As Salaam Alaykum.
A wealthy trader was one day clearing some of his old correspondence letters, He came across a letter he received about six months earlier, from a man whose small furniture making business was failing, this man had written a letter to the wealthy trader asking for advice. The wealthy trader had written a reply at that time, with advice to the furniture maker in how to improve his business.
Reading the letter once again the wealthy trader decided to write another letter he stated.
" As I was clearing out my desk, I came across the letter you wrote to me six months ago.I hope things In your business have Inshallah improved , reading your letter I was reminded of my earlier days when I first started out, it was a mighty struggle many time I thought of giving up, but I was heavily in debt I could not afford to shut down my business. Eventually I managed to get one client then another, from there my business really took of and I have never looked back. So my friend my message to you is never ever give up in the end the struggle will have been worth it, the fruits of success will taste that much sweeter, and Allah is with those who have Sabr (patience and fortitude) at times of difficulty.
A year went by and the Wealthy trader one day received another letter from the same man, in his busy life he had all but forgotten about that furniture maker, he was completely amazed when he read the letter:It said.
" I would like to thank you for saving my life, a year ago my business was not running I was heavily in debt and my creditors were breathing down my neck demanding repayment of their loans on top of that I was struck by illness, I felt completely drained both emotionally and Physically. I was in total despair the only way out I could see was to take my own life , By the grace of Allah the day I was planning to commit suicide is the same day I received your letter. You told me of your own struggles and advised me to never give up, that things would eventually improve. After reading your letter I felt re-energised I thought if this man went through the same struggle as I am to achieve success then things cant really be that bad. Well a year on business is booming, my life has improved beyond my wildest dreams all thanks to your kind words of support."
Now the wealthy trader had no idea his words would have such an impact, he just wrote that letter out of human sympathy but he ended up saving a mans life. Allah had used his words of kindness to help save the other mans life.
Story Written by Julaybib.
Something to Ponder:
How often do we take time to offer encouragement and support to a close relative ,let alone a complete stranger. often our relatives, friends and colleuges are going through difficult times yet do we show any sympathy, or kindness, we are generous in our words of criticism but very miserly when it comes to offering words of kindness.
Do we ever show consideration towards others as we are going about our daily business. How many times have we felt slighted , when we for example have come across a miserable shop assistant or a cashier in a store, do we ever stop to think that person may be miserable because they have had a bad day or perhaps is facing other difficulties in their personal lives , do we ever consider smiling and saying a few kind words.
Even in situations when we do offer support, we often forget about the other person after a few days, we never think of contacting that person after some weeks to see if things have improved or if they need any further help. On this forum how many of us bother maintaining contact with those who are clearly in distress , and in a state of desperation.
Smiling when you greet others, offering words of kindness and compassion are from the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet

. Yet we completely fail to act in accordance to them.
May Allah give us all the tawfeeq to act with kindness and compassion toward others ameen.
P.S remember to visit the excellent thread dedicated to our Beloved Prophet
