Jzk sister for the Pdf.
See reference 46 too.
From the ulamah of Deoband, it was Maulana Shabbir Ahmad ‘Uthmāni who was the one entrusted with presenting the opinion of The Ulamah of India. When he spoke, he spoke for 2 hours. He stated that Rasulullahﷺ has in fact forbidden from building on top of gravesbut when the dome of Rasulullahﷺ was built, it was built on an already pre-existing build-ing. So the dome is not built on top of the grave rather it's built on top of an already existing building therefore, the term bidah doesn't apply in this case. When they heard this answer of Maulāna Shabbir ‘Uthmāni, it was so satisfying that they had no objection and accepted it as an evidence for keeping the green dome. This was due to the great knowledge that Maulana Shabbir Ahmad ‘Uthmāni and the scholars of India as a whole. Through Allah’s grace, he was such as grand personality that with his answer, the green dome of Rasulullah was saved from being demolished.
Footnote in the same book:
46 Authenticity not verified
Chechen President enters The Hujarat of Fatima (May Allah be pleased with her)
(Not sure of the actual date)
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