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#106 [Permalink] Posted on 4th May 2012 16:51

"brooklynyte4ever" wrote:

inshallah i will try to post some vids of my own on youtube that just shows the way i do hijamah only and no faces inshallah.brooklynyte4ever is my user name on youtube.


If they dont contain Music or faces, please post them here for our benefit as well as some results for others to ponder upon. Jazakallahu Khair.

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#107 [Permalink] Posted on 4th May 2012 16:56

"abu mohammed" wrote:

"brooklynyte4ever" wrote:

any time bro.i just want to help,thats all.i really didnt want to come on this thread and show off or be proud of my little knowledge or insult other muslims intelligence.inshallah i hope the bros and sis's all over benefit from this knowledge.

I know what you mean, for me, its the love of the Sunnah therefore I will do what I can to pass on what ever I have.

I have almost completed watching all the videos too, Alhumdulillah. Very informative.

Allah has sent you here for a reason, so please do stay.


thank you bro.i'm happy to be here with bros like you.

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#108 [Permalink] Posted on 4th May 2012 16:58

"abu mohammed" wrote:

"brooklynyte4ever" wrote:

inshallah i will try to post some vids of my own on youtube that just shows the way i do hijamah only and no faces inshallah.brooklynyte4ever is my user name on youtube.


If they dont contain Music or faces, please post them here for our benefit as well as some results for others to ponder upon. Jazakallahu Khair.

of course my brother.inshallah i will do that if and when i find the time.wasslams

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#109 [Permalink] Posted on 4th May 2012 17:18
I won't be able to respond now as I'm on my somewhere, however, I understand you are on Android, have you tried the Muftisays app?

If not please try it and pass it on.

Jazakallahu khair.

Lets also keep to the topic, sorry.
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#110 [Permalink] Posted on 4th May 2012 20:29

Brother Brooklyn, can you please share some advice and information regarding cupping after care. For instance food stuff a person should refrain from eating after cupping and what a person should eat to help with their blood purification. Also is it harmful to do excessive exercise a few hours or a day after cupping and to engage in conjugal relations? Jazakallah for your help.

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#111 [Permalink] Posted on 5th May 2012 01:51

salams my brother malak.a person should be well rested before hijamah.after hijamah,one must avoid any dairy products like cheese,butter,milk,yogurt etc, for 24 hours only.this is done to avoid any nuasia or vomitting which holds true from the experience from proffestionals of hijamah.other then that,you can walk and exercise on the same day but not excessively.after hijamah,break your fast right away and eat lite foods like fruits,veggies and salads inshallah.there is no harm if one has relations with the wife after hijamah.and allah knows best.
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#112 [Permalink] Posted on 5th May 2012 01:54

"abu mohammed" wrote:
I won't be able to respond now as I'm on my somewhere, however, I understand you are on Android, have you tried the Muftisays app? If not please try it and pass it on. Jazakallahu khair. Lets also keep to the topic, sorry.

salams my brother.i dont have an android cell.i am just trying to figure out this could be more easier to use,thats for sure.pardon me if i am not that computer with you later bro.inshallah.


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#113 [Permalink] Posted on 5th May 2012 11:54

"brooklynyte4ever" wrote:

"abu mohammed" wrote:
I won't be able to respond now as I'm on my somewhere, however, I understand you are on Android, have you tried the Muftisays app? If not please try it and pass it on. Jazakallahu khair. Lets also keep to the topic, sorry.

salams my brother.i dont have an android cell.i am just trying to figure out this could be more easier to use,thats for sure.pardon me if i am not that computer with you later bro.inshallah.


Thats ok, I assumed this because one of your videos was uploaded via android. But you have clarifiedt that in reply to my message on the video. Jazakallahu khair.

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#114 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2012 04:12

salams to all.
cupping can be done between the shoulder blades, top of the head, right and left side of the back of the neck, lower back and inner ankles of the feet. I prefer usually to cup between the shoulders .
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#115 [Permalink] Posted on 10th May 2012 01:47

"Malak" wrote:

Brother Brooklyn, can you please share some advice and information regarding cupping after care. For instance food stuff a person should refrain from eating after cupping and what a person should eat to help with their blood purification. Also is it harmful to do excessive exercise a few hours or a day after cupping and to engage in conjugal relations? Jazakallah for your help.


salams my brother malak.a person should be well rested before hijamah.after hijamah,one must avoid any dairy products like cheese,butter,milk,yogurt etc, for 24 hours only.this is done to avoid any nuasia or vomitting which holds true from the experience from proffestionals of hijamah.other then that,you can walk and exercise on the same day but not excessively.after hijamah,break your fast right away and eat lite foods like fruits,veggies and salads inshallah.there is no harm if one has relations with the wife after hijamah.and Allah knows best

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#116 [Permalink] Posted on 10th May 2012 22:00

Jazakallah for the information. For the past two months I have been having cupping done (once a month) as I have a lot of acne on my forehead. Alhamdolillah my diet is quite healthy and I am careful as to what I eat and how much I eat. I also drink plenty of water. I have also been using some clarina cream as well and to be honest it has not made much of a difference to my acne. Forgive me if I am asking too many questions as these questions are probably more appropriate for a dermatolagist. I was thinking of having cupping for my third month in a row but after reading what you posted on only having it done twice in spring I thought that it would be best to ask for your opinion. 

Alhamdolillah the cupping has been great as I felt more energy and lively in the mornings but I was hoping that it would also help with my acne. I will be grateful for your advice.

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#117 [Permalink] Posted on 10th May 2012 22:58
I'm not am expert at this topic, but if possible and if you haven't tried this, give it a go.

Mix some black seed oil with some olive oil and rub it on the face, leave for about 10 minutes then wash your face clean.

Both of these oils have been mentioned in the Hadith greatly and Allah has even spoken about the olive oil in the Quran.

Try it on a small area first, then the next day if there has been no reaction, try some more, alternatively ask another family member to try it and let them see the difference it has on their appearance.
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#118 [Permalink] Posted on 10th May 2012 23:21
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brooklynyte4ever's avatar
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#119 [Permalink] Posted on 11th May 2012 00:53
"Malak" wrote:
Jazakallah for the information. For the past two months I have been having cupping done (once a month) as I have a lot of acne on my forehead. Alhamdolillah my diet is quite healthy and I am careful as to what I eat and how much I eat. I also drink plenty of water. I have also been using some clarina cream as well and to be honest it has not made much of a difference to my acne. Forgive me if I am asking too many questions as these questions are probably more appropriate for a dermatolagist. I was thinking of having cupping for my third month in a row but after reading what you posted on only having it done twice in spring I thought that it would be best to ask for your opinion.  Alhamdolillah the cupping has been great as I felt more energy and lively in the mornings but I was hoping that it would also help with my acne. I will be grateful for your advice.
salamualaikum brother. inshallah i hope you get well in your health. It depends upon the person as to how many times they would want hijamah done.
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#120 [Permalink] Posted on 26th August 2012 17:16
Simply Hijama workshop for sisters on Thursday 30th August 2012.

Last few days to register for your place!

Learn how to perform Hijama/Cupping.

£29 per person.

Find out more at
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