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Abidal haramayn anyone?

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 11th January 2007 13:32

Assalamu Alaykum,

There is a nasheed called Ya abidal haramayn. A freind recently told me you can find the story behind it in ibn katheer. Does anyone know where abouts exactly?

It was something like surah aal e imran but i can't seem to find it.

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 11th January 2007 14:32

Here's the translation, if it helps anyone:

O Worshipper of the Two Holy Masjids,
Had you witnessed us in the battlefield
You would have known that, compared to our Jihad,
Your worship is child's play.
For every tear you have shed upon your cheek,
We have shed in its place, blood upon our chests.
You are playing with your worship,
While worshippers offer your worship
Mujahideen offer their blood and person (life).
The smell of nice perfume is for you,
And our perfume is the dust and dirt (which is more pure),
And it has reached us from the sayings of our Prophet,
The martyr is not dead,
This is a true correct saying, in which there is no lie.
The dust of the people of Allah is never equal,
To a thousand men, whilst the smoke is climbing.
This is the book of Allah between us,
The martyr is not dead - and this is no lie

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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 11th January 2007 14:44
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 11th January 2007 15:13
jazakllah but does anyone know where it is in ibn katheer
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muslimah_91's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2007 22:44

Assalamu Alaykum,

It can be found in Surah Aal-Imran, Verse 200 (last verse) in Tafseer Ibn Katheer.

Here's the Arabic and English of the story behind the nasheed, from individual publications of Tafseer Ibn Katheer (text found also on the net):

و قد روى الحافظ ابن عساكر في ترجمة عبد الله بن المبارك، من طريق محمد بن إبراهيم بن أبي سكينة قال: أملي عليَّ عبدُ الله بن المبارك هذه الأبياتَ بطرسوس، وودعتُه للخروج، وأنشدها معي إلى الفضل بن عياض في سنة سبعين ومائة، وفي رواية سنة سبع وسبعين ومائة:

يا عابدَ الحرمين لو أبصرتْـَنا ... لعلمتَ أنَّكَ في العبـادةِ تلعبُ
مَنْ كانَ يخضبُ خدَّه بدموعِه ... فنحورنُـا بدمـائِنا تَتَخْضَبُ
أوكان يتعبُ خيله في بـاطل ... فخيـولنا يوم الصبيحة تتعبُ
ريحُ العبيرٍ لكم ونحنُ عبـيرُنا ... رَهَجُ السنابكِ والغبارُ الأطيبُ
ولقد أتـانا مـن مقالِ نبيِنا ... قولٌ صحيحٌ صادقٌ لا يَكذبُ
لا يستوي غبـارُ أهلِ الله في ... أنفِ أمرئٍ ودخانُ نارٍ تَلهبُ
هذا كتابُ الله ينـطقُ بيننا ... ليسَ الشهيدُ بميـتٍ لا يكذبُ

قال: فلقيت الفضيل بن عياض بكتابه في المسجد الحرام، فلما قرأه ذرفت عيناه، وقال: صدق أبو عبد الرحمن، ونصحني ثم قال: أنت ممن يكتب الحديث؟ قال قلت: نعم. قال: فاكتب هذا الحديث كراء حملك كتاب أبي عبد الرحمن إلينا. وأملى عليَّ الفضيل بن عياض

حدثنا منصور بن المعتمر، عن أبي صالح، عن أبي هريرة: أن رجلا قال: " يا رسول الله، علمني عملا أنال به ثواب المجاهدين في سبيل الله. فقال: هل تستطيع أن تصلي فلا تفتر، وتصوم فلا تفطر؟ فقال: يا رسول الله، أنا أضعف من أن أستطيع ذلك، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: فوالذي نفسي بيده لو طوقت ذلك ما بلغت ثواب المجاهدين في سبيل الله، أمَا علمت أن المجاهد ليستن في طوله، فيكتب له بذلك الحسنات."

Al-Hafiz ibn `Asakir mentioned in the biography of `Abdullah bin al-Mubarak, that Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Abi Sakinah said,

"While in the area of Tarsus, `Abdullah bin al-Mubarak dictated this poem to me when I was greeting him goodbye. He sent the poem with me to al-FuDayl bin`Iyad in the year 170,

'O ye who worships in the vicinity of the Two Holy Masjids! If you but see us, you will realise that you are only jesting in worship.

He who brings wetness to his cheek with his tears should know that our necks are being wet by our blood.

He who tires his horses without purpose, know that our horses are getting tired in battle.

Scent of perfume is yours, while ours is the glimmer of spears and the stench of dust [in battle].

We were narrated about in the speech of our Prophet, an authentic statement that never lies.

That the dust that erupts by Allah's horses and which fills the nostrils of a man shall never be combined with the smoke of a raging Fire.

This, the Book of Allah speaks among us that the martyr is not dead, and the truth in Allah's book cannot be denied.'

"I met al-Fudayl ibn `Iyad in the Sacred Masjid and gave him the letter. When he read it, his eyes became tearful and he said, 'Abu `Abdur-Rahman (`Abdullah bin al-Mubarak) has said the truth and offered sincere advice to me.' He then asked me, 'Do you write the Hadeeth?' I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Write this Hadeeth as reward for delivering the letter of Abu `Abdur-Rahman to me.' He then dictated,

'Mansur bin al-Mu`tamir narrated to us that Abu Saalih narrated from Abu Hurayrah that a man asked, 'O Messenger of Allah! Teach me a good deed that will earn me the reward of the Mujahideen in Allah's cause.'

The Prophet sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said, 'Are you able to pray continuously and fast without breaking the fast?' The man said, 'O Messenger of Allah! I cannot bear it.'

The Prophet sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said, 'By He in Whose Hand is my soul! Even if you were able to do it, you would not achieve the grade of the Mujahideen in Allah's cause. Did you not know that the horse of the Mujaahid earns rewards for him as long as it lives?'" [Ahmad]


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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2007 23:02
one of my best arabic nasheeds. reaIIy powerfuI.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2007 14:12
Jazakallah so much.
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