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Mendhi precaution!

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abu mohammed, bint e aisha
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 6th August 2013 22:39


I thought this would be an important topic to bring up as eid is coming up and alot of ladies will be getting there mendhi done.

Recently ive been noticing everytime i put on mendhi, really good colour would come on and it would be all perfect, but then when it starts going away it does not fade away how mendhi is meant to be, it scratches off. It like a layer on the skin.Once i had it on an someone said to me how does your wudhu get done if its a layer, wouldnt that be the same thing as nail polish.I went home and literally scracthed my mendhi off with a scrubber and it came off. Which showed it was a layer on the skin.

Mehndi is meant to be a colour thats meant to go in the skin and then slowly fade away, but these days all what people care about is the colour and business. Majority of the cones  in the uk (e.gthe purple ones), they give good colour but they  scracth off and not fade away. Even in other countries like pakistan you get cones called the emergency mendi cones which are meant to give instant colour, but are not the pure mendhi.

The latest time i put mendhi on, i left it only for a few minutes and very good colour came. I was happy it will fade away, it seemed like the mendhi colour had gone into the skin, but after a few days i noticed it was a layer and took weeks to come. The whole time i was thinking did my wudhu get done because its a layer on my hand, i did try scracthcing it and it did come of but my skin would sometimes come of aswell it was layer stuck to my skin.

Has anybody else noticed this and could plz shed some light on it? It quite scary to think alot of people are putting it on, without even realisieng it  it could be effecting there wudhu, hence there salah and ibaadat aswell.

jazakAllah khair

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 7th August 2013 01:21
We have to be careful as Muslims are not the only ones who apply henna.

Hindus use henna in all sorts of manners as well as this new trend of the non asians who call them a temporary tattoo. These temporary tattoos are dangerous and will cause skin burns and infection.

Depending on where you are based, it would be best adviced to buy Pakistan's version, or cones that are sold in Asian markets. Always ask them about it.

My wife applies henna (semi professional) and she has always found the 1 cones to be the best. Otherwise she would buy "bridal henna"

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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 7th August 2013 01:39
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 7th August 2013 11:46

Rumo wrote:
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Someone informs me that there two kinds of Mehndi in the market:

  1. Natural & long Lasting
  2. Artificial & Peeling
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 8th August 2013 22:11
Applied Mehndi on my daughter's hands and will report back if there are any issues.
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bint e aisha's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 25th December 2017 18:19
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

I had asked about this issue to a Mufti and he told me to repeat all my prayers which I had offered with such wudhu. He had also shared the following fatwa from Binori Town:

ہاتھوں پر مہندی کی تہہ جمنا

لڑکیوں کو ہاتھوں میں کون والی مہندی لگانا جائز ہے؟کیوں کہ سنا ہے کہ اس میں ایسے کیمیکل ہوتے ہیں جس کی وجہ سے جسم پر ایک تہہ بن جاتی ہے اور وضو میں پانی نہیں پہونچتا،لہذا بتا دیں کہ وہ مہندی کا استعمال ٹھیک ہے ؟اور اگر نماز اس میں ٹھیک نہیں تو جو نمازیں پڑھ لی گئی ہیں ان کو لوٹانا واجب ہے؟

مذکورہ مہندی واقعۃً اگر ایسی ہے کہ جس کے استعمال سے ہاتھوں پر ایک تہہ بن جاتی ہے،اس کے لگانے سے پانی ہاتھ تک نہیں پہونچتا تو وضو بھی مکمل نہیں ہوتا اور نماز ناقص رہ جاتی ہے،لہذا اس طرح کی مہندی کے استعمال سے اجتناب کیا جائے،اور جو نمازیں اس ناقص وضو کے ساتھ پڑھی گئی ہیں ان کا لوٹانا بھی واجب ہے۔

So I stopped applying mehendi on my hands. But recently I have come across the following fatwa from Darululoom Deoband which says wudhu and ghusl are valid after applying such mehendi.

Q. We are facing a new problem with mehdi (henna) available in the markets. After applying it on hands like normally the colour appears on the skin but after few days it starts shedding off, if we forcefully scratch it, it pains and the skins goes red. The confusion is whether it is the skin shedding off or just the henna? Is the henna applied coats the skin with a layer which causes ablution not to be properly performed? Will ablution performed be right in this condition?

Answer : 146122
Published on: Dec 21, 2016
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

(Fatwa: 135/139/SD=3/1438)

On enquiring about the henna mentioned in the question, we came to know that it gives colour like normal henna after applying, but after some days the colour becomes darker and gradually starts shedding off. It is not the layer of the henna rather such brand of henna contains chemical which causes the skin to shed off along with shedding off the colour. However, wudhu and ghusl are valid after applying such henna. It is not the layer of the henna which could stop the water to reach the skin.

Yes, if it is the henna with layer then wudhu and ghusl shall not be valid without removing it and if with much effort the layer does not remove then wudhu and ghusl shall also be valid with it due to necessity. But it is necessary to make efforts to remove such henna in wudhu and ghusl.

وفي الجامع الصغير: سئل أبوالقاسم عن وافر الظفر الذي يبقى في أظفاره الدرن، أو الذي يعمل عمل الطين أو المرأة التي صبغت إصبعها بالحناء أو الصرام أو الصباغ قال: كل ذلك سواء يجزيهم وضوءهم إذ لا يستطاع الامتناع عنه إلا بحرج، والفتوى على الجواز . (الفتاوى الهندية 1/4)

Allah knows Best!

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

Can anyone help me with this?
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bint e aisha's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 25th December 2017 18:22
Also listen to this clip of Mufti Akmal Sahab (barelvi) where he is claiming that he has done research on this matter:

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abuhajira's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 25th December 2017 20:18

bint e aisha wrote:
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Bismillahi Ta'ala

The understanding that mehendi (even the chemical based) does not make any impermiable layer on the hand seems to be correct as per my findings as well. Every mehendi fades away by way of exfoliation. In the chemical mehendi, the process is much faster in the way that the chemicals actually help in killing off the skin cells.

Nonetheless, so far there is no substantial evidence that any impermiable layer forms, hence the mas'alah will remain that wudhu on cone mehendi is permissible. 

If you wish to abstain from such chemical mehendi until more definiteness comes afore, the you are at liberty to according to your taqwa,

Wallahu A'lam,

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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 25th December 2017 21:08
abuhajira wrote:
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جزاك الله خيرا Mufti Sahab. Highly appreciate your response.
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