As Salaam Alaykum.
First of all I would like to point out that this particular post is an admonishment to myself, for my heart is full of pride, conceit , vanity and arrogance I pray that Allah cures me of these diseases.I in no way intend to hurt or injure the feelings of others.
Hazrat Umar Al Farooq رضي الله عنه appointed Abu Musa Al Ashari رضي الله عنه
as the Governor of Basra. On his arrival He addressed the people and said:
" The Amir has ordered me to rule over you justly, to teach you your religion and to sweep your streets."
The people were amazed the Governor is going to sweep our streets they said in bewilderment. For they had never heard of a ruler, who acted in such humility.The false Pride of Jahiliyah had perished, and the Humility of Islam had arrived.
Some points to reflect.
Brothers and sisters look at our condition, in our youth and our zeal we think we are going to change the world. Through our arrogance and conceit we think that we and only we are capable of transforming the fortunes of the ummah.
Subhanallah we think it is beneath us to sweep the floors and clean the wash area's of the Masajid. We cannot even humble ourselves in the Masajid
Yet we think we are capable of changing the world, Abu musa al Ashari رضي الله عنه is sweeping the streets of Basra, he did not say I am the governor this is beneath me. He did not think of this task as demeaning he saw it as an act of Honour, he did not see himself as a leader but as a servant. Yet we are afflicted with the diseases of Hubb e Jah (love of fame and leadership), Hubb e Maal (love of wealth), Hubb e dunya ( love of dunya), Takkabur (pride and conceit).The Sahaaba Humbled themselves before Allah, and the world humbled itself before them. Their hearts emanated the fragrance of the Prophets
Ikhlaaq and Adaab.
Here are the words of shaykh Masood Azhar mujahid (dB) He says:
" When the love of the Prophet
and his sunna dominated their hearts,
Those who were misguided became the guides of others.
Those who were dead were brought back to life. These arab 's who were not considered worthy of being conquered, these forgotten people living in isolation, were revived and elevated. The world humbled itself before them.
" Umar Al Farooq رضي الله عنه is sitting by a hillside and crying someone asked, "oh Amir Al mumineen what is the matter", he replied:" As a child I used to graze Camels and sheep, my Paternal aunt used to admonish me and Say "Oh Umar you cannot even graze animals, what will you accomplish in life when you can't even do this simple task." I marvel at how Allah has raised a worthless one like me to the rank of Amir ul mumineen.
Once Abu Sufyan رضي الله عنه went to see Hazrat Umar al Farooq رضي الله عنه, he was told to wait because the the Amir is busy.
A while later Hazrat Bilal رضي الله عنه the abyssinian arrived. When Hazrat Umar Al Farooq was informed of Bilalرضي الله عنه arrival he came dashing out of his quarters
hugged him and kissed him on the forehead and led him into his quarters.
Abu Sufyans رضي الله عنه old pride and nobility took over he felt slighted and said: "I am also a muslim yet I am made to wait whilst Bilal رضي الله عنه, is given direct access, am I not worthy of equal treatment."
Somebody said: " Oh Abu Sufyan think back to those days when you use to raise your sword in enemity towards the muslims, whilst Bilal رضي الله عنه used to humble himself before Allah and his messenger. Allah has made a tribal chief, a nobleman of the Quraish like you wait whilst he has elevated the position of Bilal رضي الله عنه, think to the days of jahiliyah he was someone who had no voice, who was given no rights was enslaved by your people, he humbled himself before Allah and his messenger and today the Amir al Muineen addresses Bilal رضي الله عنه as his master.Oh Abu sufyan fear Allah for your heart is still full of vain pride.Abu Sufyan رضي الله عنه Started sobbing uncontrollably."
Khalid Ibn Al Walidرضي الله عنه Is the Commander of the Muslim Army, he is given the title the sword of Allah by none other than the Prophet of Allah
. He is removed from his position of leadership by Umar رضي الله عنه, some of the Mujahideen are upset and talk about a mutiny . Khalid Ibn Al Walid speaks and says: " The Amir has asked me to resign my position, we do not consider positions of leadership with pride our sole purpose should be to strive in the way of Allah, If Allah wills that I should lead than I shall lead if Allah wills that I should carry the sandals of the Mujahadeen then I will carry them with pride."
Look at our condition today, if we are moved from any worldly position we feel insulted and immediately form a splinter group. We fight over leadership in the Masajids, we consider it demeaning to sweep the floor of the Masajid yet we fight over the leadership. Than we complain and wonder why muslims all over the world are being humiliated. They are being humiliated because our hearts are sick they are completely devoid of humility and Ikhlaq, each one of us wants a position of leadership, but none of us is willing to do the work or take action. The Sahaba were people of action.
If the streets where we live are strewn with rubbish do we ever think of picking up a broomstick and sweep up the rubbish, or scrub the graffiti of the walls. No instead what we do is form action committees so we can complain to the council we say after all we pay our taxes we are entitled to a road sweeper, we spend months complaining and fighting over the leadership of these committees.
We form action committees, but we take no action ourselves, the Sahaba were people of action. Each and everyone of them was a treasure a priceless jewel.
And everyone of them was a miracle from the miracles of our Beloved Prophet
This is why George Bernard Shaw was moved to Say " If a Man like Muhammad (Saw) was to assume the dictatorship of the world, the world would be filled with peace, Justice and Harmony."
This is why Thomas Carlyle Labeled Him
as "The Hero among all Prophets."One who civilized the unruly tribes of arabia and elevated them to ranks that few mortals could reach.
Were is our humility we think of nothing but ourselves we are full of arrogance and conceit, we take great pride in our Job titles , and our Bank balances we degrade others who might have less wordily things then us. We are incapable of picking up a broom and sweeping our own street yet we think we are the solution to the problems of the Ummah.Where are those who have the humility of Abu Musa Al Ashariرضي الله عنه amongst us.
Hazrat Ayesha As Siddiqa رضي الله عنه is fasting some poor person Knock's on the door asking for provisions, she hands over everything in the house. As evening arrives it is the time of Iftar there is nothing in the house to open the fast with a maid servant asks "Oh mother of the Believers, did you not think of keeping something for yourself to open the fast with." Ayesha As Siddiqa رضي الله عنه replied "I am sorry but I forgot about myself". She opens her fast with a sip of water.
Sheرضي الله عنه forgot about herself, The wife of the Prophet(SAW) the daughter of Abu Bakr
AS Siddiq رضي الله عنه did not take her own needs into consideration.
Yet we think of nothing but ourselves.We are incapable of offering one sajda in humility.
Much more could be written on this topic ,but for now I think this will suffice.
I would like to reiterate that the defects I have highlighted are those that I see in myself, I pray that Allah guides me towards goodness. This post is not intended to injure the feelings of anyone else or pass judgement upon them.
If any of you find benefit in what has been written all praise is for Allah, the
mistakes are all mine and I pray that Allah forgives me.
May Allah remove pride an arrogance in all our hearts, and gives us the tawfiq to follow in the footsteps of our Beloved prophet
and his Sahaba ameen.