iquran by guided ways (link provided by member AbuMuhammed).Ieathalal is another good app by them.
there is also 13 lines quran
40 salat & salam
for the children that may use your iphone/ipod i recommend from the collection developed by Yufid.
An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths by the same developers is particularly good because it has audio recitation of the ahaadith.
موسوعة الحديث النبوي الشريف an encyclopedia of Hadith. An arabic language app offering a compilation of the the sahaih sittah and many other ahaadith books.This is excellent for when you want to research the reference of a hadith etc.
There are lots of dua apps i have tried and tested but only a few i have felt are nicely laid out.
idua has duas for all occaions;its nicely split up into categories and sub categories and it also has audio for each dua.
I no longer have an iPhone,
But here is something I found, not sure how good or bad they are.
Installation Instructions:
* You will need a Jail-broken iPhone. Jailbreaking is not the same as Unlocking. Jailbreaking simply allows one to have full access to the iPhone including installing 3rd Party Apps.
* Download the AppTapp and follow the instructions to copy onto your iPhone.
* Next, run on your iPhone
* Select 'Sources', press 'Edit', then 'Add', and type in
* Accept the installer message and it will show 'Guided Ways Repository' on the sources list (if it doesn't, click on 'sources' again).
* Select 'Install'. You should now see '* Guided Ways *' in the Category list (restart if it doesn't). Select the category and then select 'iPray' from the list
* Click 'install'
* Download the Zip file
* If ssh has already been installed on your iPhone, scp to /Applications/
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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