"How blessed that time when the heart is given to love.
No Istikhara is required for such a deed of righteousness."
How blessed is that time when Allah granted Hazrat Zun Noon Misry (RA.) the pain and sorrow of His Love! A great agitation was created in the heart and he began weeping and lamenting. A little sorrow encountered through Allah's love is better than all the other nemats (bounties) of both the worlds. It is such a sorrow which sets one free from all other sorrows. It is also such a sickness which gives one safety from all other illnesses.
"Free from the sorrows of both worlds will you be quickly,
If one atom of sorrow from Allah's love touches you." (Akhtar)
The heart, which up to now had only been aware of the transitory worldly pleasures and which only reached up to this transitory world, now through the blessings of true Divine Love has flown up to the heavens and up to the Throne of Allah.
The true devotee of Allah, through the blessings of the special perception of communion with Allah, experiences within himself a wonderful feeling of contact with the hereafter and thus through this perception has only a nominal contact with this worldly existence. His major perception is the contact with the hereafter. My beloved Sheikh Hazrat Phulpuri (RA.) used to explain his condition to his Sheikh Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwy (RA.) thus:
"Hazrat, it is as if I feel that I am not walking upon the ground of this world, but upon the floor of the hereafter. Being busy with worldly things does not prevent me from keeping the hereafter, before me."
In reality this is what actually happens when the heart develops a strong bond with Allah. Sometimes it also happens that for the special devotees of Allah, special favours are sent from the unseen world. The moments of these special favours are such that words cannot describe them. Only the soul of the person, on whom those special favours descend, can know them and enjoy the pleasures thereof.
Through the Divine Love, a strange condition came over Hazrat Zun Noon Misry (RA.). Hazrat Rumi (RA.) says that he was overtaken by such a feeling of madness and confusion that his sighs and utterances caused people to become greatly affected by it. It seemed that Divine Love brought nothing but crying and sorrow and as if there was nothing good in it.
"Through crying and lamenting, the way towards Allah is easily traversed, And so nearness is attained which is not reached through years of striving through spiritual exercises."
The overwhelming nature of his love was such that from the sighs and cries that he uttered people became helpless. Hence a group of irreligious people had him imprisoned in jail. When they took him to jail, he went willingly and happily. Some of his closest friends accompanied him in sympathy. When they locked the door behind him, the friends began to wonder: "What has happened? Such a great Sheikh has been imprisoned."
It seemed as if the Sheikh himself was hiding the inner condition under a cloud of madness. It may be that in order to avoid the vileness of people, he preferred himself going to. jai1. Possibly it may be that he had become fed up with the company of rational beings and presented himself as a mad one.
Hence, all those friends who visited him in the jail, said to him:
"Respected Sir, we all are your sincere friends and companions. We have come here to inquire about your health and condition. We are surprised and astounded as to who could have laid a charge of insanity against you. We look upon you as the very embodiment of sanity. These people who only look at the external appearances are completely unacquainted with your high position and rank of the nearness to Allah. They regard you as being insane, while we know that you are a True Lover of God. We are your sincere friends and lovers. We look upon. you as our beloved one in both the worlds. Please inform us the reason why you prefer to waste your time in this prison. Please do not keep the secret from us. "
Sheikh Zun Noon (R.A.) listened to their words and was not convinced by their sincerity. Hence to test their sincerity he picked up some stones and moved towards them. Like a mad man he ran in their direction as if he, was going to stone them. When they saw this they all fled, fearing of being hurt by the stones. Seeing this the Sheikh laughed at their claim of love and sincere friendship and exclaimed:
"Have a look at these friends of the dervish; 0 You ignorant ones. What do you know of love and true friendship? "
"When does a friend keep himself aloof from the sorrow's of a friend?
The friendship of a friend is like a skin around him and he will bear all sorrows from his friend.
A friend is like gold and calamities and misfortunes are like fire.
And pure gold shines even brighter when the heat of fire touches it. "
Maulana Rumi (R.A.) says:'
"0 You, when with one wound you retired from your love,
Choosing the way of those who flee.
It is clear you have not yet been touched by love,
And only mention it."
In other words, the path of true love is not an easy one to tread. You will have to shed blood from your heart and your liver. Then the path will open up to you.
Hence, one should tread the path of Allah in a manly way. A modern day saintly man - Babu Saheb, who was also a Khalifa of Maulana Thanwy (R.A.) said: "Accept and then resolve. In other words - first, make a strong contact of love with Allah and then resolve to bear all the trials that will come your way while on that path". For the sake of worldly business and employment a person will bear all kinds of calamities. But this is an affair of the hereafter, for which a person should be prepared to bear even greater burdens.
Imam Ghazali (r.a.) has written a Story:
You may have heard of people residing in remote rural areas and whose means of earning consist of going to the towns and habitations, buying grain, etc., and then selling these elsewhere. Their permanent places of residence remain these out-of-the-way wildernesses.
Imam Ghazali (r.a.) writes a Story of one such group of people who lived in a few houses in some wilderness. Each household possessed a dog, a cock and a donkey. The donkey was there to transport trading goods from one area to another to sell these goods there. The dog was there to protect the household from thieves, etc. The cock would crow early in the morning and the people in the house would come to know that it was nearly dawn and they would rouse from sleep. Each house in the area had these three animals.
There was a buzurg (pious, saintly person) also living in one of the houses with his wife. He also possessed these three animals. One day a wolf came and killed the donkey.
The wife commented drily to her husband, "You see that? The donkey is dead! Now, how are you going to go about to earn a living? Others will go out to do their buying and selling, and enjoy themselves! But your donkey is dead!" The husband merely said, "Alhamdulillah!" This enraged the wife even more. After all, is she not a woman? "Wah! The donkey is gone and with it our livelihood and all you can say is, 'Alhamdulillah!'" The husband calmly repeated, "Alhamdulillah!"
The next day when the buzurg came home he found that the dog had suddenly died. His wife confronted him, remarking sarcastically, "Say again 'Alhamdulillah!' - the dog has died! The houses of the others will be protected, but your house will be looted! Yes, say it, say 'Alhamdulillah'" The husband was unperturbed by her sarcasm. He calmly said, "Alhamdulillah!"
On the third day a fox came and carried the cock away. The wife said, "See what good your 'Alhamdulillah!' has brought you - the cock is gone! Now you can sleep till late in the mornings! Everybody else will be getting up early and will be setting out for their work, and earning good profits in their trading - while you will be still fast asleep! Yes, the cock is also dead." The husband merely said, "Alhamdulillah!" She carried on but each time he would respond by saying simply "Alhamdulillah!"
On the fourth day they really got up late, seeing that the cock was not there to wake them up by its crowing. The wife started again, "I had warned you that this would happen! All you could do was say 'Alhamdulillah!'. Everybody has gone to work by now and you got up only now." The husband was his normal cool and calm self, and he consoled his wife, "Dear wife! It is nothing to be upset about. Alhamdulillah!"
The husband got up, made his preparations - wudhu, namaz, etc. - and then headed for the door. He opened the door, stepped out and...stopped dead in his tracks! "That is most unusual - the neighbour's front door is open. And what is that? His dog is lying dead outside!" As he entered their gate to investigate there was no evidence of the cock. When he entered the house he found that all those dwelling in the house were lying dead! All the members of the household had been slain!
As he wandered from house to house, he came across the same scene - the dogs and cocks either killed or missing, and none of the inhabitants alive! The husband went back to his house and told the wife, "See here! Alhamdulillah! Come with me and have a look!" He took her to all the houses to witness the tragedies. "Are the dogs alive? Are the cocks alive? Are any of the people alive?" he asked her. "Hai! What happened?" she asked.
He explained to her, "This is why I said Alhamdulillah! At our gate there was no dog. In our yard there was neither a cock nor a donkey. The thieves must have come at night to all the houses, saw signs of these animals and knew that the houses were inhabited. At each place they killed the animals, entered the houses and killed those in the houses and took away all their wealth. They must have come to our house as well but there was no dog, no cock and no donkey, as at the other houses. Obviously, they thought that our house was deserted. What was to be gained from coming inside?"
This story appears in Imam Ghazali's (r.a.) writings.
Do you understand?
So, the dog dying, the cock dying and the donkey dying - were these calamities or were they acts of rahmat? Obviously, these were acts of mercy. Kash! Would it not be wonderful if we mu'minin being mu'min, should understand such affairs from Allah Ta'ala to be acts of fadhl for us!
So, whatever events occur contrary to one's tabiyet (Tempermant) will cause grief - grief that is temporary. Such grief will occur and should occur, otherwise how will one attain the maqam of sabr?
Source ...For Friends discourses of Maulana Maseehullah Khan (RA).[/QUOTE]
"Do all that you can in obedience to Allah, your Lord. Make strenuous efforts to give to the person who deprives you, maintain a connection with the peron who cuts you off and pardon the person who wrongs you.
'Make every effort that your body is with the servants, while your heart is with the Lord of the servants. Do all that you can to speak the truth and never tell lies. Make strenuous efforts to act with sincerity and avoid hypocrisy. Luqman the Wise used to say: " O my son, do not put on a show to impress people for you will not meet with Allah (Azza wa Jall) as long as your heart is infidel!"
Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Gaylani رضي الله عنه...
Jila al Khatir
Okay people I am gonna be away for sometime , remember me in your duas Wa'salaam.[/QUOTE]
An interview was published in the Arabic daily `Ukkaaz, with a blind man named Mahmood ibn Muhammad al-Madani. He studied books of Arabic literature through the eyes of others. He would listen as others read to him books of history and commentaries on the classics. He used to have one of his friends read to him until 3 o'clock in the morning. Today, he is considered to be a reference book in literature and history.
Mustafa Ameen, a columnist for Ash-Sharq al-Awsat, wrote:
"Be patient with oppressors and wrongdoers for only five minutes. After a short time, the whip will fall, the shackles will break, the prisoner will be released, and the clouds will dissipate; upon you, then, is only to be patient and to wait.” An Arab poet wrote:
"How many calamities cause one to lose patience? But from them, the exit is with Allah."
I once met with the Mufti of Albania in Riyadh. He told me of how the ruling communists imprisoned him with hard labor for twenty years. While serving his sentence in prison, he was constantly subjected to torture, darkness, and hunger. He would secretly perform the five daily prayers in a corner of the washroom, for fear of being caught. Through all of this he was patient and anticipated his reward with Allah, until finally relief came.
So they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah.) (Qur 'an 3: 174)
Consider Nelson Mandela, the one-time President of South Africa, who for twenty-seven years endured imprisonment. He sought freedom for his people and he struggled to break off the shackles of tyranny and oppression. He was steadfast and firm and he almost appeared to be seeking out death. As a result, he reached his goal and achieved his worldly glory. Allah, the Exalted, said:
To them we shall pay in full [the wages on their deeds therein. (Qur 'an 11: 15)
you are suffering [hardships] then surely, they [too] are suffering [hardships] as you are suffering, but you have a hope from Allah [for the reward, i.e. Paradise] that for which they hope not...) (Qur'an 4: 104)
If a wound [and killing] has touched you, be sure a similar wound [and killing] has touched the others. (Qur'an 3: 140)
*The above is an extract from the book "Don't Be Sad".
"Our problem is one of spirituality.
If a man comes to me about
the reforms to be undertaken in the muslim world,
about political strategies and of great geo-strategic
plans. My first question to him would be whether he performed
the dawn prayer in its time."
Said Ramadhan son-in-law of Al Shaheed Hasan al Banna (RA).[/QUOTE]
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, they become destiny.
Something to Ponder.
I was listening to a lecture by Imam Siraj Wahaj the other day entitled "words can harm you", in a nutshell he stated " Do not curse yourself", and that we find muslims doing it all the time.If you complain and say " I have a bad memory" or " I have a bad eyesight" etc. And if you repeatedly do this then you are infact cursing yourself, because those words will become an affirmation. Instead say Alhamdulillah my eyesight is improving Alhamdulillah my memory is getting better.
I just thought I would share this it seems that many of us bring calamity upon ourselves by our negative thoughts and self talk. Its a great reminder to all of us to watch what we say about ourselves.
P.s. Remember Imam Siraj Wahaj in your Duas he has recently been diagnosed with cancer.[/QUOTE]
'Unlawful desires are usually associated with ugliness. They leave behind a lingering sensation of pain and guilt. Hence, whenever you are tempted, think about liberating yourself.
Think about all the remorse that would accompany the realisation of those desires, and then make up your mind. Struggling your way through obedience is not an easy task.
It is, however, associated with goodness and soothing pleasures. Whenever you overburden yourself (with unlawful desires) think about how nice it would be to repent and set yourself free.
Think about the pleasures that lawful desires will provide and try to make the correct choice. The dilemma you will experience should be reduced by remembering the sweet pleasure and the ultimate happiness that your obedience (to Allah) will provide.
Also make your struggle less of one by picturing the punishment that follows disobedience to Allah. Logically your mind should opt for the more rewarding option and help you to endure the pain of denying yourself the realisation of such desires.'
A learned man who doesn’t restrain his passions is like a blind man holding a torch, he guides others but not himself.
-Shaykh Sa’di (Ra)
This thread is awfully quite lately, so peoples you guys still reading or have you become bored with this thread....I will post more stuff only if get a response/ though some feedback....:p..Or perhaps its time to let this thread retire.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=sfajmal2004;]Dear brother,
I'm new to Sunniforum and I found this thread amazing.
You are right.........one should always start with the self and not worry about others.
We should point out our own actions instead of putting the blaming others...
(We spent the whole life in one mistake
by putting the blame on others
Dust was on our face
And we kept wiping the mirror)
I have subscribed to this thread and I request you to please continue posting. May Allah increase our Iman and make us strive in His true Path. Ameen[/QUOTE]
from the teachings of Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Sahib
by Huda
By utilising the following parable Shaykh teaches us that the quality of gratitude is something that we should adopt in every situation and every condition:
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Harb rahmatullahi alayhi heard of a burglary that took place within his neighbourhood during the night. In the morning along with his companions he went to give his condolences to the people of the household in order to alleviate any sorrow that they may be suffering.
As Shaykh Muhammad ibn Harb rahmatullahi alayhi entered the home, the owner of the house asked for food to be prepared for the guests. The Shaykh expressed his thanks and said that they had come to give their condolences, after hearing of the distressful event that occurred last night.
To this the home owner replied that I am grateful for your visit but since the burglary there have been three shukrs that have become incumbent upon me.
Firstly, I realised that Alhamdulilah, unlike the thief I have never taking any wealth belonging to another person
Secondly, if the thief desired he could’ve taken everything here but he didn’t
Finally, my greatest shukr is that, my worldly wealth has been affected, yet my Deen has been left unaffected, I am still able to perform salah, sabr, fasting, and tilaawah. Despite what has happened my deen is still intact.”
“Something was causing me a great deal of grief and distress, and I started to think long and hard about how to get out of this situation by any means, but I could not find any way out. then I came across this verse:
‘…And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out [of every difficulty].’ (65:2)
I realised that Taqwa (Piety, fearing Allah) is the way out of every kind of grief and distress. As soon as I followed the path of taqwa, I found the way out.”
I say: for the wise men, taqwa is the way that leads to everything good, for calamity happens only as a result of sin, and it can only be lifted through repentance. Sadness, grief and worry are punishments for sins that you have committed, by falling short in your prayers, or backbiting about a Muslimah, or taking the matter of hijab lightly, or committing a haram (forbidden) action. Whoever goes against the laws of Allah, the Almighty, has to pay the price for that shortcoming. The One Who created happiness is the Most Gracious Most Merciful, so how can you seek happiness from anyone other than Him? If people had control over happiness, there would be no deprived or grieving person left on earth.[/QUOTE]
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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