Bismillah Irahman Irahim.
Table Talk;
A Scholar of Hadith would hold a Dars at a local Masjid every morning, on his way to the Masjid, he would pass by several tea houses.
He would sometimes stop by at the tea houses, and urge the men to come and learn the words of rasullulah

. The men would promise to attend, but they never did.
After a few months he noticed the locals, who used to frequent his lectures (on the Virtues, of prayers , Fasting, and the importance of self reformation etc.) had stopped attending. The numbers had completely dwindled. The Scholar was quite baffled , but he said to himself "Allah guides whom he pleases", I will carry on even if I only have one student left.
Then one day he observed, that most of those local people were all spending their mornings, at a local tea house he saw a handsome young man, who was the center of attention, he was mesmerizing the locals with his discourses. The Scholar walked by without saying anything.
Over the next few weeks he observed the same scenario, the young man, would be holding court in the tea house, mesmerizing the locals. He also noticed that only a handful of people were frequenting the mosque, to attend the dars. The majority of them were now at the tea house.
So the Scholar asked one of his remaining students who this young man was, the student said: " Hazrat he is a graduate in political science in fact he has a Phd in it, he holds discourses, on the political conflicts, and intrigues happening around the world."
The next morning the Scholar stopped at the Tea house and listened intently, to the young mans words, indeed he was a powerful speaker. After awhile the scholar could not maintain his science anymore.
He said; " Young man I see you sitting here everyday, delivering discourses but what has your table talk achieved? you mesmerize the locals with your speech, what political changes have you achieved?
The young man was lost for words and remained quiet.
The Scholar responded: " Oh Heedless one you are astray and you have driven others astray the Muslim is not a man of useless Table talk he is rather a man of action, he does not waste hours talking politics, he reforms himself first and then he takes steps to improve the environment, around him. You sit here giving long and passionate speeches, yet not a single action you take. Oh young man such a handsome face as yours, should it not be prostrating in submission to Allah. I wonder at how your beatiful voice gives long speeches,but it has no inclination to recite the Quran. What answer will you give oh heedless one on the day of qiyammah, when the fires of Jahannam will
be stoked.Oh young man are the Political leaders of the world paying any attention to your useless rhetoric."
The Scholars words had such an impact, that the young man burst into tears.The following day he along with the other men started attending the mosque to learn religious knowledge.
here are some words from Qari muhammad Hanif رضي الله عنه
"A Young man is seriously ill and lying on his deathbed, his parents are crying
Our son we raised you with care and love, we spend all our wealth on your education and helped you obtain your Phd, now we elderly and infirm you are about to depart this world." He said "my beloved parents if only you had placed me in the masjid." Today I am on my deathbed what use is this Phd, my soul is about to leave this body yet try as I might, my tongue refuses to utter the words of Shahada."
Story Written by Julaybib.
Something to Ponder:
We spend hours in useless table talk, debating politics, and the plight of muslims. But when we are asked to write a letter to a newspaper etc. In defence of Islam we do nothing we have become a useless nation of table talkers. We do virtually nothing to help our brothers and sisters around the world, who are suffering. They say actions speak louder then words. Our actions bear witness to our hypocrisy.
We spend hours talking Politics as if the Political leaders are hanging on to our every word. Yet we don't have time to reform our own characters , we give very little heed to self reformation. We do not pay any heed to the Beautiful character of our beloved Prophet

or try to inculcate those characteristics within us.
We all act like we have a Phd in Politics, what use will this imaginary Phd, achieve when we are about to depart this world.