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Shaykha Bahia Bint Hashim (HA)

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 27th November 2013 10:30

Shaykh Mohammed Daniel (HA) of Cordoba Academy recently visited Shaykha Bahia Bint Hashim (HA) a Scholar of Islam in Meknes (Morocco).

Shaykha Bahia Bint Hashim (HA) was born in the year 1325 (AH) which makes her around 110 years old. She never married and dedicated her life to the study of Islamic Shariah and its subjects.

  1. She memorised the Qur'aan at the age of 14 and took the Exams at the hands of Qadhi Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Ismaili Al-Alwi (RA)
  2. She studied al-Ajrumiyyah at the hands of Shaykh Ibn As-sideeq (RA)
  3. She mastered the seven recitations of the Qur'aan under Shaykh Ibraheem Al-Hilai (RA)
  4. She studied Muwatta of Imam Malik udner Faqih Al-Araishi (RA) and she was 16 at this time
  5. She studied Saheeh Bukhari under Qadhi Al-Susi (RA) and completed in under Faqih Ibn Isa Al-Khilti (RA)
  6. She also travelled to Tunis and studied at one of the oldest Islamic universities of the world Jamia Zaytouna under Allamah Tahir Ibn Ashoor (RA), his son and Shaykh Tahir Ibn Khawja (RA)

Shaykh Mohammed Daniel (HA) of Cordoba Academy comments, "She became a Scholar at the age of 14 and memoried Saheeh Bukhari and Muwatta after the Qur'aan. She never married and dedicated her entire life to Islamic knowledge. Today (at 110 years of age) her memory remains remarkable and When we would read she would give sharh and ayat from the Quran like running water."

She was living a life of poverty and long forgotten but the visit of Shaykh put her in the Media spotlight so since then the Moroccan Islamic Affairs has issued a Pension Salary to her.

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Taalibah's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 27th November 2013 10:58
MashaAllah....that's so much more to life....imagine living a whole life of poverty....but only receiving funds when you've lived a whole lifetime with nothing...SubhanAllah.

You know what she was probably physically poor but with the richest of hearts with so much knowledge....yet we have all the riches but our hearts are so empty.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 27th November 2013 11:23
SubhanAllaah.. Looks like Rabia basria ra of our time.
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 27th November 2013 11:30
Masha'Allah, amazing story and a lifetime of achievement.
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Acacia's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 27th November 2013 16:47
Masha'Allah! Alhamdulillah, we are blessed to continue to have such living examples - men and women. Just looking at the few details here, we can see it takes a special woman and such love, focus and attention right from the start.

JazakAllah khayran for sharing.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 28th November 2013 03:50
As salam mu alaikum

She truly is a remarkable lady and her story is fascinating. For the record, Allah has also tested her by taking away her sight.
I am truly honoured to have met this Muhaddithah who was very passionate when speaking about how women nowadays have become so much like men in the way they always want to imitate them in their mannerism and roles.

May Allah preserve her
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