If you attend a study-session, behave only like someone who wishes to increase his knowledge and to win greater recompense from God. Do not behave like someone who is content with what he has, who is looking for some fault to criticise or a curious detail to hawk around. This would be the behaviour of vile men who never succeed in their studies.
If you come to it with good intentions, you will always obtain the best results. Otherwise, to stay at home would be less tiring for your body, more worthy of your moral conduct and more salutary for your religious life.
Extract from Al-Akhlâq wa’l-Siyar (Morals and Behaviour) By Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi
The following is taken from Mufti Abdur Raheem Limbadas (DB) Facebook page.
Trans-formative power of Pious company.
Last week i was making nusrat of a jamaat from kuwait ....
The ameer of the jamaat related an amazing kharguzari to me...
it's absolutely amazing ....
Ameer of kuwait was spending 3 days in jamaat in kuwait and in his jamaat was a saudi youngster ... during the 3 days the ameer got quite close to this young man and on the 3rd day asked him what had attracted him to jamaat and this saudi guy related an amazing story....
He said that he is an accountant and ran the admin of a large business owned by a wealthy saudi widow.... whilst working for her he began stealing money from her in a such a way that it was difficult for his boss to detect it...
in this way over a long period of time he managed to steal sufficient to be able to set up his own business which he did ...
he remained in the lady's employment even though he was discreetly managing his own business with the help of his manager...
once the business was on a good footing and was able to generate sufficient profit he decided to resign from his position in this lady's business....
The lady accepted his resignation and he took over the reins of his now own business....
the business began to grow in leaps and bounds...
After about a year a jamaat came to his office on a mulakaat and encouraged him to join the jamaat for 3 days....
he agreed to join for 3 days....
On the 3rd day he asked the ameer if he could have a private mashura with him...
He asked the ameer what should he do because everything he has and owns is haraam for him .
The ameer requested that they both make 2 rakaats of salaat, dua and then they talk.
They both made salaat and dua and thereafter spoke and decided that this saudi youngster make an appointment to see his former boss...
He did so the next day and she unhappily agreed to meet him 2 days later... he made much dua.. tahajjud and went for the meeting and said to his former boss....
"I have come to beg for you forgiveness because whatever i have has been acquired from wealth stolen from you... I have come to give u the keys and full rights to my business because it all belongs to you... it is haraam for me..." (words something like the above )
The rich widow was completly taken aback and shocked and said to this youngster that she needs to think about this and that he should come back in three days ... he left...
She was not shocked about the theft but was completely absorbed by the akhlaaq (character) displayed by this young man... she called her only daughter and said to her... i think i have found the man you should marry ... she was happy to marry whoever her mother was happy with....
Three days later when this youngster returned, the lady said to him that she will only forgive him subject to ONE condition ... that he agree to marry her daughter... he agreed ...
They got married and now his mother in law gifted to her new son in law the business and possessions that he wanted to return to her ... what was haraam for him a week ago became halaal for him now... Allahu Akbar
The moral of the story for me is what 3 days in jamaat can do to a person if spent correctly....fikr for qabr and aakhirah and accountability to Allah entered the heart...
Allah accept us all for this high and noble effort... the jewel of the first century of islam...
💠 A woman shared an exemplary point about her life at home:
🏡 I have allotted a name to each room in my house.
🛋 My living room has been named "Tahleel Room", so whenever I am in that room I continue to recite/read 'La Ilaha Illalah'
🛏 I have named my Master Bedroom "Hamd Room". My Zikr is this room is 'Alhamdulillah'
🛏 My children's bedroom is named "Tasbeeh Room" and I recite 'SubhanAllah' in that room
🍽 My kitchen's name is "Astagfaar Room" so while cooking food I remember to read 'Astagfirullah'. Normally while cutting vegetables I continue to do Zikr which I believe adds to the taste and pleasure in my food.
👒 My drawing room is named "Salawaat Room".
🌸 I read "Takbir" while watering plants and pots.
🌹 To summarize, I am involved in Zikr in each corner of my house and this saves me from getting lethargic.
💖 This way I stay entertained at home and I don't feel tired. At the same time, my home is blessed and my heart is satisfied!
👌🏻 Let us all follow her example and make the air in our homes fresh and beautiful.
Difficulties and Calamities – Win in a ‘No-Win’ Situation!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
At times Allah makes someone fall into a trouble so that he/she may get closer to Allah by means of:
1. Pardoning of sins – It’s mentioned in a narration that the Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم said: “There is no calamity that befalls a Muslim but Allah expiates (sin) thereby, even a thorn that pricks him.”
(Narrated by Imām al Bukhārī and Imām Muslim)
Note: For major sins, however, proper Tawbah (repentance) should be made (i.e. remorse should be present in the heart along with determination that it will not be repeated)
2. Gaining huge rewards by practising Sabr – i.e. remaining satisfied with Allah’s decree and not getting lazy in fulfilling His commandments out of despair.
Allah Ta’ālā says “Give glad tidings to the Sābirūn (patient ones)” (Surah Al Baqarah: 155).
3. Making Du’aa – one becomes deeply attached with Allah by making Du’aa. Allah loves when an ‘Abd (slave of Allah) begs infront of Allah and shows his Ihtiyāj (destitute).
4. Undergoing Islāh (Reformation) – misfortunes and afflictions give person a chance to change him/her-self. If this change shall ensue in a positive way (i.e. one becomes more obedient towards Allah and leaves away sins) then this will rather turn out to be a great ‘fortune’.
So imagine you attaining attachment with Allah, The Most High, due to a trivial, worldy mishappening ! Thus some pious person said in a verse:
جو ساتھ تم بھی ہو تو غم کا کیا غم ہے
If one attains friendship of Allah then grief for the mishap, that enabled this to happen, will surely be replaced with joy and tranquility.
Sunnah: Upon getting any sort of affliction (be it a prick of a thorn), one should recite the following:
Translation: We belong to Allah and to Him shall we return; O Allah, reward me for my affliction and give me something better than it in exchange for it.
(Narrated by Imam Muslim)
Lastly, remember that any event that’s going to happen in our lives is either going to make us happy or make us sad. A believer utilizes both these opportunities to gain closeness with Allah – he does Shukr (offers gratitude) at that which makes him feel joyful and practices Sabr (patience) at that which makes him grief strucken. So thereby he gains benefit from both sort of situations! Thus a Hadith states ‘Amazing is the affair of believer’, and then it refers to the aforementioned phenomenon (Narrated in Sahih Muslim)
Adapted from various discourses by Ulama and Shuyukh.
I tell people this over and over again: don't attach your faith to people. People will come and go. People will disappoint you. People will divulge dark secrets. People will turn out to be the opposite of what you thought.
Allah is perfect. His Messenger (peace be upon him) is a perfect example, and the religion is a perfect methodology. Attach yourself to the principles instead of the people. That way no Shaykh going wild or role model going rogue will be able to shake your faith.
The Story Of The Man Who Thought He Did Not Deserve To Go For Hajj
Date: 28/08/2017
Author: Babar Ahmad
A friend who owns a halal restaurant in London once told me this amazing story.
She said that every year she puts the names of all the workers into a hat and then draws out one name.
Whoever’s name comes out is given a free Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah, paid for by the restaurant.
One particular year a worker’s name was drawn out of the hat. Let’s call him Murad. It was three months before Hajj.
“Congratulations, Murad!” the owner told him infront of all the other workers. “You’re going on Hajj!” All the workers began to hug Murad to congratulate him.
“B… but… I can’t go on Hajj,” stammered Murad, trying not to dampen the celebration. “I’m not ready yet. I don’t deserve to go on Hajj.”
“What do you mean you’re not ready yet?” the owner asked him.
“I mean, I am not a good Muslim,” Murad replied. “I don’t pray, I smoke, I live an un-Islamic lifestyle… Send someone else, someone who deserves it more than me.”
“Murad, who do you think chose your name?” the owner asked him. “Do you think it was us?”
Murad thought for a moment wondering what point the owner was trying to make. Then his face froze.
“Yes,” the owner smiled. “It wasn’t us who chose your name. Allah chose your name. He has invited you to come. Are you going to turn down His invitation?”
Murad’s face went white and he looked towards the floor in awe. He then walked away without saying another word.
The next morning Murad set his alarm for the Fajr dawn prayer. Then at lunchtime he prayed the lunchtime Zuhr prayer. Murad had begun to pray five times a day.
Over the following weeks, Murad gave up smoking and all of his other un-Islamic habits. He began to make major changes to his life.
By the time Murad got on the plane to travel to Makkah three months later, he had already turned his life around. After all, Allah had invited him to His House so how could Murad stand at Allah’s Door in an unfit state?
Murad went on Hajj and repented to Allah. He returned to a new life.
A common excuse many Muslims make for not doing Hajj is, “I’m not good enough to go on Hajj.”
Yet Hajj is not the ending, it’s the beginning. Only those whom Allah has invited to His House are able to go on Hajj.
This explains why some very wealthy, fit and well Muslims are unable to go on Hajj year after year after year despite having all the means to do so. One thing or another always turns up to hold them back.
In reality, it is Allah who has not invited them.
This also explains why some Muslims with no means to attend somehow go on Hajj. Like the muezzin (the one who calls to prayer) of my local mosque.
A simple, humble, elderly man of limited means who lives alone in an old people’s home, he is at the mosque for all five prayers. Last year he disappeared for a few weeks around the time of Hajj.
I knew that he could not afford to go on Hajj so I was worried and asked others about him. I thought that maybe he was sick or in hospital.
It turned out that he had indeed gone on Hajj, for the first time in his life. When I met him, I asked him how he managed to go on Hajj.
“Allah invited me and He made all the arrangements,” he smiled. “So I went.”
Many people who go on Hajj for the first time will tell you that during Hajj they wonder where they were for all these years.
It is not only an obligation, the fifth pillar of Islam and the journey of a lifetime. It is one of the few good deeds a person can do on Earth that guarantees him a place in Paradise.
“The reward for an accepted Hajj is nothing less than Paradise.”
As narrated from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by Abu Hurayrah in Al-Bukhari (1773) and Muslim (1349).
So if you find yourself with health, wealth and the means to go on Hajj…
If you find you are able to buy a car, a house, travel the world… but somehow you are not able to go on Hajj, keep begging Allah to invite you and try your best to make it happen.
And what better time to make the intention to go on Hajj next year than during these blessed days?
Mufti Ismail Menk "Stop overthinking. Stop feeding your mind negative thoughts & self doubt. Love yourself enough & remember He only wants the best for you."
Love and desire for Status and Leadership, is a disease of the heart and is frowned upon in the Deen but is a Malady that is afflicting many of us today.
Just to lighten the mood I thought I would share the following post originally posted in the brothers section.
The uncles who tried to change a light bulb.
Being an Uncle jee myself I think it would be safe to narrate the following.
.......What happened when a Dozen Uncle Jees tried to Change A light bulb?
Each one started arguing that he was the right person to change the light bulb.
After arguing for hours finally one person was selected to change the light bulb.
The others upset they did not get selected surrounded him and started criticising him for changing the Light Bulb in the wrong manner.
Finally he got upset gave up and went home.
Subsequently a Committee was formed to decide on how the light bulb should be changed, internal strife happened in the Committee when the members started vying for leadership of the committee...The Committee splintered into several different groups.
To date the light bulb remains unchanged, and each of several different committees is blaming the rival committees for the failure to get that Light bulb changed.
Once I was in the local Masjid where a carpet had come out of the gripper at the door and hallway. It was annoying to see it like that for many days. Then one day after Salah, on my way out I pulled out my keys, got my keyring fob, pushed the carpet forward and nicely placed the carpet back into the gripper. It took me less than 5 seconds to do with no professional tools.
As I walked out, the committee members and others sitting in the hallway (back half of the prayer room) laughed it off and said, what they couldn't do in months, he did in seconds. I just ignored the comments and walked away. It was a good feeling to put it back in order and to hear the shame the committee members had to hear for neglect.
Example of tools used
Push the carpet under and slide key ring across.
I think that was very magnanimous, of them for which they deserve credit. I am surprised no one complained that you had damaged the carpet, further. Or that it was their idea in the first place.
These are two common and subtle manifestations of this disease one is people demeaning another persons effort or taking credit for some one else's effort.
The most often repeated example of the latter I have noticed is people repeating a story or anecdote as if it is their own or an idea as if it is their own. Sometimes in the presence of the person who initially told them.
There is no concept of remaining stagnant in deen. We are either rising or falling, progressing or deteriorating, but we never remain at a constant level of spirituality and devotion. In order to remain afloat in water, we have to do something proactive or else we will sink. Similarly, the greatest benefit of attending gatherings of learning is that they provide the environment, link and connection with the ulama in order to check any decline. We may not necessarily learn something new all of the time, but such gatherings keep us afloat in our religion.
[This excerpt is based on a majlis (gathering for spiritual training) held by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 30th May 2006].
The following story taken from mufti Abdur Raheem Limbadas (db) facebook page.
Marry for piety and ALLAH will provide .
A Brothers experience of married life.
Like most guys at 25 I just wanted to get married even though I didn't have two pennies to rub together, times were really tuff for me back then. It's been around 6 years since I got married. My wife came from a very wealthy background mashallah, I however did not. My wife was very understanding with regards to this and wanted to marry me regardless.
Alhamdulliah I got married in East London at a cost of £500. My in laws decided to boycott the wedding as it wasn't the million dollar show they dreamt about having for their little princess. Nevertheless we arrived back to my parents house where we stayed for the next 2 years.
As I mentioned earlier I had very little to my name, I couldn't afford a bed to sleep on, and I was stubborn to ask my parents for help. My brother had a spare used mattress which we decided to sleep on, their wasn't a night I wouldn't complain about the springs pressing into my back. My wife fell pregnant shortly after marriage, the 9 months was especially hard for her as the mattress was very uncomfortable. She would never complain though, but I knew if it was hurting me, it was killing her. I remember close to her due date, we both couldn't sleep due to our back pain, I remember her saying, inshaAllah after Rumaisa our situation will change, she will come with her rizq and so will her siblings.
My sunflower Rumaisa was born and soon after my fortunates started to change literally overnight. My business started to do well, I brought a bed and then had enough money to finally move out. A year later, Hafsah was born, prior to her birth I started another business, that too started to do really well. And then 2 years later, Ibraheem was born and he too came with his rizq in the form of a 3rd business.
Why I shared this story?
Well, many atimes people forget that Allah is the who gives rizq and his supply is unlimited, all you have to do is ask. I also wanted to point out the blessing of children, if I could I would have 4 children every 9 months! Children are an unbelievable blessing, regardless of your situation they come with their own rizq, so don't worry about that, just keep them coming. And finally marrying a pious spouse makes the world of difference, my wife could have built 10 bed factories but she didn't want to live off her parents and was patient about her situation. So marry someone who loves Allah, in turn Allah will love her. I will leave you with a verse of the Noble Quran, ponder over it..
"And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent. [65:2-3]
Written by Yusuf / Abu Rumaisa
In Madina al Munawara at the moment
Imam Ghazali's رحمة الله عليه On Wisdom and Humility
Your belief that you are better than others is sheer ignorance.Rather you ought not to look at anyone without considering that he is better than you and superior to you. Thus, if you see a child, you say, ‘This person has never sinned against God, but I have sinned, and so he is better than I.’ And if you see an older person, you say, ‘This man was a servant of God before me, and is certainly better than I.’ If he is a scholar, you say, ‘This man has been given what I have not been given and reached what I did not reach, and knows what I am ignorant of; then how shall I be like him?’
And if he is ignorant, you say, ‘This man has sinned against God in ignorance, and I have sinned against Him knowingly, so God’s case against me is stronger, and I do not know what end He will give to me and what end to him.’ If he is an infidel, you say, ‘I do not know; perhaps he will become a Muslim and his life will end in doing good, and because of his acceptance of Islam something of his sins will be taken away, as a hair is taken from dough; but as for me – God is our refuge (God grant it does not happen) – perhaps God will lead me astray so that I become an infidel and my life ends in doing evil, and then tomorrow he will be among those brought near to God and I shall be among the punished.’
Arrogance will not leave your heart except when you know that the great man is he who is great in the sight of God most high. That is something which cannot be known until the end of life, and there is doubt about that (the end and whether it will be good or bad).
So let fear of the end occupy you and keep you from making yourself out, despite the doubt about your end, to be aboved the servants of God most high. Your certitude and faith at present do not exclude the possibility of your changing in the future; for God is the disposer of hearts; He guides whom He will and leads astray whom He will.
Extract from The Beginning of Guidance by Imam al Ghazali
‘One does not spend time with a corrupt individual, even while inwardly disavowing his corruption, except that one will perceive a decrease in the impact and severity of that sin in his heart.
And when one is a frequent witness of the major sins of others, one will deem one’s own minor sins to be of little consequence.’
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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