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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2023 10:55
two bible verses in particular sum up the position of women:

"I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." By this third chapter of Genesis, woman lost her rights, her standing—even her identity, and motherhood became a God-inflicted curse degrading her status in the world.

In the New Testament, the bible decrees:

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." 1 Tim. 2:11-14

One bible verse alone, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exodus 22:18) is responsible for the death of tens of thousands, if not millions, of women. Do women and those who care about them need further evidence of the great harm of Christianity, predicated as it has been on these and similar teachings about women?

Church writer Tertullian said "each of you women is an Eve . . . You are the gate of Hell, you are the temptress of the forbidden tree; you are the first deserter of the divine law."

Martin Luther decreed: "If a woman grows weary and at last dies from childbearing, it matters not. Let her die from bearing, she is there to do it."

Christian writings therefore indeed regard the intelligence of women as inferior to that of men. According to the Bible women, sources of evil and corruption from "original sin" should remain silent in churches and they should not be given the opportunity to teach or educate a male audience.

Thus, we saw that the law of the levirate was an injustice towards the woman, because it obliges her to marry the brother of the husband if he dies without leaving children, and in default of the brother, it is the nearest relative and so on. As long as the husband has not had children, his wife will be required to marry a man of her family in order to have children, so that the line of the deceased is not erased.

Thus, according to the Bible adultery is one who has slept with a married woman, which means that the man is not punished because he cheated on his wife if he has one, but simply because he slept with his neighbor's wife. Conversely, according to Islam adultery is any person, man or woman, who cheats on his spouse.

The bible establishes woman's inferior status, her "uncleanliness," her transgressions, and God-ordained master/servant relationship to man. Biblical women are possessions: fathers own them, sell them into bondage, even sacrifice them. The bible sanctions rape during wartime and in other contexts. Wives are subject to Mosaic-law sanctioned "bedchecks" as brides, and male jealousy fits and no-notice divorce as wives.

The most typical biblical labels of women are "harlot" and "whore." They are described as having evil, even satanic powers of allurement. Contempt for women's bodies and reproductive capacity is a bedrock of the bible. The few role models offered are stereotyped, conventional and inadequate, with bible heroines admired for obedience and battle spirit. Jesus scorns his own mother, refusing to bless her, and issues dire warnings about the fate of pregnant and nursing women..

احمد ديدات - علماء الغرب و القرآن
نادر جداً - محمد على كلاي و درس في الصبر و الإحتساب

أحمد ديدات يفضح كذب أنيس شوروش

هل كتاب الأناجيل شهود عيان لعيسى أم هذه أقاويل مبالغ فيها؟
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2023 08:22
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 21st September 2023 17:41
The authenticity of the Bible is not even established in the first place and it is simply a compilation of single chainless reports put together by unknown people.

even your early scholars believed in some sort of textual corruption at the hands of Jews and some of them even explicitly stated so.

Some Bible passages here and there are not sufficient proofs, because the Bible is not direct divine revelation even according to your own admission (and that of many of your scholars) and it clearly contains human errors in it (something that one hardly can deny).

I mean there are even indications from the context and the language within the same books / chapters that several texts (by different authors!) have beem mixed up to form a chapter / book from among the chapters of the Bible.

prophet Lot (peace be upon him)

God punished his people for sexual immorality, while He saved him and his daughters due to their righteousness.
To claim thereafter that they committed incest does not make any sense

incest is a sin, then let it be known to you that having intimate relationships with one's own children has always been a major sin.

And remember that according to the Bible Abraham (peace be upon him) - who lived at the same time as Lot (peace be upon him) - pretended several time that his wife was his sister out of fear of getting killed. This indicates that the prohibition of incest - in this case between brother and sister - was already known at that time even according to your Bible, so what about incest between father and daughters?!?

This claim of incest against Lot (peace be upon him) was simply because of the excessive hate of the Jews against the Ammonites and Moabites.

You people should really not trust Jews that much in what they make up out of hate or jealousy or whatever other reason.

In Islam we believe in the infallibility of the Prophets of God (peace be upon them) and this entails them being protected from knowingly disobeying God's commands and prohibitions.

But even if we put this point aside, then the absolute majority of humanity had never sexual intercourse with their fathers or their daughters nor even thought about that for a second.

And the absolute majority of humanity has never thought about planning to kill someone in order to be able to take their wife - with whom one has adultery - for oneself.

This means that the majority of humanity is better than what some "righteous" persons in the Bible are portrayed. This is enough for the one who thinks rationally without being restricted by the claims of some Jews here and there.

إجابة تسحق الفم لمن يقولون أن النبي كان منجذب جنسيا لل... - عباقرة: حمزة وعباس Speaker's corner

مؤثر!! عائلة مسلم جديد تعتنق الإسلام عبر البث وإجهاش بالبكاء

The Quran Mentions that the Sun Rotates about its Axis 1400 years ago - Dr Zakir Naik

شاب ألماني ينطق بالشهادة ويرجع للإسلام بعد أن تركه بسبب إيمانه بالتطور

FULL - Dr. Zakir Naik The Quran and the Bible in the Light of Science vs Dr William Campbell
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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 27th September 2023 15:27
Muhammad ibn (son of) Abdullah ibn (son of) Abdul Mutalib, was born on 12 Rabi 'Awwal in the year 570 C.E. (Christian Era) in Makkah, (today: Saudi Arabia) and he died in 633 C.E. in Yathrib (today: Madinah, Saudi Arabia)

In Arabic the word prophet (nabi) is derived from the word naba which means news. Thus we deduce that a prophet spreads the news of God and His message, they are in a sense God’s ambassadors on earth. Their mission is to convey the message to worship One God. This includes, calling the people to God, explaining the message, bringing glad tidings or warnings and directing the affairs of the nation. All the prophets were anxious to convey God’s message sincerely and completely and this included the last prophet, Muhammad. During his final sermon Prophet Muhammad asked the congregation three times whether he had delivered the message, and called on God to witness their answer, which was a resounding “yes!”.

As well as the essence of their call to One God, another accepted sign of the truth of the prophets is how they live their lives. The accounts of Prophet Muhammad’s life that we have inherited from our righteous predecessors illustrate that Muhammad’s Prophethood was guided by God from the very beginning. Long before, Prophethood Muhammad was being prepared to guide humankind to the straight path and his life experiences stood him in good stead for such a weighty mission. Then at the age of 40 when Prophethood was bestowed upon him, God continued to support and affirm his mission. Any account of Muhammad’s life is filled with examples of his exemplary character; he was merciful, compassionate, truthful, brave, and generous, while striving solely for the rewards of the Hereafter. The way Prophet Muhammad dealt with his companions, acquaintances, enemies, animals and even inanimate objects left no doubt that he was ever mindful of God.

Muhammad’s birth was accompanied by many so called miraculous events and the talk of the extraordinary events no doubt functioned as signs of Prophethood,

Special but not unique circumstances surrounded childhood of Prophet Muhammad and these undoubtedly had a bearing on his character. By the time he was eight years old he had suffered through the death of both his parents and his beloved grandfather Abdul Muttalib. He was left in the care of his uncle and great supporter Abu Talib. Thus even as a young boy he had already suffered great emotional and physical upheaval. Both the many chroniclers of Muhammad’s life and the Quran acknowledge his disrupted life.

Did He not find you (O Muhammad) an orphan and gave you a refuge? (Quran 93:6)

Muhammad’s uncle Abu Talib was poor and struggled to keep his family fed, thus during his adolescence Muhammad worked as a shepherd. From this occupation he learned to embrace solitude and developed characteristics such as patience, cautiousness, care, leadership and an ability to sense danger. Shepherding was an occupation that all the prophets of God we know of had in common. ‘…The companions asked, “Were you a shepherd?” He replied, “There was no prophet who was not a shepherd.”’[1]

In his teens Muhammad sometimes travelled with Abu Talib, accompanying caravans to trade centres. On at least one occasion, he is said to have travelled as far north as Syria. Older merchants recognized his character and nicknamed him Al-Amin, the one you can trust. Even in his youth he was known as truthful and trustworthy. One story that is accepted by most Islamic scholars and historians is the account of one of Prophet Muhammad’s trips to Syria.

The story goes that the monk Bahira foretold the coming Prophethood and counselled Abu Talib to “guard his nephew carefully”. According to biographer Ibn Ishaq, as the caravan in which Prophet Muhammad was travelling approached the edge of town, Bahira could see a cloud that appeared to be shading and following a young man. When the caravan halted under the shadow of some trees, Bahira “looked at the cloud when it over-shadowed the tree, and its branches were bending and drooping over the apostle of God until he was in the shadow beneath it.” After Bahira witnessed this he observed Muhammad closely and asked him many questions concerning a number of Christian prophecies he had read and heard about.

The young Muhammad was distinguished among his people for his modesty, virtuous behaviour and graceful manners, thus it was no surprise for his companions to see him, even as a youth many years before Prophethood, shun superstitious practices and keep away from drinking alcohol, eating meat slaughtered on stone altars or attending idolatrous festivals. By the time he reached adulthood Muhammad was thought of as the most reliable and trustworthy member of the Meccan community. Even those who concerned themselves with petty tribal squabbles acknowledged Muhammad’s honesty and integrity.

Muhammad’s virtues and good moral character was established from a young age, and God continued to support and guide him. When he was 40 years old Muhammad was given the means to change the world, the means to benefit the whole of humanity

محمد رسول الله ( الشيخ خالد ياسين) مترجم مؤثر جداً


حكم الاحتفال بالمولد النبوي - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

ماذا قالوا عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.FLV

مولد النبي محمد ﷺ د.ذاكر نايك Dr.Zakir Naik Birth of Prophet Muhammad
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 1st October 2023 11:13
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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 5th October 2023 09:53
There are still Christians today who try to make us believe that the Bible and the NT teachings of Jesus contain a message of peace and love. We are always told that Jesus of the NT was someone who did not like violence unlike the Prophet (sws). We know that all this propaganda of a Jesus who is kind, tolerant and better than everyone else is a myth and this has been demonstrated several times

We tell them to clean themselves first

1.Christ (peace be upon him) said:

“34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

35 For I have come to turn

‘a man against his father,

a daughter against her mother,

a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—

36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

37 Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

2.Christ (peace be upon him) said:

“…and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one”

Luke 22:36

27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’”
Luke 19:27

Anyone who ever read the bible, (which is said to be ‘the word of this god’), would be familiar with all the atrocities, twisted, cruel, backward, primitive, narrow minded, and depraved notions, acts and forms of behaviours it’s full of, many of which are attributed to God himself, as well as countless such cruel and horrendous acts committed by people all through human’s history (and still do today too), allegedly ‘following his instructions’, or committed ‘in his name’, or even worse:

some examples of horrible things in the Bible

Everything! For example: kill your child if they refuse to show respect, . . Part of the bible uses fear as a method of control, just as America does when lying about Iraq’
killing your children if they misbehave, genocide, torture, and racism on a massive scale

Has rules that other people should be killed. Kill a woman who was raped in town if she doesn’t yell loudly enough. Kill unruly children. Kill women who aren’t virgins on their wedding nights.

Allows people to be tormented, both implicitly (the Problem of Evil) and explicitly (Job).

Slaves beaten to death

Metes out punishment of a far different order than the crime.

Punishes people for what other people have done.

If you can't see anything wrong in that, it's really not worth my time trying to explain it to you.

وحشية الإنجيل التي لا يتحدث عنها المسيحيون | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park

Rare Book Collector Finds Ancient Quran and it Shocked him!

This New York Christian Girl's Decision Left Everyone Stunned...

17 Year Old American High Schooler Accepts Islam
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 12th October 2023 13:17

Allah sent prophet and messengers to guide different nations throughout. Allah (SWT) said:

“We surely sent a messenger to every community, saying, Worship Allah and shun false gods. But some of them were guided by Allah, while others were destined to stray. So travel throughout the land and see the fate of the deniers!”. (Quran16:36)

Allah had sent numerous prophets throughout the centuries. However, He had determined that He should send a final messenger with a final message. This final messenger would be the messenger for all of humankind from his time until the Day of Reckoning. There was to be no later revelation and no later prophet to bring any changes to this revelation. Hence, this one had to differ from the previous in some ways.

First, since no one could come later to correct any mistakes or distortions, the revelation received by the last prophet had to be preserved in its pristine purity.

Second, the nature of the “sign” of the last prophet would have to be different as well. This is because this sign would have to affect not only the people who were alive during the time of the prophet but also all those who would come later.

Third, this final prophet could not simply be sent for one community among humankind—each then having their own final prophet and then differing with one another. This final prophet had to be sent for all of humankind, putting an end to the succession of prophets and being suitable for the world as a whole.

Fourth, the laws and teachings of this message had to be fixed in matters that need to be fixed for all of humankind until the Day of Judgment and guiding yet flexible or accommodating in those matters that need to be open to change due to the changing circumstances of humankind.

On all of these points, one sees that it is the message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that fits all of these criteria. The Quran and the Sunnah were preserved in great detail. Similarly, the nature of his “sign,” the Quran, the ultimate miracle, can still be experienced today.1

the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the only prophet to make it known that he was not sent only for a certain people but he was sent for all the various peoples of the world.

Allah says, “Say (O Muhammad to the people), ‘O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah’ (7:158)

Another verse reads, “And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind” (34:28).

. The Prophet Muhammad also stated that he was distinguished from the earlier prophets by five matters. The last he mentioned was, “The prophet would be sent to his people only while I have been sent to all of mankind.”

The Jews, for example, consider themselves to be a chosen race and that their message is meant exclusively for themselves. Thus, many orthodox Jews do not believe in proselytizing their faith. The New Testament also makes it clear that Jesus’ mission was to the Tribes of Israel. “ “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24). This limited mission of Jesus’ is also affirmed in the Quran (61:6).

Allah decreed that this Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) should be His final messenger. Allah says, “Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever All-Aware of everything” (33:40). The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself said, “I have been sent to all of the creation and the prophets have been sealed by me.”

Hence, no one has the right to accept the other prophets while rejecting the Prophet Muhammad. No one has the right to say that Muhammad was truthful but, “I chose to still follow Jesus or Moses instead.” Logically speaking, one should not expect this to be acceptable to Allah. Allah has sent His final messenger to be believed in and followed, superseding and canceling what is left of the teachings of earlier prophets.

The Prophet said, “[I swear] by [God], the One in whose hand is my soul, there will be none of my addressed people, be he Jew or Christian, who hears of me and dies without believing in that with which I was sent except that he will be from the inhabitants of the Hell-fire.”16 The Prophet even told one of his companions, “If my brother Moses were alive today, he would have no option but to follow me.”

The Quran confirms that Jesus was raised up by God, and the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, reassured us that Jesus will be sent down to earth once again before the Day of Judgment. In a saying of Prophet Muhammad, narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet said:

“By the One in Whose hand is my self, definitely the son of Maryam will soon descend among you as a just judge, and he will break the cross, Christ will judge with the law of Islam and announce that he is the Prophet of God

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

This text is forged
It does not exist in ancient Greek manuscripts before the sixteenth century
Therefore, this text has been deleted from most modern translations and editions in most languages of the world

Christ was sent only to the children of Israel, not to all other nations:

This matter was decided by Christ in word and deed. Throughout his entire life, he only preached in the synagogues of the Jews.

He did not enter another gathering of others, but rather he was confirming that his message was limited to them.

He commands his disciples not to leave the Jewish cities and not to go beyond them.
British Police officer Accepts Islam

Unbelievable RESPONSE By Swedish Muslims

This Englishman Accidentally Saw a Quran in a Bookstore!

French "Gay" Actor Valentin Converts to Islam
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2023 16:20
At a time when white became black and wrong pronouns

The defender of the homeland, women and children is the terrorist

But the usurper of the homeland is the hero!

We ask God that all those who support the criminal Israel, whether governments or individuals, let the massacres that happen to the people of Palestine happen to them, and that their country be occupied and their families and children die before their eyes.

The Rape of the Land of Palestine and Siege and killing of men, women and children for 75 years

The Palestinians do not kill women and children, but the Jews occupying their country
From 1948

They committed massacres against the Palestinians that no human being could bear, may God’s curse be upon them

Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza killing Thousands of martyrs, wounding thousands of civilians, including women and children, and destructing residential buildings, civilian facilities, infrastructure, hospitals, schools, places of worship, and United Nations facilities. Add to this the inhumane water and power outages and continued daily deliberate killings in West Bank cities in conjunction with the repeated attacks on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque

Such atrocities did not occur when the Muslims fought in jihad against their enemies. They did not kill women or children or ordinary people. It is worth noting the instructions that Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq gave to Usaamah ibn Zayd and his troops:

“Do not commit any act of treachery or betrayal. Do not steal from the war booty. Do not mutilate any dead body. Do not kill any child, old man or woman. Do not cut down any palm trees or burn them. Do not cut down any fruit-bearing tree. Do not slaughter any sheep, cow or camel, except for food. If you pass by people who have devoted themselves to worship in hermitages, then leave them to that to which they have devoted themselves.”

Here are the “10 commandments of biblical Jihad”

1) Prepare for war!

Joel 3.9-10)

2) cursed is he who keeps back his sword from bloodshed.

(Jeremiah 48.10)

3) Massacre every enemy: “do not leave alive anything that breathes!

(Deuteronomy 20, 16-18)

4) put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
(1 Samuel 15, 2-3)

5) But take the Spoils from time to time... (Deuteronomy 20, 4-15)

6) Rape the enemies' little girls!
(Numbers 31, 14-18)

7) Don't forget to burn the city after this!
(Joshua 6, 24)

8) The javelin verse!
(Joshua 8, 18-29)

9) The stone verse!
(Joshua 10, 8-12)

10) The verse of the axe, ,and the saws!
(1 Chronicles 20, 3)

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Numbers 31
King James Version

The Western world is deaf and blind and is not ashamed and believes the Jews and helps the criminals who occupied Palestine for75 years ago

US aid to Israel from 1946 to 2022 totaled $243.9 billion in, making it the largest recipient of American foreign aid since World War II.

The United States committed over $3.3 billion in foreign assistance to Israel in 2022, About $8.8 million of that went toward the country's economy, while 99.7% of the aid went to the Israeli military.

Israel received the second-largest amount of US aid in 2022 after Ukraine, where the US committed $12.4 billion. The two countries received 4.8% and 18.1%, respectively, of all foreign aid granted that year.

We ask God to help the people of Palestine liberate their homeland from the Israeli occupation army

حسام زملط يحرج المذيع عن ما يحدث للفلسطينيين منذ 100 سنه
محمد حجاب يقصف جبهة بيرس مورغان 😂😂 - الفيديو كامل مترجم #piersmorgan

باسم يوسف أفحم بيرس مورجان (أكبر مذيع بريطاني) عن القضية الفلسطينية [مترجم]

عبدالله الشريف | حلقة 25 | ما قبل الطوفان | الموسم السابع

مواجهة عاصفة بين صحفية استرالية مسلمة وبين مستوطنة اسرائيلية تنتهي بالضربة القاضية

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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 26th October 2023 13:23
Christians claim that in the birth of Jesus, there occurred the miracle of the incarnation of God in the form of a human being. To say that God became truly a human being invites a number of questions.

Did it ascend to heaven, or did it decompose as with any human piece of flesh? During his lifetime what happened to his hair, nails, and blood shed from wounds? Did the cells of his body die as in ordinary human beings? If his body did not function in a truly human way, he could not be truly human as well as truly God. Yet, if his body functioned exactly in a human way, this would nullify any claim to divinity. It would be impossible for any part of God, even if incarnate, to decompose in any way and still be considered God. The everlasting, one God, in whole or in part, does not die, disintegrate, or decompose: ‘For I the Lord do not change.’ (Malachi 3:6)

Did Jesus’ flesh dwell in safety after his death?
Unless Jesus’ body never underwent ‘decay’ during his lifetime he could not be God, but if it did not undergo ‘decay’ then he was not truly human.

The impossibility of incarnation

? Timothy 1 * 6:16
16 who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

The impossibility of the incarnation because God was not seen by anyone

Romans 1:23
23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

: Romans 1:25

25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

All texts confirm the impossibility of the incarnation, because it is a lie and a fabrication against God and a shame for people

By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.
◄ John 5:30 ►

The text is clear, Christ cannot do anything on his own, why?? Because he is waiting for an order from the father who sent him

لماذا أسلم هذا الشاب الأسكتلندي؟.. أدركت الآن لماذا يحاربون الإسلام!

Speakers Corner: If Christ is God and his body not divine then who died for you? -Part 1

Speakers Corner: If Christ is God and his body not divine then who died for you? Part 2

Christian Compelled To Admit This | Hashim and Intelligent Christian | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park

Jesus is God's Servant not His co-equal | Hashim vs Christian Preacher | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 29th October 2023 13:53
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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 31st October 2023 15:51

Christians often claim that Islam was spread by force, while Christianity was spread by faith. This myth propagated by these Christians has been sufficiently refuted on this blog. In reality, Christianity certainly did not spread by faith and in peace, this was true from the start, but very quickly it was the Christians who were going to impose their faith under duress, this with the help of the emperors. and the great bishops.

In early Christianity, as Christians were not powerful, they were forced to limit themselves to simple conversions, as the Romans persecuted them. However, once Christianity has been declared a state religion, the opposite will happen:

From the fourth century, the change in attitude of political power radically modified the conditions for Christian expansion: Christianity passed from a situation in which it was outlawed, and sometimes persecuted, to a situation of freedom. , then favorably, until its main rival, paganism - or rather what we put under this term: the traditional religions received in the Roman Empire -, are themselves outlawed . Christianity will become the state religion, the Empire will officially become Christian.
The Christianity of Constantine at the Arab conquest, Pierre Maraval, Chapter 1, The religious policy of the emperors from Constantine to Heraclius and that of the barbarian kings, page 5.

we can say that Christianity, apart from the early days when it did not have many followers, then spread not by faith but by sword and constraint. It is not nothing to destroy the temples of the pagans, to forbid the practice of a faith other than that of the Catholics, to force people to be baptized, to punish apostates with death, etc. once the deception of a tolerant Christianity is refuted.

The majority of Christians and non-Christians believe that Christianity is a religion of love and tranquility which forbids violence, that Christians must be patient in the face of the sufferings they endure and that a Christian can never use violence to convert someone to Jesus.

And yet, these are just unfounded words. Who could believe that a God who ordered so much slaughter in the Old Testament would change his demeanor so as to change complement? God willing, we will demonstrate that Christianity, the NEW TESTAMENT, commands Christians to convert by force and retribution those who do not want to become Christians.

Here is a parable in which Jesus commands people to be forced to convert to Christianity

We can therefore see that the verse Luke 14.23 orders Christians to convert non-Christians by force.
Here is a parable in which Jesus commands people to be forced to convert to Christianity:

Luke 14
16 Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:

17 And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready.

18 And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused.

19 And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused.

20 And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.

21 So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.

23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

. Also, the word compulsion which is anagkazo was used in Matthew 14.22 when Jesus compelled the disciples to get into a boat.

Forcing someone to do something against their will, #Ex 3:19. Evolving Biblical Dictionary (vers. 2).

In fact, the word anagkazo has also been used in the sense of forcing someone physically, for example, let's look at how Paul forced Christians to blaspheme

Acts 26.11
11 Many a time I went from one synagogue to another to have them punished, and I tried to force them to blaspheme. I was so obsessed with persecuting them that I even hunted them down in foreign cities.

To this the question we ask ourselves is: is this really a peaceful and wonderful religion? We think, in any case hope, that the obvious answer from everyone in their right mind, is no.

Our conclusion is that Christianity is not a peaceful religion, rather this conception is a myth, Christianity is a religion which calls for war against those who are not Christians, and which practices forced conversion
Christians often claim that Islam was spread by force, while Christianity was spread by faith. This myth propagated by these Christians has been sufficiently refuted on this blog. In reality, Christianity certainly did not spread by faith and in peace, this was true from the start, but very quickly it was the Christians who were going to impose their faith under duress, this with the help of the emperors. and the great bishops.

In early Christianity, as Christians were not powerful, they were forced to limit themselves to simple conversions, as the Romans persecuted them. However, once Christianity has been declared a state religion, the opposite will happen:

From the fourth century, the change in attitude of political power radically modified the conditions for Christian expansion: Christianity passed from a situation in which it was outlawed, and sometimes persecuted, to a situation of freedom. , then favorably, until its main rival, paganism - or rather what we put under this term: the traditional religions received in the Roman Empire -, are themselves outlawed . Christianity will become the state religion, the Empire will officially become Christian.
The Christianity of Constantine at the Arab conquest, Pierre Maraval, Chapter 1, The religious policy of the emperors from Constantine to Heraclius and that of the barbarian kings, page 5.

we can say that Christianity, apart from the early days when it did not have many followers, then spread not by faith but by sword and constraint. It is not nothing to destroy the temples of the pagans, to forbid the practice of a faith other than that of the Catholics, to force people to be baptized, to punish apostates with death, etc. once the deception of a tolerant Christianity is refuted.

The majority of Christians and non-Christians believe that Christianity is a religion of love and tranquility which forbids violence, that Christians must be patient in the face of the sufferings they endure and that a Christian can never use violence to convert someone to Jesus.

And yet, these are just unfounded words. Who could believe that a God who ordered so much slaughter in the Old Testament would change his demeanor so as to change complement? God willing, we will demonstrate that Christianity, the NEW TESTAMENT, commands Christians to convert by force and retribution those who do not want to become Christians.

Here is a parable in which Jesus commands people to be forced to convert to Christianity

We can therefore see that the verse Luke 14.23 orders Christians to convert non-Christians by force.
Here is a parable in which Jesus commands people to be forced to convert to Christianity:

Luke 14
16 Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:

17 And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready.

18 And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused.

19 And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused.

20 And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.

21 So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.

23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

. Also, the word compulsion which is anagkazo was used in Matthew 14.22 when Jesus compelled the disciples to get into a boat.

Forcing someone to do something against their will, #Ex 3:19. Evolving Biblical Dictionary (vers. 2).

In fact, the word anagkazo has also been used in the sense of forcing someone physically, for example, let's look at how Paul forced Christians to blaspheme

Acts 26.11
11 Many a time I went from one synagogue to another to have them punished, and I tried to force them to blaspheme. I was so obsessed with persecuting them that I even hunted them down in foreign cities.

To this the question we ask ourselves is: is this really a peaceful and wonderful religion? We think, in any case hope, that the obvious answer from everyone in their right mind, is no.

Our conclusion is that Christianity is not a peaceful religion, rather this conception is a myth, Christianity is a religion which calls for war against those who are not Christians, and which practices forced conversion

مهم لكل شاب!! ماذا يحدث لك حين تشاهد الإباحية وما هي الحلول للتخلص منها؟

مغالطات الإلحاد الغير منطقية - حوار صبور مع روب حول الإلحاد - الجزء الأول
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2023 13:59

آندرو تيت يشرح عظمة الإسلام للإعلامية الشهيرة كانديس أوينز في مقر إقامته الجبرية (الله ينصره)

فنانات أسترالية ملحدة موشمات انتهى بهن النقاش حاملين للقرآن بعد إقناع هاشم

النجم التلفزيوني الفرنسي🇫🇷ووالدته يعتنقان الإسلام☝️ Dylan Thiery converts to Islam

ضايق الفتاة حتى مسحت بكرامته الأرض أمام منصور! منصور وفتاة غير مسلمة ضد متطفل

نصرانيان جاءا لدحض الإسلام فصارا أضحوكة أمام الناس بعد ان أخرسهم شمسي
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2023 16:22
Astonishing as it may sound, it is an admitted fact that prior to the sixteenth century, the word “Jehovah,” was unheard of. Whenever the origin of this word appeared in its true Hebrew form in Jewish Scriptures (read from right to left as in Arabic) Yet, Huh, Wav, Huh; or YHWH. these four letters were preceded by a substitute word “Adonai,” to warn the reader that the following word was not to be articulated. The Jews took meticulous care in repeating this exercise in their “Book of God” six thousand, eight hundred and twenty-three times - interpolating the words “Adonai” or “Elohim.” They sincerely believed that this awesome name of God was never to be pronounced.

This prohibition was no ordinary affair: It called for a penalty of death on one who dared to utter it, and this taboo has been more successful than all the “DO’s” and “DON’T’s” of the Ten Commandments put together.

If Jehovah is the name of God, and if the 27 Books of the New Testament were inspired by Him, then it is an anomaly of the highest order, that He (Jehovah) signally failed to have His Own Name recorded in “His Word” (N.T.) the Christian addition to the Jewish Bible. The Christians claim that they have in their possession over twenty-four thousand so-called “originals” of their Holy Writ in the Greek language, and yet not a single parchment has “Jehovah” written in it. Curiously this “name of God” (?) has been sacrilegiously replaced by the Greek words kyrios and theos’, which mean ‘Lord’ and ‘God.’ Yet, miracle of miracles - Alleluya! - no devil or saint has been able to eliminate the word “Allah” from the so-called New Testament of the Christians.

The “Tetragrammaton”
Why not for a change ask him, a question or two. Ask him where he got the word Jehovah from? He will surely reply - “From the Holy Bible.” What does it say? Does it spell out the word Jehovah? “No,” he will reply. “There is a ‘tetragrammaton’ in the Bible from which the word Jehovah is derived.” What is a tetragrammaton?

No one seems to have heard this highly mystical term. In the University of Illinois in the U.S.A. I asked a gathering of students and lecturers whether any one had heard this jaw-breaker! Not one of them knew its meaning! But every Jehovah’s Witness seems to know, even the commonest of them. They have really specialised - ours is a world of special is at ion. They are Professors of the one word - Jehovah.

What then is a “tetragrammaton!” The Jehovah’s Witness replies, “Y H W H!” “No!” “What I want to know from you is, what does the word tetragrammaton mean?” You will find him most reluctant in explaining. Either he does not really know, or he is feeling embarrassed in replying. “Tetra,” in Greek means four, and “grammaton,” means letters. It simply means “a four letter word.”

Can you read into Y H W H the word Jehovah? I cannot. “No!”, says the Jehovah’s Witness, “we ought to add vowels to these four consonants to produce the sound. Originally, both Hebrew and Arabic were written without the vowel signs The native of each language was able to read if even without those vowels. Not so the outsider, for whose benefit the vowels were invented.

The “J” sickness
Let us add the vowels as the “Witness” suggests. YHWH becomes YeHoWaH. Juggle as you like but you can never materialise Jehovah! Ask him, from which hat he drew his “J”. He will tell you that “this is the ‘popular’ pronunciation from the 16th century.” The exact sound of the four letters YHWH is known neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles, yet he is ramming Jehovah down every ones throats. The European Christians have developed a fondness (sickness) for the letter “J” They add J’s where there are no Jays. Look!

Yael > he converts to Joel
Yehuda > he converts to Juda
Yeheshua > he converts to Joshua
Yusuf > he converts to Joseph
Yunus > he converts to Jonah
Yesus > he converts to Jesus
Yehowa > he converts to Jehovah

Top Bible scholar leaves Christian

Wheres Yahweh!? Hashim Vs Bob? Speakers Corner​
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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 19th November 2023 10:49
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 27th November 2023 10:05

the Qur'an cannot come from Satan because he is cursed, despised and condemned outright to hell. In addition, Allah asks Muslims to seek protection from Satan at all times and even to ask for this protection when starting to recite the Quran.

According to the principle of Jesus (pbuh): How can Satan cast out Satan? Any kingdom divided against itself is devastated, and any city or house divided against itself cannot stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?

According to this principle straight out of the mouth of Jesus (pbuh) in the Bible, Satan cannot cast out Satan and therefore the Qur'an which drives out Satan cannot come from Satan.

Besides, would Satan be so stupid for:

1 - put an end to polytheism in the region?
2 - to develop a religion which imposes the worship of God the One?
3 - make the disciples of this religion believe that he is the number 1 enemy of Humanity?
4 - force believers to recognize one God, give alms, pilgrimage, impose the release of slaves as well as alms for all the faithful?

Would Satan be a donkey to destroy his own kingdom on his own? The devil would really have to have been a totally failed and finished idiot to invent a monotheistic religion which castigates him as being the worst enemy of humanity, which curses him and which, above all, puts an end to polytheism in the region by imposing worship of the One God.

In other words Satan cannot dig his own grave let alone bury himself. It is therefore illogical and pretentious to argue that Islam is the work of the devil.

ما هي الطرق الرئيسية في الاسلام في اختيار الزوج/ة؟ مهم للعزابين

فتاة إنجليزية تعتنق الإسلام عبر الهاتف
مع جوردن

القصاص في الإسلام غير عادل؟ | هاشم في حوار مسيحي
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