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Understanding & Reviving the Sunnah of Moon Sighting in Britain

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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 14:23
ali wrote:
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I ask you the same question, other parts of world except the saudia, did they ever had 28 days? I am following moon for decades, it never happened.

Previous years, Saudi supreme court had asked its citizens to look for moon on 28th, quoting, possibility exists for error of previous month's sighting. but we have never heard in another parts of world, authorities corrected or requested for 28th moon sighting.

What saudi follows is an OFFSET of one day in their region and the region east to it. This offset continues till they follow real criteria for beginning the month.

There is coastal region in India, Kerala, Ramadhan started a day earlier than other parts of India. But except for a few areas of kerala which follow saudi, others in Kerala completed 30 days and had eid on monday.
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 14:58
The day authorities in Saudi and its partners can convince their citizen the following, the controversies surrounding moon sighting would get resolved:

1. A fictitious non-existing line (date-line) is used to start (change) date of month or day of week. This is ijma (consensus) of world community.

2. Earth is not flat. On the same day, places on earth, west to us, can start their month early due to actual moon sighting, this can be in far places like Canada, Chile etc. where sun sets hours later. There is nothing wrong, it can happen, our ego will not get hurt, if some one far in the west starts his month a day earlier. We shall remain Global Religious Masters.

3. If we say our madhab accepts reports from far places, then what about Australia and Fiji. They would have already started the day, when reports of beginning of Ramadhan reaches them. And always they will have one day qadha for fasting.

4. It is our local problem on how to create an un-altered calendar to honour contracts and appointments for cancer patients treatments. We can have a separate civil un-altered calendar or follow Georgian calendar. Why is our regional, non-religions constraint being forced upon on world community.
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:00

Anonymous wrote:
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Do you trust the Judgement of Saudi Ulama? Yes or No?

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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:03
In my earlier post kindly 'Georgian Calendar' as 'gregorian calendar'. My spell check did that mistake.
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:05
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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They have been misled. An Aalim has to accept testimony of a muslim.

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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:07

Anonymous wrote:
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You skipped the question so let me ask again.

Do you trust the Judgement of Saudi Ulama?

  1. Do you trust them to be Ulama?
  2. Do you trust them to be knowledgable?
  3. Do you trust them to be knowledgable enough to know and advise about Moonsighting?

Yes or No?

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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:08
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Mufti Taqi Usmani DB was convinced by saudis that they physically look for hilal on 29th and every month.
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:10

Anonymous wrote:
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You skipped the question another time so let me ask again.

Do you trust the Judgement of Saudi Ulama?

  1. Do you trust them to be Ulama?
  2. Do you trust them to be knowledgable?
  3. Do you trust them to be knowledgable enough to know and advise about Moonsighting?

Yes or No?

I don’t care who you base your opinion on i.e. you can choose to say that YES in the case of Moonsighting I trust the Judgement of Saudi Ulama BECAUSE other Ulama trust them.

But I want explicit answer from you.

Are you a politician?

I thought you came ever for an honest discussion and conversation?

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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:11
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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I ask you a question, you are authority to decide, if some one (madhab accepts single testimony) tells he has sighted the moon. do you reject it. It could be, moon at just 1.2 deg at local sunset.
Let us give benefit of doubt to local ulema.
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:14

Anonymous wrote:
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4th time and time I will make it even simpler for you.

DO YOU consider Saudi Ulama to be competent with sufficient knowledge to guide Muslims about MoonSighting?

Yes or No

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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:20
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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They follow their madhab. And their madhab allows testimony from a single person. Possibility exists for moon-fixing or caesarean moon births.

We have criteria of jam-gafeer.
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:24

Anonymous wrote:
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let’s try the 5th time to try to get a straight answer from a politician like you.

  1. Saudi Ulama follow the Hanbali Madhab
  2. They are knowledgeable about the matter as per the principles of their own Madhab
  3. They follow the principles as stated in their own Madhab

They are trustable and competent in the matter of Moon Sighting and you trust them?

Yes or No?

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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:31
Saudi Ulama follow the Hanbali Madhab: Yes

They are knowledgeable about the matter as per the principles of their own Madhab: Yes

They follow the principles as stated in their own Madhab: Yes

They are not aware or they won't get ilham about the person offering testimony is on truth. If some one offers in writing, their madhab and legally they have to accept it. They need not verify whether it is part of moon fixing or caesarean moon birth game.
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World Of Allah
#44 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:36
Guest-30088 wrote:
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Lol, game over.
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2017 15:38

Anonymous wrote:
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I want everybody to notice the fear, the insecurity, and the diversion in answering a simple question. I am not even talking about errors because errors occur in any system and by all humans.

I am asking a basic question.

Do you trust the Saudi Ulama in matters of Moonsighting?

Watch this guy scream in pain over a single question. He wants 3 million Muslims to follow a system about which he cannot answer a simple question.

He cannot bring him to say “Yes I trust them. Errors may happen but they are sincere, knowledgeable and competent about Moonsighting”.

He just cannot bring himself to say that.

I don’t even want to talk about errors.

If someone was to ask me “Do I trust Mufti Taqi Usmani (HA) to be a Scholar?”

I will say “Yes, I trust him as a Scholar…He is human and may make mistakes but he is no doubt a a Scholar”.

This guy cannot answer a simple question, astounding!

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