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Your favourite Urdu Speaker and Bayaans. ?

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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#1 [Permalink] Posted on 10th June 2023 16:09

Please post your favourite bayaans and speakers in the Urdu language on this thread.

I will go first.

In the 1980’s during the era of Audio cassettes. One of the most popular and dynamic speakers in the Urdu language was Maulana Abdul Majeed Nadeem Shah. His talks were delivered in Taranam that is recited in a melodious style rather than spoken.

On his visits to the U.K. people used to attend his talks in their droves. With their tape recorders in hand to record the bayaans.

It would be no exaggeration to say he was perhaps the most popular and renowned speaker in the Urdu language here in the U.K. at that time.

If you went to an Islamic book store and searched for an audio cassette lecture in Urdu then majority would have have been his audios on display.

The lecture I posted in the link below. I first heard probably 30 years ago. And interestingly I brought three cassettes all had the same lecture but three different titles. One had the title “Tafseer of Surat Fatiha” another was titled. “ Iyakanabudu wa Iyakanasteen”. And third was titled “ Siratal Mustaqeem”

The talk as he mentions in the recording was delivered on 22nd of November 1985 in Peshawar.

The poster of the video has put 2013 and that is the year it was uploaded on youtube.

Have a listen Insha’Allah the bayaan starts of slow before going fully dynamic.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#2 [Permalink] Posted on 10th June 2023 22:50

The following talk is by Junaid Jamshed on how he was guided by ALLAH. From his life of a Rock star, to becoming a preacher.

This talk is an epic adventure from his first encounter with Tablighis on the streets of Karachi. ..... It is a very inspiring account.

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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#3 [Permalink] Posted on 11th June 2023 16:36

Qari Muhammad Hanif Multani another speaker from the era of Audio cassettes.

Qari Hanif ( May ALLAH bestow his mercy upon him) was a blind shaykh.
Despite this obvious handicap he managed to achieve great success in his studies.

His Audio lectures became hugely popular world wide amongst the Pakistani diaspora. He had a very unique voice and a blunt forthright manner of speaking. An entire generation in the 80's and 90's grew up listening to his audio bayaans.

And it is a testimony to Qari Hanifs sincerity that in recent times and many years after his death. A new generation of people are being inspired by his talks which have been posted on youtube.

I first heard The following Audio titled "Mout Ka Manzar" in the early 1990's.
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akbar703's avatar
akbar703's avatar
#4 [Permalink] Posted on 11th June 2023 17:44
There are many speakers who have influenced me.
List of a few
Mufti Taqi Usmani sahib, Hakeem Akhtar sahib RA, Mufti saeed Ahmad sahib palanpuri. Master Ameen Okarvi RA.
Maulana Omar sahib palanpuri RA. Maulana Saeed Ahmed Khan makki RA, Maulana Ibrahim sahib dewla, Maulana Tariq Jameel sahib RA. Prof Nadir Ali Khan sahib RA
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Rajab's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 11th June 2023 20:39
Maulana Abdus Sattar from Bait us Salam Masjid in Karachi
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#6 [Permalink] Posted on 12th June 2023 11:13

Mufti Taqi Usmani needs no recognition, he is one of the leading Muslim Scholars in the world. Highly respected by Scholars globally and consulted by governments.
And despite the world wide fame a very dignified and humble personality.

His talks on self improvement and self rectification are amongst the best.

The following Bayaan on making perpetual Dua throughout the day is amongst my favourites and it is a life changing talk.

It is only 40 minutes but if you don’t have time just fast forward to 18 minutes for the relevant part.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#7 [Permalink] Posted on 13th June 2023 12:24

Maulana Sajjad Nomani now in his late 60’s, he is the son of the great Indian Scholar Maulana Manzoor Nomani
( May ALLAH have mercy upon him).

He has been working in the service of Deen for decades.

The following short clip only 11 minutes is about his dawah to an American air hostess in 1980.
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