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Protect Your Children from Predators

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 09:53
Assalam u Alaikum,

One of my subscribers teaches Quran online to UK based students. Their parents have requested my subscriber to share Islamic stories on weekly basis because in UK, in the schools they are giving gifts to our children on Christmas and are trying to persuade them into leaving Islam. I have told my subscriber that it is not an easy thing and he must tell those parents that they must request the Muslim community there to initiate Islamic activities in the masajid which are attractive for kids so that they are accustomed to going to masajid at very early age and their relation with Allah and His deen is strong.

I request Muslims around the world to take this matter seriously. If ulema are not doing their part then please come forward and do something yourselves. You are educated and have vast resources. Spend your hard earned pounds on your kids and come out of this individualism syndrome that (if my iman and my family's iman is safe then to hell with rest of the world) attitude. Please remain united and be a healthy, vibrant and active community. I am not aware of the situation there as I am not present there but I am concerned about my young generation of this lovely ummah.

Please present Islam in a reasonable, practical, attractive and easy to understand manner. It is not only knowledge which counts but the way you present it too.
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 10:22
in UK, in the schools they are giving gifts to our children on Christmas and are trying to persuade them into leaving Islam.

Wow, what a statement!

My son, for example, goes to a state run school in London. They teach every mainstream religion and celebrate/learn about their holidays.

They have dress-up days for different holidays so children can show their traditional clothing etc and not have to wear school uniform on the day.

This and many other state schools in the UK provide Halal certified food for ALL students unless they opt out. (HMC certified in my sons school) All this without even asking in some schools.

I don't accept this story about from the subscriber. I'm sorry - sounds a bit suspicious to me. However, other UK parents may feel that this is the case, then Allahu Alum.

What we do need to protect them from are their ideas on LGBT and so on. This seems to be the main thing they are trying to brainwash children with. But inshaAllah, with good education at home (since these things are taught before they get to understand other things and before they start any form of Madrasa)

Also, since I'm on the topic of schools. Islamic schools have also failed. Many members have already said they regret sending their children to an Islamic school for many reasons. yet others will still send their kids there, as I have, simply to keep them away from other filth they can pick up.

The situation in Islamic schools need more emphasis. Our kids may still be in an Islamic environment, they will still have the fundamental beliefs and so on, but they are sinning like non Muslims, day in day out.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 10:41
I recall here Molana Ali Mian Nadvi RA saying "If your child is not going to survive with Imaan in future, make dua to Allah, ya Allah cut short his/her journey"

Let us sacrifice dunya for deen not the other way around. We know Islamin schools in general are not upto the mark. Yes, but they are evolving.
But let us give priority to Imaan of our children. Our few brothers have put their children in madrasah where, in future duniya returns are zero. We, can a give a small sacrifice of duniya for children's imaan.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 10:44
My daughter goes to an Islamic school in the uk. She has been asking to be moved out because she feels it's not an Islamic environment at all.

In fact, she was saying that there is a girl in the school who has lost her virginity! Things are not what they seem. Parents are not aware of their childrens actions.

It's not the schools fault, but I wonder what action the school will take, how and if they will inform the girls parents. What action the parents will take.

The school can improve, be more strict and worry less about pleasing others.

Ironically, being an Islamic "girls" school, they don't even say the hijab is mandatory! It's optional. Now you wonder what kind of reputable scholars are behind such schools across the UK.

Shame on the school and it's management.

I won't name the school as I've already told mod before posting. Posting as guest so not to identify the school or it's location.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 13:05

Everyone Else:

Parents should send their children to institutions where their Eemaan is safe and secure and prefer Darul-ulooms. However, it is the reality that not everyone can and there are not many spaces.

Under intense scrutiny, financial pressures Islamic Schools (in US and UK) are doing their best.

  1. Donate to them
  2. Support them with your time and your skills
  3. Help solve problems instead of starting hysteria 
  4. Many of the Islamic Schools in UK do not and can not run according to Deobandi understanding. It is what it is.

abu mohammed wrote:
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Remember when you visit Pakistan, everyone seems to know about everything including your own street better then you :P

When I was studying in Saudi Arabia, a topic came up and I merely said

In UK, lunch is called "dinner in School and the woman is even called dinner lady"

The entire room was filled with Pakistanees (Doctors etc) and they started laughing at me saying "Why do you all think that us Pakistanees are STUPID, lunch happens in the afternoon and dinner at night. British invented the English language how can they make such a colossal mistake in their own language, you are wrong".

I just shrugged it off.

We work with dozens of education authorities, department of education, Madaris, Makatib but people making comments on youtube know it more..

Remember the incident on this forum about Birmingham Central Mosque and South African Fatwa. The South African issues a Fatwa based on information that men pinch the body of women when they go for Salah.

  1. Birmingham Central Mosque is one of the oldest Mosques in UK
  2. Entrances are separate and distinct
  3. You cannot pinch the body of a woman while someone (sick in the head) wanted to

I actually wrote to the Brother who gave this information and I asked, "You don't want women going to the Mosque, fine I get that but you know that you are lying about women body parts being pinched etc. Why are you lying?"

Anonymous wrote:
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I am happy for you and your daughter and you have the right to make decisions but you don't have the right to smear everyone with the same brush.

sipraomer wrote:
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Name me your city in Pakistan and it is my promise that I will give you specific, concrete and verifiable information of sexual activity what will you advise parents?

Anonymous wrote:
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Name me your country and let me also research and get you incidents in your Madaris/Makatib, what will you advise parents?

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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 13:53
Name me your country and let me also research and get you incidents in your Madaris/Makatib, what will you advise parents?

I am from India, here Islamic secular education schools are evolving
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 16:25
Wow! I have just shown concern for the young ones of ummah. Sorry for doing that. I haven't said that Pakistan is a heaven. I guess I have to keep my ideas to myself.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 16:47
One of my subscribers teaches Quran online to UK based students

I get loads of calls from such teachers and it's really annoying.

Firstly they got my number via a Quran app I downloaded, as I asked one of them. Then they constantly call me from a Pakistani number (each one has been blocked) to ask me if I would like to learn Quran Online. When I tell them we have Maktabs in the UK, why would I want to get my children to learn online, they are surprised. Why? just because we are in the UK.

The UK has a lot to offer to its Muslim population Alhumdulillah.

So, brother sipra. Please tell him that a British born, British Citizen, who went to state school/college/university and local Maktab/Madrasa, is asking for proof.

If his story is true, it will become headlines all over the world!

So please do not fall prey to such accusations unless they come with proof.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 16:54
abu mohammed wrote:
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Okay okay okay! Delete the thread. I guess, I was good talking about khilafa day and night.
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 16:59
sipraomer wrote:
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The idea of protecting our children is good and could do with good ideas too.

Just follow the Sunnah in everything, including verification :)

If this accusation is not true, then the Hadith calling such people as liars also includes those who spread it, that's all. Just be careful.
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 17:14
As a parent in the UK, I also believe we need to protect our children from such predators.

The difference is, these predators change with time!

In these times, they come in the form of mobile devices, internet, social media and so on. This is how they destroy us and our children.

We need to educate our children to understand what sins are, what punishments are, what kind of things will open the doors of Hell-fire and so on.

If they know it's bad for them, there is a greater chance they will stay away from it.

Muslim nations can control what can be blocked, but they won't block it because there are other advantages of it. Yet at the same time, they will block something like YouTube which carries less harm.

Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, all these things contain more evil than good.

So to start with, we should educate our children about these first, show them what it's like. Tell them that we know what we are talking about. The kids of today think that the adults have no idea about these things. Tell them that we've been there and it messed us up and that we are still regretting those things. stay up-to date. Try and follow your kids if they are on these social media apps, get them to follow you too.

Keep an eye on their status/profile and those whom they follow.

See who follows them, who they follow and why and who their followers follow! Get to the bottom of it quickly. Stop the predators fast.

And please, do not be surprised to find some of these predators are our own Muslim brothers and sisters!

The world is a sick place but verify the truth before telling anyone else.
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 17:30
A good talk on Luxury Chocolates (with poison)
Sins: Luxury Chocolates with Poison by Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf

Halalified YouTube Audio

Would we eat the chocolate from the box if there is only one chocolate that is covered in poison? What are the chances we will pick up that one piece of chocolate, would we chance it?
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 19:18

sipraomer wrote:
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Not ideas, keep your conspiracies to yourself.


You can become humble (like someone) who follow the Sunnah, listen to someone's point of view and think that "maybe" you can make mistakes.

Loading Qur'aan Verse

Once again, ideas are not the issue.

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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2019 22:35
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Not ideas, keep your conspiracies to yourself.


You can become humble (like someone) who follow the Sunnah, listen to someone's point of view and think that "maybe" you can make mistakes.

So as I said, run off, become abusive or sarcastic as your "Senior Scholars" have taught you because once again you are peddling weak opinions because it agrees with your Nafs.

Mr.Khan! There is a difference between doing someone's Islah and dealing someone in a manner that instead of the other person correcting his intentional or unintentional mistakes he becomes defensive.

Sorry but you have only learned to destroy and not to build. You are a bad teacher.

Oh Allah! Grant us healers and not destroyers.
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 26th November 2019 06:37
Assalamu alaykum

This is my experience that one is misunderstood during social media discussion.
There is a saying. Musallees in a masjid were struggling to find a place to tie their horses and camels. Someone hit good number of big nails on ground to help them. Later in the night, other person saw that people were getting hurt with nails. He removed all the nails. Ulema says, both will get ajr due to their good intentions.

Let us do better taweel of posts on social media.
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