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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 11:37
The Dome of Peace as seen towards the end of the Ottoman era, when out of respect for our Beloved Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam, no building was permitted to be higher than the Dome.  
The following is copied from the Riyadat an-Nafs blog. JazakumuLlahu khairan to brother Nuruddinzangi for so generously offering this beautiful account to be reproduced. Ameen to his Du’a, "hoping to gain the favor of Allah and to one day be counted among the servants (khuddam) of His Messenger, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam." May we all echo this Du’a. 
Secrets of the Prophetic Chamber

Bism Allah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem, revealer of the Qur’an Kareem that says to His noble Messenger: And We have not sent you except as a Mercy to the aalameen: all the worlds.

And as-Salaatu was-Salaamu upon the most noble of the mursaleen (Messengers), our master Muhammad, and upon his family and descendants until the Yawm al-Deen.

I stood this Sunday morning in London’s V&A Museum before three magnificent pieces of silk in the Islamic Arts section. The most wonderful in design and color was a red band from the Honored Kaaba, dating from the 1800s, because for hundreds of years the Kaaba’s covering was green- not black- in color, with a red band instead of the gold of today.

The two others were green pieces of the silk that once covered the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam). The first from 1517-1600, and the second from 1600 to 1700. For a hundred years each, these pieces of silk were exposed to all the blessings and mercies that were sent down from Allah upon the Noble Messenger, and to the majestic lights that rose up, emanating from the Light of the Worlds himself, Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

Ever since Abbasid times, the coverings of the Honored Kaaba and the Noble Chamber were made in Egypt; at one point in history the latter was being changed every five years. But after the reign of the Ottomans in the lands, the coverings of the inside of the Kaaba and of the Prophetic Chamber were made in Turkey, while the outer covering of the Kaaba remained the work of Egypt.

But the founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abd al-Aziz bin Abd al-Rahman Aal Saud, ordered that a factory be created in Mecca to manufacture these coverings from his day forward. Journalist Omar al-Midwahy, whose writings focus on the two Holy Sanctuaries and other important Islamic sights, was able to interview in Mecca two of the men who worked on the last covering of the Prophetic Chamber and its installation.

On the occasion of this servant’s viewing of the blessed coverings, and hoping for forgiveness and acceptance from His Lord, he will attempt to translate this interview that reveals some of the secrets of the majestic chamber of Allah’s Beloved, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam, hoping to gain the favor of Allah and to one day be counted among the servants (khuddam) of His Messenger, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam.


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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 11:38
The Conversations of Tears and Reverence

I still remember the conversations with the two old men in Mecca, while looking at their weaving. I was in Mecca, so I headed toward the factory of the covering of the Kaaba, and there I learned that the factory has another honor, for it produces also a covering for the Prophetic Chamber.

I met at that time- several years ago- with men who partook in the production and installation, and I didn't want to waste that opportunity as their youngest was in his sixties and I feared that they would leave this world before I could document this work.

I recorded with them conversations that were mixed with tears and reverence; sometimes words would betray them, and at others, their emotions would choke them, as they spoke of their unique experience. Their limbs shook from just the memory- as if it happened yesterday- and not a quarter of a century ago.

Shaykh Muhammad Ali Madani, head of the automated weaving division of the factory at that time, was generous with me. I learned from him that he was one of those who took part in weaving and installing the covering of the Prophetic Chamber. I said to him, tell me about the covering and the Prophetic Chamber- describe them to me.

His sight wandered far, as if he was bringing those treasured memories before him. Then he answered: On that day, I felt a state of complete amazement take over me. It is a grand spot- of utmost grandeur. I do not know its exact circumference, but it seemed to me that the Prophetic Chamber was 48 meters in circumference.

The awe of the place was so overbearing that nothing attracted my attention. I was so dazzled that I only saw the lamps hanging from the chamber ceiling, which were old gifts that would be given to the Mosque of the Prophet in ancient times. I was told that there were some Prophetic relics that were kept in another place- I don't know where- but I do know that some historical items were kept in the chamber of sayyida Fatima al-Zahraa- the same place that she lived in.

He added: the chamber covering is a weave made of pure silk, green in color, padded with a strong cotton cloth, and it is crowned by a belt similar to that of the covering of the Honored Kaaba, except that it is red in color. A quarter of its space is taken up by an embroidery of noble Quranic verses from Surat al-Fath, made of lines of cotton and wires of gold and silver...

The covering of the Prophetic Chamber is not changed every year like the covering of the Honored Kaaba, because it is kept inside the chamber and far from the hands of the people and of the elements, and so it is only changed when needed.

Then I met shaykh Ahmad Sahirty, head of the embroidery division of the factory. It was apparent to me - back then- how old he was, and how weak his vision. He took the initiative, saying: How can I speak to you about my feelings at the moment I entered the Prophetic Chamber... I can't.. That is a speech above my abilities of speech, and I never thought that I would one day be asked about this experience. And I guarantee you that I will not be able to go through it again.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 11:39
When the Doors Were Opened

He drew nearer to me and added: Look at the lenses of my spectacles- and he pointed at their thickness- and look at my white hair and the weight of the years that I carry. My age I do not count, but I've heard them say that I was born in the year 1333 A.H. (1917 C.E.). And in all those years, I did not know a single hobby other than the love of beautiful scents and perfumes. I've spent such a long period of time in those years that I've lived, trying to satiate that voracious appetite that is still with me; I traveled much and learned much, but I can tell you this with confidence: that I have my own special blends that you will not find with anyone else, and that no one else could ever make.

And I tell you this because I discovered my inability and the meagerness of my knowledge on that blessed night, when the doors were opened to us, and we entered the Prophetic Chamber, and I inhaled perfumes and scents that I have never known before, and have never known since. I still do not know the secret of its composition: it was a scent above scents, an aroma above and beyond aromas- something else that us people of expertise, the people of the trade, have never experienced before.

When I asked him to describe to me the Prophetic Chamber, a slight chill struck him and coursed through his body. And he said in a faint voice: I believe that the chamber is 11 meters in height. Below the green dome is another dome on which is written: "The tomb of the Prophet, the tomb of Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq, and the tomb of Umar ibn al-Khattab". And I saw also that there was another tomb that was empty, and next to the four tombs was the chamber of sayyida Fatima al-Zahraa, which is the house in which she lived.

From our awe we didn't know how to remove the special pieces made for the dome- our fingers would shake and our breaths would race. We stayed 14 full nights working from after the Isha prayer until the first adhaan of the Fajr, in order to finish our task. We kept removing the pieces, untying the knots of the old covering, and cleaning all the dust and pigeon feathers that were stuck in that pure place. This scene goes back to the year 1971 C.E., and the covering that we changed was old: it was 75 years old according to the date that was weaved on it, and had never been changed since.

I was the first to enter, with the Sayyid Habib, one of the notables of al-Madina al-Munawwara, As'ad Sheera the director of religious endowments of Madina at the time, and Habib Moghrabi from the factory management, and Abd al-Karim Flomban, Nasir Qari, Abd al-Rahim Bukhari and others. We were 13 men, I don't remember most of them, for they have left unto the Mercy of Allah.

We were accompanied by the chief of the Aghas who kept the keys to the Prophetic Chamber, and a number of the servants of the Chamber. Whispering was our speech, and that was if signaling was not sufficient. I was, and still am, suffering from weakness of vision and these spectacles have not left my eyes since those days, but in that chamber I was another person... I felt it, and the difference was clear to me.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 12:46

Asslamo Allaikum,

In my youth, I went to Hajj with my mother and someone informed me of Shaykh (Maulana) Saeed Ahmed Khan (RA) who lived and taught Hadeeth in Madina Munawarra for decades before he was deported by Saudees and President (General) Ziaul-Haq honoured him and took him back to Pakistan in his personal presidential plane. While on my Hajj in Makkah Shaykh (Maulana) Saeed Ahmed Khan (RA) used to stay in Masjid Ammar Ibn Yasir (RA) away from Saudi Government and I used to sit and listen to him. I didn’t know that the Ameer of our group was the teacher of Maulana’s grand-son (in India) so when our Ameer Saheb went with me Shaykh (Maulana) Saeed Ahmed Khan (RA) took us in his room and he used to talk to us for hours in private and relate his stories as to how Maulana Ilyas (RA) send him to Madina in his youth and what the place used to look like...

One afternoon Shaykh (Maulana) Saeed Ahmed Khan (RA) told us that him and another Scholar were travelling to Masjidun-Nabawi to teach Hadeeth as lived some distance away on a donkey (or horse cart) and were discussing that oil has been discovered in Saudia and people are saying that country will now get very rich; Shaykh (Maulana) Saeed Ahmed Khan (RA) remembered the year to be around 1943...The Saudi donkey-cart driver was astonished and asked “What’s oil?”  So the two (young) Maulanas explained as to what oil was and how it is critical to industrial age and then they jokingly said, “You will become rich and won’t be driving this donkey-cart, anymore....”

The donkey cart driver replied, “I fear a big change is coming to the country. When we need something now we look to the sky but if what you are saying is correct then when we have needs we will be looking at the ground (i.e. rely on oil wealth).

Shaykh (Maulana) Saeed Ahmed Khan (RA) then also told various stories of the strong Eemaan of the Arabs back then compared to materialism today. He told us a story that during a severe drought a delegation of Indian Ulamah came to perform Hajj. The local saudees visited the Ulamah and asked for duas, the Ulamah responded by saying that “Allah (SWT) withholds rains due to sins so you must repent and then do Salatul-Istasqa” so the entire group repented to Allah (SWT) and then next day after Fajar they perform Salatul-Istasqa and then proceeded to go to the desert to feed their animals.

The Ulamah asked, “Where are you heading?” They said, “We asked you for a solution and made Taubah and did our job and Allah (SWT) will do His Job!” And sure enough it rained!

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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 12:54
Jazakallah brother Muadh.

InshaAllah more to come with diagrams that many never knew about before.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 12:59
Strange Happenings

The shaykh Sahirti swore, saying: I used to put the thread into the hole of the needle without my spectacles, despite the dim light in which we worked. How do you explain that? And how do you explain the fact that I didn't feel the allergy that I suffered -and still suffer-from? Because I cough severely from the slightest bit of dust. But that day,I was not affected by the dust of the chamber, or the sand flying into the air. As if sand was no longer sand ,and as if the dust became a medicine for my ailment. I used to feel all during those nights that I was a young man, and that youth fulness had been given back to me.

Another strange thing happened to me whose secret I haven't understood until today. We had to take out the old covering, and it was carried by who ever carried it. The embroidered band, 36 meters long, remained. I said to them wrap it and leave it. I went upto it, and despite my weakness, carried it over this shoulder. I went out of the Prophetic Chamber with it, without ever feeling its weight. But after that, they came with five young men to carry it from where I had put it down and they couldn't.

The shaykh began to weep silently and continued, while sighing: Someone asked who carried it and brought it here. I replied saying: me. They didn't believe me. I said to them: Ask Abdal-Rahim Bukhari, the famous calligrapher of the covering.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 19:03
Under The Green Dome

Green Dome1.jpg
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 19:08
GReen Dome2.jpg
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 22:18
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 22:19
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2012 23:28
History of the Sacred Chamber

Posted on 21/05/2010 by MuQeet
By Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad


Hujrat are those huts in which Prophet Mohammad (SAS) used to reside with his wives. When the Prophet's Mosque was being built, two huts were also constructed for Prophet's wives Aisha (RUA) and Sauda(RU). More such huts were built as the number of wives of the Prophet (SAS) increased. All these huts or rooms were adjacent to the mosque and their doors used to open in the mosque. Each hut consisted of a room. It's walls were built by unbaked bricks of mud and the roof by the branches of palm tree. It had also a tiny yard.As described in Bukhari, Dawud bin Qais (RU) said, "I saw these huts or hujrat. These were covered by the branches of the palm trees. The distance between the entrance door and the door of hujra was about three meters. Each hujra was roughly 5×5 meters. "

Hasan Basri (RU) said, "I was a teenager and I could touch the ceiling of each hut as I stood in it. Each hujra consisted of only one room. The roof of each room was made of wooden pieces." (Bukhari 581, Khilasa-tul-Vifa 278).
The wives of the Prophet (SAS) spent their lives in such ordinary rooms. The hujra of Aisha (RUA) will be described below in more detail. Other hujrat are described in by the author's separate book titled 'Houses of the Companions of the Prophet (SAS).'

When Omar bin Abdul Aziz (RU) expanded the Prophet's Mosque, he included in it all the hujrat except that of Aisha (RUA). Sacred Chamber means that room in which the Prophet used to live with his wife Aisha. Prophet passed away in this room and was buried in this very room. Later on Caliph Abu Bakr (RU) and Caliph Omar (RU) were also buried in this room. Isa (AS) will be buried in this room as well when Allah (SWT) will send him down from the sky and when he (AS) will die like other human beings.


Aisha (RUA) said, "I saw in a dream that three moons fell in my lap. I described this dream to my father Abu Bakr (RU)." When Prophet Mohammad (SAS) died and was buried in Aisha's room, Abu Bakr (RU) referring to Aisha's (RUA) dream said to her, "This is the one among your moons and it is better than the other two."


Imam Malik (RTA) said, "Prophet Mohammad (SAS) died on Monday and was buried on Tuesday. Some people suggested that he should be buried near the pulpit. Others suggested Baqee graveyard for his burial. Abu Bakr (RU) said, 'I have heard from Prophet Mohammad (SAS) that a prophet is buried at that spot where he passes away.' Hence Prophet Mohammad (SAS) was buried in Aisha's hujra."
When Prophet Mohammad (SAS) was given a bath before his burial, a sound was heard calling for not removing the shirt of the Prophet (SAS). Hence his shirt was not removed and he was given bath with his clothes on."
"People offered Salat-ul-Janaza individually. No congregational salat was held with an Imam." (Muwatta Imam Malik)
Salam Bin Obeid (RU), was one of the residents of Suffah. He narrated that the companions asked Abu Bakr (RU), "Should we bury the Prophet?" Abu Bakr (RU) replied, "Yes". They asked, "Where?" Abu Bakr (RU) said "Where he died". Hence the Prophet (SAS) was buried in Aisha's chamber. (Majma-al-Zawaid).
As described in Bukhari, Aisha (RUA) said, "Prophet Mohammad (SAS) said during his illness before death, 'Where will I stay tonight? Where am I supposed to be tomorrow?' All his wives very willingly agreed to let him stay in my chamber during his final illness? He passed away when his head was in my lap. He was buried in my room."


Abdullah bin Abbas (RU) narrated that at the time of the bath of the Prophet (SAS) some companions gathered outside his house. Abbas (RU) called two of them. He sent one to bring Abu Obeida bin Jarrah (RU) since he used to dig straight graves in Makkah. Abbas (RU) sent the other person to bring Abu Talha (RU) since he used to dig graves in Madina with a side trench in it. At that time Abbas (RU) also made this supplication, "O Allah, choose one of them for your beloved Prophet". By chance the messengers could not find Abu Obeida (RU) or Abu Talha (RU). Hence Abbas (RU) made the grave for the Prophet with a side trench at the bottom of the grave. (Bukhari, Muwatta)


Caliph Abu Bakr (RU) left a will with Aisha [ to bury him by the side of Prophet Mohammad (SAS). Hence he was buried there in such a way that his head was in line with the shoulders of Prophet Mohammad (SAS). A grave with side trench was prepared for him.
Ibn Kathir wrote that Abu Bakr (RU) died in Jamada II of 13H. He was sixty three years old just like Prophet Mohammad (SAS). He was, in this way, with the Prophet (SAS) after death just like he was with him during his lifetime. During Abu Bakr's (RU) fifteen days illness, Omar (RU) led the salat. (Al Bidaih Wa An Nihaih)


Prophet Mohammad (SAS) migrated to Madina and spent rest of his life there and finally died in Madina. Prophet (SAS) used to encourage Muslims to reside and die in Madina. As described by Ibn Majah and narrated by Ibn Omar (RU), Prophet Mohammad (SAS) used to say, "You should wish to die in Madina. I shall be a witness for the person who dies in Madina."
Hence Omar (RU) used to make the following dua as mentioned in Bukhari, "O Allah, please grant me martyrdom and make me die in the city of Your beloved Prophet (SAS)."
Ibn Kathir wrote that Allah (SWT) granted the dua of Omar (RU) and combined his both wishes. Omar (RU) was leading Sala-tul-Fajr on 26th of Dhul Hajja in the year of 23H. A person attacked him with a double edged sharp dagger causing a fatal wound. This was done by a slave of Al-Mugayyrah bin Shaabah. This slave was known as Abu Luh Luh who was a worshipper of fire and not a Muslim by faith.
Lot of blood was gushing out of the wound of Omar (RU). He was immediately brought to his home. At times he passed out and at times he regained his senses. When he was reminded of the salat, he completed his salat and said "Those who do not establish salat have nothing to do with Islam." Omar (RU) enquired, " Who was the attacker?" He was told about Abu Luh Luh, the non Muslim. Omar (RU) said "All praise is for Allah (SWT) who did not cause my death by the hands of a person who is Muslim by faith." Soon after this he died and was buried by the side of Abu Bakr (RU) on the first of Muharram in the year 24H. Omar (RU) was the third moon which Aisha (RU) saw in her dream.


As mentioned in Bukhari and narrated by Amar bin Maimon (RU), "I saw that Omar (RU) was instructing his son, Abdullah bin Omar (RU) to visit Aisha (RUA) and after conveying his salam to her, to make the following request. 'Omar (RU) requests you to grant him permission to be buried along with his companions in her chamber.' Ibn Omar went to Aisha (RUA) and requested her accordingly. She said, 'I had reserved this spot for myself. I however, grant you the permission out of sympathy.' When Ibn Omar returned he informed Omar (RU) about the permission of Aisha (RUA). Omar (RU) said, 'After my death again convey my salam to Aisha (RUA) and request her once again to grant the permission for burial in her chamber. If she does not grant the permission, bury me in Baqee cemetry.' Aisha again granted the permission."


As mentioned in Bukhari, Ibn Abbas (RU) narrated, "Omar (RU) was put on a cot or a bed after his death. Many people surrounded the cot and were making supplications for Omar (RU). I was among these people. One person put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and noticed that it was Ali (RU). Ali (RU) made the following supplication, 'O Omar, may Allah's (SWT), mercy be showered on you. I wish when I face Allah (SWT) I go there with wonderful deeds like yours. I swear I have full faith in the fact that Allah (SWT) will make you join your companions. I often heard this from Prophet Mohammad (SAS), 'I, Abu Bakr and Omar went. I, Abu Bakr and Omar entered. I, Abu Bakr and Omar came out."


After the burial of Omar (RU) in the Sacred Chamber, Aisha (RUA) put a partition between the area occupied by the graves and rest of the room. It was because Omar (RU) was not mahram to her. Hence she continued keeping her veil from him even after his death.
It is mentioned in Tabka-tul-Kubra and narrated by Malik bin Anas (RU), "After burial of Omar (RU) in the Sacred Chamber, Aisha (RUA) divided her room into two parts by building a wall between the graves and rest of her tiny living area. Whenever she went to the area occupied by the graves, she wore Islamic veil."
It is mentioned in Vifa-ul-Vifa, Aisha (RUA) said, "When no wall was built between the graves and my living area, I never took my veil off and used to stay wrapped up in clothes."
These steps of Aisha (RUA) are a guiding light for the Muslim women to observe the Islamic veil. Every muslim woman should ask herself how close she is to this Islamic practice.


There are different narrations regarding the order and lay out of the graves of Prophet Mohammad (SAS) and his two companions resting in the Sacred Chamber. Most of the scholars have described it as follows. First grave from Qiblah or from the southern wall of the Sacred Chamber is of Prophet Mohammad (SAS). Abu Bakr's (RU) grave is a bit north of the Prophet's (SAS) grave in such a way that the head of Abu Bakr (RU) is in line with the shoulders of the Prophet (SAS). Slightly north of it is the grave of Omar (RU) and his head is in line with the shoulders of Abu Bakr (RU). Samhoudi and other scholars preferred this description over other versions. Nawawi and many other scholars have used this lay out to guide visitors for salutation to Prophet (SAS) and his companions. Nawawi said, "The visitor should face towards the grave with his back toward Qiblah and respectfully offer salutation to the Prophet (SAS). Then move about half a meter to his right and offer salutation to Abu Bakr (RU). Finally move about half meter more to his right and offer salutation to Omar (RU).


It will be pertinent to mention here that the companions never put bricks or other similar materials on these three graves. Qasim bin Mohammad bin Abu Bakr (RU) narrated as mentioned in Sunan Abu Dawud, " I visited Aisha (RU) and requested her to show me these three graves. I observed that the graves were neither very high above the ground nor totally in level with the ground. I saw these covered with reddish color earth."
It is mentioned in Tabqa-tul-Kubra by Ibn Saad as narrated by Qassim, "I was only a child when I visited these graves which were covered with reddish color earth."
It is mentioned in Fatah Bari as narrated by Abu Bakr Ajari (RU)
"I saw these graves during the period of Omar bin Abdul Aziz (RU). These were about four inches above the ground level". It is also mentioned in Fatah Bari as narrated by Rija bin Haiwah, "Waleed bin Abdul Malik wrote to Omar bin Abdul Aziz to purchase the hujrat of the wives of Prophet Mohammad (SAS) and include this area in the mosque as well. When the walls of the hujrats were removed, these graves became visible. The sandy soil on the graves had somewhat leveled off. Omar bin Abdul Aziz rebuilt the walls of Aisha's chamber during the expansion of the Prophet's Mosque."
A renowned scholar, Samhoudi, mentioned in Vifa-ul-Vifa that the walls of the Sacred Chamber were remodeled in 878H. He had the privilege and honor of entering the Sacred Chamber during these repairs. Samhoudi said, "As I entered the Sacred Chamber, I found very delicate fragrance there which I had never experienced in my life before. I offered salutation to the Prophet (SAS) and his both companions. Then I focused my attention to condition of the graves so that I could describe it fully to others. All three graves were almost even to the ground level. At one place there was a slight rise above the ground level. It was probably, Omar's (RU) grave. The graves were definitely covered by ordinary earth."
After this occasion nobody has been able to see these graves since all the four walls of the Sacred Chamber have been fully built upto the roof level and closed for any view.
I may add that some people are carrying pictures of these graves indicating that the graves are built of bricks or stones and are quite high from the ground level. It is total fabrication. This approach is like following the footsteps of Jews. When Jews wanted to make something permissible for them, they would ascribe it to Prophet Moses (AS) to justify their actions.


As mentioned some hadith and other authentic books there is a spot for a fourth grave in the Sacred Chamber. This is the same spot which Aisha (RUA) offered to Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RU). Hafs bin Omar bin Abdur Rahman narrated, " When Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RU) was on his death bed, Aisha (RUA) sent him a message that I have kept a spot for you near the Prophet (SAS). Accept it, if you like." Abdur Rahman (RU) said, " I have heard that you have not removed your veil since Omar (RU) was burried in your room. Furthermore, I do not like to convert the house of the Prophet (SAS) into a cemetery. I have promised Osman bin Mazun (RU) that our graves will be situated close to each other." (History of Madina-Ibn Shabah)
Hence there is a spot for a fourth grave in the Sacred Chamber. It is also mentioned in Bukhari that Aisha (RUA) left this will with her nephew Abdullah bin Zubair (RU), instructing him not to bury her in the Sacred Chamber. Rather bury her with rest of the wives of the Prophet (SAS) in Baqee cemetery since she does not wish to distinguish herself from his other wives.
Imam Malik (RTA) said, "There was some space in the Sacred Chamber. Hence Aisha (RUA) was told that, if it pleased her, she would be buried there after her death". Aisha (RUA) replied, 'I would then become one who invents an innovation.'"
Many scholars have written that there is a spot for a grave near the eastern part of the Sacred Chamber. Saeed bin Al-Musayyab said, "This is the spot for Isa (AS)." Furthermore, it is obvious that there was a tiny living area for Aisha (RUA) in her humble hut after the partition was built to separate her from the graves. In other words, there is a spot for the fourth grave in the Sacred Chamber, where Isa (AS) will be buried.


Tirmidhi has mentioned as narrated by Abdullah bin Salam (AS), "The characteristics of Prophet Mohammad (SAS) are described in Old Testament and it is also mentioned there that Isa (AS) will be buried with him".
Abdullah bin Omar (RU) has narrated that Prophet Mohammad (SAS) said, "Isa (AS) will descend to the earth. He will marry and will have children. In this way he will spend forty five years and finally he will die and will be buried with me. On the Day of Judgement. I, Isa (AS), Abu Bakr and Omar will rise from the same site." (Al-Vifa).


Original hujra or hut of Aisha was built of branches of palm trees covered with blanket of hair. The frame of the door was made of wood. The branches of trees were replaced by bricks by Omar (RU).
It is narrated by Obeid ullah bin Abu Yazeed that the walls of the house of Prophet (SAS) were not made of bricks, stones or any other such materials. Omar (RU) rebuilt these walls by bricks during his Caliphate. These walls were, however, small. Abdulla bin Zubair raised these higher. (Tabka-tul-Kubra). Near the end of the first century of Hijra, Omar bin Abdul Aziz constructed the walls of the Sacred Chamber with black stone.


Urwa bin Zubair narrated that hujrat were removed during the period of Waleed bin Abdul Malik in order to include them in the expansion of the Prophet's Mosque. At that time the eastern wall of the Sacred Chamber collapsed. It was necessary to dig its foundation to rebuild it. In this process a foot appeared.
Someone said that it was perhaps the Prophet's (SAS) foot. Urwa saw it and said, "I swear it is not the Prophet's foot, it is Omar's (RU) foot".

More detail of this event is given by Abdullah bin Mohammad bin Aqeel. He said, "I used to come to the Prophet's Mosque in the later part of the night. I used to salute Prophet (SAS) and then used to stay in the mosque till salat-ul-fajr. One night it was raining. When I reached near the house of Al-Mugayyara bin Shaabah (RU), I came across some fragrance which I had never experienced before. I entered the mosque and saluted the Prophet (SAS). I was surprised to see that one wall of the Sacred Chamber had collapsed. I went inside the chamber and saluted the Prophet (SAS) again. Shortly after this Omar bin Abdul Aziz, the Governor of Madina, arrived there since he had been informed about the fall of the wall. He ordered to cover the Sacred Chamber with a large piece of cloth. In the morning a builder was brought and was told to go inside the chamber. He requested that another person should also accompany him. Omar bin Abdul Aziz (RU) became ready for it. Qasim bin Abu Bakr volunteered for it also. Similarly Salim bin Abdullah bin Omar volunteered too and insisted to accompany them as well. Omar bin Abdul Aziz (RU) said, 'We should not bother the residents of the graves by crowding there.' Omar (RU) then said to his freed slave, Mazaham, 'Please go inside all alone.' Mazaham said, 'The first grave is slightly lower in height than the other two graves.' After the completion of the renovation Omar (RU) said to Mazaham, 'Go inside again and clean the Sacred Chamber.' Mazaham went in again and did the general cleaning there after the renovation activities. Later on Omar (RU) remarked, 'I wish I had done this cleaning in place of Mazaham. This cleaning activity would have been better for me than all of the worldly assets.'"


In 91H, Omar bin Abdul Aziz built these five cornered walls around the inner four walls of the Sacred Chamber so that nobody may enter the Sacred Chamber. These outer walls are about seven meters high and are covered by a cloth. These days this outer structure is called Sacred Chamber. Samhoudi said, "The outer walls were made with five corners instead of four, so that the Sacred Chamber does not resemble the Kabah. This was to avoid any possibility of people making prostration to the Sacred Chamber.

In 1296H, a screen of a window fell inside the Sacred Chamber. Burzanji went, with the Imam of Prophet's Mosque, on the roof of the mosque. They saw that there was an inner smaller dome. The inner Sacred Chamber was a square structure and covered with a cloth. Hence it was not possible to see inside the Sacred Chamber enclosed by the four walls.


During the period of Qaitabai, the walls of the Sacred Chamber were renovated again. Samhoudi described it as follows:
"The eastern wall of Sacred Chamber developed some cracks. The cracks were filled and white washing was done on top of it. In due course of time these fillings wore off and cracks appeared in the five cornered walls of the Sacred Chamber. Hence on the 14th of Shaaban 881H, the outer five walls of the Sacred Chamber were removed for reconstruction. The cracks were also visible in the inner four walls of the Sacred Chamber. Hence these innermost walls were also removed. This made the Sacred Chamber open and visible." Samhoudi stated, "I had the privilege and honor to enter the Sacred Chamber. I entered from the backside (i.e. North). I experienced a unique fragrance there which I never came across in my life. I humbly saluted the Prophet (SAS) and his two companions. I then took part in reconstruction of the Sacred Chamber voluntarily and this construction work was completed on the seventh of Shawwal."

Samhoudi added, "We saw that the inner structure of the Sacred Chamber was a square and built of black stones similar to the stones of Kabah. There was no door in it. The visitor automatically develops very lovely feelings there."

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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2012 00:11


Details of various curtains that once graced the Hujrah, the Honoured Room of the most honoured of creation, Muhammad SallAllahu alaihi wasallam.  



Almutawaj belkarama
The one crowned with miracles


Almuzallal belghamama


The one shaded by clouds  


Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Prophet and his family.

 This was the gold medallion shaped embroidered motif that used to cover the Muwajaha, exquisite!

Qur’anic verses and Salawaat adorn one of the curtains that used to surround the Abode of our Blessed Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam.  


The first cover sent from Istanbul to Madinah, woven during the reign of Sultan Ahmad 1. Old covers would be sent back to Istanbul by the current Amir at the time and taken to the tomb of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari RadhiAllahu anhu where they would be displayed for some time before being sent to the Apartments of the Holy Mantle in the Topkapi Palace Museum.

Some narrations say it was the mother of Haroon Rashid, the Abbasid Caliph (786-809 CE)  who donated the first curtain for the Hujrah, others say it was the wife. And Allah the Almighty knows best.

After that it was the Prime Minister of Egypt who ordered a white curtain decorated and embellished with Surah Yasin. Two years later the Caliph sent violet curtains with his name being the main motif! The next one recorded was black, which accompanied his mother when she came for Hajj, and then another sent to be placed over these two, forming three layers.

Thereafter, every six years a Kiswa made of white silk embroidered with gold and silver from Egypt was provided.


  Kiswa al-Saadat, the Curtain of Bliss


When the Ottomans were in control they established the green curtain with red and gold calligraphy features as above.


Detail of the above,bearing inscriptions and greetings of peace and praise for The Holy Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam.

These designs are stunning, not only for their artisitic merit, which is superlative, but for the fact that they all once veiled our Blessed Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam! Allahu Akbar!


All of these examples are in the Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul, and if unable to visit Turkey then vicariously travel to see these Mubarak relics in the magnificent volume, The Sacred Trusts.

All good is from Allah Ta’ala whereas mistakes are from this humble speck. May Allah Ta’ala Bless all readers, bringing you all closer to Him and His Rasul SallAllahu alaihi wasallam. May He accept our humble efforts and grant us the capacity to be good and do good. Ameen. 

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2012 00:15
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2012 05:40
It wasn't until yesterday that I found out there was another dome type structure under the green dome. It wasn't until yesterday that I found out that there was a window on the green dome. I just took a look at the top photo (which is from one of the photos we personally took) and the window is there, SubhanAllah.
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2012 20:53

25 May 2009 (From Our Personal Album)
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