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#106 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:05
On receiving praise..a lesson for all of us who visit forums etc

Julaybib wrote:

Thank you Sister Kantz for your kind Words, If you have found anything of benefit then All praise is due to Allah, for all goodness is from him alone.

And Please, Please! do not Fare or Compare yourself with me. Just because somebody has been given an ability to speak in a certain way or Write in A certain way. It does not make them more Virtuous or Pious. As I heard a shaykh once mention, These are Just natural abilities gifted by Allah.

We should be even more careful when its strangers over the internet, there are many fraudsters, masquerading in the Cloak of deen.

This thread is not a reflection of who I am as a Person but who I am struggling to become, virtually all the defects I have highlighted are resident in myself.I am an ignorant Brother who has an ability at writing little anecdotes.

All Praise is for Allah who despite this has given you a good opinion.

And May Allah guide us all towards good and Protect us from what is harmful Ameen.
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#107 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:07
A Gift For Eid

Julaybib wrote:

Eid Ul Adha was a few days away and Young Wasim, wanted to buy something
Special for his 4 year old little Sister Nasima. She loved birds so he thought to himself I will buy her a Parrot she can feed him and Look after him, and Maybe even teach him how to talk.

He visited the Bird Seller in Ashkabad and as he browsed around he noticed a scrawny looking Parrot with One eye Missing.

" How Much for this one?, enquired; Wasim.

" My son this Parrot was born with one eye, he is not pleasing to look at, and if you choose to sell him later on nobody will be willing to purchase him from you why don't you purchase one of the other healthier Parrots?" ; replied the store owner.

" No I want this one;" Insisted Wasim.

" Okay If You insist ", said the Store owner; " Normally I charge 20 Rupees for a Parrot but for this one considering he has only one eye the price is only 1 Rupee."

" Listen sir this Parrot is just as valuable as all the rest of them, and I will pay you the full price of 20 rupee." responded Wasim in an angry tone.

" Okay if you insist". responded the Store owner in bewilderment.

Wasim left a deposit, and made an agreement with the store owner, to return on Eid day to collect the Bird and Pay the outstanding balance.The Store owner was still quite perplexed why would this little 10 year old boy want to purchase a one eyed Parrot; he wondered.

Finally the Day of Eid arrived, and Wasim came to pay the rest of the Money ad collect the Parrot. Wasim was accompanied by his little sister Nasima, and As she walked into the store, the store owner was amazed for little Nasima had only one eye.

Seeing the shocked expression on the store owners face Wasim said; " I thought Nasima could do with a friend who understands what it is like to live with the same handicap. that is why I chose that Parrot, as a gift."

As the children left his shop, the Store owner,with tears in his eyes said to himself; " woe upon me, for a little boy has a greater understanding of love and compassion than I do."

Written by Julaybib.

Something to Ponder;

How often do we look down on other human beings. we judge people according to their appearance we look down on people and ridicule them
because they don't have the same amount as material wealth as us. we consider ourselves due to the fact we have a larger house or a faster car, or our Clothes and Furnishings are More expensive, to be superior.

We fail to remember that ultimately all these things are immaterial, for only our deeds and our actions will accompany us into our graves.

May Allah protect us from looking down upon other human beings May he give us the Tawfiq to treat others with love and Compassion Ameen.
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#108 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:09
A Word Of hope.

Julaybib wrote:

In the Homeless Shelter, in the city of Ashkabad, Ibrahim lay on his bed in the dormitory room reflecting on his life. Ibrahim had at one time been the most, popular Barber in the entire City of Ashkabad, Ministers and Royalty had been amongst his clients.

Alas! time had passed by all too quickly he had fallen on hard times, and had been living at the homeless shelter for well over a year.

Their was no one to assist him, all his friends had Passed away. He had some relatives living in far of Lands, but he felt embarrassed to write to them asking for assistance. He was 70 years old and he just did not have the health or the energy to start over again in business, and finding work at his Age had been impossible.

" What is their left to do !", Ibrahim said to himself; " Except wait for death." This day he was feeling Particularly lonely and depressed.

Then he Chided himself, " Ibrahim snap out of your self pity you old fool, you've lived a good life mixed with Kings and Ministers and even now you are blessed With this Wonderful New quilt and clothes that you have received as a gift."

Earlier that morning, a handsome young businessman had visited the Homeless Shelter and distributed, some welcome gifts. The Young man had payed particular attention to Ibrahim and had listened intently, as Ibrahim related stories from his Youth.

Whilst Ibrahim was absorbed in his thoughts he heard the booming voice of the Manager of the Shelter; " Ibrahim! pack your things you are leaving."

" Why are you kicking me out?, what have I done wrong? Please where will I go?", Ibrahim Pleaded in despair, as the Tears welled up in his eyes.

" No we are not kicking you out, Ibrahim some relative of yours has Claimed you, so hurry up there is a Taxi waiting outside." responded the Manager.

" There must be some mistake, who would want to claim a useless Old fool like me,? I have no relatives or friends near by who could assist in me..."
Said; Ibrahim in bewilderment.

"No its not a mistake, come on hurry up before your Taxi leaves." replied the Manager.

Ibrahim realising it was useless to argue, packed his things and got in to the Taxi. The Taxi driver informed him that he was being taken to the Posh, Shalimar district of AshKabad. Ibrahim pondered with trepidation, "Who would want to play such a cruel joke, on a helpless old Man."

Finally the Taxi arrived at its destination, the driver entered the gates of a large Mansion, Ibrahim noticed a massive Garden on either side of the drive way, which had a carefully trimmed lawn with all manners of flowers, along with citrus trees planted in its grounds.

As the Taxi finally came to a halt outside the Mansion, Ibrahim noticed the, handsome Young businessman Who had visited the Homeless Shelter earlier that day, stood outside the steps of the house waiting to greet him.

" What is the meaning of this? "; asked Ibrahim, as he alighted from the car.
the Young man who was called, Masood smiled and replied. " Fear not Ibrahim this is your house, which you purchased 30 years ago."

"What Purchase?, I have never set eyes on this house in my life, who are you? and why are you playing such a cruel joke on me?.." responded Ibrahim, angrily.

" Ibrahim come into the house and all shall become clear." replied Masood.

Whilst a servant was Pouring Tea into the cups, Ibrahim looked around mesmerised by the surroundings, in the luxuriously decorated dining room.

Masood broke the silence, " Let me tell you about myself;" He said. " When I was an 8 year old child my father passed away, my mother was terminally ill,
and I had a young 2 year old sister. The responsibility of earning an income for the family fell on my shoulders, since we had no one else to help us.

" I started work shining Shoes, I purchased a small Foot stool, some cloths, and shoe polish. Everyday I would set out,to the bazaar, visiting shops and restaurants, trying to earn an income. Being a shy and very timid boy, I would more often, than not return home empty handed.

" There was a particular period where I had managed to earn nothing over several days, my family was starving. Along with the illness of my mother my little Sister had also fallen ill due to hunger . In a state of despair, I went to the bazaar hoping someone would assist me or perhaps I could earn a greater income.

" On that cold winters morning I visited, the Ashkabad Kebab house and Restaurant. I went from one person to the next, pleading with them to let me shine shoes. Finally this gentleman took pity on me and called me over.

" My shoes need a Polish;" He shouted from the back of the restaurant. After I had finished Polishing his shoes, he pulled out a crisp 20 rupee note,
the normal price for a shoe shine was one Rupee, my eyes simply lit up.

As he handed me the 20 rupees; He stated; " I started out shining shoes myself, you know, I see you are finding trouble getting customers. Sit down and join me for lunch and maybe I can give you some tips as to how to increase your business." He ordered Some Kebbabs and Bread for both of us, while he advised me. "The best thing to pull in more Customers would be to use a gimmick, perhaps entertain your customers with stories, or tell them jokes whilst you are shining the shoes.That way the customers will remember you and ask for a shoe shine, Just to hear your stories or jokes."

"Anyways, his advice worked I became one of the Busiest shoe shine boys in Ashkabad. From there I entered the Business world and today.I am a Multi-millionaire Property dealer.

"That kind man who offered some words of hope,and a free meal to a little child was none other then yourself, Ibrahim 'The Barber'. This house together with all the staff and servants is yours."

Ibrahim was left speechless, a simple act of kindness, he had done thirty years earlier and had even forgotten about. Yet Today in his hour of need Allah, the All Merciful, had repayed him for it.

Written by Julaybib.

Something To Ponder:

Let us plant the seeds of Kindness, and sow the seeds of compassion who knows when they will bear fruit, whether in this Dhuniyah or in the Akhirah.

We may forget about them or consider them, trivial but Allah alone knows how great an impact a simple word of Comfort to someone in despair May have.Whats more a few simple words cost nothing, So why is it that we have such difficulty in uttering them.?

May Allah give us all the Tawfiq to act with Love and compassion towards others ameen.
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#109 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:10
Removal Of Distress.

Julaybib wrote:

A Man came to Shaykh Saleem al Ashkabadi, and Said; " Shaykh I am suffering from illness, as a result I have lost my livelihood and my financial situation has become constrained, please give me some advice."

Shaykh Saleem, advised; " My Brother go to Ashkabad Hospital everyday and visit the sick, spend time in their company and offer them words of comfort, and Insha'Allah your health will improve.If you offer support and comfort to others who are in ill Health, Allah will give comfort to you.

"As for your financial situation, My Brother share your Meal with at least one Poor person every day and Insha,Allah, Your Poverty will be removed. Carry both these prescriptions out for the next Fourty days."

Some months later the Man returned he Said; " Shaykh I wish to thank you for your wonderful advice, I visited the Sick like you stated, and I realised that my health affliction compared to that of others is minor. My feelings of self Pity where completely removed, now despite my Illness I feel like I am the Healthiest Man in all of Ashkabad.

" I also fed one poor person everyday for Fourty days, and now the feelings of Poverty and despair have been removed from my heart, I met People who where in a far worse situation then myself. I now feel like I am the Richest Man in all of AshKabad."

The Shaykh ,replied; " My Brother it is all about attitude, a person who looks at the difficulties of others will realise how blessed he truly is. Whilst the one who looks at those who have more material wealth and optimum health. will feel despair at his own situation, So My brother no matter what the circumstances always look at those who are worse of then you are, and be grateful for all that Allah has blessed you with."

Written by Julaybib.

Something To Ponder.

In Islam we are told to feed the poor, and visit the Sick and help others who are going through Difficulties. If we reflect it is not just for the benefit of the other person but ultimately we benefit ourselves in both the Dhuniya and Akhirah by helping others.

If we help remove the distress of others Allah will remove the feelings of Despair and distress in our hearts. Yet we fail to take advantage of such opportunities. Instead we covet the friendship of those who are Wealthy or have prestige in the Dhuniyah. We rarely pay attention to those who are going through difficulties.

May Allah instill tenderness and compassion in our hearts for other human beings ameen.
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#110 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:11
Staying the Course!.
Julaybib wrote:

Shaykh Saleem al Ashkabadi, received a letter from a young man called Abid, who lived on the Outskirts of Ashkabad. The man was suffering from ill health and going through difficulties.

The Shaykh immediately set out to visit him, when he arrived at the house he realised how ill this young man was. After talking to the young man for sometime the Shaykh asked; " A graduate from my Madrassah, Shaykh Amjid is the Imam of your local Masjid. You should have informed him of your difficulties, surely you would have received help and assistance sooner if you had done so."

The young man replied; " But Shaykh I did! I visited him Six Months ago told him of my difficulties and he gave me some Duas to recite."

" Has he not visited you ", asked; Shaykh Saleem.

" No" replied the Young man; " I have never seen him since that day."

Shaykh Saleem; Arranged for the medical treatment of the young man,and also for an attendant to help the Young man with the house Keeping.

The Shaykh thereafter visited the Local Masjid; to see Imam Amjid, after exchanging pleasantries the Shaykh raised the issue: " Oh Amjid, did you not learn anything? A Young man in your locality called Abid, is in severe distress, he is suffering from illness and has no one to turn to, yet you have not Paid him a visit and have remained neglectful of your duty as a muslim towards him."

"Oh Yes Abid he visited me some months ago and i gave him a prescription of Duas, and Zikr to recite." Responded Imam Amjid.

" My Son, it is not just sufficient to give advice to someone and then forget about them, Your duty is to stay the course to look after the welfare and the needs of your congregation. We have a duty to show love and compassion to those in distress and Support them, during their difficulties. some people may need months and even years of Support. A few words of advice or comfort on a single occasion is not enough. It is a Matter of staying the course. Never allow your other duties, and busy schedule to allow you to become neglectful
of the needs of those who are in distress."

Written by Julaybib.

Something to Ponder:

How often do we show sympathy, to others especially those who are close to us relatives, friends ,neighbours. at most we may offer them a few cursory words on a couple of Occasions and then we forget, about them.

If they mention their distress to us on more then a few occasions we label that person an attention seeker. Often people suffering from Physical, emotional illness, bereavement, financial difficulties etc. May need help and support over a lengthy period of time.

We pay lip service to the Brotherhood of Islam, whilst in reality we are completely neglectful of even those who have bonds of kinship over us, forget strangers.

So let us show love and Compassion to others for a day may arrive when we are in need of it ourselves.

May Allah give us the Tawfiq to act in accordance with the love and Compassion Of Our Beloved (Sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) Ameen.

P.S. I humbly request that you please, please remember me in your Duas, Insha'Allah.
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#111 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:14
Kantz wrote:


Finally I have accomplished reading ..right up to this current page..Let me share with you on how I felt after going through this particular thread...

Lesson learnt: -

_Life is not perfect by any stretch, but this daily practice of reflecting on these inspirational stories helps me to appreciate my blessings at home and at work. Think on these things: the good, the positive, the honest, the pure, the good report.

_I have always known that life is better when you share it. I now realize it gets even sweeter when you expand the circle.

_I have found it really helpful especially of to "count my blessings", meaning to be thankful for what I do have and not dwell on what I don't have, know that I am only watching from the sidelines but that Allah sees the big picture, He knows what is best for me and I just trust in that.

_I cannot help to have concern with the line between being true to self and selfishness. The true self is the sum total of our relationship with others, is molded in part by the influence that other people have had on us during our life.

_Due to the effect of pride.... we sometimes want to think that we are "our own self" and not the product of our environment and the teaching of others.

There is more good stuff I am forgetting,..... but enough love for now. Let's not go overboard......Am I glad that I came here? Oh, absolutely. It's been humbling. It's been edifying. It's been, on several occasions, quite wondrous. It's even been fun, when it hasn't been miserable....

For all these ...ya...habibi Julaybib...thank you!

May Allah gives us the taufiq & hidayah to accomplish all our pursuits, and protect us from sorrow, anxiety, fear, vanity, conceit and laziness....Ameen.
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#112 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:15
A Focused Mindset:

Julaybib wrote:

Shaykh Saleem al Ashkabadi, went to visit one of his neighbors and found him in a depressed state.

" Shaykh I am a failure! I have not achieved anything , neither for the Dhuniyah nor the Akhirah, I have no job and no income, I am struggling to survive I do not know where to turn."

Shaykh Saleem, said; " My brother do not despair, do not give up hope Insha'Allah these days of distress will only last for a day or two. If you have difficulty finding employment perhaps you should enroll for a course at college and acquire new skills. Better still why not start your own business?"

The neighbor replied; " Shaykh I tried a course at college it was not for me, I also tried Starting a Business I found the whole process too difficult. I just have the worst luck."

Shaykh Saleem; " If you had truly tried you would not have given up at the first hurdle, Success is about having a focused Mindset. if we start a Project believing we will fail. Then the natural result will be failure.

" The People who achieve success in life are those Who put their trust in Allah, Almighty and strive hard with an inner determination to Succeed. They do not look at the obstacles they only see the end result.

" Allah is with those who struggle, during the most difficult of circumstances, the People who achieve the Greatest of Success in this world do so because they simply refuse to Quit.

" MY Brother Your luck will only change once you change your attitude. Once you put your trust in Allah and readily face all of lifes challenges. You will see the Tide turn. For it is those who have the Courage to keep striving when all seems Lost. The determination to keep rising every time they fall. Who enjoy the rewards. My Brother never Lose faith for every setback you suffer, know that there are many more Opportunities to explore, if you have failed to see those Opportunities it means you have not searched hard enough."

A few months later the Neighbor came to visit, Shaykh Saleem al Ashkabadi.
He Said; " Shaykh I would like to thank you for waking me up from my slumber, your words have had a Profound effect, on me. Some days after your visit, I purchased Some gardening tools and decided to set up in Business as a Gardener.

" I went to the Shalimar district, hoping some wealthy people would hire me. But day after day I was faced with rejection. No one was willing to hire my services.

"After several weeks I felt like quitting, but I remembered your words; " Allah is with those who struggle in the most difficult of circumstances, the people who achieve the Greatest of Success in this world, do so because they simply refuse to Quit."

"That gave me renewed determination, I kept facing each rejection with a smile and a focused mindset. Finally after a Couple of Months I got my first contract.
The gentleman who hired me was so impressed with my work that he recommended my services as a Gardener to his friends. Now I have two employees and several contracts. My financial situation has Improved dramatically."

Shaykh Saleem, Said; " My Brother what I said where Merely words, all Praise is For Allah who gave you the Tawfiq to act upon them."

Written by Julaybib:

Something To Ponder;

How often do we lose hope when faced with challenges in our daily lives. Rather then keep struggling we simply find it easier to quit. We start to despair, many of us Stop praying. " I pray and I prayed but my circumstances have not changed we complain." The Scholars say that this despair is from Shaytan.

We may pray, but we fail to struggle and strive during times of difficulty we find it easier to Quit, give up and wallow in self pity. whilst perhaps if we had maintained our resolve for just a while longer our circumstances by the Grace of Allah might have improved.

May Allah give us the Strength to face all trials and tribulations with Sabr and Shukr ameen.
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#113 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:16
Be Grateful for What You Have.

Julaybib wrote:

In the city of AshKabad, there once lived a Fabric store owner , he was one of the most well Known Business People in the City. He had worked his way up from poverty and had achieved great Success.

Despite this he remained Unhappy; " I have strived and struggled all my life yet fate has not been kind to me ,I have very little to show for all my efforts. I live in a modest bungalow and drive a modest Car, other people have great Mansions, and Luxury automobiles."

He would moan and Complain to anyone who was willing to lend a sympathetic ear. It So happened that One day there was a Fire at his Store and the Store along with all the stock was reduced to ashes.

The fabric store owner had, purchased most of his stock on credit from the Merchants and Importers. So he ended up having to sell his bungalow with all its furnishings, along with his Car to Pay of his creditors. He ended up working in a restaurant, washing dishes. His Wife Left him taking the Children with her.

As the years went by, he would sit with people and relate; " I used to own the most prestigious Fabric store, in all of AshKabad, I once lived in a bungalow, in the most exclusive neighbourhoods in the city, and had servants and a Driver.
Oh how wonderful a period in my life that was, but alas I lost everything."

One Day an old acquaintance, happened to hear him narrating his story and said; " Remember! Oh foolish one, when you had your Store and your Bungalow, and a loving family, Plus a life of ease and comfort, You used to complain endlessly. you used to say;" I have very little fate has Conspired against me." You showed no gratitude with all that Allah had blessed you with and now you truly have nothing, thus is the fate of an ingrate."

Upon hearing the reminder the former Fabric Store Owner, sat and weeped profusely, and said; " Indeed you are right, we only show appreciation and gratitude for things once we lose them. yet when I had everything I would only look at those who had more material possessions then I did. I never looked at those who had less wealth and prosperity then myself I was a Selfish ingrate and today I am reaping the rewards of my own ungratefulness."

Written By Julaybib.

Something To Ponder;

Is this not the case with most of us, we remain perpetually ungrateful for all the blessings we have. We take our health for Granted, not realising that we could be struck with illness anytime. We take our Material Possessions for granted, we take our Family and our Parents for granted, forgetting that death could strike at anytime.

We even take Our Deen for granted, we look down on others who are not practicing there religion. Forgetting that it is Allah who has given us the Tawfiq to stand on the prayer mat or Recite the Quran. Circumstances may occur where we end up losing the Tawfiq to Practice the deen and end up immersed in the Dhuniyah.

Instead of appreciating and being grateful for what we do have, we complain of those things that we do not have.

May Allah Instill Shukr in our hearts and give us the Tawfiq to reflect on all the blessings that have been bestowed upon us Ameen.
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#114 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:18
How Rich Are You?

Julaybib wrote:

Here Is Something I Read.

One day a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the purpose of showing his son how the poor people live so he could be thankful for his wealth.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the trip?" "It was great, Dad." "Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked. "Oh yeah" said the son. "So what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.

The son answered, "I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end." "We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night." "Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon." "We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight." "We have servants who serve us, but they serve others." "We buy our food, but they grow theirs." "We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them."

With this the boy's father was speechless. Then his son added, "Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are."

Something to Ponder:

We spend our entire lives chasing after and coveting Superficial things how much value do these Material things really have? Does having a Larger T.V. make us a better Person? or having the Most expensive designer clothes, or the Fastest car. We even compete with our relatives and friends in acquiring these things.

Yet we spend very little time in Perfecting our own characters, We Spend Thousands purchasing the latest fashion accessories. Yet when it comes to giving money and assistance to the needy or good works, we are miserly.

We find it easy to compete with our friends and relatives over the worldly wealth. But when it comes to helping them out in times of Difficulty or distress,
we cannot be bothered; " I have enough Problems of my Own". We Say;

May Allah give us all hidayah and give us the Tawfiq to Spend Our wealth and time, for his sake and in doing good works ameen.
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#115 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:18
If You fail to Prepare be Prepared to fail.

Julaybib wrote:

Amira! Had recently become widowed at the tender age of Twenty Six. Overcome by grief and feelings of despair she tried to remain strong for the sake of her children, the oldest of which was aged seven and the Youngest was only Two years old.

With no income and very little outside support. Amira sold some of the Gold Jewellery that her husband had gifted her. With the money she purchased some Fabric and a sewing machine and decided to Put her skills as a seamstress into full use, by sewing and then elegantly embroidering frocks and Dresses for Little girls.

Once she had developed, a small collection of clothes she decided to visit all the clothes shops in Ashkabad. Hopeful the owners of the stores would be willing to purchase, her collection and the desired income would help ease her difficulties.

Over the course of Several days, she visited almost all the stores in Ashkabad but alas no one was willing to purchase her collection from her.

Finally one of the store owners informed her; "The Store owners only Purchase their stock from Hajji Iqbal, he is the biggest manufacturer and wholesaler of Childrens clothes in the City. The fact he has not Purchased any of your collection means it is either of low quality, or does not have a high market demand."

Okay! Amirah said, to herself, " I will visit Hajji Iqbal, when he sees the quality of my collection he is sure to purchase it."

The following day she visited the establishment of, Hajji Iqbal. she explained to Hajji sahib that she had a collection of frocks and would he be willing to purchase it. Hajji sahib, cast a cursory glance in her direction and with a glum expression, shook his head and firmly said: "No".

Amira pleaded with him, " But please won't you at least take a look". Whilst She was frantically trying to open her bag, to show Hajji Sahib her collection of dresses. He in an even firmer voice shouted. "No" Turned his attention to some of his clients completely ignoring her presence.

Amira slowly walked out of the store. Outside the store she slumped down on the sidewalk, she was completely exhausted emotionally and financially, her savings were fast running out. How would she cope, she had small children to feed. At this moment she felt so alone and completely helpless. Tears welled up in her eyes and started streaming down her cheek's.

Suddenly Amira felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked around to see a sweet old woman. " Whats the matter, my child?" The old lady asked.

Upon hearing a friendly voice, Amiras tears turned into a flood. She poured her heart out to the old Lady. Finally she said; despondently; " But Hajji sahib, won't even look at my clothes."

" Show me your collection." The old lady said. After looking through the collection of sample dresses. The Old Woman turned around and Shouted in a loud Shrill voice; " HAJJI IQBAL, COME HERE!"

Hajji Iqbal came rushing over. " You will purchase this young girls collection and recommend it to all the, store owners in Ashkabad and beyond."The old Woman demanded.

"Yes Momma." Replied Hajji sahib gleefully, the glum expression, on his face was now gone.

It transpired that the Old Lady was Hajji sahibs Mother and she was the owner of the wholesale establishment. The Old lady explained to Amira, that Hajji sahib, had been in the habit of purchasing stock from everyone, who came to their offices he simply found it difficult to say no. Therefore she had banned him from purchasing anymore stock.

Amiras tailored dresses and suits became very popular and came to be known in the city of AshKabad as the Amira collection. She also learned a very valuable lesson whilst she had put in a great amount of energy in trying to get her first assignment. She had failed to ask the people in the Trade.

For if she had made proper enquiries in advance, then anyone could have told her that Mumtaz Iqbal, the Old Lady. was the Person she needed to approach.

Instead she had aimlessly wondered around, seeking clients and it was by the Grace of Allah that she had met the Old Lady. Otherwise who knows where Amira would be today.

Something To Ponder;

Whether we are striving for the Dhuniyah or the Akhira, we should seek out the correct advice from people who are experts in the field. Otherwise we will wonder around aimlessly and in due course become despondent. The key to beginning any task is correct preparation. If we fail to prepare properly, whether it is too do with career or exams or anything else we will more likely then not face failure.

May Allah guide us to all that is Good Protect us from all that is harmful ameen.
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#116 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:20
Human Kindness In Islam.

Julaybib wrote:

Nasiruddin was the slave of a king, and very fond of hunting. One day he came across a very pretty baby deer and picked it up and rode away. The mother deer saw Nasiruddin take her baby and followed him anxiously. Nasiruddin, pleased with the baby dear, was thinking about presenting it to his children to play with. After a time, he chanced to look back and saw the mother deer following him, her expression full of grief. He noticed too that she did not seem to care about her own safety. Moved to pity, Nasiruddin set the baby deer free. The mother deer nuzzled and licked her baby fondly and the two deer leapt happily away into the forest. But many times the mother deer looked back at Nasiruddin, as if to express her thanks.

That night Nasiruddin dreamt that the revered Prophet (pbuh) was addressing him:
‘Nasiruddin, your name has been entered in the list of Allah, and you will one day have a kingdom. But remember that when you are king you will also have many responsibilities. Just as you have shown mercy to the deer today, you should be merciful to all Allah’s creatures. You should not forget your people by falling into a life of luxury.’

This dream came true and Nasiruddin did become king, Amir Nasiruddin Subaktagin, father of Sultan Muhammad.

The moral of the story is that if we wish Allah to be merciful to us, we must be eager to show mercy to all the living creatures of the earth.

When a flower blooms, its colour and scent first touch the garden near it, and then spread. In the same way, a Muslim’s acts of human kindness should first touch those nearest to him, his family and his neighbours.

Source: Muslim Manners by Iqbal Ahmad Azami

Taken From This site
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#117 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:23
Futile, Comparisons!

Julaybib wrote:

Shaykh Saleem al Ashkabadi, came across a man who was scolding his son for getting bad results in School.
The man was admonishing his son by saying; " look at you! do you feel no shame, your Cousin who is younger than you has managed to pass with distinction. Our neighbours son has also managed to get high marks. Those boys will amount to something, but you will achieve nothing, you are completely hopeless."

Shaykh Saleem, took the Man aside and said: " Oh Foolish one, you're destroying this boys confidence, and crushing his spirit with your style of admonishment. Every one of us has unique talents skills and abilities. Do not compare him to others for that will ruin his self esteem. Give him some gentle support and encouragement, help him fulfill his Potential do not destroy it."

The Man Responded; " What I spoke Was the Truth, he is completely useless."

Shaykh Saleem, replied; " Now tell me something if your wife told you that you was useless and you would amount to nothing. If she told you that her Cousins husband was a better man.Or the neighbour treated his wife better. Whilst you was a complete wastrel, how would that make you feel? Would you be motivated, to treat your Wife better?"

The Man responded; " Of course not."

" So what makes you think your son will perform better in School when you belittle him and compare him to others?"; asked the Shaykh.

The Man realising his mistake said; " Shaykh , now that you explained it like that it makes sense. Yes you are right such admonishments from me are not going to help him improve his performance in school."

Something to Ponder;

How often we look at the faults of our nearest and dearest and compare them,
to others. Be It our Spouses or Children etc. Often you find parents Comparing one of their Children with another. " Look at Your Brother" etc.

Sometimes we compare ourselves with others look at their accomplishments and feel depressed that we have achieved very little in Comparison.In the process all we do is ruin our own self confidence, and self esteem.

Perhaps it would better if we focused on the fact that Allah has made each and everyone one of us with unique abilities and talents and cherish those. Our wife/husband may have faults but they will still have great qualities. Our Children likewise. we ourselves have unique qualities that Allah has blessed us with.

All Praise Is For Allah for all the blessing he has bestowed upon us and May he give us all the Tawfiq to be grateful and appreciate them Ameen.
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#118 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:24
Whispers Of The night.

Julaybib wrote:

Whispers of the Night

by Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq

I pounded on the door of mercy as the world slept
And humbling myself before my Creator I wept

Hands raised high and head bowed I knelt
And dejectedly began to lament what I felt

With a torn heart I gave a tongue to my woes and fears
And in great anguish and sorrow I let flow my tears

With poignant emotions raging in me so fierce
I hoped that my prayers would the heavens pierce

Oh Maker of my destiny, Master of my fate I cried
Thou art the only refuge and succour for one so tried

'Tis before Thee alone that I bemoan
Sufferings of mine only to Thee known

Pains and torments that I can no longer bear
Hopes and wishes I can entrust only to Thy care

For 'Tis only the ocean of Thine infinite bounty that sustains all
And only Thy forgiveness that restores those that fall

'Tis to Thee alone Oh Benevolent that I extend my hands in plea
To whom besides Thee can this wretched soul flee

Forgive my sins and grant me my desires Oh Almighty
Reject me not, for nothing can redeem me save Thy mercy
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#119 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2015 18:26
The Story Teller Of Ashkabad.

Julaybib wrote:

In the Old quarters Of Ashkabad there once lived a professional storyteller. He enjoyed great fame and celebrity. His services were much sought after.

Alas! as the years went by, and due to the advent of technology, first the transistor radio and then the television. He found that his services were no longer in demand. The friends had disappeared the money and wealth had been squandered.

Struck with poverty, and overcome with difficulties, he wondered around the City hoping someone would, take Pity.

One night as Shaykh Saleem al AshKabadi, was leaving the masjid he noticed the 'Story teller' sitting beneath a Neem tree shedding tears of despair.

Shaykh Saleem walked over to him and said: " My Brother for how long will you sit in the middle of the street shedding tears in vain. if your objective is to gain sympathy from people concerning your plight you will be left disappointed. The People are busy with their own lives and with their own problems, you find many who are not willing to make dua for anyone let alone offer assistance.

" My Brother, turn to Allah and repent and shed tears , beg him of your mercy relay to him your distress and your sorrows. For verily Allah will never forsake you. Do not look towards creation, rather Submit to your Creator, for indeed he is Most Merciful, he alone will give you comfort and instill peace and tranquility in your heart. The People do not have time to offer help to a muslim in distress. They are too busy addressing the problems of the world and debating about what needs to be done politically."

Just a thought:

Very often in times of difficulty we look towards others for help and assistance.
When in fact we should also be praying to Allah for assistance, to help relieve us of our distress and Sorrow. If we put all our hopes in creation, we will be left disappointed.

Simlarly It is also strange that we can spend hours debating the problems of the world, as if we are the only ones who can address the plight of the muslim ummah. Yet we find it impossible to help a single muslim in distress. Nay offering a few words of comfort is too difficult a task for us.

May Allah instill Sabr and Shukr in all our hearts and give us the Tawfiq to submit to him fully both in times of ease and difficulty ameen.
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#120 [Permalink] Posted on 13th April 2015 20:41
Jinn wrote:
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What is written in post number 34....!

A brother told me that something similar to this Just happened last week on jumah, at a local masjid, the Imam stated that since these are School holidays, some school kids are staying behind after Jumah to sweep the rubbish in the local streets, the Imam asked the older members of the congregation if they could kindly to stay behind and help and join the School kids...A member of the congregation angrily stood up and started protesting Moulvi saab, why are you telling us to sweep the streets we pay taxes it is the councils job to come and clean the streets, a couple others joined in protest so the maulana saab went silent.

What can one say...

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