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Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and obligations of the ummah

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 17th February 2017 14:37
Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
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The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
“A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfil his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection.”[2]
He (peace be upon him) also said,
“Whoever is present while a Muslim is humiliated before him, and is able to assist him [and yet does not], Allah will humiliate him before all of creation on the Day of Judgment.”
Obligation to aid in the emancipation of Muslim captives

Allah has admonished and reproached the believers for allowing the weak to remain under the clutches of the enemy and their torture. Allah says,
“And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.””[3]
Explaining this verse, Imam Al-Qurtubi said, “Freeing the prisoners is obligatory on the Muslim, whether by war or wealth.” Imam Malik said, “It is obligatory on (Muslim) people to ransom the prisoners with all their wealth.” There is no difference of opinion among the scholars over this, since the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Free the prisoners.”[4] Our scholars say that ransoming prisoners is obligatory, even if not a single penny is left. Ibn Khuwaizimandad said, “This verse contains the obligations to free prisoners. There are reports from the Prophet (peace be upon him) to this effect: he freed prisoners and ordered them to be freed. This was practiced by Muslims throughout the ages and the scholars are unanimous about it. It is obligatory to free (Muslim) prisoners from the state’s treasury, and if the amount does not suffice, then it is obligatory upon all the Muslims to contribute. If one Muslim frees him, the others are absolved of this duty.”
An incident that shows the great concern for freeing Muslim captives is when the Caliph ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul Aziz (may Allah be pleased with him) sent ‘Abdul Rahman bin ‘Amrah to free some Muslim captives. He said, “Give them whatever they ask for every Muslim! By Allah, a Muslim is dearer to me than all the polytheists in my state! Indeed, you win any Muslim you pay the ransom for. Indeed you are buying Islam (by ensuring their release from prison and torture).”[5]

Ibn Taymiyyah said, “Freeing Muslim prisoners is one of the greatest obligations. Spending money from endowments (waqf) and other sources is one of the best deeds.”
Ibn Qudamah, may Allah have Mercy on him, said: “It is permissible for a Muslim to use his zakat to buy back a Muslim prisoner from the captivity of polytheists. This is because the emancipation of a Muslim captive is similar to emancipating someone from slavery, as well as it bringing glory to Islam. Spending zakah in this cause is like spending it to soften people’s hearts towards Islam, and since it is given to the prisoner to free himself from captivity it is like giving money to an indebted person for ridding himself of the debt.”

Our Obligation

Therefore, it is obligatory upon every single Muslim, wherever they reside, to work, directly or indirectly, towards the release of the Muslim captives irrespective of wherever they may be. Any Muslim with the capability to aid others yet fails to do so will be sinful. Everyone is responsible according to their ability; the greatest responsibility lies with those in authority, followed by the scholars, and so on – although the failure of those who bear greater responsibility to act does not absolve individuals of their own individual responsibilities.If the captive is a Muslim woman, like our sister Aafia, the obligation becomes even greater, given the elevated status of women in Islam. The scholars of Islam are unanimous that a Muslim woman cannot be handed over to non-Muslims in any case. This Ummah has a glorious heritage of protecting Muslim women that we must endeavour to restore. Amongst the incidents narrated to this effect, is that of the honour of a believing woman attacked by members of the tribe of Quraydhah, and so, a believer fought to defend her until he was killed and an army was dispatched against the perpetrators.
As a nation, we have not fulfilled our obligation towards our sister, Aafia Siddiqui, as well as her children. We must exhaust every lawful means for her release and for the recovery of her children without fearing anyone but Allah. This may include, but is not limited to, direct involvement with organisations that work for this cause, donating money for it, raising awareness and actively speaking about her plight, writing in support of her and her family, and pressuring those governments complicit in her ordeal to end this injustice.
The least that is enjoined upon us is to supplicate to Allah for her as well other Muslim prisoners, as supplication is the weapon of a Muslim; it is incumbent upon every believer to supplicate for them as if we were supplicating on behalf of ourselves and our families.
“O Allah, deliver our sister and her children from this humiliation and torture at the hands of those who do not believe in You.”
May Allah ease the affairs of our sister Aafia and hasten her release from captivity. May He break free her shackles and the shackles of all of our oppressed prisoners. May Allah give them the strength to deal with their ordeal. May Allah punish those who have oppressed our sister Aafia and continue to oppress her, may He defeat them and smite them, and may Allah forgive us for being negligent towards our Muslim brothers and sisters. May Allah unite the hearts of the Muslims and grant us victory over our oppressors.
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 8th June 2018 01:49
O Muslims! Are you praying for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui in these blessed nights of Ramadhan? Please do not forget your sister in your duas, it's the least we can do!
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 8th June 2018 16:40
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 8th June 2018 18:08
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 15th July 2018 14:34
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 28th July 2018 17:11
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 8th August 2018 15:34
British campaign pressures Pakistan to swap doctors jailed for ‘terror’ offences

During weeks of frenetic political campaigning, an influential group of British Pakistanis has been negotiating with Imran Khan and senior military figures to arrange a prisoner swap involving Dr Shakil Afridi, who helped the CIA track the al-Qaida leader, Osama bin Laden, and Dr Aafia Siddiqui, convicted of attempting to kill two American military personnel.

Naseem Bajwa, a barrister who practises in London and Lahore, said: “The ball is in Pakistan’s court because the Americans at the very highest levels want Afridi. The legal mechanism exists for a prisoner swap so it’s just a case of nailing down the political and military backing for it in Pakistan, which is now there.”
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 17th March 2019 16:54
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 9th April 2019 15:26
To save sisters like Aafia we need khilafah. But khilafah will not come without reforming ourselves on a significant scale.

Allah determines who rules us. Just look at the mongol hordes. After the Ummah collapsed under the rampage of these savage barbarians, the ummah finally started reforming themselves on a significant scale. Then, Allah opened the hearts of the kings of these savage barbarians to Islam. One by one, all of Genghis Khan's grandsons and subsequent generations accepted Islam and they eventually became the biggest propagaters of Islam. That is only the handiwork of Allah, the like of which He bestows to an Ummah who deserves such a bestowal.

We do not need to be perfect. We just need to try our best, do Taubah for our mistakes and stop making excuses for our sins. Just look at how many so-called practising brothers today indulge and soothe their conscience over kabeerah sins such as videography which used to be regarded unanimously as kabeerah by the most pious Ulama of the previous generation.

Can one really delude themselves that all the Akabireen Ulama were wrong unanimously and the modernists of their time were all along correct, and escape divine retribution?

Just because we want to believe something to be Halal will not make it so on day of judgement. And of course the punishment starts in this dunya with Allah granting our worst enemies power over us.

It's not chicken and egg situation. Khilafah will obviously accelerate the process of reformation of society, but according to hadith, "your deeds are your rulers" and many others, khilafah will not take place until first a good fraction of us do Taubah and reform ourselves.

If enough of the ummah strive to take care of the matters within their control (eg their sins), then Allah will take care of the matter which is largely beyond our control - political dominion. That is the Sunnah of Allah for which there is no change.

How long will that take? That's like asking how long would it have taken for enough people to accept Sayyiduna Nuh's (as) perfect dawah, for that Ummah to have been granted political dominion. Or why did it take so many years for Sayyiduna Musa's (as) Ummah to accept his perfect and sublime Dawah and do Taubah, only after which Allah created the circumstances for Firawn's downfall and the instant changing of political dominion.

It can happen overnight or it can take more than 900 years. Or it can take till the era of Imam Mahdi. But Imam Mahdi will not disrupt the Sunnah of Allah. A good portion of the Ummah will already have reformed themselves and be waiting for Allah's help, for them to deserve the long awaited saviour of the Ummah.

It's upto us to determine how long will it take for the Ummah to deserve political power again.

"Say: “O Allah! the Sovereign-Lord of all dominion: You grant dominion to whom You will, and You snatch dominion away from whom You will. You exalt whom You will and You disgrace whom You will." (Surah Al e Imran)

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Rajab's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 9th April 2019 18:41
I thought imran Khan was going to bring her back.
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2019 21:51
The reason for our helplessness and disgrace is clear, but because we don't wish to accept our sins as sins, we instinctively try our best to ignore these reasons and instead love to talk about other matters which detract from the real problem.

Here is an excerpt from Islamic Politics by Shaikh al-Hadith Mawlana Zakariah (rh) reminding us the reasons for our downfall:

We have closed the doors of mercy upon ourselves and have adopted all those actions which are the sure causes of Allah's wrath.

Is it any wonder that our troubles and problems should not increase and worsen?

Our pious ancestors and elders would not even enter such homes of the non-believers wherein there were pictures. Today we find that we, who came after them, even though claiming to be Muslims have adopted those very unlawful things with which we seek to adorn and beautify our houses.

Consider every teaching of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). See our response thereto and the response of the world around us. You will continue to be increasingly astonished at our disregard of the teachings of Islam!

All that I seek to point out at this stage is that the trials and tribulations we face today are purely as a result of our own doings. It is the cause of our illness and its remedy is supplied by the Rasul of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)- a truthful, trustworthy and expert specialist physician, whose diagnosis and remedial medicine is neither faulty nor will it ever be proven to be incorrect.

This physician has cleary diagnosed our ills and advocated exactly which medicine will be advisable as treatment. Now it is not the work of such a doctor to avoid the causes of the illness nor to treat the illness. If anyone of the patients do not pay attention to the already- given instructions, it is but to his own detriment.

What I want to show here is:

If the Rasul of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is indeed considered by us to be a truthful informer, what great injustice are we not doing to ourselves by knowingly allowing ourselves to be involved in those things which, according to him, most certainly causes our destruction? Why do we still adopt this line of action which causes ourselves great harm and misery? And yet our tongues still proclaim loudly that we are Muslims?

We are exactly like that sick man who suffers from diarrhoea. While his stomach continues to run because of open bowels, he still continues to takepurgative medicines and laxatives. This further aggravates his illness. Now he complains that his stomach does not stop running.

Let someone ask this foolish man: Dear brother, you treat your diarrhea with purgatives. Tell me: Are these medicines supposed to stop the running stomach or to increase it?

Why this oppression?

At this moment we are protesting against the persecution and oppression of the British colonial power in India.

At the same time we fear even more the future government that will take over (from them.) Did not Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) warn us about this? Did he not in very clear terms explain to us the causes of such goverments and actions? Is there any fault in the affectionate love, teachings and warnings of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?

May my soul, my father and my mother he sacrificed for him!! Never is it possible that there can be any flaw in his teachings!

He said:

“As you are (as far as your actions are) so will be the rulers that will soon be set over you.” (Mishkat)

Therefore if we desire the best (and most just) government to rule over us, there will be only one way of assuring that. And that is righteous deeds.

Therefore if we desire the best (and most just) government to rule over us, there will be only one way of assuring that. And that is righteous deeds.

In a second Hadeeth it is reported: Abu Darda (Radiallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

“Allah says: I am Allah besides whom there is no Diety, the Master of Kings, King of Kings. Verily the hearts of kings are under the control of My Hands. When My servants obey me, I turn the hearts of kings and rulers towards them so that they rule over them with mercy and kindness and when My servants disobey Me, I turn the hearts of kings and rulers to treat them harshly, with anger and vengeance. Thereby they mete out torture and oppression. Hence do not occupy yourselves with praying for curses upon kings and instead turn to Me in remembrance and with humility. And I will preserve you against the tyranny of the kings.”

Malik bin Maghool says: “I have read a verse similar to this in the Zaboor of Nabi Dawood (Alayhis Salaam).”

Similar guidance is also given in many similar Ahaadeeth.
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 21st May 2019 16:31
Please not forget our sister in your Duas
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 30th January 2020 19:57
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 15th June 2020 08:56
'Woman in Dr Aafia's prison died of Covid-19'

The Sindh High Court (SHC) resumed on Tuesday the hearing the petition regarding the threat posed by Covid-19 to Dr Aafia Siddiqui who is imprisoned in the United Stated, filed by her sister filed by Dr Fowzia Siddiqui.

A two-member bench, comprising Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed, resumed the hearing of the petition. Due to her lawyer, Irfan Aziz, being unable to attend the hearing, Dr Fowzia Siddiqui herself submitted her reply to the federal government’s reply, submitted at the previous hearing.

In her reply, she stated that the federal government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were informed regarding the risk to the health and safety of Dr Aafia during the pandemic, adding that, reportedly, a woman kept in the same prison as Dr Aafia had died of the coronavirus, while 131 others were infected with the virus.

She maintained that the federal government was not interested in the case and refused to sincerely take up the matter, adding that the respondents had brought no material with them to the hearing, which made it evident that they were ill-prepared.

She stated that under article four of the Constitution of Pakistan, it was the duty of the federal government to protect the dignity and life of Pakistani citizens wherever they may be.

Dr Fowzia Siddiqui further maintained that Dr Aafia’s case met all the international criteria of a ‘prisoner of conscience,’ commonly known as political prisoners. Therefore, it warranted political and diplomatic action on the part of the governments involved, as well as justified a compassionate release of Dr Aafia, she added.

The petitioner also stated the respondents had not made any effort towards aiding Dr Aafia.

The petitioner also informed the court that earlier, in April, 2019, a foreign office spokesperson had stated, “Aafia does not wish to come home, so we cannot do anything,” despite Dr Aafia having written a letter to Prime Minister Imran Khan requesting her release.

In light of the current coronavirus pandemic, Dr Fowzia, in her petition has asked the federal government to seek urgent release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui from a US prison on medical grounds.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 6th, 2020
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 15th June 2020 09:50
bint e aisha wrote:
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“Aafia’s family prays that may the dream of Imran Khan for bringing change in system be materialize and the people of Pakistan get a new and prosperous Pakistan where every daughter of the nation feels safe and secure,” said Dr Fowzia Siddiqui.
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