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The Clown Of Qadian

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2011 00:16
Part 1
Part 2

Before the British Empire left India in 1874, there was a local collaborator by the name of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who would cause friction within the Muslim Ummah. When the British were made to leave India, a new problem remained that would cause Muslims to be deceived and result in them leaving the faith of Islam. All knew if the Muslim Ummah were to be one, they would easily focus on propogating Islam for the world to benefit. Mirza Gulam Ahmad preached a new false relegion and tried to lure people by mischievously calling it Islam when in fact it was not and is not Islam. Mirza's false religion is self named The Ahmadiyya Movement and referrred to as Ahmadism/Qadianism by the whole of the Muslim Ummah who declare Ahmedis as non-muslims. In fact the Jewish and Christian religions have more in common with Islam in belief than Qadianism. By Shaykh Ahmad Ali

Also see: The Devils Deception Of The Qadiyanis By Shaykh Abdullah al-Faisal
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2011 11:26
The Method of the British: If you cant beat them, Dont join them, Divide and Conquer.

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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2011 11:32

I once heard Shaykh Faisal explain the difference between the British and the Americans. (I will give my explanation of what he said, as it was many years ago)

They use the method mentioned above, but, heres the difference:

If the Americans want to remove a fish from a pond, they would nuke the pond and take out all the fish and its surroundings, however, if the British wanted to remove a fish from a pond, they would remove the water from the pond, one teaspoon at a time. No one will have a clue as to how the water vanished.

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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2011 17:16
abu mohammed wrote:
I once heard Shaykh Faisal explain the difference between the British and the Americans. (I will give my explanation of what he said, as it was many years ago)

They use the method mentioned above, but, heres the difference:

If the Americans want to remove a fish from a pond, they would nuke the pond and take out all the fish and its surroundings, however, if the British wanted to remove a fish from a pond, they would remove the water from the, one teaspoon at a time. No one will have a clue as to how the water vanished.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 27th January 2011 15:36
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd August 2011 12:15
The Great Deception of Mirza Qadiyani

"The Great Deception" a lecture by
Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq. [In this lecture Shaykh will quote from authentic Qadiyani books]

Some of his major deceptions were:
-The Christian Priests are Dajaal.
-Gog and Magog are the British and the Russians.
-He himself is the Mahdi and the final Prophet

Brought to you by the
Ink of Scholars channel.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2012 18:48
The Dirty Dozen Flaws Of Mirza Qadiani

By Shaykh Mumtaz ul Haq

This is a special session for the average person on 'some' of the mistakes of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani, the founder of the Qadiyani/Ahmadi sect.

This is a condensed course detailing 12 flaws of this false Prophet, which should be easily memorised and learnt by the Muslims so they can effectively give dawah to the Qadiyanies.

Very easy to digest.

0:00-03:49 = Introduction
03:50-29:00 = The Dirty Dozen
29:01-30:55 = Conclusion/Summary

--Summary of the Dirty Dozen--
1. His name was unlike that of any Prophet.
2. No Prophet had a teacher
3. No Prophet wrote a book
4. The books of the Prophets had single names.
5. No Prophet was a poet.
6. Prophets were sent with the language of their people.
7. Prophets were from the offspring of Ibrahim [as]
8. No Prophet inherited anything.
9. No Prophet had a discharge
10. Prophets were buried in the place they died.
11. All Prophets received revelation through Gibreel.
12. All the Prophets performed hajj.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2012 08:18
abu mohammed wrote:
I once heard Shaykh Faisal explain the difference between the British and the Americans. (I will give my explanation of what he said, as it was many years ago) They use the method mentioned above, but, heres the difference: If the Americans want to remove a fish from a pond, they would nuke the pond and take out all the fish and its surroundings, however, if the British wanted to remove a fish from a pond, they would remove the water from the pond, one teaspoon at a time. No one will have a clue as to how the water vanished.

Spot on!

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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 30th January 2012 05:16
tichi tichi & muthan laal

Any mp3 links? Video not require
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 21st April 2012 06:40
Insulting Views Of The Qadianis On The Noble Sahaba (رضي الله عنهم)

Mufti Asad Waqas

Youtube Video

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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 14th March 2024 16:23
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