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#61 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:48

alfatiha wrote:

On the other hand, in one of the online lecture about Imam Bukhary rahimullah (sorry again, I don't remember which one), he told his companions that once he found the hadith about telling ghibah (backbiting), he promised that he would never backbite anyone.

This is interesting because in the science of hadith, credibilities of narrators are important. So what the muhaddithin did was if they found this or that person was not credible, they would write in their books that "This person did such and such (lying, etc)" or "That person did something that against the sunnah" etc. Therefore, people who read their accounts would ignore ahadith from those narrators that were deemed unworthy. But the way Imam Bukhary did was instead of telling everything that the person did, he would call them off by stating like, "We should leave this one out" or "There is something missing by this guy" or something similar.

As I see in this forum, people would say against others without having them to defend themselves and we should try our best to not to backbite against others that we never even meet. We are just known here as our screen names and I don't think that nobody knows what the person on the other side look like.
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#62 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:51
Take a look at Yourself;

Julaybib wrote:

Hazrat Umar Al Farooq رضي الله عنه Said: Take account of Yourself in prosperity, before you are taken to account by adversity. Whoever does this will attain success. whoever is distracted by his life and Fantasies will face remorse.

Hasan al Basri رضي الله عنه; said;" a believer is always critical of himself in his food his drink
his conduct and his speech. A sinner will not criticise himself."

Abu Darda رضي الله عنه says; " No one can achieve a complete understanding of Islam until he condemns people for the sake of Allah, and then returns home and condemns himself even more."

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#63 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:52
It depends on how you say it.

Julaybib wrote:

A head teacher at a Dar ul Uloom, received a letter from the muslim community in a small town. They had finished the building of a new mosque and requested the Head teacher to send someone from his students who could be appointed as the Imam of the masjid.The shaykh sent one of his most able students Zulfiqar.

A few months later Zulfiqar returned quite perturbed he told his Shaykh;
" Shaykhji get me out of this fitna please. I have tried my best in teaching them the deen yet they remain heedless they have now resorted to slandering me,I cannot cope with this any longer." The shaykh said; " my son did I not tell you that you would be slandered and people will oppose you, Allah tests all his servants when all The Prophets (As) were tested in this manner, then what makes us so unique." The Shaykh urged him to return he said; " I will come and stay with you for a week to see what the problem is. "

So they arrived at the Masjid the following day. During the evenings after Asr Prayers Imam Zulfiqar, had developed the habit of giving a short talk for 10 minutes, concerning many issues that were affecting the muslim community. He began his talk as usual he said; " People you complain that your children do not listen they are disobedient. your income is haram, you feed your children with this haram income, you sit in front of the television watching programmes that are immodest in content. You refuse to live your lives in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah. Yet you complain as to why your duas are not being accepted......" he continued in this vain for the next 10 minutes, a number of people got up and started leaving. when he had finished only three worshippers had remained.

He spoke to his Shaykh later in the evening he said " Sir do you see what the problem is. I was doing my duty in giving them a reminder on issues that effect them yet they got up and left.My words had no impact on them." The Shaykh spoke and said; " My son I have seen what the problem is why don't you let me do the talk tomorrow." Imam Zulfiqar responded; " sir if you so wish but let me warn you nothing has an effect on them, no matter what you say they will remain heedless."

So the following day after Asr salah the Shaykh began his talk he said; " My dear brothers we have many problems affecting us today, the most worrying of all is that our children are disobedient. How can we address this issue for it has become a major fitnah for us. Perhaps we need to examine ourselves and see what we are doing wrong, if our incomes are not halal and we feed and clothe our children with this income will it not have an effect on there behavior. Instead of sitting with our children and explaining to them the deen in a fun and interactive manner. What we do is sit with them watching films and dramas that will neither benefit our duniyah nor our akhirah. Often our minds become distracted by the problems of the Duniyah and we forget to regularly recite the quran or learn the sunnah, and put what we learn into practice. only after we examine our faults and rectify our actions will our situations change, only then will our duas be accepted. It is very hard for us to live our lives in obedience to Allah, but we must never give up hope and continue to make dua asking Allah to help us in becoming better muslims..........." The shaykh continued his speech in this manner for the next 10 minutes, the worshippers sat and listened to the Shaykh completely mesmerised by the Shaykhs speech.
After he had finished his speech they all came up to him, and thanked him for a wonderful reminder.

After the worshippers had left the Shaykh asked Zulfiqar; " My son do you now see what the problem is I made the exact same speech that you did. yet when I spoke they listened and appreciated my advice. When you spoke they got up and left. The problem was not in the message but the way it was delivered.

If we speak in a judgemental manner naturally we are going to drive people away, we should be careful and not speak in a critical manner when addressing others. Instead of saying " You people are all heedless" would it not be better to say " we are all heedless" by using the word "you" we come across as arrogant and judgemental yet when we use the word "we" , we come across as humble and sympathetic and the audience is more willing and appreciative of what we say.

The teacher of religious knowledge must always strive to maintain humility in every action. We do not know how our end will be, many of these people may, achieve a much higher rank then ourselves in the hereafter. We must always look upon ourselves as being inferior and everyone else as superior to us.

The words we use in our discourses should be carefully considered, and delivered with humility."

Zulfiqar responded " You are right after listening to you speak I realised the problem was not the worshipper's but the harsh manner in which I delivered my speeches."

Story written by Julaybib.

Something to Ponder:

Is it not a case that we often come across as being harsh and confrontational even on this forum. when all we have to do is change a few words in our discourse. We will get the exact same message across in a more gentle manner, we will not hurt the feelings of others and we will protect ourselves from getting involved in useless argumentation. We will also attract others towards the deen by showing a bit more humility when we are addressing them.

Sometimes when you come across lapsed muslims , they will cite the harsh manner of Practicing muslims as a reason for them not wanting to go to the Masjid. Or learn more about the deen, occasionally you hear people complaining about a loving husband and son who suddenly became a tyrant as soon as he started practicing the deen. whilst before he was mild in his behavior, all of a sudden he has become harsh and judgemental.

We must also remember that on this very forum we may get muslim's who are not practicing, but through our harsh manner they may end up being put of the deen.

May Allah give us all the tawfiq to control our tongues and treat others gently, especially a sinner like me ameen.
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#64 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:59

Taalibah wrote:
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A lot of the stories/anecdotes have been written by brother Julaybib himself personally, at the time he was suffering from severe clinical depression. So this thread is from around that time and it helped him greatly.

A recent post from the brother and some of his thoughts, may Allah give him the best of both worlds and I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this here

Personally there was no urgency on my part to try and save the thread, I had rationalised over the last few weeks that everything comes to an end and perhaps
this thread had reached the end of its natural life cycle. But Allah has willed otherwise, and inspired you to transfer it

I never expected this particular thread, to achieve the popularity it has when I initiated I was suffering from severe clinical depression and strangely whilst going through a mental breakdown I discovered an ability to write little stories the first Story I wrote was titled the "Oldman and the young Professor" and suddenly I would randomly out of no where get ideas for stories.

All this is well and good but if one preaches without practicing then that in itself is a major calamity and one will have to answer for it , may Allah bless me with the tawfiq to put into practice everything that i have been posting and to be inspired to act. Strange thing is that over the years the articles from the thread have been shared on various blogs/ forums even been posted as daily reminders by a Brother on the staff e-mail system at a university in Florida, some of the reminders have been shared with some muslim inmates in the American prison system.
The original post has even been read at a School assembly in a girls School in Pakistan, and 4 years after the thread was created someone customised the original post and sent it out as an e-mail alert, one of the Brothers who received it as an e-mail liked it so much, and actually created a thread for it sunniforum here >>> but it is my misfortune that paradoxically other then discovering an ability to write stories, I have failed to fully benefit from the thread myself.

May allah give me hidayah and forgive me for my hypocrisy ameen.

This is just to give a little background, that's all.
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#65 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 14:00
Say I don't know!

Julaybib wrote:

As Zulfiqar and his shaykh were taking a walk, they saw a homeless man standing on the corner of a busy street with a billboard that read, " If you are Lost ask for Directions". They walked over and the Shaykh asked the homeless man the purpose of his billboard he replied; " I stand here with the billboard, and when people in cars stop to ask for directions, I charge them a dollar and direct them to where ever they need to go." The Shaykh asked; " My son what happens if you do not know the direction's for the place they are searching ?." The Homeless man
replied; " Sir I am a poor homeless man who needs to feed his stomach, if I don't know the answer I just make something up."

As they Carried on walking The shaykh turned around to Zulfiqar and said; " My son you are a student of knowledge and the Imam of the masjid. Many people will come to you asking questions that you do not know the answer to, in that situation do not give just any answer. Rather check with the scholar's and then advise the person. Do not be like the homeless man who gives any answer to those who are lost, to feed his stomach. Do not fall into such heedlessness and give an answer to help feed your ego.

A knowledgeable man is he who if he does not know an answer to a question, he says "I Do not know". Never allow your ego to come in the way, never makeup an answer, just to prove you are knowledgeable. For that is the behavior of an ignorant one.He is himself misguided and he ends up misguiding others."

Story by Julaybib.

Something to Ponder;

Many a time we will meet people who will ask us questions concerning the deen. Whether it is in the workplace, college or elsewhere. we should be careful in answering them and better still direct them towards people who are better qualified. We should not try to prove how knowledgeable we are by making up answers. Often if we have friends who don't practice the deen they will come to us asking questions pertaining to the deen. we should be careful not to misguide others, by our ignorance. How many people are out there lost and misguided because we told them something that was incorrect.

May Allah guide us all.

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#66 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 14:01
The day never arrives.

Julaybib wrote:

As salaam Alaykum.

The Shaykh and zulfiqar went to the Hospital to visit the sick and offer them some words of comfort. They came across a terminally ill elderly muslim man , he lay on his bed it was visiting hours yet there was no one sitting with him. They went over started chatting with the old man. The old man suddenly started weeping uncontrollably , The Shaykh said;
"My uncle what is the Matter, do not grieve have faith in Allah and insha'allah he will give you ease, have hope in his mercy."

The old man said; " My son I weep because my whole life has passed me by in a flash, yet i have done nothing of benefit. Be it Duniyah or Akhirah When I was young my friends were studying to become lawyers and Doctors. I said to myself I will join college someday to help my worldly needs. As I got older I saw my friends getting married. I said to myself I will someday also get married and start a family. I saw my friends driving auto mobiles and I said to myself someday i will learn to drive.

As I got older still I saw that all my friends were devoting there time in service of the deen. I said to myself someday I will also do some work for the deen.

My son the days turned into years and the years turned into decades yet I did not do anything I talked the talk but the day of action never arrived. my entire life has been a waste."

Story written by Julaybib.

Something to ponder.

Is this not the case with many of us. We complain about our jobs and careers, and we talk about someday taking a course to help us in our livelihood, yet we take no action. we talk about someday taking up an exercise regime,giving up smoking etc. yet the day never arrives.

we talk about someday sitting in study circles and gaining religious knowledge.
But the day never arrives. we talk about someday spending more time in self reformation and Ibaadah yet the day never arrives. We talk about someday saving up money to spend in charity, yet the day never arrives. The years pass us by. yet we make no progress whether in duniyah or for akhira.

May Allah give us tawfiq to take action
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#67 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 14:02

Julaybib wrote:

As Salaam Alaykum.

Bismillah Irahman Irahim.

Here are some words from Shaykh Abdul Qadir Gilani (RA) taken from the book called; " Purification Of The Mind".

" O you who worship without having your hearts present! The likeness of you is the likeness of a donkey which has its eyes Blindfolded while turning the mill. It thinks it has walked many miles when in fact it has not left its place.Woe unto you! You stand up and sit down in your prayer, and suffer hunger and thirst in your fasting, yet without having a single atom of sincerity and belief in the oneness of Allah;

What benefit would you derive from this? what would fall into your hands other then weariness? You pray and fast while having the eye of your heart on what other people have in their houses, in their pockets and on their plates. You look at them in the hope that they may present you with gifts, You show them your worshipping acts and let them know of your fasting and striving."

Something to reflect:

Beautiful words of Wisdom from Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al Gilani (RA), is this not our case today that our actions are devoid of sincerity. Even our religious acts are done to showoff in front of others and have people praise us.

If our friends and our relatives knew what was in our hearts, they would be repulsed by us. We think we are religious but all we do is delude ourselves.All praise is for Allah for hiding our faults from others.

May Allah purify our hearts and intentions, and give us the tawfiq to act with sincerity ameen.
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#68 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 14:03
Why Me?

Julaybib wrote:

Zahid was feeling really depressed he had been worshiping diligently he made lengthy duas, asking for assistance, yet his situation did not change.

"Why me"? he asked; "I have prayed and prayed yet my prayers are not being answered, all my friends who don't even pray have everything".

In this feeling of despair he went to see his Uncle Ali, he narrated his situation to him he said:
" My luck is just the worst, I am heavily in debt I applied for a job along with my other cousins, all three of them got nice office jobs with good money yet I was rejected at my interview.
My health is bad i prayed and prayed for my illness to be cured yet my prayers are not accepted.
All my friends and everyone I know has nice cars, yet I do not have the money to purchase one. I have to stand at bus stops come rain or Shine.
Everyone of my friends has a nice and loving wife. Whilst all mine does is nag me. Nothing in my life is good. None of my friends or cousins prays none of them is religious. yet they have everything whilst I have nothing. Why me I ask?

I know I am supposed to look at those who are worse off then me, but i cannot help it. All I see is that I pray i do all my acts of worship yet my situation does not improve. Why me I ask?

Uncle Ali responded; " My nephew I never realised just how ignorant you was until today. You say I am in debt well you borrowed money , took out loans. whilst not having any means of paying back these loans.You also used the money on things that were not immediately necessary like buying new furniture and decorating your house. Why was it necessary for you to borrow money for such mundane reasons? If you had common sense you would have waited till your financial situation improved before spending money on those things.

As for the job you Prayed for your job interview to be successful yet you took no action in preparation for your interview. Your cousins although they do not pray, used their common sense they all spend several hours preparing for the interview, they went over all the questions they might be asked at the interview, and rehearsed the answers. Yet all you did was make dua.

Now let me ask you my son, Should you not act like the farmer who plough's the field sows the seeds and then prays to Allah to bless him with a healthy crop and harvest.

Does a farmer who neither plough's the field nor plants the crop have a right to complain?, he can pray all he wants but he will not get a crop.You have to take action to improve your situation, whilst also praying for success.If you fail to adopt the means then you have no right to complain.

As for your Health, you failed to adopt a healthy lifestyle you neither ate a healthy diet nor did you ever engage in physical exercise. When the symptoms of your illness appeared you refused to visit a doctor. Only once your illness worsened did you visit the doctors. If you had done so in the initial stages your illness could have been treated. your present health condition is a result of your own foolishness.

As for transport! when you had the money to purchase a car you spent it elsewhere. Now you don't have the money you complain.

As for your wife! what love and affection do you show her?, have you ever shown appreciation for all the hard work she does? have you ever helped her in the household chores? nay instead you have taken her for granted. Yet she does not complain that she has a husband who is a wastrel. Despite all your defects she has remained with you. You should thank Allah for blessing you with such a loyal wife, would the women your friends are married put up with such behavior from their husbands?

My son thank Allah for all the blessings he has bestowed upon you, and take action to improve your condition and Allah will assist you. What you have done s complain about the decree of Allah. whilst you have completely failed to look at yourself and why you are unsuccessful."

Written by Julaybib.

Something to reflect.

Is this not our condition we complain and moan at our situation and ask why me?. Often we complain our prayers are not being accepted and sometimes give up praying altogether. We look at others who do not even pray and see all the material things they have and get jealous. If we want to improve our situations then we need to take action, to address our problems, be they at home or at work.

May Allah give us all the tawfiq to be grateful and to adopt Patience in every situation ameen.
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#69 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 14:06
Allah protect Us!

Julaybib wrote:

Omar a young Muslim Brother who was a former member Of a Street gang and was now a devout worshiper at the local masjid . A new Imam arrived at the Masjid, Omar offered to show him around the area.

As they were walking down the street Omar said; "Allah protect us! look at the way that woman is dressed Imam sahib she has no Shame, showing of her body to everyone". The Imam remained silent as they carried on further Omar again spoke; " Allah protect us! look at that sports car the Brothers are driving, they have spent £50,000 on a car so they can show off, whilst that money could have gone to a worthy cause and been spent in the way of Allah." The Imam again remained silent.

Further down the road outside a grocery store, they met one of the worshipers from the mosque. He invited them both to his house, for some coffee and a chat. Whilst sitting in the house Omar gazed at how beautifully the house was decorated and furnished and all the expensive gadgets including a mega sized television.

As soon as they left the house Omar again spoke; " Allah protect us! look how much money has been wasted in decorating that house, why waste such money in acquiring trivial things."

The Imam finally spoke he said; " My Brother it seem,s that your heart is still attracted towards the world and it's charms. Be honest when you see a beautiful woman dressed in skimpy clothes, walk past does your heart secretly desire her.? Also when you see a Luxurious car or an expensively decorated house, does your heart not also desire these things?"

Omar remained silent and his face went red with embarresment his secret desires had been exposed. The Imam further said. " My brother it is better to walk in the streets with humility and when shaytaan whispers in our heart. We should seek refuge with Allah. For if we entertain these thoughts they will eventually lead us far away from the deen, we eventually end up losing both the tawfiq to practice our deen and our akhirah."

Omar confessed; " Imam sahib my secret is exposed you are indeed right. I say Allah protect us hypocritically but my heart in reality is inclined to these things."

The Imam said; "My Brother repent on to Allah, and control your thoughts, and subdue your desires, by engaging Mujahaadah or else your desires and thoughts will take over your mind and heart, and eventually lead you astray."

written by Julaybib.

Something to Ponder:

How often have we met Muslims who are not very religious make these accusations about the practicing Brothers and their hypocritical attitude. We need to focus on ourselves and examine our intentions. Do these secret desires exist in our hearts.

Indeed May Allah protect us from such heedlessness and guide us to what is good ameen.
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#70 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 14:08

Tahiri wrote:

Brother Julaybib,
Assalam o Alaikum

Have you read all these stories somewhere, heard from your shaykh, or have you created them all? Although some were from the history, others I think are your creations.

Story telling has been a good media for Naseehah in Islamic culture. Molana Rumi, Sheerazi, Attar and many other Sufi poets have adopted this way for naseehah to the people.

I read almost all the stories you wrote, maybe missed a few. I pray for increase in your Iman and Taqwa and Muhabbat of Allah and His Rasul SAW. May Allah give you His Sincere Love, and lead you to the path of His friends.

I would also like to contribute a story.

Here in Sindh (Pakistan), there was a dervish sometime ago called Wataayo faqeer. Once at the occasion of moon-sighting for Eid, people gathered in local mosque. After viewing the moon of the Eid, people prayed to Allah for their deen, prayers, taqwa, naseehah etc. They prayed to Allah to give them Hidayah and increase their taqwa, although their hearts were full of lust for the tomorrow's (Eid's) dishes and food and happiness.
When they finished, they saw Wataayo faqeer standing. They asked him, do you not want to pray to Allah? He said yes, and then started praying.
He prayed to Allah, Ya Allah! tomorrow when Eid arrives and people cook their favourite sweet and tasty dishes in their homes. So when all the people in village finish cooking and put the dishes on table, may they all die, except me and my mother. So me and my mother go to their houses and collect all the dishes and bring them to our home. When we finish collecting the dishes and putting them in my house, may my mother also die, so I can have all the sweet dishes in my home and me only to eat them.

Something to ponder:

Wataayo was a dervish. He actually showed the people what they intended in their hearts. Although they didnt' intend to have all the people die, this is the extreme of our Nafsani wishes. So he showed them the reality, although by tongue they were praying for deen.

May Allah SWT guide us to the real path of His true friends, and purify our Nafs from wishes.



[quote Julaybib]

Thank you for your duas Brother Tahiri. Some of the stories I have written myself I have highlighted which ones they are.

Unfortunately I have not taken Bayaah with any Shaykh at present.

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#71 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 14:09
Should a man wish to know whether he is rising or falling in religious terms

Travelleress wrote:

Should a man wish to know whether he is rising or falling in religious terms, he should look at how his state and conduct had been a month or a year ago. If he finds that they were better than his present state and conduct, he should know that he is descending into degradation; whereas if he finds that his present state and conduct are better, he should know that he is rising and improving. It has been handed down that "he who finds that his day resembles the previous day has been cheated, and he who finds that his day is worse that the previous day is accursed." Accursed here means remote from a particular and specially accorded to mercy. He who is not increasing is diminishing. To explain, if when thinking about previous days, you feel that you then had no desire for the world, were eager for the Hereafter, scrupulously avoided doubtful things, were quick to good actions, quick to obedience, remote from transgressions, and by comparison are now no better or are to any extent worse, then know that you are going down, deteriorating in religion, in your aspiration for God, and in striving for the Hereafter. You should then feel apprehensive and fearful and then begin to show resolution and exert effort. If, on the other hand, you find that you have more aspiration and eagerness than before, then thank God the Exalted even more, remember His gifts and graciousness, and be ever attentive to them. You should not feel pleased with yourself, nor think that it is due to your own ability and power, for as God the Exalted has said, Had it not been for the favor upon God upon you, and His mercy, not one of you would ever have grown pure; but God purifies whom He wills, and God is all-hearing, all-knowing (24:21)

-Imam 'Abdallah ibn 'Alawi al-Haddad rahimullah, Knowledge and Wisdom
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#72 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 14:10
A Bag Of Gold....

Julaybib wrote:

A pious king was travelling on a journey he along with his cavalcade they stopped at a Small town. The King after giving a small speech to the townsfolk, asked them to organise an evening at the local masjid of Quranic recitation he loved listening to the Quran being recited. The King also wished to see how well the Islamic education was being taught to young children.

" The young Qari who recites the Quran most beautifully will be
rewarded with a bag full of one Hundred gold coins;" announced the King.

The Towns people hastily organised the event, the towns most gifted young Qaris
were gathered at the Masjid. When the King entered the Masjid he saw that all the Qaris taking part in the recitation were young children. The oldest was thirteen years old.

The King announced to be fair all the young boys, should recite Surah Al Fatiha.
......And that he at the end of the evening would award the prize to the best reciter.

The Fathers of the young boys were proudly seated at the front of the Masjid.As the evening commenced the boys one by one came and recited surah Al Fatiha, in the beautifully and the most melodious tones. The King along with the audience sat listening mesmerized by the recitation of the Words of Allah.

Finally the turn came of Zubayr a Young nine year old boy, to commence his recitation. Zubayr as he went and sat infront of the audience to began his recitation, seeing all the expectant faces and the king. Zubayr was suddenly struck with fear. He had never recited the Quran in front of such a large gathering.

He could not remember the words, he stopped and stalled seeing the disappointed faces of the audience he became even more nervous. He noticed
the whispers of the audience as they gestured to each other. Zubayrs father who was in the audience had an embarrased look on his face, his son had been overcome with fear infront of such a prestigious gathering.

Zubayrs, eyes welled up and tears started rolling down his cheeks, as he struggled to complete his recitation. finally after 10 minutes he managed to finish his tilaawat. Whilst the completion of every other childs recitation had been met with takbeers and chants of "Allahu Akbar" as Zubayr got up there was absolute silence.

He went and sat on his own, at a distance, Children being children the other boys were making fun of him "coward" they whispered. His eyes downcast Zubayr sat crying I made a fool of myself infront of everyone he thought to himself.

Finally all the boys had completed their recitation, and the king stood up in front of the audience to announce, the winner of the prize of one hundred gold coins.

The King spoke He said; " My friends it has been a difficult choice each recitation of the Quran has been as beautiful as the next, but I have made a decision, I was so impressed with the recitation of this young Qari therefore I am increasing the prize to one Thousand gold coins. My friends this young Qari faced a greater handicap then anyone else, he was inflicted by fear infront of such a large audience. But he did not give up, he struggled and he strived, he displayed a commendable courage. Therefore the winner is young Zubayr."

Chants of "Allahu Akbar" resonated in the masjid and Zubayr with a bright smile on his face came to collect his prize."

Written By Julaybib.

Something to reflect:

In our Journey some of us are faced with greater struggle's then other. Some of us have greater difficulty in controlling our temper, in lowering our gaze in overcoming laziness etc. In comparison to others. But we should never give up or become despondent. The greater the challenge the greater the difficulty the greater the Reward. For example the Ulema have stated that there may be a person who finds a far greater struggle to lower his gaze but his reward will be greater in accomplishing this task. Then the one who finds it easy.

May Allah protect and guide us all and instill Sabr in our hearts ameen.
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#73 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 14:11
On Procrastination.

Julaybib wrote:

" Do not Put off todays work till tomorrow."
Hadrat Umar Al Farooq (Ra)

Something to Ponder:

This disease of Procrastination ( all ways delaying in taking action) is the biggest enemy to success, Be it wordily or Spiritual. We keep waiting for the right time.

The right time, to lose weight, the right time to quit smoking, the right time to increase our worship. The right time to open a business, the right time to start a course. The time never arrives Years and decades pass by and we wonder why we have failed in both our wordily and spiritual affairs.

An author researched to see what was the thing that made people successful, in business who were these Millionaires, and guess what they were people of action. The people who failed were often very intelligent, had all manner of degrees from university. But they were victims of Procrastination.

Whilst others who were of average intelligence, no formal education achieved success, simply by taking action.

If this is what is required in the affairs of the duniyah......What about the affairs
of deen. Surely to achieve success we need to act on what we learn and apply it in our daily lives.

May Allah cure us all from this disease of laziness ameen.

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#74 [Permalink] Posted on 16th March 2015 05:30
Jinn you are a hard working boy.
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#75 [Permalink] Posted on 17th March 2015 07:40
Well Said. That's All mean You can't change the world but you can change yourself.
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