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#46 [Permalink] Posted on 14th October 2011 08:39
Lessons in Shirk: The Salat al Ghauthiyya.

Al Salamu 'Alaykum.

There are certain people who are very fond of an invented form of Salah (Namaz) called the Salat al Ghauthiyya or the Salat al Asrar.

Some salient points about this "Salah" are as follows:

It is specially offered in the month of Rabi' al Aakhir, probably because its proponents celebrate the 'Urs of Shaykh 'Abdil Qadir Gilani in this month. According to them, the prayer can be offered in other months as well.

According to them if one needs help and solutions for his problems then he should perform this 'prayer'.

The method is as follows:

After the Fard and Sunna of Maghrib, one is supposed to offer two rakahs of prayer.

In each rakah, after Sura Fatiha, the person is supposed to read Sura Ikhlas eleven times.

After Sura Ikhlas the person is supposed to read the following "dua":

After reading the above supplication to the Prophet (saws), the person is supposed to take eleven steps towards Iraq.

On every step, the person is supposed to supplicate to Shaykh 'Abdil Qadir Gilani in the following words:

After this the person is supposed to make dua' using the wasila of Rasulullah (saws). The proponents of this prayer say that all needs will then be fulfilled.

May Allah guide all Muslims to Tawhid and Sunna and save them from Shirk and Bida'.

'Alaykum salam.!
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#47 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2011 11:09
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#48 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 08:44
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#49 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 08:52
Abu Lulu majoose - killer of Ameerul Mu'mineen Hadrat Umar (radiallaahu 'anh) considered as a great mujtahid in the view of shias!

At shia Arabic forum, this ayatollah has his Q/A section, and there he said:

وعلى كل حال فالصحيح أن ابا لؤلؤة كان مسلماً مؤمناً موالياً لأمير المؤمنين عليه السلام


And then he quoted other scholar, Mirza Abdullah Efendi (1) , saying:

إعلم أن فيروز هذا قد كان من أكابر المسلمين والمجاهدين بل من خلص أتباع أمير المؤمنين ع


They hate Umar, and this forced them to praise a mujrim kaafir who stabbed alot of Muslims in the Mosque!

Mujtahid Abu Lulu? Yeah, he was real marajia taqlid of his time. (Note: Marja' (Arabic/Persian: مرجع) (Plural: maraji), also known as a marja-i taqlid or marja dini (Arabic/Persian: مرجع تقليد / مرجع ديني), literally means "Source to Imitate/Follow" or "Religious Reference".)


1) This Mirza was highly praised by shaykh Humayd Baghdadi
ـ الميرزا عبدالله الأفندي: (كان محقّق الفقهاء، ومدقّقَ العلماء، وحاله في الفضل والنبالة والعلم والثقة والفصاحة والجلالة والشعر والأدب والإنشاء

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#50 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 08:55
Shia say it is Mustahab to fast on the day of Hadrat Ameer Mu'aawiyah's (radiallaahu 'anh) death

Muhammad Baqir Majlisi in his "Zaadul Maad" (Muasasat Ilmi) at page 34 quoted other shia shaykh, famous al-Mufid, saying:

Shaykh Mufid said: Muawiyah moved from the temporary world to the world of eternity at 22nd of this month, and it is recommended to fast on this day (as a sign) of praise to Allah due to such bounty.

The death of companion is a bounty from Allah to the rawafidh!
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#51 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 09:00
Calling upon other than Allaah - 'Shia Fatwa'

Book "Fatawa Muyasarah" compiled from fatwas of ayatolla Sistani.
At page 421 you can read:

Q: Is it permissible to ask for sustenance, a child, protection or intercession directly from the infallible ones?

Sistani: Let me ask you first. Do you seek this from them because they create, or sustain, or protect?

Questioner answers: Certainly not. But rather because they are the means to Allah Subhana wa Taala, the intercessors with Him in the disposal of affairs, and because they cannot do anything but with the permission of Allah, the Sublime and Exalted.

Sistani: You mean that they ask Allah the Exalted and He creates, and they ask Him and He sustains, and they ask Him and He protects, and because they are intercessors, whose pleas or supplications are not rejected, because of their status with Allah, the Sublime, and for their guardianship over us?

Questioner: Yes, I mean that.

Sistani: This is permissible. Allah (s.w.t.) says: "...and seek means of nearness to Him..." (Qur'an, 5:35) and they (alaihuma salam) are your means of approach to Allah Subhana wa Taala. This is permissible.

So basicly he see no problem in a person supplicating to another person: Ya Abu Abdullah give me a child!

Such kind of dua, which was approved by this shia scholar is the very same shirk al-akbar, which removes a person from the fold of al-Islam!
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#52 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 09:02
Kufr is from the necessities of the Shia Madhab

Shaykh of shias Mirza Musa al-Haeri al-Ihqaqi in his book "Ihqaq al-Haqq" said:

و منهم السيد علي بحر العلوم في كتاب البرهان القاطع في المجلد الثاني منه في صفحة 435 في آخر الصفحة قال: بكفر من يعتقد أن الأئمة يخلقون و يرزقون و يحيون و يميتون عموما باذن الله و امداده و مشيته, و الحال أن في زماننا هذا من ضروريات مذهب الإمامية, و قدرتهم على كل شيء باذن الله و امداده و مشيته


"And from them is al-Sayyed 'Ali Bahr al-'Uloom in his book "al-Burhan al-Kati'i" vol.2 pg.435 at the end of the page he said: They are Kuffar who believe that the Imams can create, bestow wealth, revive, kill, generally with the permission and support of Allah and his will. The condition today is that this (belief) is from the necessities of the Madhab of the Imami Shia, that the Imams can do anything with the permission of Allah and his support and will"
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#53 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 09:04

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#54 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 09:17
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#55 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 09:23
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#56 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 09:29
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#57 [Permalink] Posted on 9th December 2011 09:41
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#58 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2011 08:25
Why not: "YA ABU BAKR", and "YA OMAR" slogans at Karbala? "Ayatollah" hypocrisy & the Forgotten Martyrs of Karbala

Everyone might have seen the Rafidah banners in Arabic and sometimes even in English language. Massive banners (bloody as usual) with the heroes of Karbala like:

- Al-Hussein

- Abal-Fadhl Al-'Abbas (Al-Hussein's brother)

- Zainab (Al-Hussein's sister)

- Ali Akbar and Ali Asghar (sons of Al-Hussein, the latter an INFANT!)

May Allah be pleased with all of them. You see, they even remember INFANTS, yet have you ever heard their Mullahs and demagogues yelling:

"Yaaaaaaaa ABU BAKR"!!!!!!!!! or "Yaaaaaaaa OMAR"!!!!!!!!!

No? Well, of course Abu Bakr and Omar (may Allah be pleased with them both) are the enemies of these deviants, yet we did not mean Abu Bakr bin Abi Quhafah (RA), the Khalifah of the MUSLIMS or Omar bin Al-Khattab (RA) the second Khalifah of the Muslims. No, no, no, what we meant were:

Abu Bakr bin (son of) Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib!!!


Abu Bakr bin (son of) Abi Talib (i.e. BROTHER of Al-Hussein whose mother was Layla bint Mas'ud bin Khalid Ruba'i)


Omar bin (son of) Ali bin Abi Talib (ANOTHER brother of Al-Hussein whose mother was Sahba bint Rubi'ah)


Othman bin (SON OF) Ali bin Abi Talib (yet ANOTHER brother of Al-Hussein)

Now the above men where all MATURE, yet we that the Rafidah Shia priesthood does not even miss to mention Ali Al-Asghar (the one they worship TOO), an INFANT (may Allah have mercy on him), yet they miss to mention the BROTHERS of Al-Hussein and his SONS, even though they were mature, and fought side by side at their fathers side (Abu Bakr was reported to be around 18 years old and very brave).

One is amazed to see that the Shiites weep over the martyrdom of Imam Husseinرضي الله عنه whereas they never weep over the martyrdom of his brother Abu Bakr ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib and over the martyrdom of his son Abu Bakr. Those who bear those names are from the Ahlul Bayt also. Why negligence ?Is it because they have names which are disliked by the Rafidis and by announcing it to their Shiite listeners would make the Shias here and there actually THINK?!

Is it because that the likes of Abu Bakr and Umar wiped out the Sassanid arrogance and for this reason mentioning their names are unbearable?

Shiite muhaditheen like Abu Faraj al-Isfahani in his Muqatil at-Talibeen-p.88,142,188; Al-Arbali in his Kashful Ghumamah vol.2,p.64; and Majlisi in Jila el-ou'ioun 582 stated that amongst those who were martyred with Hussein in Karbala were Abu Bakr ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abu Bakr ibn Hussein ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib.

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#59 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd February 2012 09:45
Shia are worse than Jews - Egyptian Shaykh Hassan Abu al-Hashbal

Following are excerpts from a TV program hosted by Egyptian cleric Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal, which aired on Al-Nas TV on March 19, 2009:

Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal: The Sunnis [in Iran] do not have any religious or political rights. They are not allocated even a single seat in parliament, whereas the Iranian constitution allocates seats in parliament to the Jews. The Christians have seats in the Iranian parliament. But the Sunnis are by no means entitled to this. This is so you understand the level of enmity between Sunnis and Shiites. It is as if we are the one and only enemy impeding [the progress] of the Shiites in Iran.


I was in America in 1996, and I lived in Chicago... sorry, in Detroit. Some brothers took me to a restaurant, and they sent me to wait in line to order food for all of us. When I got to the cash register, I said: "My name is Hassan." I received a warm welcome, and was told to wait a couple of minutes. So I waited for a couple of minutes... The guy was an Iraqi Shiite. Within no time, he called my name and I went to get the food, but I said to myself: How come my hosts are using me to order their food? Even if [some of] the food is for me - as a guest, I should be treated with respect. Using a guest is bad manners. The next day, they did the same. On the third day, when they wanted to do it again, I told what was going on in my mind. They told me to sit down, and a brother called Omar went and stood in line. So we sat there waiting for four hours. People were coming and going, and we were still waiting. So I asked Omar: What's going on? Are you mad at me? He said: "Your name is Hassan - a [Shiite] name from the Prophet's household. But because my name is Omar, they consider me an infidel, who deserves this punishment. We were lucky to get the food after four hours only." Look what racism, or rather, look what faith - a faith that considers the righteous caliphs to be infidels, who deserve to be cursed, banished, and sent to the Hellfire.


Does the loyalty of the Shiites lie with Islam? Does Islam constitute their homeland, wherever they may be? Are they loyal to Islam, wherever they may be? Absolutely not. A Shiite is loyal to Iran. He is loyal to the Imam. He is loyal to Ruhollah [Khomeini] - that pagan Persian Iranian - regardless of whether he is an Egyptian, Saudi, Syrian, Lebanese, or a blue demon. His loyalties lie with Iran.


This is why the deputies of Khamenei all over the world, like Nasrallah and others, are loyal to Khamenei. They collect one-fifth [of the income] in their countries and send it to Iran. Moreover, the Ayatollah in Iran determines the fate of peoples, and orders when to start a war and when to end it.

Don't think that when the war started... That imaginary war - that shameful charade between Hizbullah in Lebanon and the Jews in 2006... This was a shameful charade. The purpose of this charade was to strike the Sunnis in South Lebanon, in order to open up the route between north and south, between Tel Aviv and Iraq, enabling the Jews to use this route to enter Iraq. This was a charade. The Jews and the Shiites are one and the same. They have always loved one another. The Shiites stand by the enemies in all their battles against the Sunnis. Why? Because they consider [the Sunnis] to be their one and only enemy, and the war in Iraq is the best proof of this.

When the coalition forces arrived in 2003 - whom did they embrace, and from whom did they distance themselves? They embraced the Shiites and distanced the Sunnis. The infidel coalition forces - all the European countries - embraced the Shiites and distanced the Sunnis. They protected the Shiites and fought the Sunnis. Read history books - modern history, at least - in order to find out what is happening to the Sunnis all over the world.


The [territorial] aspirations of the Shiites with regard to the Islamic countries - and especially the Arab countries - far exceed those of the Jews. Don't think for a moment that Iran is producing a nuclear bomb against the Jews. By God, Iran is doing it against the Sunnis. They have produced the nuclear bomb for their coming war against the Sunnis. If they don't manage to spread the Shiite faith all over the region by peaceful means, they will spread it by means of nuclear bombs. Why would they bomb the Jews? The Jews are their masters. The Shiites originated from the Jews in terms of their ideology, their politics, their morality, and their tactics. So why would they fight them and drop a nuclear bomb on them?


The American soldiers used to knock on the door, before going in to kill, rape, take captives, and do whatever they wanted. But at least they would knock on the door. The Iraqi Shiite soldiers, on the other hand, break the door down with their boots. When they go in, they see a Sunni man with his wife and children, eating, minding their own business. They kill the man and the boys who have reached maturity
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#60 [Permalink] Posted on 15th August 2012 01:36
Rizmalek wrote:
Someone said to a scholar: The shia don't enter Masjid an Nabawiyy from the door of Umar ibn Al Khattab رضي الله عنه.

The scholar replied: May Allah be pleased with Umar, devils ran away from him when he was alive & when he is dead!!
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