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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 1st January 2022 13:21
I recently tried to save my children from filth being taught to them. I will provide the full account so parents are aware.

I got an email from school when my daughter tried to withdraw herself from PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) which is a deceiving title for what's actually taught.

Email from leader of PSHE: (I am highlighting portions I will address after the quoted email)

My name is S**** H*****, lead teacher of PSHE. ************** spoke to me this morning about being withdrawn from PSHE and I wanted to contact you to discuss your options. I did check school records and it shows that consent has been given for sex education, however, I am more than happy to work with you to come up with a plan regarding PSHE for your daughter.

I am not sure whether you are aware but there are only certain aspects of sex education that parents are permitted to withdraw their children from as health and relationship education is now a statutory requirement. Please see the guidance below:

In secondary education from September 2020:

• Parents will not be able to withdraw their child from any aspect of Relationships Education or Health Education.

• Parents will be able to withdraw their child (following discussion with the school) from any or all aspects of Sex Education, other than those which are part of the science curriculum, up to and until three terms before the age of 16.

• After that point, the guidance states that ‘if the child wishes to receive sex education rather than be withdrawn, the school should make arrangements to provide the child with sex education during one of those terms.’

I am more than happy to make an appointment with you to go through our curriculum – please let me know if you wish to do this.

I will also show the curriculum plans with your daughter so she is aware of upcoming lessons.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Before replying, I requested a callback to clarify a few things. I'll bring to attention the highlighted parts.
I requested the signed notice, date or any kind of information showing that I gave consent. She could not present this and said that by default it's consent. This is despite the fact that we specifically did not consent before the year started and withdrew in writing.

I also clarified that "statutory" means absolutely nothing when it comes to freedom of religion and education. It is not law, it simply a guidance to which she agreed 100%. Once this was clarified I replied to the email to confirm my concerns:

Hi S*****,

Thank you for your email and today's phone call.

You mentioned in your email that the school records show we provided consent. We never signed any consent about this type of education. If there is, please send a copy of the consent form you believe we signed showing our consent. When it was provided and in what format it was provided. If you cannot provide this, I'd like an explanation why school records show consent.

To confirm in writing, ******* ******* and ******* ******* both do not wish to take this questionable and controversial subject in school. I, the father and their mother do not give any consent for our children to be subjected and coerced into this topic partially or in its entirety.

I disagree with the statutory requirement and am fully aware that statutes and legislations most definitely do not supersede human rights, freedom of religion and common law. I do not believe this is health related and nor is it education and we do not feel the school should be responsible to normalise sexual behaviour and attribute it to health. It is our responsibility as the father and mother to teach them morals and when the time comes and when they are ready to discuss marriage rather than "safely" having multiple and pre-marital sexual relations in a "healthy" way.

If alternative arrangements cannot be made for ******* ******* and ******* ******* according to all our wishes based on the moral, religious and consensual requirements, we will have no choice but to protect them from the implied institutionalised school by keeping them home on the days the children are exposed to this if the school cannot protect them from it because of legislations and statutes.

With regards

Yasin **********

Unfortunately, the concerns couldn't be addressed and instead she replied with a full list of the curriculum to try and justify the subject. That actually made it worse for them:

Hi Mr ********

Thanks for your email in which you state your wishes.

I just wanted to clarify one point, if I may. PSHE not only covers Relationship, Sex and Health Education but also the following topics:

Health and well-being
Staying safe online and offline
Celebrating diversity
Life beyond school
British Values
Economic education

I have attached the breakdown of which lessons fall under which topics, just so you can see the other aspects of PSHE.

We teach PSHE through tutor time for all year groups and through timetabled lessons in year 9.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Best wishes
S******** H*********

The attachment of the full curriculum with my feedback is below my email reply:

My reply:
Hi S********,

Thank you for the email, information and document.

I am aware of some of the interesting and useful topics but as I feel the subject is tainted or hijacked in a way with the wrong type education as highlighted in the previous email, I'd rather she wasn't exposed to it.

I have reattached the table to this email where I've highlighted all the topics we'd all be comfortable with. A real solution would be to teach this as Health and Safety Education. Adult education should be optional and extra-curricular for the parents who want it. I still disagree with the statute to mix these together and make it a requirement.

Please see attached. If the subject is ever split we'd all be okay with it. Until then, we already teach and educate them on everything highlighted in green.

Please see attached pdf. I've colour coded the topics into 4 categories and it will become clear why it's safest to steer away in its entirety.

With regards

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I felt ashamed just reading the titles. Imagine what pure kids go through until this filth is normalised to them.

I got a call from the head of year after my email who was also Muslim and he felt my pain and concerns. He told me it's worse than I know. He confirmed that these subjects (adult, LGBTQ) is not just in PSHE but also being embedded into English, drama and other subjects bit by bit.

I have first-hand experience along with so many young ones approaching me about help no how to cure the mind from the influence of these subjects that even after 10-15 years since school they're still effected with hyped sexuality and sin. Alhamdulillah I finally decided to pull my children out of school and home educate them and combine with local like-minded parents, Islamic schools for the key subjects and to get educated with "education" rather than indoctrinated with "information".

If there's other parents with secondary level (year 7-11) kids who need to work together please reply here. I have many resources that'll have the kids ahead of state education within a year by concentrating on key subjects only that help throughout real life and not waste energies on that which doesn't help. I can now also start Arabic with them. This way they can pick their field and master it.
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 1st January 2022 13:22
If the PDF doesn't work, right click download it and rename it with ".pdf" at the end.
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Rajab's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 1st January 2022 13:50
As you said they are not restricting it to PSHE but subliminally pushing LGBTQI+ agenda in other subjects
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 1st January 2022 16:48
As long as Muslims keep sending their kids to schools, they'll always be exposed to this garbage. TPTB are well-versed at subliminal messaging. One that actually works.
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