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Understanding & Reviving the Sunnah of Moon Sighting in Britain

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 14th August 2015 20:55
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Rabetah Al-Ulama Al-Islamiyyah is one of the oldest and most organised Ulama bodies in United Kingdom, set up by Shaykh (Maulana) Yusuf Motala (HA) in 1978.

In this program the Ulama are represented by Shaykh (Mufti) Zakariyya Akudi (HA) who gives a presentation and a talk followed by a Q/A Session:

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 24th June 2017 19:30
Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) gave important naseeha in latest facebook post about legitimate difference of opinion on moonsighting. Highly recommended. Even though majority of Ulema follow Saudi we should still respect the minority and not criticize them. The Ulema are qualified and know what they're doing, so laymen's duty is do taqleed and not to get involved in details, become bigoted, sectarian. Unfortunately too many people nowaday become too big for their boots and cast doubt on Ulema.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 29th June 2017 15:05
Good advice. Last thing the Ummah needs is sowing distrust of the Ulama especially when the vast majority of them agree on something. There seems to be more tolerance this year though. I think a lot of people are starting to move away from the salafi mentality of questioning the rulings of the Ulama. Leave this issues to them. Taqleed is so much safer and easier.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 29th June 2017 15:53
Guest001 wrote:
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Double standards and playing the game of being politically correct? I hope I'm wrong as I don't want to be slandering or back biting.


I saw the video you're on about, it's the one when his buckled up in a car in London and keeping his eyes on the road at the same time and talking into to the camera. This one.
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Was he driving or sitting at the back? Big mistake if he was driving, that could even be illegal. Anyways, I wasn't concentrating on that, I was paying attention to what he was saying.

He's gonna get a lot of stick from his fans especially when they study the Fiqh of moon sighting.

He talks about legitimate differences when Saudi scholars have said that UK shouldn't follow Saudi, when scholars from around the world have passed fatwa upon fatwa about the krap that comes out of Saudi.

You call it naseeha? You mean pulling will over people's eyes.

He likes to make people laugh and that's all he does and his response in this topic contains messages stressing on what the other school of thought says.

He will stress on the fact that the Hanbali school allow telescopes, and that they aren't lying. So what happen this year when they broke all world records?

He follows cape town in south Africa as that's where he is most of the time. But this time, every salafi masjid rejected the Saudi fatwa, went against all the daleel they provide and kept everyone happy.

I really wish these celebrity Ulama get educated in this field because they hold the power to educate and straighten the masses!

Until then, they will all just joke it off and miss a fast.

Listen here and then listen to the tweet.

If anyone can contact him, please do so and pass on the salaam of a disgruntled fan.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 29th June 2017 18:12
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2017 15:16
Astronomer Abdullah al-Khudairi confirmed that seeing the crescent of Shawwal (Hilal al-Eid) on Saturday evening is possible with bare eyes.
He says
“I saw the crescent personally in one year, about one and a half degrees high, it stayed in the horizon for a few minutes only after the sunset, so how do they claim that the lowest vision recorded by the bare eyes was 29 minutes after sunset?”

Al-Khudairi continued that “in 2004 - specifically in September - the crescent was seen in Al-Qafrah area in Madinah by a specialized academic astronomer and his colleague. Although the crescent remained after the sunset only a degree and 18 part of the degree, which means it stayed in the horizon after sunset for only six minutes and 25 seconds.”


Start believing in miracle eyes.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2017 15:18
Khudairi also says
He explained that “for more than 30 years, trustworthy witnesses see the moon at times. Some of the astronomers deny the vision of the crescent, claiming that it will disappear before the sunset."
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2017 16:07
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2017 16:10
Who has or had the best human eyesight ever recorded
Who has or had the best human eyesight ever recorded?
How was it assessed?
Were they able to use their eyesight to perform tasks others could not do?
What was believed to be the reason that they had this gift?
Did/has their eyesight deteriorate/d with age?

James Pitt, Harvard HEB graduate.
Answered Mar 11, 2013 · Upvoted by Ian York, Virology, immunology, biology

Depends, what kind of eyesight?
To the best of my knowledge, the highest visual acuity ever measured was in an unnamed Aborigine man, part of a study that found Aborigines have much better visual acuity on average than Europeans do. His visual acuity was 6/1.5, meaning that he could read the chart from 6 meters away as well as someone with "normal" vision could read it from 1.5 meters away.

There are no records of this man specifically doing tasks others couldn't. However, I've seen a few accounts by European colonists where Aborigines told them they spotted a whale on the horizon and the European thought they were lying. I'd say that counts as a task others couldn't do.

Why was his vision so good? Partly genetics, partly using his distance vision a lot. It used to be believed that doing lots of "close work" like reading caused nearsightedness. But that didn't explain the hunter-gatherer populations that do lots of close work like weaving and flint knapping, but have much lower rates of nearsightedness than people in industrialized nations do. Turns out it's not about doing close work, it's about not doing enough "long work" - kids who spend more time outside are much less likely to become nearsighted.

The highest color vision ever measured was in a British woman referred to as "Mrs. M." This was assessed by using the the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue test and Rayleigh match tests. Simply put, she (and any other woman with tetrachromacy) can see far more colors than other people can, due to having an additional pigment in their eyes. This is entirely genetic.

Both distance vision and color vision normally deteriorate with age in everyone. There's no reason to think the people with the best vision would be exceptions.
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2017 16:18
To conclude :)

(I hate Apple products and now I got another reason)

Steve Jobs strolls into the employee break room and starts making himself a bagel.

The staff chew their lunch warily.

Then, out of the blue Jobs addresses the room: “Who is the most powerful person in the world?”

A few names are nervously put forward. One employee suggests Nelson Mandela.

“NO! You are ALL wrong” says Jobs. The most powerful person in the world is the story teller. The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come and Disney has a monopoly on the storyteller business.”

“You know what?” he continues “I am tired of that (rubbish), I am going to be the next storyteller” and walks out with his bagel.
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 1st July 2017 10:54
Saudi depends on a two miracle eyes. We are not aware of compulsions they have, just an offset of one day for both starting and ending the month. Few months back they have started using Georgian calendar, so contracts and cancer treatment dates will not be altered.

Moreover, Muslims in east and west also forcing upon themselves dependency on these two miracle eyes and dividing muslims in name of unity. In my city a few dozen muslims in a population of 2 lakhs follow saudia for eid and ramadhan and throw the majority out of ummah itself, claiming they are firqahs (sects) and not ummah.

Nothing will happen if an offset of a day is followed and the whole world can search of hilal on 29th.
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd July 2017 12:59
Whatever happened to taqleed and following the Jamaah of reliable Ulama? Or is that only for when it suits our desires? Just pick and choose when to do taqleed and when to insinuate that the Jamaah have become misguided, which is impossible according to the Prophet (saw) himself.

The arrogance of these keyboard Mujtahids is just astonishing. You think all these Ulama, Madrasahs, Jamiats, etc. around the world who have chosen to follow Saudi don't know what you know?

If you want to open this door to cast doubts and sow distrust of all the Ulama then where's the limit? There's hundreds of other issues which ignoramuses don't have capacity to understand why Ulama give the rulings they do, sometimes based on the bigger picture such as unity. But that doesn't give such ignoramuses the right to turn into keyboard mujtahids and openly insinuate that all the Ulama, or even most of them, have deviated from the truth.

Why are these kind of insinuations even allowed on a forum supposedly run by Ulama? Even taking potshots openly at Mufti Menk for allegedly breaking driving laws is allowed here? Why not start digging dirt on other Ulama too while you're at it, or better still imply that thousands of thousands of Ulama don't know what they're doing.
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd July 2017 17:08
Anonymous wrote:
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instead of having a rant why not just properly present your argument as to why the whole world should follow saudi.
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd July 2017 19:35

Anonymous wrote:
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Maulana Yasin Saheb (DB), can we have this on the next forum update:

We will need to use the feature when there is nothing intelligent, coherent or academic but just a lot of this:

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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd July 2017 22:39
Whatever happened to following the Jamaah of reliable Ulama? [/quote]
Which jamaah? The one that signed a document in the 80's saying they will follow Saudi for Ramadan and Eid? Or the jamaah who passed FAT fatwa upon fatwa upon fatwa making their signed document null and void Making it very very clear that following Saudi is WRONG and unacceptable?

The arrogance of these keyboard Mujtahids is just astonishing. You think all these Ulama, Madrasahs, Jamiats, etc. around the world who have chosen to follow Saudi don't know what you know?[/quote]
It's not arrogance my brother, that belongs to Allah alone :)
Either they don't know what is apparent or they refuse to follow clear-cut Sunnah and adopt the methods of other schools of thought.
They might as well say that we can wipe cotton socks coz they do it in Saudi. Or eat squids coz the malikis do it. Just throw the Hanafi school out coz they're too strict!.

[quote]Why are these kind of insinuations even allowed on a forum supposedly run by Ulama?

An apology was made in advance if there was an error on my part.
[quote]Why not start digging dirt on other Ulama too while you're at it, or better still imply that thousands of thousands of Ulama don't know what they're doing.

I don't need to imply anything, you're doing it for everyone. It's true, thousands of thousands of Ulama don't know what their doing and it ain't there fault really, it's their seniors too. They aren't well versed in certain topics, so in those places, they should take from the experts. Half of the times, they are aware but are held back coz of the pressure of losing their jobs at the mosque!!!!!

Wrt driving.....I gave him the benefit of the doubt but he should set a good example to others, no?
But hey, if the recording was done by someone else, then that's cool right?
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