About this Group
It is reported in a Hadith:"Any person remains alive after me will see many differences in the Ummat. Therefore he should hold on fast to my way and the way of the Khulafaa-e-Raashideen. He must hold on to it with his teeth. Take Heed! Stay away from all new innovations (that will spring up), because all such innovations (which are regarded as being part of Deen) are a Bid`ah and every Bid`ah is astray Mishkaat The Path of (to) Allah Ta`ala, which The Holy Prophet(s.a.w) had demonstrated and upon which the Sahaabah (radhiAllaahu anhum) had treaded. This Path will remain so until Qiyaamah. The Ummat must be vigilant and wary. They must know that the Road leading to Allaah Ta`ala is (only) the one which Nabi (sallAllaahu alaihi wasallam) had showed. That is also the Road upon which the Sahaabah (radhiAllaahu anhum) and the Khulafaa-e-Raashideen (radhiAllaahu anhum) had treaded, and which all the Salf-e-Saaliheen (pious predecessors) and Auliyaa had followed. Every Muslim is fully aware that the "Deen-e-Haqq" is that Divine Message which was revealed to us through our Nabi (sallAllaahu alaihi wasallam). This is what Rasulullaah (sallAllaahu alaihi wasallam) and his (sallAllaahu alaihi wasallam)‟s Companions practiced upon. And this is also (that Deen) which Allaah Ta`ala had promised to safeguard until Qiyaamah. Allaah Ta`ala has safeguarded this Deen through the Qur`an Majeed, the statements and actions of Rasulullaah (sallAllaahu alaihi wasallam), the practice of the Sahaabah (radhiAllaahuanhum) and the explanations and interpretations of the Aimmah-e-Mujtahiddeen. Alhamdulillah, until today all these things are just and safely and securely protected in the Ummat. Deviated sects of Islam are worse than non-Muslim as they (deviated sects) claim to be true Muslims, thus, misleading many sincere people. and not only that they are falsely accusing the Ahl e Haq with lies and abusing hence hindering the cause of Islam and playing into the hands of the kuffar.