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#376 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd February 2017 16:59
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#377 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2017 09:20

Masjid Syed Shuhadaa ready
to receive worshipers before Ramadan

أبو حميد لـ المدينة : مسجد سيد الشهداء
جاهز لاستقبال المصلين قبيل رمضان


أحمد النهاري - المدينة المنورة تصوير: زاهد بخش

كشف مدير عام فرع وزارة الشؤون الإسلامية والدعوة والإرشاد بمنطقة المدينة المنورة الشيخ محمد بن إسماعيل أبوحميد، عن الانتهاء من كافة الأعمال الإنشائية لمشروع توسعة مسجد سيد الشهداء بمنطقة جبل أحد بالمدينة المنورة، وتوقع أبوحميد خلال اتصال مع «المدينة» أن يبدأ المسجد باستقبال المصلين قبيل شهر رمضان المقبل، وقال: «إن العمل جار وفق البرنامج الزمني للمشروع الذي بلغ نسبة الإنجاز فيه حوالى 95 %ونعمل على الانتهاء من التجهيزات المتبقية خلال الفترة القليلة المقبلة والتي تتضمن تركيب الأجهزة الصوتية وإنهاء كافة الأعمال الكهربائية وفقًا لمواصفات العقد وذلك تمهيدًا لافتتاح المسجد واستقبال المصلين في القريب العاجل».

واستعرض أبوحميد بعض تفاصيل مشروع توسعة المسجد الجديد بمنطقة سيد الشهداء إذ جرى تشييده على مساحة تزيد عن 8 آلاف متر مربع تتضمن المبنى الرئيس للمسجد الذي يستوعب 15 ألف مصل بتكلفة إجمالية تقدر بـ 42 مليون ريال واعتماد تركيب التقنيات المتطورة لتشغيل الأنظمة الصوتية الخاصة بالمسجد فضلًا عن مباني الخدمات المشتملة على سكن الإمام والمؤذن إلى جانب بعض المرافق الخدمية للمسجد كدورات المياه الذكية وتهيئة عدد منها لخدمة ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.

ويُشكل المسجد الذي يتربع في منتصف منطقة سيد الشهداء، تحفة معمارية رائعة جديدة، تضاف لسلسلة المساجد التي تحتضنها المدينة المنورة حيث روعي في تنفيذ الأعمال الإنشائية الخاصة بالتوسعة، محاكاة العمارة الإسلامية والتقيد بمقاييسها ومزجها مع الحداثة وفق متطلبات البناء والتصميم العصرية، وروعي بأن يكون التمازج سمة خاصة لألوان الطلاء الخارجي للمسجد والذي يعلوه منبران ويتوسط مبناه الرئيس قبة ضخمة، فيما تتوج الأعمدة من الداخل زخارف فنية ذات الطابع الإسلامي ويضمن تنسيق أنظمة الإنارة الداخلية إضاءة جميع جنبات المسجد، كما تكتسي أرضية المصلى الرئيس بسجاد فاخر يشكل قطعة واحدة تفصل بينها الممرات الرخامية، ليصبح في نهاية المطاف مشروع المسجد الجديد مشروعًا متكاملًا ومعلمًا إسلاميًا فريدًا يحاكي منطقة سيد الشهداء.

Google translation: The Director General of the branch of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Da'wah and Guidance in Madinah, Sheikh Mohammed bin Ismail Abu Hameed, announced the completion of all construction works for the expansion of the Sayyed Al-Shuhadaa Mosque in the Jabal Uhud area in Madinah. "The work is underway according to the schedule of the project, which reached about 95% completion, and we are working on finishing the remaining equipment during the next few years, which includes the installation of sound devices and the termination of all electrical work according to the specifications of the contract, in preparation for the opening of the mosque, soon".

AbuHamid reviewed some details of the expansion of the new mosque in the area of ​​Sayed Al Shuhada. It was built on an area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters. It includes the main building of the mosque, which accommodates 15 thousand worshipers at a total cost of 42 million riyals, and the installation of advanced techniques for operating the sound systems of the mosque, Services include housing Imam and Muazin besides some of the service facilities of the mosque as smart water courses and the creation of a number of them to serve people with special needs.

The mosque, which is located in the middle of the Sayyid Al Shuhada area, is a new architectural masterpiece. It is added to the series of mosques that Madinah is hosting. It is considered to be a masterpiece of the Islamic architecture and adherence to its standards. Especially in the exterior colors of the mosque, which is topped by a minbar. Its main building is surrounded by a huge dome. Columns from the inside crown with artistic decorations of Islamic character. The interior lighting systems guarantee the lighting of all the sides of the mosque. In the end, the new mosque project is an integrated project and a unique Islamic landmark that simulates the area of ​​Sayyid al-Shuhada.



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#378 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2017 16:51
Is this masjid near Hazrat Hamzah RA grave rebuild or a new one.
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#379 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2017 17:02

Guest-207426 wrote:
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They have demolished the old one and built a new Masjid in it's place.

Old Sayed al Shuhada mosque

before demolition

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#380 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2017 12:12

Previously I posted findings of no graves near the Ka'bah due to the  the construction works carried out in the King Fahad era. However, these narrations say otherwise and I shall go by works of the scholars of Hadith even if the people of today fail to make any findings. It is in the infinite wisdom of Allah that we do not find the graves of these Prophets (as).

Also note another narration in which it is mentioned that people are buried in the same place from which they were created. i.e. when Allah created us, he gathered the soil from the location where we will be burried. (Abu Bakrرضي الله عنه proclaimed that he had heard the Prophet (saw) say that prophets should be buried wherever they die)

Please also refer to the boundaries of the Haram as it is not just where the Ka'bah is. There are signs around Makkah showing the boundaries of the Haram as per the Hadith -Images posted in previous posts here




What is the status of the following Hadiths?

  1. “Whenever a Nabi would leave his nation, he would go to the Ka’bah to worship Allah and certainly there are 300 graves of Ambiya around the Ka’bah”
  2. “The grave of Hud, Salih and Shu’ayb (‘alayhimus salam) are in the Haram”
  3. “When a nation was destroyed, the Nabi went to Makkah to worship Allah Ta’ala until he passed away. The grave of Hud is between the Hajarul Aswad and the well of Zam Zam”


1) This narration is recorded in Kitabul Athar of Imam Muhammad ibn Hasan Ash Shaybani (rahimahullah) as the statement of the Tab’ut Tabi’i Salim ibn ‘Ajlan Al Aftas (rahimahullah), through a reliable chain. (Kitabul Athar, Hadith: 266)

2) This narration is also recorded in Kitabul Athar of Imam Muhammad ibn Hasan Ash Shaybani (rahimahullah) as the statement of ‘Ata ibn As Saib (rahimahullah), a Tabi’i through a suitable chain. (Kitabul Athar, Hadith: 267)

3) Imam Hakim (rahimahullah) has recorded this as the statement of ‘Abdur Rahman ibn Sabit (rahimahullah), a Tabi’i. (Mustadrak Hakim, vol. 2 pg. 563/564)

These narrations may be quoted as reported, i.e. attributed to the forenamed and not to Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).

And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.

Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala

Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar


So these must be fake or empty tombs

Tomb of Prophet Hud (A.S)

Hazrat Hud (A.S) was sent to the people of  ‘Aad’ . These people  were known uniquely for their mighty strength and size and for their construction of Mighty buildings. The majority however, rejected the invitation of Hud (A.S) and were destroyed by a powerful wind .The tomb of Hazrat Hud (A.S) is in Hadhramaut, Yemen.

Prophet Hood Tomb in Yemen
Prophet Hood Tomb in Yemen
Tomb Of Prophet Hud (A.S) in Yemen
Tomb Of Prophet Hud (A.S) in Yemen

The Qabr-e-Anwar of Hazrat Prophet Shoaib (peace be upon him) in a room to the east of the main mosque and prayer area.

This black and white photograph was taken by W.H. Ingrams in the early twentieth century and published in the account of his travels to visit the tombs (Qabr) of Hazrat Salih (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) in the Hadhramawt. Ingrams reports that this tomb (Qabr) is 64 feet long. See: W.H. Ingrams, "Hadhramaut: A Journey to the Sei'ar Country and Through the Wadi Maseila," Geographic Journal 88 (1936): 524-51, esp. p. 535.

The Mazar of Hazrat Salih (peace be upon him) is said to be located in Mada'in Salih, in Hijaz, or in the Hadhramawt. According to the local people in the Hadhramawt, Salih was the father of the prophet Hud, corresponding to the biblical Shelah father of Eber. Both Hud and Salih are said to have been giants, thus accounting for the extraordinary length of their tombs. According some scholars this is the Mazar of Hazrat Salih at Hasik.
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#381 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2017 22:10
As stated in the first post. Both Hadith from Kitab Al Athar.

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#382 [Permalink] Posted on 24th April 2017 14:45
Jarwal and the well of Tuwa

Area where the Prophet camped before the conquest
of Makkah draws thousands of visitors


April 21, 2017

JARWAL is one of Makkah’s famous districts and is distinguished for its rich heritage.

The well-known Tuwa well, where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reportedly took a bath the night before the conquest of Makkah, is located there. Many pilgrims visit the well every year as it is located along the road leading to the Grand Mosque.

The Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH) recently constructed a wall around the well to protect it from destruction.

Jarwal was popular in the past because of its traditional souk. A large number of Makkans used to visit this souk. There were wholesale and retail traders of various goods such as incenses, fruit and vegetables. It also housed the souk for fodder and seeds and a sheep market.

“A huge portion of this market has been shifted to Kaakiya,” said one resident.

However, a number of traders continue their business activities in Jarwal, especially the sale of pigeon feed. Some pilgrims and philanthropists pay these traders in advance to supply food for the pigeons regularly.

“Jarwal was a garden before it was turned into a residential district,” said Saleem Al-Otaibi while speaking to Okaz/Saudi Gazette. “It became famous after the vegetable market near the Haram was shifted there,” he added.

A large number of Bedouins used to visit the market to purchase their requirements of incenses, foodstuffs, coffee and cardamom, said Al-Otaibi.

“One of the oldest taxi stands in Makkah is located here and these taxis transported people to Jamoom and Wadi Fatima,” he pointed out.

Ahmed Alhaj, owner of a shop that sells bird feed, said the Jarwal market was famous even during his childhood. “I used to see a large number of people from Makkah and neighboring villages visiting this market,” he said, adding that pilgrims used to be the main customers.

“The shifting of the vegetable market from the vicinity of the Haram to Jarwal several years ago boosted the souk as a large number of traders moved to this market,” he added.

Dr. Fawaz Al-Dahas, professor of history and Islamic civilization at Umm Al-Qura University, said the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is believed to have taken a bath using water from the well in Tuwa the night before the conquest of Makkah in 630 AD.

“The Prophet issued orders to his forces staying at this place before moving toward the Kaaba. He divided the forces into two groups with Khaled Bin Walid leading one group,” Al-Dahas said.

The palace of Bin Sulaiman, who was finance minister of King Abdul Aziz, is located in Jarwal, which was known previously as Tuwa district.

Jarwal is situated close to the Grand Mosque. About 90 percent of its buildings are old while the rest are newly constructed residential towers that accommodate pilgrims.

“About 70 percent of Jarwal district was razed for the expansion of the Grand Mosque,” Al-Dahas said.

It also houses the Grand Mosque’s air conditioning units, power generators and a huge garbage treatment plant, in addition to a fuel and water storage facilities.

Abdullah Fareej Al-Subhi, a resident of Jarwal, criticized the Makkah municipality for handing over parking areas in the district to an investment company. “This has put us in an awkward situation. We have to pay the company even for parking cars near our homes,” he added.

Musaifer Al-Maabadi, who has been working as a taxi driver for 40 years in Jarwal, is worried about shortage of work. “I work from morning till evening and earn only SR100 these days,” he added.

More pics:!

بئر طوى- Tuwa well

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#383 [Permalink] Posted on 15th May 2017 10:12
Story behind the oldest door
of Islam’s holy Kaaba

The story behind the door goes back to the era of the Prince of Mecca 
Sharif Massoud Idris bin Hassan, when Mecca suffered from the flood.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

During the past week, visitors of the exhibition of the masterpieces and monuments of Saudi Arabia taking place in South Korea’s Seoul will have the opportunity to view the oldest door of Islam’s holy Kaaba, which was made in August 1630, by orders of the Ottoman Sultan Murad IV, about four centuries ago.

The story behind the door goes back to the era of the Prince of Mecca Sharif Massoud Idris bin Hassan, when Mecca suffered from the flood. Because of the heavy rain, the holy mosque sank to the level of half the wall of al Kaaba, consequently the northern wall was knocked down. The eastern wall, which holds the door of the Kaaba, was also affected by the rain.

The prince of Mecca, Sharif Massoud, addressed Sultan Murad the IV since he was the ruler of the largest state at the time. The sultan ordered the governor of Egypt, Muhammad Ali Al Albani, to take necessary and urgent measures to repair the Kaaba. Sultan Murad also sent a special delegate to follow up the construction work. The engineers decided to demolish the eastern wall of al Kaaba and rebuild it again since it was too old and couldn’t survive another natural disaster.


Due to the demolition of the eastern wall, the door of the old Kaaba was automatically removed. Sultan Murad IV hired Egyptian engineers to design a new door for the Kaaba that is similar in design to the old one. The work on the door of the Kaaba began in October 1629 AD and was completed in March 1630 AD. The same door survived until 1947 when the founding King Abdul Aziz ordered the manufacturing of a new door.

The Egyptian engineers have mastered the creation of the Kaaba’s door. They divided it into two shelves and decorated it with geometric shapes plated with 166 pound of silver. The rest was coated with Benedict gold, which is suitable for creative designs. Special metal sheets with high quality and durability were used to resist climate factors. The magnificent design survived for four countries at the eastern wall and was only replaced in the Saudi era.

It is noteworthy that during the Saudi era, the Kaaba door was changed twice. The first door was placed during the reign of King Abdul Aziz, which was made of aluminum supported with bars of iron and covered with plates of silver plated with gold, and the second door is currently in place, which was ordered by King Khalid and was made with 280 kilograms of pure gold.



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#384 [Permalink] Posted on 15th June 2017 09:03

Old aerial view of the Prophet's Mosque


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#385 [Permalink] Posted on 10th July 2017 10:28
Meet the man who cleans and maintains
the Kaaba's Black Stone

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Excerpts from an ancient history that is distilled in this honorable pursuit and the purity of the place proudly narrated by jeweller ‘’Faisal’’ son of Al-Sheikh ‘’Mohammad Mahmoud Bard’’, one of the biggest Thahabi Sheikhs in the city of Makkah.

The Black Stone, maintenance, cleaning and scenting with fragrance. 

The Black Stone is essentially oval in shape, from outside, in the size of the head, in the silver frame it is in. So what we do is separate the old, broken stuff inside, and replace it we this look.

For more than 10 decades, the family of Sheikh Mahmoud Bard, the job of maintaining the Black Stone, inspecting it, and conducting periodic follow-ups on it. 

Each part here never escapes Faisal’s sight or his children’s, without being immediately fixed.

People think this is all stone, but it’s not. The seven stones are placed in the middle, and stuck together, so that no one can possibly have them removed.

Bard’s family retains the fortune of meeting and handling the Black Stone, making this common language, a symbol of the utmost care and continuous trailing of the officials. 

The work period should be the size of the repair that it needs. It might be half an hour, or less, or could be two hours. In a given year, approximately, how many times? Three or five times. Mostly three times.

The beautiful features of the Black Stone is rooted in the family history of Sheikh Mahmoud Bard, his grandchildren are following in his footsteps, lavishing it with scents and aromatic fragrances, renewing it self during each meeting, as it greets millions of circling pilgrims in this grandest, most beautiful attire.

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#386 [Permalink] Posted on 10th July 2017 10:50

The key to the Kaaba on the right and the key to the shrine above the picture 
and the door of repentance (door of the roof of the Kaaba) at the bottom.

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#387 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2017 09:11

Construction of Al Safa

المستوى الاول من قبة الصفا المقامة على جبل الصفا وكذلك منارة باب الصفا 
مجموعة بن لادن نقلا عن الاطلس المصور لمكة المكرمة #تاريخ_مهبط_الوحي


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#388 [Permalink] Posted on 7th August 2017 10:38
Know the Saudi location where Moses
lived, worked for a decade


Friday, 4 August 2017

Very few know the place where Prophet Moses lived before he became a prophet of God and was sent on a mission to the Pharaoh. Few visited the site, although the story and the location were mentioned in the Quran.

The significance of the place lies in the name “Shuaib,” which belongs to Prophet “Shuaib” who befriended Moses and became his father-in-law. The carved mountains stand as witness to an immortal story that took place in Al-Bida'a governorate, one of the richest historic sites near the Red Sea.


“Magha’er Shuaib” is a historical site that lies 225 km northwest of Tabuk city in Saudi Arabia. It is the place where Moses moved to for a decade. Moses lived there to meet the dowry conditions to marry Shuaib’s daughter before he returned to Egypt to advise the Pharoah and his followers.

The place has preserved its historical characteristics, with its carved facades. Dr. Ahmed Al Abboudi, Associate Professor, Department of Archeology at King Saud University, told Al Arabiya that he believes the location is even older than “Madayen Saleh.”

“Magha’er Shuaib” as per the research work and sources was called “Madyan” in the past and in the Quran, while it is known in the present time as Al-Bida'a governorate. These researches confirm “Magha’er Shuaib” is where Prophet Moses (PBUH) had lived prior to his prophethood as per the popular story in the Quran.


Al-Abboudi pointed out that the place has not been studied extensively and has not received attention, especially since it is closed, except for a few visits by officials, in a location that lacks services and facilities.

Due to the similarities between "Madayen Saleh" and “Magha’er Shuaib” in the construction styles, many observers are unaware that the two sites are different and are separated by about 400 km towards the Red Sea.

The locations also share similarities with “Petra” in Jordan, in terms of patterns of sculpture and its appearance and form.


The story of Moses and Shuaib

The story in the Quran is told in detail since Moses fled Egypt because of the incident in which he accidentally knocked down a man dead, after seeing him fighting with an Israelite.

Moses walked towards “Madyan,” across the Red Sea. As he reached a well, he saw two girls waiting for their turn to fetch water for their herd. Moses came and offered his help to the two girls and then retired to the shade. When the girls returned to their father Shoaib, they told him to reward Moses for his help.

Shoaib saw that Moses was chivalrous and valiant so he asked him to stay with him for eight years and offered him his daughter’s hand in marriage, Moses accepted and extended his stay to 10 years.


Al-Abboudi said that “Magha’er Shuaib”, located in the province of Bida'a, is part of the northwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula - a location that bears great secrets, sites and inscriptions that are countless. “Most of it has not been unearthed yet,” he said.
Orientalists talked about “Magha’er Shuaib”

Many of the travelers and Orientalists documented “Magha’er Shuaib” in their books, among them are Musil and “Abdullah Philby” who referred to the location in some detail and linked it to the story of Moses and Shuaib.

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#389 [Permalink] Posted on 17th August 2017 15:45
Archeological mosques tell history of Taif


August 17, 2017 

TAIF — Taif has many ancient mosques, notably the mosque of the great Sahabi Abdullah Bin Abbas, which is one of the most famous mosques in the city of Taif.

It was established in 592 AH, and is currently located in the heart of Taif and accommodates about 3,000 worshipers, where prayers, gatherings, Eid prayers, seminars and lectures are held.

The mosque witnessed many stages of development in different periods. It was rebuilt and expanded during the Saudi era by King Saud, who expanded and renewed the mosque to meet the landscape of the era. During King Faisal's ruling, the mosque was expanded to 15,000 square meters.

The mosque is considered one of the most important and famous mosques in Taif. It is also called the Mosque of Al-Mawqaf. It is square shaped and about 8 meters long. 7 meters wide and 3 meters high, with an open courtyard of 7 meters in length.

It consists of two sides with a wall and a knotted door. There is also a small "mihrab" or podium and it is surrounded by a fence. There are dozens of carpets inside the mosque and writings in different languages.

The mosque is considered one of the finest mosques, whether in shape, design or style and Islamic inscriptions are there to be seen — inside and outside. It is a magnificent architectural masterpiece that confirms the legacy of construction in ancient history.

It is one of the most famous and oldest mosques in Taif. It is characterized by its construction. Despite the changes and renovations, it is one of the most important ancient mosques.

There are also other archeological mosques, some of which have disappeared while some of which have recently been renovated, such as the mosque of Jarir Al-Bagali.

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#390 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2017 16:19
Jazak Allah :)
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