السلام عليكم
The following was written by a dearest elder, someone very close to my heart who choses to remain anonymous.
It was sometime ago, I came across a note written by Hazrat Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi رحمة الله عليه , where he had written some points for himself during his course of sulook.
Amongst other things, there was one particularly interesting line :
“Talking to self, in mind,is one of the worst kind of mistakes”.
The message struck me because I realised I was not able to stop the non-stop, almost continuous,noise within my my mind. (I am still not able to do that), and secondly, I could not grasp why it was so significant to ‘stop talking to self? I decided to discuss it with some friends and try to find out the wisdom behind this advise.
The result of my little research were like this :
Thought is the root of all mental process. They control our life, mould our character, and shape our personality.The body follows the mind. We live in a world of thoughts.
First is thought,then there is the expression of that thought into words and actions (and in the final analysis,we will be made responsible for our actions,good or bad).
If we think rightly and keep our intentions pure, we will speak rightly and act rightly. Speech and action simply follow the thoughts.
This way we can shape our character in any way we like. Better and pious thoughts bring better actions. Every man lives in his own ‘thought world’ and perceive everything according to his own imagination,his own attitudes.
Friends and enemies,pleasure and pain, Shukr and Sabr,self respect and pride, Jealousy and vice...take any good or bad attribute and we find the roots of it in our mind. We live in a chain of Desire -> Thought -> Action.
A Desire stimulates a Thought which is then embodies into an Action ( good or bad).