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xs11ax's avatar
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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 18th December 2018 12:44
Which ayat which hadith do they use as daleel for this? Are the salafis still supporting the Saud family even after this?
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xs11ax's avatar
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 18th December 2018 12:51
Source: Arab News

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman has vowed that his government would have zero tolerance for corruption in the country, and that he and other members of the royal family are not above the law.

“In some countries the kings and heads of state have immunity from prosecution. But here any citizen can file lawsuits against the king, crown prince or other members of the royal family,” said King Salman at Al-Salam Palace in Jeddah on Wednesday, during a meeting with anti-corruption officials and activists from the public and private sectors.

King Salman said his father was once sued by a citizen. King Abdul Aziz insisted on letting the law take its course and appeared in court with the plaintiff, where they were treated as equals. The verdict was in favor of the king but he waived his rights. Sheikh Saad bin Atiq was the judge.

He said Allah would reward citizens who point out mistakes made by him, members of the government, or community. The public can lodge complaints face to face, on the telephone or in writing, he said.

King Salman said he considers the rights of citizens “more important” than his own, and that the real defense against corrupt activity was the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

This was the foundation of the country over the years, from the time of Muhammad bin Saud, to Turki bin Abdullah, followed by “my father Abdulaziz, and then to Saud, Faisal, Khaled, Fahd and Abdullah, and the crown princes Sultan and Naif.”

King Salman said the Kingdom was a safe haven for everyone.

“Thanks to Allah, our constitution is the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of His Messenger, and the example of the pious Khalifs. Thank God, our country is secure and stable, and any citizen can come address us by our first names, without any honorific title, just as citizens used to address our father,” the king said.

“I tell you, I repeat again that the pride, strength and responsibility of this country lie in the fact that it is the direction in which Muslims across the world pray, and the place where revelation was received by Muhammad (peace be upon him). It came in the Arabic language to an Arab prophet. Therefore we have the greatest responsibility in the entire world,” the king said.

Speaking on the occasion, Khaled Al-Muhaisin, chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (Nazaha), said: “Since the unification of the Kingdom, the major goal of the founder of the nation, King Abdulaziz, has been to fight corruption.”

Al-Muhaisin said King Abdulaziz sent out a message to citizens that if they do not lodge complaints about officials then it was like sinning against themselves. The founder had placed a complaints box at the gate to Government House and kept the key so that citizens would not fear any repercussions from officials targeted.

Al-Muhaisin said this message currently serves as a guiding light for the Nazaha. He thanked King Salman for supporting the organization’s activities, including efforts to revise regulations that would strengthen its mandate.
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 18th December 2018 12:58

unfortunately the brother who does the uploading has departed for umrah today and will upload on his return. Maulana was mentioning the famous hadith about us following the kuffar step by step even if they go into the lizard hole. He also read a story about how in one part of indonisia where islam is pretty strong they turn off mobile data for salah times so people attend salah. Even among the so called pracitising muslims who observe salah they tend to slack in going masjid due to spending time on social media. He was saying here is a nation were arabic isnt their mother tongue yet they are taking these measures were as those who have arabic as their mother tongues are singing and dancing. Allah takes from work of deen from whom he wills and disgraces whom he wills.

as for saudis not speaking out, most who attend these stuff are either elitists who generally consider islam backwards and would leave at any opportunity if given the chance or those who grown up watching western movies and dramas so want to be more like them. MbS is a Godsend for these. as for those who oppose it, not much they can do, mbs has already jailed and killed his critics.

people laughed at me when i said a few years ago saudi will end up like dubai and lebanon. now look at them.i heard they want f1 there too, they got the e forumlar and drone racing going on. every f1 race is full of skantly dressed women i wonder what salafis say about that. them fools will do anything to defend ale salool even though ale salool who funded them for years are growing sick and tired off them lol
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Black Turban's avatar
Black Turban's avatar
#34 [Permalink] Posted on 19th December 2018 01:30
السلام عليكم

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 19th March 2024 10:03
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 8th April 2024 09:50
What does MBS offer?
Sheikh Sudais:

Oh Allah, grant success to your servant Mohammad bin Salman and reward him with the best reward for what he offers to his religion, his country, and the Muslims
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#37 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2024 01:40
abu mohammed wrote:
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During the rule of Umarرضي الله عنه, the great sahabi Hudhayfah Ibn Al Yamman رضي الله عنه was made the governor of Al Madain when he arrived he gave the people the following advice.

He said: "Beware of places of fitnah and intrigue." "And what," they asked, "are places of intrigue?" He replied: "The doors of rulers where some people go and try to make the ruler or governor believe lies and praise him for (qualities) he does not possess."

And ALLAH knows best.
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Rajab's avatar
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 20th May 2024 12:39
Saudi King Salman will undergo treatment at Al Salam Palace in Jeddah for a lung inflammation.

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2024 21:50



Saudi prominent opposition leader @saadalfagih message to MBS:

You declare in your private gatherings:

Islam is a religion of myths and legends.

That you will eradicate any role for religion in this country.

That the Mufti and the Council of Senior Scholars are nothing more than a relic of history, with no relevance to authority.

That the people are a flock of sheep, worthless and insignificant.

That Israel is the guarantor of your security and the only means to preserve your rule, and without appeasing it, your power cannot endure.

That the Palestinian resistance is an embarrassing and troublesome sore that must be eliminated.

That the wealth of this nation belongs entirely to you, and you will amass enough to become the richest man in history.

That marriage and family are unnecessary, and relationships between the sexes should be free and unrestricted, without the bounds of marriage

That homosexuality is a natural inclination, and you vow to protect and normalize it within society.

Show us your courage and proclaim openly all that you say in private gatherings. Do not hide the ideas you take pride in behind four walls.
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