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The Cure for Depression

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd July 2014 19:42
By: Hazrat Mawlana Yunus Patel Sahib (DB) rh.a
Khalifah of Hazrat Mawlana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahib (DB) rh.a

Tafweez - The Cure for Depression
Ulama-e-Kiraam, dear brothers and respected sisters...

Depression, it seems, has become synonymous with living in a society overrun with innumerable problems. It is an ailment which has unfortunately reached epidemic proportions. In the search for a solution, we sink deeper and deeper into the abyss of depression. Hardly a day passes, without some person complaining about his failures or of the acute depression that he is suffering, due to various factors. What I wish to discuss very briefly is Tafweez. If we learn Tafweez, then we have indeed found the antidote for depression.

We have to clearly understand, that we cannot escape the decisions of Allah Ta'ala with regard to any matter in our lives. Whatever Allah Ta'ala has decided will happen, no matter how much we may wish otherwise.

Our anxieties, depression and worries are all created because we first make the decisions and then expect Allah Ta'ala to conform; whereas what we plan and decide is subject to Allah Ta'ala's confirmation.

Advice of a Sheikh

One Mureed, after having spent many years in the company of Sheikh Abdul Qader Jailani (R.A.), requested some parting advice before taking leave from his Sheikh. Sheikh Abdul Qader Jailani (R.A.) told him : "Do not claim Divinity and do not claim Nabuwwat (Prophethood)."The Mureed asked : "Does Hazrat think that after all these years in Hazrat's company, I will make such a claim ?"

Sheikh Abdul Qader Jailani (R.A.) then explained what he meant ... It is imperative that we understand certain sayings of the Auliya Allah, otherwise we may misunderstand and then start issuing Fatwas on the basis of our misinterpretation..............
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 16th April 2015 10:04
Cure for Depression

Sayyiduna Anas bin Maalik (radiyallahu’anhu) reports that it was the noble practice of our beloved Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘Alaihi wasallam) after every Fardh Salah to place his right hand on his forehead (and in some narrations: on his head) and recite the following supplication:

بِسْمِ اللهِ الذِيْ لا إلٰهَ إِلا هُوَ الرحْمٰنُ الرحِيم ، اللهُم أَذْهِبْ عَني الْهَم وَالحُزْن

Bismillahillazhy laa ilaaha illa huwa-Rahmaanu-Raheem. Allahumma Azh-hib ‘annil-hamma wal-huzn.

Translation: In the name of Allah, besides whom there is none worthy of worship, The most Gracious, The most Merciful.

O Allah ! remove from me worry and depression.

This narration is suitable for practice and has been recorded by the following authorities: Imams:Ibn-Sunni (r.a.), pg.101 (Hadith #112), Al-Tabarani (r.a.) (Al-Mu’jamul-Awsat Hadith #2520 and Kitabu-Du’aa, pg.210 Hadith #659; Majma’uz-zawaid, vol.10, pg.110) Khateeb Al-Baghdadi (r.a.) (Tareekh-Baghdad, vol.12 pg.480-481), Abu Nu’aim (r.a.) (Al-Hilyah, vol.2 pg.341-342 Hadith #2493) and Ibn ‘Adiy (Al-Kamil, vol.7 pg.199)

Another beneficial du’a for depression is: abundant recital of

لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِالله

La hawla wala quwwata illa billah

“It is a cure for ninety nine illnesses, the lightest being: depression/anxiety”

(Hakim; Targheeb 2/444)
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muslim11's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 16th April 2015 10:22
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 16th April 2015 10:42
Consult Ulama for spiritual needs and remedies
Start Jogging

2 weeks and problem solved, Insha'Allah
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 11th May 2020 13:56

Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera on Depression.

Don't be depressed: You don't know your future!

A great talk InshaAllah
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ssaad's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 11th May 2020 16:53
Story No. 37: (Episode)
Hazrat Abu Hasan Siraaj (RA) says: "I was performing tawaaf once while on Haj; when I saw a very pretty woman, shining in her beauty. I looked at her and said: "By Allah, this beauty and fine complexion must surely be because she never experienced any grief or sorrow."

When I said this she overheard me and said: "Sir, it is that what you think?" by Allah, I am bent down under all the sorrows and grief that have come my way. My heart and mind is filled with so much grief and all along there has been no one can who share these with me."

I asked: "and how is that, lady?"

She replied: "My husband once slaughtered a goat as a Qurbaani offering, while I was breast feeding my infant child. My two young sons were playing around me. When I went to cook the meat, the one son said to the other: "Come, let me show you how father slaughtered the goat.' The other said: "well show me." The first one then made the second once lie down and cut his throat, as his father had slaughtered the goat. When he realized what had happened, he ran away into the mountains; where he was attacked by a wolf and eaten up.

The father went in search for him; searching from place to place until he died of extreme thirst. In the mean time I was at home frantic with worry waiting for news of him. I put down my infant child and went to the door to inquire about anyone who might have news of my husband. The child crawled to the fireplace where a pot was boiling. The child touched it and the boiling pot fell upon the baby, burning it to death in such a ghastly manner that the child's meat became separated from the bones.

When my married daughter heard all this, in the house of her husband, she fell down of shock. Thus I was left alone to bear all that."

I asked her: "and how, lady; did you manage all these misfortunes with patience?" she replied: "whoever ponders on the difference between patience and impatience, finds a word of difference between the two. The reward of patience is praiseworthy; whereas for impatience there is nothing."

Then she recited some lines of poetry before walking away:

"Patience did I exercise,
For that was my strongest pillar;
And should impatience have helped me,
Then I would have tried her"
"Such patience did I on have that;
Had my trails descended on mountain high,
In broken rocks they would have ended."
"Indeed did I control my eyes,
Those tears not fall;
And now within my heart alone,
My tears do roll.

(Rowdh) Page 151 of 178
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bint e aisha's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 11th May 2020 16:57
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Rajab's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 12th May 2020 00:26
Taken from another forum.

While others talk about material things or experiences, the real lesson is to accept that things won't always go the way you want them to and that's ok.

Didn't marry your perfect spouse? That person doesn't exist - align expectations to reality and appreciate those who love you for who they are. Or find new people

Didn't buy the perfect car? Oh, well, it still gets you where youre going. Define your criteria for the next one and work towards it

Didn't get the perfect house? Probably not. But it's yours and you can fix it

Didn't get that promotion? Don't be so sure it would have worked out the way you think it would have.

Vacation wasn't perfect? Are you sure about that, or were your expectations too high?

Point is, relax, enjoy the ride, work to your goals but remember none of it matters if you can't enjoy it along the way.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 30th April 2023 00:48
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Rajab's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 30th April 2023 10:01
Rajab wrote:
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Funnily enough I had posted this 3 years ago and time has flown but i am now facing the same struggle. Make dua for me. Need to increase my iman in qadr, tawakkul and have contentment with Allah's decree.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 30th April 2023 14:17
Rajab wrote:
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For Jihad and wives, Allah tells us.... may be that you dislike a thing while Allah has placed abundant good in it.....

So whatever life throws at us, Allah does so for a reason we may never know
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd May 2023 21:34
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 4th May 2023 03:30
abu mohammed wrote:
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May ALLAH make it a source of inspiration and help for those going through difficulties.

I spent a good couple of hours on YouTube looking at Duas for difficulties and depression, anxiety etc.

Looking at the comments on there it is not just Muslims listening to them but also non-Muslims a lot of Hindus and Christians.

And of-course Muslims from East to West. It seems to me the real world wide Pandemic that’s taking place is one of Depression and Anxiety.

May ALLAH bless all those suffering with ease.

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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 28th September 2023 14:38
How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts and Depression?
[May 16, 2012]

Answered by Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra

I’m having a problem with myself because I keep having mental images of harming myself or committing suicide and I’m not sure what to do. I’m going through a rough patch in my life right now. I have serious family problems, financial problems, and heart problems. I just want to end my life so I can get away from all of my problems. I’ve had a difficult few years because I’ve been unemployed for a long time, have mounting debts that I can’t pay off, and have other issues. Counseling has had no effect.

I’ve turned to Allah and prayed long and hard, but then I’ll become lax in my prayers, and so on. I have the impression that I am being pushed away from worshipping Allah. I’ve started taking some SG courses, and they’re helping, but I still feel weak and vulnerable.

Recently, suicidal or self-harming thoughts have begun to frighten me. I don’t have the courage to hurt myself, but I also don’t know what I’m capable of. Please help me before I end up hurting myself.

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate,

With the severity of your current situation please contact a local mental health professional to assist you as soon as possible.

Dear brother in Islam: you possess the most valuable thing that any person could wish for: iman, or true faith in Allah Most High.

Remember that mankind’s sworn enemy, Shaytan, is insanely jealous of how much mercy Allah Most High envelopes you in at each moment, and how much Allah loves you. Even in your lowest, most sinful, most problem-ridden, most heedless, depressed state, you mean so much to Allah.

This is why Shaytan will do everything in his power to drive you out of true faith: so that you end up damned like him. Shaytan is an evil whisperer; his way of misleading you is to whisper doubts into your heart: doubts about the things around you, about your faith and your sanity, and ultimately, about Islam and Allah Himself.

Horrible Thoughts Are Whispers from the Shaytan into the Heart of the Believer
The thoughts and images you are seeing start from satanic whisperings (waswasa). You have become tricked into adopting them and believing that they are your own thoughts. You might feel disgusted, shocked and scared. But the thoughts are not really yours; you don’t really want to hurt yourself. They are devilish illusions, that while painful, cannot truly hurt you, or cause you to hurt yourself, unless you allow them to become a part of you.

Passing bad thoughts are normal for a Muslim, but they must be disregarded quickly and shunned. Once, the Companions confessed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “Indeed, we are finding thoughts within ourselves that any of us would find abominable to mention!” So the Prophet asked, “Do you really find that within yourselves?” They replied, “Yes.” So the Prophet said: “That is a clear sign of faith.” [Muslim]

Ridding Oneself of Bad Thoughts

The thoughts may be difficult to erase once the mind has adopted the whisperings. Firstly, at the onset of any of these images or doubts, I would advise that you immediately declare in your heart – with authority and certainty- that these are not your thoughts, and tell the Shaytan you are not about to fall for his tricks. Tell him your Lord is Allah, and that you are so grateful for that, and that you are not scared of him and his whisperings, as you have the greatest Protector watching over you.

Then, flee to Allah Ta’ala in your heart, and seek refuge in Him from the Shaytan with full sincerity, consciousness, and in utter neediness. Recite the final surah (Surah 114) of the Quran with presence of heart, while knowing the meaning of its verses.

Admit to Allah Ta’ala that He is your only Lord; your only hope; your rock and your only refuge. Tell Allah that no matter what the thoughts say or provoke, you only want to stand by Him and worship Him. Confess your sins to Him, and repent for them. Then, ask Him to protect you and rid you of those thoughts forever. Completely consign the problem and solution to Him.

Shun Bad Influences, Live a Pure Life, and Trust in Allah

Once you’ve done that, do your best to rejoice and feel thankful for your faith- Shaytan hates to see that and is driven away by a believer rejoicing in his Lord. Shun and avoid negative, sinful influences in your life that enter your heart through your eyes and ears: violence, sexuality and pornography, or other vices.

Cut the mental noise out of your life: stop reading useless blogs and articles, watching TV or ads, or surfing the net. Seek out the company of good people, in good places like the mosque or a study circle.

Repent from your sins regularly, maintain a state of ritual purity as much as possible, eat lawful food only, be consistent in your daily prayers, recite some Quran each morning and evening, and try to keep in the remembrance of Allah through dhikr. Don’t go into hyper-mode praying, as that won’t solve your problem; this is Shaytan’s trick to exhaust you till you quit. Rather, stay balanced and moderate, but keep your heart focused on loving Allah as much as possible. Love of Allah is everything.

The Importance of Seeking Both Professional and Spiritual Help

Lastly, I would advise you to continue to seek counseling for this issue, as we are commanded to use the best means at our disposal, while turning to Allah in prayer and supplication, knowing that the results are in Allah’s hands. Only He creates happiness in the heart. Do not see the challenges in your life as insurmountable; you still have many blessings, so take things a day at a time, seeking Allah’s help.

Everything I’ve advised you is what I have gleaned from my spiritual guide; may Allah forgive my shortcomings and mistakes. It is best for you to consult a qualified spiritual guide and master of Islamic spirituality yourself when you can. May Allah Most High bless you, relieve you of your troubles, protect us all, and make us all into His righteous and beloved servants, Ameen.

[Shaykh] Abdullah Anik Misra
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1983. His family hails from India, and he was raised in the Hindu tradition. He embraced Islam in 2001 while at the University of Toronto, from where he completed a Bachelor of Business Administration. He then traveled overseas in 2005 to study the Arabic language and Islamic sciences in Tarim, Yemen, for some time, as well as Darul Uloom in Trinidad, West Indies. He spent 12 years in Amman, Jordan, where he focused on Islamic Law, Theology, Hadith Sciences, Prophetic Biography, and Islamic Spirituality while also working at the Qasid Arabic Institute as Director of Programs. He holds a BA in Islamic Studies (Alimiyya, Darul Uloom) and authorization in the six authentic books of Hadith and is currently pursuing specialized training in issuing Islamic legal verdicts (ifta’). He holds a certificate in Counselling and often works with new Muslims and those struggling with religious OCD. He is an instructor and researcher in Sacred Law and Theology with the SeekersGuidance The Global Islamic Seminary. Currently, He resides in the Greater Toronto Area with his wife and children.

Source: Seekers Guidance.
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akbar703's avatar
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 10th October 2023 08:45
I recall a saying from Hakeemul ummat.

The major cause of depression and cure is understood from this qaul.

Never expect in this world that you will be treated well by anyone.

If someone is treating you well, he is extraordinary and deviating from the norm. Thank him (may be he is not human, could be an angel)

No depression.

Depression is when you have expectation, never expect.
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