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Golden Advice To Muslims After New Zealand Mosque Attack

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#76 [Permalink] Posted on 29th March 2019 10:26
Guest-188139 wrote:
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Keep on solving the problems but don't neglect social media. Both of the things are necessary. Connection with masajid and awareness of what is happening around the world.

Both efforts are important. "Bringing people to the masajid" and then educating the namazis in gaining more knowledge about salah and improving it's quality by understanding what is being read and then implementing that understanding in one's own life.

Action without knowledge will lead to chaos and knowledge without action is useless.
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Rajab's avatar
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#77 [Permalink] Posted on 29th March 2019 20:31
Assalamu alaikum w.b

Hope you are well. Kindly answer the following query: what is the ruling with non-Muslims of all genders coming on a visit to the masjid? Are there any restrictions bearing in mind they will also be coming into the jamat Khana. Your quick response will be greatly appreciated.

Jazakallahu khaira

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

The masjid is a place of worship and deserves utmost respect. Whoever comes to the Masjid is required to maintain discipline and modesty in dressing and speech.

It is permissible for non-Muslims to visit and enter the Masjid[1].

Rasulullaah (Sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) hosted the tribe of Thaqeef in Masjid An-Nabawi[2].

In a time when Islamophobia has become a norm, the non-Muslims visiting the Masjid is an ideal avenue for them to learn and experience true Islaam. This is an opportunity for them to have their questions answered and remove misconceptions and doubts regarding Islaam. Non-Muslims should be advised to be modest in their speech and conduct when visiting the masjid. There should also be no intermingling of the sexes or taking of pictures or selfies, etc. as is the norm by tourists. Such an attitude is against the honor and respect of the masjid.

And Allaah Ta’aala Knows Best

Ibn al-Fawz

Student, Darul Iftaa

United States of America

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
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#78 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2019 05:20
Rajab wrote:
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Jazakallahu Khair.

Let us go 1400 years back.

Like today's masajid, Was masjid e nabavi opened for 5 times a day only for salah. Or there were other activities,
24 X 7 X 365 ?
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#79 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2019 15:32
w w w dot youtube dot com/watch?v=i4eNF7jZDsk

Madaris main Scientist and Engineer Q nhi Banty ? Mufti Taqi Usmani Brilliant Answer مدارس پر اعتراض
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#80 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2019 18:55
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#81 [Permalink] Posted on 31st March 2019 00:48
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#82 [Permalink] Posted on 31st March 2019 02:05
Jazakallahu Khair brother for this wonderful translation.

Allah has gifted you with great writing skills, serve Ummah using your pen.
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#83 [Permalink] Posted on 31st March 2019 03:54
If this video was shared in response to what I was saying then you guys have totally missed the mark.

I am not talking about ulema becoming scientists or engineers. I am just pointing towards this fact that they must not hesitate in utilizing technology and social media to deliver deeni ilm as times have changed and not everyone has the luxury and time to go to madaris.

So I am not saying that ulema should become scientists. What I am saying is that they should learn some kind of technical skills in order to earn halal earnings. And nowadays internet is a convenient way of earning. This will solve the problem of sufficient funds for them in order to digitally promote the deen.

Take NAK as an example where he has successfully taught Arabic online and offline without donations and with reasonable and affordable fee for his online courses. Why can't ulema do the same? Also they must upgrade the ancient Arabic terminologies so that deeni ilm is easy to understand. The real thing is the concept and not man made terminologies. NAK being a software engineer learned Arabic on his own and may be a course here or there. Why can't ulema hire media experts (if they can afford) and if they can't then why can't they delve in this field themselves?

This is not only my opinion.

Read "Boltay Naqshay" of Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah Mansoor Sahab.

Read from page 100 to 108.

Here I am summarizing some points from these 8 pages.

1. A student graduate of Mufti sahab is sharing his problem of language barrier with the local population. People come to him and ask questions in English mixed with urdu which makes it very difficult for him to understand.

2. Mufti sahab while commenting on that letter writes that we should focus on learning English language as our elders used to study and teach Persian in madaris in Mughal times as it became an official language. As a result a lot of deeni literature was produced in Persian language. We should and must do the same with English language as not being fluent in it makes our dawah effort difficult.

3. Another person was sharing his views with Mufti Shah Mansoor sahab in a letter and he was giving the reference of Maulana Aslam Sheikhupuri RH. Maulana Sahab pointed out that despite of spending several lacs , we are unable to produce good alim journalists and media persons. This is because the tulabah in madaris lack sense of direction and vision. This problem exists in young people studying in secular institutions as well. To solve it we must introduce personality development courses in the madaris. Tulaba prefer to teach in madaris after graduation where as we need able ulema in the electronic media in order to give dawah of deen.

So you can verify the points I mentioned by reading that book written by a reputed Mufti and not a lay person.

Becoming scientists is a different thing and learning media skills for Islamic propagation and communicating with the common folk in the language they understand is a totally different thing.

Here read a post of mine in another thread to further prove my point. These were our elders and this was their conduct. What are we?

The following content has been taken and summarised from the urdu book called "Shaykh ul Islam Hadhrat Baha uddin Zakariyya Multani Suharwardi Rh". Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything of good quality about him in English language.

Methodology of Teaching and Dawah:

1. First of all he would do tazkiyah of his mureeds and students.

2. His disciples would go through intensive dhikr, fasts, prayers, spiritual exercises, meditation. He would also teach them Quran, Sunnah and Fiqh.

3. He created an organized system of dawah in which people of the whole Asia would join him. They would learn different languages and culture and traditions of different areas.

4. His graduate disciples would be trained for giving high quality dawah.

5. They were taught the high morals of patience, steadfastness, good manners, piety and cleanliness.

6. Members of the dawah organization were given capital for trading along with journey expenses. In this manner, they wouldn't burden anyone and would sustain themselves while giving dawah.

7. Each dawah team would consist of five members which would travel to different places and countries. After completing their dawah mission, they would return and report the progress to Shaykh Zakariyya Rh.

8. In the khanqah of Shaykh Zakariyya Rh archery, horse riding and swimming were also taught so that in the time of need, people could defend their deen and motherland and do jihad.

9. He would support the orphans, the poor, the weak, the needy and the students.

10. Whoever would meet him would think that he is given the utmost respect by him.

11. He would ask and care for anyone who would be absent in his majlis (religious gathering) and he would also take care of the sick.

12. After finishing the works and errands of the day, when people would come to his khanqah, he would give sermons which were relative to their needs and circumstances. He would personally serve them and put food in plates with his own hands.

13. He would strictly instruct his disciples to earn halal living.

14. One of his mureeds had written a book named "Kasab Nama". In this book detailed religious and technical instructions are found about barbers, carpenters, utensil makers and shop keepers.

15. He would advise everyone to remain constantly in the dhikr of Allah. Even the women would be advised to do constant dhikr during house chores. The women of his house would finish the whole Quran from beginning to end while doing their chores all day long.

16. He would immediately rebuke those who would do any deed against the sunnah of Prophet SAWS.
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#84 [Permalink] Posted on 31st March 2019 08:18
Anonymous wrote:
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Mufti Taqi Usmani Sab Db also said : Ulema are acting like buffer shield for Islam from our own Muslim haters of Islam. The motive of Islam haters behind abusing Ulema is; these Ulema are not allowing to change Islam for their whims and fancies. declare, wine, interest (soodh), lottery, zina, free mixing etc as halal. Remove burden of zakath, salah, saum and charity etc.

Lastly Mufti Taqi Usmani sab said "Let us appreciate the ulema that they take all abuses towards Islam and neautralise them so that they don't reach Islam; A big sacrifice for Islam"
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#85 [Permalink] Posted on 31st March 2019 13:25
Guest-49230 wrote:
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Their censorship of a Wali of Allah Ta'ala posts is going to be the end of this website.

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#86 [Permalink] Posted on 31st March 2019 14:27
Guest-128438 wrote:
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lol! Why this wali has decided to remain anonymous. Share your wisdom please!
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#87 [Permalink] Posted on 31st March 2019 15:33
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#88 [Permalink] Posted on 31st March 2019 15:49
Guest-128438 wrote:
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Thread locked.

Going well off topic.

Re: quoted post, you may register or log in and discuss this via PM as it's directed at him.
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