Julaybib wrote:
In the Homeless Shelter, in the city of Ashkabad, Ibrahim lay on his bed in the dormitory room reflecting on his life. Ibrahim had at one time been the most, popular Barber in the entire City of Ashkabad, Ministers and Royalty had been amongst his clients.
Alas! time had passed by all too quickly he had fallen on hard times, and had been living at the homeless shelter for well over a year.
Their was no one to assist him, all his friends had Passed away. He had some relatives living in far of Lands, but he felt embarrassed to write to them asking for assistance. He was 70 years old and he just did not have the health or the energy to start over again in business, and finding work at his Age had been impossible.
" What is their left to do !", Ibrahim said to himself; " Except wait for death." This day he was feeling Particularly lonely and depressed.
Then he Chided himself, " Ibrahim snap out of your self pity you old fool, you've lived a good life mixed with Kings and Ministers and even now you are blessed With this Wonderful New quilt and clothes that you have received as a gift."
Earlier that morning, a handsome young businessman had visited the Homeless Shelter and distributed, some welcome gifts. The Young man had payed particular attention to Ibrahim and had listened intently, as Ibrahim related stories from his Youth.
Whilst Ibrahim was absorbed in his thoughts he heard the booming voice of the Manager of the Shelter; " Ibrahim! pack your things you are leaving."
" Why are you kicking me out?, what have I done wrong? Please where will I go?", Ibrahim Pleaded in despair, as the Tears welled up in his eyes.
" No we are not kicking you out, Ibrahim some relative of yours has Claimed you, so hurry up there is a Taxi waiting outside." responded the Manager.
" There must be some mistake, who would want to claim a useless Old fool like me,? I have no relatives or friends near by who could assist in me..."
Said; Ibrahim in bewilderment.
"No its not a mistake, come on hurry up before your Taxi leaves." replied the Manager.
Ibrahim realising it was useless to argue, packed his things and got in to the Taxi. The Taxi driver informed him that he was being taken to the Posh, Shalimar district of AshKabad. Ibrahim pondered with trepidation, "Who would want to play such a cruel joke, on a helpless old Man."
Finally the Taxi arrived at its destination, the driver entered the gates of a large Mansion, Ibrahim noticed a massive Garden on either side of the drive way, which had a carefully trimmed lawn with all manners of flowers, along with citrus trees planted in its grounds.
As the Taxi finally came to a halt outside the Mansion, Ibrahim noticed the, handsome Young businessman Who had visited the Homeless Shelter earlier that day, stood outside the steps of the house waiting to greet him.
" What is the meaning of this? "; asked Ibrahim, as he alighted from the car.
the Young man who was called, Masood smiled and replied. " Fear not Ibrahim this is your house, which you purchased 30 years ago."
"What Purchase?, I have never set eyes on this house in my life, who are you? and why are you playing such a cruel joke on me?.." responded Ibrahim, angrily.
" Ibrahim come into the house and all shall become clear." replied Masood.
Whilst a servant was Pouring Tea into the cups, Ibrahim looked around mesmerised by the surroundings, in the luxuriously decorated dining room.
Masood broke the silence, " Let me tell you about myself;" He said. " When I was an 8 year old child my father passed away, my mother was terminally ill,
and I had a young 2 year old sister. The responsibility of earning an income for the family fell on my shoulders, since we had no one else to help us.
" I started work shining Shoes, I purchased a small Foot stool, some cloths, and shoe polish. Everyday I would set out,to the bazaar, visiting shops and restaurants, trying to earn an income. Being a shy and very timid boy, I would more often, than not return home empty handed.
" There was a particular period where I had managed to earn nothing over several days, my family was starving. Along with the illness of my mother my little Sister had also fallen ill due to hunger . In a state of despair, I went to the bazaar hoping someone would assist me or perhaps I could earn a greater income.
" On that cold winters morning I visited, the Ashkabad Kebab house and Restaurant. I went from one person to the next, pleading with them to let me shine shoes. Finally this gentleman took pity on me and called me over.
" My shoes need a Polish;" He shouted from the back of the restaurant. After I had finished Polishing his shoes, he pulled out a crisp 20 rupee note,
the normal price for a shoe shine was one Rupee, my eyes simply lit up.
As he handed me the 20 rupees; He stated; " I started out shining shoes myself, you know, I see you are finding trouble getting customers. Sit down and join me for lunch and maybe I can give you some tips as to how to increase your business." He ordered Some Kebbabs and Bread for both of us, while he advised me. "The best thing to pull in more Customers would be to use a gimmick, perhaps entertain your customers with stories, or tell them jokes whilst you are shining the shoes.That way the customers will remember you and ask for a shoe shine, Just to hear your stories or jokes."
"Anyways, his advice worked I became one of the Busiest shoe shine boys in Ashkabad. From there I entered the Business world and today.I am a Multi-millionaire Property dealer.
"That kind man who offered some words of hope,and a free meal to a little child was none other then yourself, Ibrahim 'The Barber'. This house together with all the staff and servants is yours."
Ibrahim was left speechless, a simple act of kindness, he had done thirty years earlier and had even forgotten about. Yet Today in his hour of need Allah, the All Merciful, had repayed him for it.
Written by Julaybib.
Something To Ponder:
Let us plant the seeds of Kindness, and sow the seeds of compassion who knows when they will bear fruit, whether in this Dhuniyah or in the Akhirah.
We may forget about them or consider them, trivial but Allah alone knows how great an impact a simple word of Comfort to someone in despair May have.Whats more a few simple words cost nothing, So why is it that we have such difficulty in uttering them.?
May Allah give us all the Tawfiq to act with Love and compassion towards others ameen.