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#571 [Permalink] Posted on 28th April 2023 07:20
Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world, even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness. – Ibn Taymiyyah
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#572 [Permalink] Posted on 24th May 2023 16:35
The Power Of intention.

By Brother Julaybib

Recently I was reading about the achievements and accomplishments of
Shaykh Dr. Hussain Abdul Sattar. What fascinated me was how much he has managed too achieve and accomplish in such a short period of time, in both Academic and deeni fields and all before the age of 40. He has studied medicine become a surgeon and is now a professor teaching pathology.During the same period he has spent several years studying in both Pakistan, and Syria and has qualified as a religious scholar he is also a Shaykh of tazkiyah. And he travels all over the world lecturing on Islam and medicine.

Whilst I was pondering on where the Shaykh got his energy and time too make such great strides in such a short period of time...My mind transported me back to 1998, and I remembered listening to Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq (db) he said something along the lines of (and I am quoting from memory) "Its not important as to what you want to achieve or study, what is important is why you want to achieve and study the things you do, the the power and barakah lies, with the intention, are your intentions for the sake of Allah or for something else...!"

Well I had heard Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq (db) speak all those years ago, but it had taken me 15 years to understand. And it made me realise the reason why Shaykh Dr. Hussain Abdul Sattar (db) has been able to accomplish so much is because of his intention. When an individual undertakes any effort for the sake of Allah, then he is supported in all his endeavours by the grace of Allah. The power is in the intention!

To further emphasise this I was reading yesterday a small booklet "Dying and living for Allah," It is the last will and testament of Ustadh Khurram Murrad

Ustadh Khurram Murrad is one of the pioneers as far as dawah and deeni efforts go in the U.K. he was one of those few individuals who had the foresight way back in the early 1970's to realise that more work and focus needed to be given to the muslim youth especially in universities, and that the religious teachings needed to be made available to them in the English language. For those of you who are quite young you might not realise that religious gatherings in English and availability of books in English, were very rare prior to the 1990s.

I think it would be fair to say that an entire generation who grew up in the 1970's and 1980's owe some debt of gratitude to Ustadh Khurram Murrad amongst others. What is remarkable about Khurram Murrad is that in 1966 at the very young age of 34 he suffered a massive heart attack and over the subsequent decades he suffered I believe five further heart attacks, had heart bypass operations, open heart surgery several times and spent time in various intensive care units.

Despite his ill health from a fairly young age, and the stresses of raising a young family in a foreign land, he was able to write many books and articles, deliver hundreds of lectures, and spent countless hours in trying to inspire the youth. He did not allow his ill health to dim his energy or enthusiasm, he passed away in 1996 thirty years after suffering his intiall heart attack. The Power behind his accomplishments was the intention. Interestingly his Last will and testament, is called, " Dying and living for Allah," rather then "Living and Dying for Allah."

The Point

My point was to highlight that even in contemporary times, if an individual regardless of background, puts his trust in Allah and makes every intention for his sake, whether it is in regards to studies, in careers, religious efforts, marriage, upbringing of children. Then Allah will help him climb over insurmountable mountains, and find a way out of every difficulty.

Make every intention for the sake of Allah and Allah will be your protector and guide at all times and in all situations...even if you are doing the everyday mundane things such as shopping, cleaning the house, or visiting relatives, make an intention for Allah. you will be amazed by The Power and Barakah that will come in to your life.

May Allah gives us all the tawfiq to practice what we learn especially a hypocrite and sinner like me ameen.
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#573 [Permalink] Posted on 24th May 2023 17:13
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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I say Aameen for your duas.

I have witnessed many brothers in public life, their complex diseases, handicaps etc., anyone else with half of their complex health issues would have been staying at home, not even visiting his local masjid.

I heard one one akabir "Tomorrow, it will never be a better day, health will get more complex as time progresses, whatever opportunities and resources we have if we are not spending for deen, then what is the use of living like a parasite" "our aslaf sacrificed their lives, let us sacrifice our comforts"
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#574 [Permalink] Posted on 25th May 2023 03:34
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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jazakallah for sharing. brother julaybib was a gem, mashallah. i used to read his posts on SF.
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#575 [Permalink] Posted on 25th May 2023 03:35
akbar703 wrote:
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so true, mashallah.
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#576 [Permalink] Posted on 20th June 2023 07:53

For Those Struggling To Perform Salah.

By Babar Ahmad

"Nobody is perfect, we all sin and we are all trying to get better. This is a struggle which continues until our deathbed. So you are not alone in that. Remember that this desire in your heart to want to get closer to Allah is proof that you are a believer, proof that Allah loves you and wants good for you. Otherwise you would not want to get better and stop sinning.

A technique I used successfully in prison with Muslims who didn't pray, whether they were reverts, or brought-up Muslims, was to start with one salah a day. Choose one salah, any one which is easy for you to for you to do and put all your effort into doing that once a day. Do that for one month and it will become a habit. Second month add another salah, whichever is easy for you, now do these two salahs on time every day for a month. Third month, add the third salah, fourth month add the fourth salah, fifth month add the fifth salah and the sixth month focus on waking up for fajr on time. Inshallah in six months you will be praying five times a day without even realising it.

If you slip a day, it doesn't matter, pick yourself up and continue. Once you start to pray five times salah a day you will see your life will change. May Allah make it easy for you,"
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#577 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2023 11:04
Make the Quran the Springtime of My Heart

1 February 2016

By Shad Imam

Last week, as my family and I patiently dug ourselves out of mounds and mounds of snow during Snowmageddon 2016, I kept thinking of how white the world was around us. Everywhere we turned, there was snow – and not the dirty, been-on-the-road-too-long-kind, but rather the fluffy-want-to-make-an-igloo-and-snowman-kind of snow. But there was one thing that stood out for me in those early days after the storm – there was hardly a sign of life around us. No one was out in the streets, no animals were in the neighborhood and even the greenery from our suburban Virginia homes was gone – all around us, there was just a lot of cold and a lot of white. Deny it as we may, we missed the variety of colors that come with Spring.

In many ways, the world around us reminded me of a beautiful dua of the Prophet ﷺ. The Dua is not specifically about Winter, but rather the life of Springtime that the Quran should bring to our hearts. It’s related to us in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad that Abdullah ibn Masud said that the Prophet [made the dua and] said:

“…I am invoking You [Allah] by all the names that You call Yourself, that You have taught to anyone in Your creation, that You have mentioned in Your Book, or that You have kept unknown. Let the Qur’an be Springtime of my heart, the light of my chest, the remover of my sadness and the pacifier of my worries.”[full text of dua below]

Quite simply, the Prophet ﷺ was asking for a Springtime – but not just any Springtime, but a Springtime of our Hearts, a Spiritual Springtime facilitated by the Words of Allah in the Quran.

What is Spring? It comes after winter – a time of bitterness, cold – a time in which all of the plants and grass are dead, and the crops are barren. As I learned during this past snowstorm, it’s hard to cultivate anything new in Winter – even animals go to hibernate in the Winter. In our case, we couldn’t even move around or out of the house for four days!

But in this beautiful dua, the Prophet ﷺ wasn’t asking for Winter, but reminding us of what comes immediately after Winter: Spring! Spring is a time of rebirth – plants and flowers are awakening, the grass is growing again, the color is coming back into Nature all around us. Everything is alive and rejuvenated and this is the effect that the Quran should have on our hearts – to revive our hearts, to rejuvenate our Imaan – to give it life again. This is what the Prophet ﷺ asked Allah for with regards to the Quran – to rejuvenate our faith and re-invigorate our souls.

During these crazy times, our imaan suffers – we look at all the negativity around us and we begin to despair. But, what’s the cure for that despair? The Quran. To read it and reflect on it. To develop a personal relationship with it. To internalize the lessons from it. To remember that Noah gave dawah for 950 Years and yet was told to “Patiently persevere…” To remember that Abraham was thrown into a massive Fire, but didn’t give up. To remember that the Prophet Muhammad himself ﷺ was ridiculed and hated in society at one point, but he continued to change people’s hearts, one person at a time, because his own heart was rejuvenated with the Quran. What a beautiful way to describe the Quran – as the Springtime of our hearts and souls.

But the Prophet ﷺ didn’t stop there; instead he asked that Allah make the Quran the light of our chests. What is Light? It’s that which guides us. So now the Quran is not just providing us new life, but is guiding us along the Path as well. Most of us take the Quran as an academic Book – we don’t have a personal relationship with the Book of God. How many of us keep a journal of personal reflections on the Verses of the Quran that we read, whether on paper or on our phones?

Our Guidance is predicated on being reflective people – i.e. reading the Quran not just in Arabic, but in English (or our native tongues) and thinking deeply about what those words mean to me, as an individual. The words will have no real meaning until we understand what Allah’s Message is for us. That’s how we take it as guidance. We should make a personal commitment to read and reflect on a minimum of 5 verses a day. If you don’t know Arabic, read the translation and let the meaning of the Quran penetrate into your heart. Allow it to be that Guiding Light that is mentioned in this dua. Every Muslim convert I have ever spoken with told me that it was the translation of the Quran that strengthened their faith in God. This can only happen when we take the Quran as a guide for us—a Divinely-inspired GPS system for our Journey to Jannah (inshaAllah).

Then the Prophet continued in the dua to say something that is applicable to every single person reading this post. He asked that the Quran be a remover and a cleanser for our grief and our worries. Imagine that for a moment – a life lived with peace of mind. Many of us are weighed down by our worries – worries about our jobs, our children, our parents, our relatives, our Ummah, our community, our society, our selves, etc. We are constantly worried and anxious and yet, the Prophet ﷺ asked Allah to allow the Quran to cleanse us of our worries and anxieties. The question is, how?

The Verses of God refocus us on what’s really important —our Path to Him. And our commitment to Compassion and Mercy. Over and over again in the Quran we are told to be merciful and compassionate to others, even those that have wronged us – we are told to forgive them. There is a lot of ignorance all around us – in our personal lives and societies – but the Quran is there to direct us above all the noise. Its aim is to re-orient us to a life that is largely worry-free when it comes to this material world. Instead, it re-directs us to do our best in this world in order to achieve the highest ranks with God in the next world.

The Quran is transformative by its very nature. For example, the Prophet ﷺ was said to be more giving and generous during the month of Ramadan than in other months of the year, the very same month in which he was known to recite the Quran more often than others. Why? Because that recitation & reflection of Quran led to a change in his behavior. And ultimately, that’s what it will do for us: it will change our behavior with each other, with one another, and with our Lord. We must allow the Quran to be the Spring of our Hearts, the Light of our Chests, the Remover of our Worries and the Dispeller of our Stress. When that happens, we transform ourselves to be better people with our children, our spouses, our parents, our community and our society, all of the very things that cause us grief and worry to begin with.

For a few days towards the end of January, the whole world around us was colorless and lifeless, much like our imaan can become from time to time. The cure for our spiritual lifelessness is to engage with the Book of Allah – to read it, to reflect on it, to understand it and most importantly, to live by it. Just as the Messenger asked of Allah, we need to allow the Quran to become the Springtime and the Light of our hearts, thereby allowing our worries and stress to melt away, just as the sun melted away the towers of snow. My plea for myself and all of us is to start keeping a journal of personal Quran reflections. As my Shaykh, Faisal Matadar, reminded me a few weeks ago – this is what empowered the early Community. It’s not just that they knew the words of the Quran, but that they personalized its message so that they could live by it – day in and day out, throughout all of the “seasons” and “snowstorms” of their lives.

We pray that Allah gives us the Best in this World and the Next and protects us from the Punishment of the Fire. We also pray that Allah makes the Quran the Springtime of our Hearts, the Light of our Chests, the Remover of our Worries and the Dispeller of our Stress. Allahumma Ameen.

اللهم إني عبدُك وابنُ عبدِك وابنُ أَمَتِك، ناصِيَتِي بِيَدِكَ، مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤُكَ، أَسْأَلُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ، سَمَّيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ، أَوْ عَلَّمْتَهُ أَحَداً مِنْ خَلْقِكَ، أَوْ أَنْزَلْتَهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ، أَوِ اسْتَأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الْغَيْبِ عِنْدَكَ: أَنْ تَجْعَلَ الْقُرْآنَ رَبِيعَ قَلْبِي، وَنُورَ صَدْرِي، وَجَلَاءَ حُزْنِي، وَذَهَابَ هَمِّي

Allahumma inni `abduka wabnu `abdika wabnu amatik nasiyati bi-yadik madin fiyya hukmuk `adlun fiyya qada’uk as’aluka bi-kulli ismin huwa lak sammayta bihi nafsak aw `allamtahu ahadan min khalqak aw anzaltahu fi kitabik awista’tharta bihi fi `ilmi al-ghaybi `indak an taj`ala al-Qur’ana al-karima rabi`a qalbi wa-nura sadri wa-jala’a huzni wa-dhahaba hammi.

O Allah, I am Your slave, son of Your male servant, and son of Your female servant. My forelock is in Your Hand. Your command for me prevails. Your judgement concerning me is just. I beseech You through every name You have, by which You have called Yourself, or which You have sent down in Your Book, or which You have taught to any one of Your creations, or which You have preferred to keep to Yourself among Your guarded secrets, to make the Great Qur'an the springtime of my heart, the light of my chest, the remover of my sadness, and the pacifier of my worries. 1

1. It is recorded in Musnad Ahmad and Sahih Abu Hatim on the authority of ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever was afflicted with grief and distress and says (see the du'a above), Allah, the Exalted and Ever-Majestic, will remove his grief and will change his sorrow into happiness.” It was said, “O Messenger of Allah! (Do) we have to learn these words?” He said, “Yes, whoever hears them should learn them.”
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#578 [Permalink] Posted on 7th December 2023 17:50
𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞!

The Muftī of Mecca Muḥammad bin ʿAlāa ad-Dīn Aḥmad al Nahrawānī al Ḥanafī رحمه الله (d. 990H) narrated:

That a merchant from Alexandria invested much of his wealth in a trading expedition to Constantinople by sea.

On his way there the ship he was traveling on was captured by Frankish Pirates. They captured all the wealth and men aboard.

They took everything the merchant owned and bounded his feet in chains and sat him at an oar to row for the ship. When the merchant was sat down and saw the state of his affairs, and thought of his family and his home and wondered if he’ll ever see them again he began to cry and wasn’t able to stop.

A Christian youth notice his crying and approached him. And asked him why he was crying. The merchant began to relate to him that he feared he will never see his family and home again.

The youth grabbed a handkerchief and threw it in the air and let it hit the ground. He then asked the merchant:

“Do you see how the handkerchief goes into the air and falls?

The merchant said yes.

The youth said:

“In time span of that handkerchief going into the air and falling Allah can change our affairs and turnover the Dunya and it’s people and Allah can bring about favors you cannot imagine. So do not wallow in your crying and sadness just because there is some hardship.”

The man was amazed by the youth’s words and by it Allah removed the sadness and regret in his heart. And he decided to wait for Allah to remove his hardship.

And at that very moment a Muslim military vessel appeared in the horizon and was able to quickly intercept the pirate ship and seize it without any fighting.

They were towed to a near by port and they offloaded all of the men, the merchandise, and the captured pirates.

They put all the Christian pirates in chains. It was then announced that whosoever has any claims to the wealth and merchandise should make it now.

The Muslim Merchant went to the Muslim commanding officer and informed him of what occurred and was able to reclaim all of his wealth without a single thing missing.

The commander then said to the merchant are you continuing to Constantinople or returning to Alexandria. The merchant informed the commander that he will be continuing to Constantinople, so the commander pointed him to another vessel that would be making the trip. And had all the merchandise loaded for him and appointed for him a guide to Constantinople.

Then the commander prepared to auction off the captured Frankish pirates. And the Muslim merchant saw amongst them the youth who gave him the advice, so the merchant approached the commander and requested a price for the youth. The commander, surprised, asked the merchant why did he want to buy one of his former capturers, so the merchant informed him of what transpired between the merchant and the youth. Amazed by the story the commander said he is yours for free.

So the merchant took the youth and freed him. Then merchant and the youth traveled to Constantinople together. Where the merchant was able to sell all his merchandise and was very profitable in doing so, he then returned to Alexandria.

And the Christian youth also decided to travel to Alexandria with Christian traders to conduct business. And a business relationship formed between the merchant and the youth wherein he would send merchandise to Frankish lands with the youth to sell them for him and it made them both very wealthy.

After a long time passed the merchant informed the Christian that he should become Muslim. The Christian told him he had become Muslim the day the merchant bought and freed him, but hid it so that he can continue to trade in Frankish lands in safety, but for now on he will no longer hide it. And he made apparent his Islam and perfected it up until he died رحمه الله.

📚 Summarized from al Fawāid al Sunīyyah Fī al Riḥlaḥ al Madīnah wal Rūmīyyah
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#579 [Permalink] Posted on 15th May 2024 13:56
Have you ever made Dua for something that seemed impossible (to you) which Allah granted?

By Sister Fatima ( originally posted on Quora).

June 2023- Nov 2023 Consistently praying to get married to the person of my choice since June. Always asking for khair and Allahs mercy instead of asking for the person only.

It hasn't happened yet. However a few miraculous things that have happened in the past 5 months are

Since June 2023

I don't feel interested in music or Netflix anymore. They used to be my source of relaxation.
A lot of duas I made for friends or family during this time immediately got accepted, as if Allah is giving me signs that He is listening.

Since July 2023

I have been given the taufeeq to make that dua at times of qubooliyat. Even if it has slipped my mind, I am somehow reminded of it. Its a sign of the acceptance of dua. I make it after every adhan, on jummah, while it rains, while travelling, in sajdah, and in tahajjud.

August 2023

I was slightly overweight, It would go down 2 kgs with diet or workouts, however when I took a break it would go up again. I wasn't able to break this plateau for the past 8 years besides all types of diets and efforts. I just once prayed to healthily lose weight without having to starve myself. Surprisingly. my weight went down about 6 kgs and my body fat ratio came down 10% even though I didn't change much about my diet or workouts. The only thing that changed is I started walking a lot while doing zikar or listening to podcasts.

Sep 2023

I had about 4 friends with whom I would discuss my matters in case of need. I was quite dependent on their support even if I didn't want to be a burden. Allah removed my need for their company. I am still friends with them but I don't feel the need to ever communicate with them much. Some got busy, some moved to a different country. I befriended Allah and now the only place I can open up is in front of Allah.
I used to be an absolute cry baby, and whenever I would cry in front of my friends, my head would hurt so much. I haven't been able to cry in front of any human for months, even if I want to. However, whenever I am talking to Allah two tears roll down automatically and all the weight is lifted off. (It happens almost every time)
In August, He gave me a new friend who understands everything I go through and helps me increase my patience and tawakkul.
If I have asked for any small thing I have one way or the other gotten it. e.g- skin care, hair care, clothes, a MacBook Pro.
Whenever I get lazy with dua, I am given a reminder that Allah accepts duas when they are sincere and consistent.

October 2023

I prayed tahajjud consistently from June to September. However, I couldn't pray tahajjud in the month of October, I was continuously given reminders for benefits of tahajjud. I would wake up with the alarm but couldn't get out of bed.
Since the 30th of October I have started reciting thousands of Astaghfaar, that too after reading someones dua acceptance story on a forum. I am finally able to wake up again for tahajjud every night since then.
Whenever I am about to lose hope, I am usually given a positive sign through friends, family or even strangers on instagram to keep praying. People who don't even know what I am going through have come and told me how I am so close to getting what I am asking for. This is a message sent to me from a colleague who has no idea what is going on in my life.
This phase of your life is massively increasing your tawakkul. You are like ?? close tho.

Nov 2023

Finally, I have started to see some positive outcome that seems to be leading towards my duas acceptance.
Will update this answer when it does happen in sha Allah.

In order to ask Allah for your hearts desire, you can't just keep going on your own path as before. You have to ask Allah for guidance to lead you to be the human who is worthy of being His friend (Walli) and for you to be prepared to receive your blessing
Allah will keep you in that state of patience until you learn what Allah is trying to teach you.
Some changes I made are
I pray istikhara before taking any important step. I pray for His guidance. and when my heart knows what Allah wants me to do, I try to never act against that.
And I pray Istikhara very two weeks asking Allah if He wants me to stop making this dua or not.
I tell Allah whatever I am feeling.
I ask Allah to open the door for me ONLY if its in Khair for me, otherwise just change my heart and my direction.
I stopped all types of frank conversations with any non-mahrams that I had because I felt like it would delay or even stop my dua from being accepted.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I barely was in touch with the person. However, I got this sign continuously to let it go in Allahs aman and let Him handle it for me. So, I made my intetion clear to the person in the very beginning and soon after I removed all forms of communication with that person.
Of course even the ability to raise hands in dua is also from Allah

I hope it helps you through your journey of dua. Remember me in your duas.

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#580 [Permalink] Posted on 26th May 2024 18:14
"Starting today, work more and more on your belief that Allah is watching, and you will find your life falling into place. No matter how hard the temptation to sin, or how painful some situation in life is, or how much you are being oppressed, keep telling yourself "Allah is watching".

Dr Bilal Philips.
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#581 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 13:25
Be persistent in making du’aa (supplication).

al-Tabi’i Qatadah said:
“The believers continued to say, ‘Our Lord, Our Lord,’ in private and in public until He answered them.”

Narrated by Al-Ajurri in Adab al-Nufus (267).
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