of the appendages of the Holy Ka'bah and the Holy Mosque. It is the stone on which Abraham (peace be upon him) stood while building the Sacred House. His footprints are still visible there. This is one of Allah's permanent, Divine miracles. It is a place of forgiveness of sins for those who say their prayers behind it. The Holy Qur'an says that it should be taken as a place of prayer.
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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:06

It is the skirting round the bottom of the wall of the Holy Ka'bah at the level of the circumambulation. Its base is rounded in marble on three sides except the side of Hijir Ismail (peace be upon him). It is most probably a part of the Holy Ka bah. Rings were fixed on it to tie the cloth of the Holy Ka'bah. It was first constructed by Abdullah Ibn Al-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them) to strengthen the building and prevent water leakage to the foundations. It has been reconstructed and renovated several times.
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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:06
Mastabat AI-Hirasah

This is the dais of the Holy Ka'bah It has been established next to the Black Stone, with underground air-conditioning. A guard stands on it to oversee people kissing the Black Stone.
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#25 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:08

The Support Beams Inside the Holy Ka'bah

They are the three wooden pillars that support the two ceilings of the Holy Ka bah. They were erected by Abdullah Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them). The diameter of each pillar is about one cubit, and the distance between every two pillars is 2.35 metres.

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#26 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:09
The Pit of the Holy Ka'bah

The pit is situated to the right of the entrance of the Holy Ka'bah. It was three cubits deep. Inside it, Abraham (peace be upon him) deposited all gifts given to the Holy Ka'bah. It remained until the era of Abdullah Ibn Al-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them). It was filled in at that time and the coffer of the Holy Ka'bah was transferred to the house of Shaibah Ibn Uthman Ibn Abu Talha. The coffer was later replaced by hooks and hangers for the gifts to the Holy Ka'bah.
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#27 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:15
Unusual Anecdotes About the Holy Ka'bah

• "It is baser than the bargain of Abu Ghabshan." The key of the Holy Ka'bah was in the possession of Abu Ghabshan AI-Ghuzaie. He sold it to Qusai Ibn Kila for a bottle of liquor. This happened while Abu Ghabshan was completely intoxicated with wine. The above saying. "It is baser than the bargain of Abu Ghabshan", was said to refer to this incident.
• Mujahid Ibn Jabr Abu AI-Hajjaj Al-Makki, the Sheikh of Qur'anic reciters and interpreters, died in 104 H. He said that, if there was anything that people could not do in worshipping, Ibn Zubair did it. It happened that flooding completely covered up the Sacred House, and due to this people stopped performing tawaf. Ibn AI-Zubair, therefore, circurnambulated the Holy Ka'bah swimming.
• Al-Jalal AI-Siyouti said that, when Al-Mutie Lillah, the ruler of the time, bought the Black Stone from Abu Tahir AI-Qarmati, Abdullah Ibn Okayym, the narrator, said: "There are two miracles in our stone: it floats on water and it does not heat in fire." A stone was brought. It was perfumed and covered with silk brocade so as to deceive him.
• When it was put in water, it sank, and when it was exposed to fire, it was about to crack. Another stone was brought and the same thing happened to it. Then the Black Stone was brought and when put in water, it floated, and when exposed to fire, it did not heat. Abdullah then said: "This is our stone." At this, Abu Tahir AI-Qarmati was amazed and asked about the source of the information they uttered. Abdullah replied that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) was reported to have said: "The Black Stone is the right hand of Allah on earth. It comes on the Day of Judgement with a tongue to bear witness for those who kissed it with respect or falsity. It does not sink in water; it does not heat in fire". Abu Tahir then said, "This is a true religion verified by oral and written transmission."
This, in fact, means that, if the Black Stone is stolen, the thief cannot counterfeit it.
• The property of the Holy Ka'bah is called AI-Abrab (The Lightning). Perhaps this may mean that if one encroaches upon this property, one should be punished as quickly as lightning.
• When the workers of Ibn AI-Zubair used crowbars in digging up the foundations of the Holy Ka'bah, the House moved and the whole of Makkah shook. They found intertwined stones and so they left the foundations as they were.
• When Abdullah Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them) completed the construction of the Holy Ka'bah on the 17th of Rajah, 64 or 65 H., he painted its interior and exterior walls with musk and ambergris. He curtained the inside and outside with raw silk and spread all remaining stones around it. He performed his Umrah from Al-Taniem and asked people to do the same. He asked people to slaughter camels, if they could afford it, as charity in praise and gratitude to Allah, the Almighty. Makkans still perform this particular Umrah in Rajab every year.
• The first woman to cover the Holy Ka'bah with Kiswah was Umm AI-Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib who vowed to do so if she found her lost young son. She made a vow and she fulfilled it when she finally found her son.
• When Quraish wanted to pull down the Holy Ka'bah in order to rebuild it, they were faced by a huge snake exposing its fangs. Allah, the Almighty, sent a predatory bird bigger than the eagle which picked up the snake with its talons and threw it towards Ajyad. Quraish were then able to pull down the Holy Ka'bah.
• The time lapse between the construction by Abraham (peace be upon him) and the re-construction by Quraish was about 2645 years, and between the renovation by Quraish and Abdullah Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them) was 82 years. The time lapse between the construction by Ibn AI-Zubair and AI-Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf was 10 years, and between the works of AI-Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf and AI-Sultan Murad, 569 years. The time lapse between the construction by Al-Sultan Murad and the comprehensive renovation by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz was 377 years.
• When Quraish decided to demolish the Holy Ka'bah and reconstruct it, Abu Wahb Ibn Omar Ibn Ayyz Al-Makhzmni, the paternal great-uncle of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) picked up one of the stones of the Holy Ka'bah. The stone jumped from his hand and returned to its original place. At this point, he asked Quraish to utilize only good, lawful money in constructing the Holy Ka'bah. So, they resolved not to finance the building of the Holy Ka'bah with money obtained from prostitution, usury or ill-gotten gains. After this agreement they continued pulling down the Holy Ka'bah.
• Several historical accounts mentioned that, when Quraish demolished the Holy Ka'bah, they came across some inscriptions on stones written in Syriac. A Jew read these inscriptions to them. On one of the stones, the following inscription was found, "I am Allah, the Owner of Bakkah. I created it when I created the Heavens and the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. I surrounded it with seven true believing Angels. It will never vanish until its two mountains vanish. Its Water and Milk will be blessed to its inhabitants".
• The two horns of the ram which Abraham (peace be upon him) slaughtered were hung inside the Holy Ka'bah. When Abdullah Ibn At-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them) demolished the Holy Ka'bah to rebuild it, the horns disintegrated due to previous damage and age.
• The Hijir is called Al-Hateem for several reasons, one of which was that the Arabs used to throw on it the clothes they wore during circumambulation and they remained there until the clothes decomposed and fell apart.
• When Abraham (peace be upon him) finished the construction of the Holy Ka'bah, Gabriel (peace be upon him) instructed him in all the rituals. Then Abraham (peace be upon him) asked people to perform pilgrimage because it is a duty mankind owes to Allah. He made those in the loins of men and the wombs of women hear His call and those unborn responded to Him, all believers, and those destined in the knowledge of Allah will perform Hajj until the Day of Resurrection. (Here I am O Allah, at Your Service). (Fath AI-Bari)
• Quraish knew that usury was unlawful long before the time of Islamic legislation. On constructing the Holy Ka'bah, they decided not to finance the building with money obtained by unlawful means. Because they were short of lawful money, they preferred to reduce the building area of the Holy Ka'bah.
• Quraish erected the door of the Holy Ka'bah at such a height that stairs were needed for entering the Sacred House. This was intentionally made to control entry to it. ( Sahih Al-Bukhari)
• Abraham (peace be upon him) had been directed to the location of the Holy Ka'bah by a wind called AISakeena, which was in the form of a winged snake.The wind uncovered the original foundation stones of the first Sacred House. Abraham and his son (peace be upon them) dug to the level of those foundations and then raised the building. Abraham (peace be upon him) did not fix the door of the Holy Ka'bah in the middle of the eastern wall but fixed it close to the corner so that a place for supplication might exist between them.
• When Al-Hajjaj hit the Holy Ka'bah with stones from the catapults, a groan like that of a sick person was heard when the first stone hit it.
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#28 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:20
Some Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

• The enemies of Islam have tried through the ages and centuries to humiliate the Glorified House. Historic accounts mention that the first person who attempted to demolish the Holy Ka'bah was Tubba' AI-Himairi. He intended to transport the stones of the Holy Ka'bah to Yemen to distract people away from Makkah and bring the economic prosperity and growth to Yemen. Allah, the Almighty, guided him to the right path through two men of knowledge. He then held the Holy Ka'bah in high esteem, and later covered it in silk.
• The story of the Companions of the Elephant was mentioned in the Holy Qur'an as well as history books. Abraha, the Abyssinian, constructed a building exactly like the Kabah in Yemen, called AIQulais. He spent huge stuns of money in building it, and tried hard to divert people from the Sacred House to his newly-built duplicate. He invaded Makkah with a large army, headed by an elephant at the charge, intending to destroy the Holy Ka'bah, but Allah, the Almighty, made his treacherous plan go astray. He sent against them flocks of birds which struck them with stones of baked clay, making the army "like green blades devoured"
• The Holy Ka'bah was burnt down during the Quraish era due to a spark that flew from a censer while a woman was perfuming the Holy Ka'bah. The spark hit the curtains of the Holy Ka'bah and burnt all the cloaks (kiswahs) which were piled one on top of the other, as the new kiswah was usually put over the previous old ones.
• Makkah Al-Mukarramah had the Umm Nahshal flood, due to heavy rains, during the time of Omar Ibn AI-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him). The flood swept away Abraham's Station to the bottom of Makkah, and its original site was completely wiped out. The Station of Abraham (peace be upon him) was then brought back and tied to the curtains of the Holy Ka'bah on the eastern side. This incident was reported to Omar Ibn AI-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), who came as quickly as possible and restored it to its original place, after ascertaining that it was the proper site. He re-inforced its foundations, and it is still the Station's present-day site.
• The Black Stone was removed several times from its place by Jurhum, Iyad, Al-Amaliqah, Khuza'a and AI-Qaramita. It was taken back after AIQaramita had removed it from its place and kept it with them for a long time. This is one of the miracles of the Black Stone. When Abu Tahir Suleiman Ibn AI-Hasan AI-Qannati came in the pilgrimage season of the year 317 H., he plundered and killed the pilgrims. In addition to that, he took the Black Stone with him to AI-Kufa (in Iraq). The Stone was bought by AI-Mutie Lillah or AIMuqtadir and was restored to its original place in 339 H., forty camels were killed on that occasion. The young camel returning it fattened up by just carrying the Black Stone. They had taken the Black Stone with the purpose of transferring the Holy Ka'bah to Halt
• The worst that happened to the Holy Ka'bah, at the lime of Jahiliyyah, was that a man and a woman committed adultery inside it. They were called Isaf and Naylah. They were turned into stone and then taken out of the Holy Ka'bah, and one of them was put on AI-Safa, the other on AI-Marwa. Later they were converted to idols to be worshipped as instructed by Amr Ibn Lahi AI-Khuzaic. Qusai later put one of them close to the Holy Ka'bah, the other on Zamzam.
• The custody of the Ancient House was under the governorship of the tribe of Jurhum. When they neglected the service of the Ancient House, the tribe of Khuza'a defeated them and took over the custody of the Holy Ka'bah.
• When Quraish demolished the Holy Kabah, to reconstruct it, a dispute arose when the building reached the level of the Black Stone. They differed on the issue of who was eligible to restore the Black Stone to its original place. A civil war was about to break out. Bann Abdul Dar brought a bowl full of blood and all of the tribes inserted their hands in it, which meant that they had made up their minds to fight one another. They were, therefore, called "the Lick of Blood". But Abu Umayya Ibn Al-Mugheera Ibn Abdullah [bit Omar Ibn Mkhzum, their elder, asked Quraish to agree on the judgement of the first person to conic through Bani Shaibah's gate. They all agreed on this suggestion. The first to come through this gate was the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him). This was five years before his mission. He put the Black Stone in the middle of a piece of cloth, and asked a representative of each tribe to hold one of the edges of the cloth and raise it close to its place. Then the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) picked it up with his own noble hands and restored it to its original place. It was a wise. prudent decision that prevented a tierce and destructive civil war.
• When Quraish would not tolerate the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) any longer, they decided to punish him with what was basically an economic boycott. They wrote a document which called for the boycott of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and all those who supported him and his family. The document was hung inside the Holy Ka'bah. This boycott lasted for three years until five of the Quraish rejected the boycott question. Abu Talib, the first to be boycotted, asked them to re-read the document because there had been an error in writing and reading it. When the document was brought, they found that white ants had entirely eaten the document except for the Name of Allah. So, the boycott was ended, and the Holy Ka'bah became the home of the white ants up to this day and age. This was an honour given to them.
• The Holy Ka'bah was struck by catapult fire by AI-Husayn Ibn Numair, the leader of the anny of Yazeed Ibn Muawiyah, during the reign of Abdullah Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them). A sequence of events led to the total demolition of the Holy Ka'bah in 64 H. Then it was fired on again by catapults by AI-Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf AI-Thaqafi at the end of Dhul Hijjah, 72 H., during the siege of Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them).
• The Holy Ka'bah was burnt down to the ground during the era of Abdullah Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them). He and his companions took refuge in the Holy Ka'bah during the siege by Yazeed Ibn Muawiyah. One of Ibn AI-Zubair's companions lit a fire, a spark flew off and .set alight the kiswah of the Holy Ka'bah. The wooden portions only were burnt because during the era of Quraish. the Holy Ka'bah was constructed in layers of stone alternating with layers of wood. This fire and the stones hurled at the Holy Ka'bah from the catapults outside led to its collapse and necessitated its demolition and reconstruction.
• Many rains flooded the Holy Ka'bah through its long history. There were about ninety such deluges, which were known by different names, such as Umm Nahshal, AI-Jihaf, AI-Makhbal, Ibn Hanzala, Al-Qanadeel and AI-Khidaiwi, and so on. These downpours were named after persons who had died in them or according to the extent of their force and destruction. Some were also named after an epidemic that prevailed during the time of their occurrence or after the effects they made on the Holy Ka'bah. Also some were known by the name of a distinguished personality that performed Hajj that year. The average time lapse between every flooding was about thirty years.
• The Black Stone was torn apart at the end of Muharram, 1351 H. A man from Afghanistan pulled out a piece of the Black Stone and stole a piece of the curtain of the Holy Ka'bah. He was sentenced to death as a penalty. On 28th Rabic AI-Thani, 1351 H., King Abdul Aziz AI-Saud restored this piece of the Stone to its former place with a special adhesive paste. This was done in the presence of a group of residents and scholars.
• Al-Bukhari, Muslim and AI-Nisai reported, on the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Holy Ka'bah will be destroyed by Dhul Suwaiqatain towards the end of human existence. Abroad and others related this on the authority of Ibn Omar (may Allah be pleased with them). It was also added that he would plunder its ornaments and steal its kiswah. "It is like I am seeing him in front of me bald. and he is striking the Holy Ka'bah with his mattock or spade".
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#29 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:24

Hangings in the Holy Ka'bah

• The hangings of the Holy Ka'bah are anything that are hung inside it on its walls, or the hooks that are fixed on its three pillars and in between. They may also be in goods or in the form of written documents.

• The caliphs, princes and wealthy people used to send gifts in kind to the Holy Ka'bah. These gifts were hung inside it and became its property. These included utensils made of gold and silver, plates inlaid with sapphires and pearls, jewels, precious stones, and so forth.

• The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) kept all the belongings in the Holy Ka'bah except the pictures and statues.

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#30 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2010 12:25
Documents Hung on the Holy Ka'bah

• The unjust, malicious document, concerning the boycott against the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him), and Bani Hashim in the seventh year of the noble mission of the Prophethood, remained hung inside the Holy Ka'bah for three years until it was eaten up by the white ants, putting an end to the boycott.
• The seven, eight or ten complete poems, which were hung inside the Holy Ka'bah, were selected from among the best Arabic poetry. They were hung inside the Holy Ka'bah as an expression of their literary value, also with the hope of inculcating the minds of the young and old and of the works of these poets becoming immortalised.
• The green document of Al-Safah. Pledges of allegiance to some rulers.
• The pledge of allegiance to Al-Mu'tamad by his two sons to rule after him.
• The pledge of allegiance to Al-Rasheed by his two sons AI-Amin and Al-Mamoun.
• All these documents were taken away.
• The memorial plates that immortalised the noble deeds of some caliphs, princes and kings in the construction and renovation of the Holy Ka'bah. The last was the plate that documented the comprehensive renovation of the Holy Ka'bah by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in 1416 H.
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