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#181 [Permalink] Posted on 20th November 2015 10:21
Forming planet seen for the first ever time
New techniques were used to get sharp pictures of the hot event

This is an artist's conception of planets forming in a transition disk like LkCa 15. The planets within the disk clearing sweep up material that would have otherwise fallen onto the star NASA/JPL-Caltech

Humans have seen the beginning of a planet for the first ever time.

An international team have directly observed the process, which happens as dust and gas accumulate, sticking together and forming a new object.

Scientists have found 1,900 planets outside of our solar system. But all of them have finished forming, and so the process of their birth has never been documented.

But a star has been found, named LkCa and 450 light years from Earth, that looks as if it is about to produce its own planet. It has a disc of dust and gas surrounding it and the dust is disturbed in such a way as if something is about to be birthed from it.

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"This is the first time we've imaged a planet that is definitely still in the process of forming,” said including the University of Sydney's Professor Peter Tuthill in a statement. "The difficulty had been that when you have indirect evidence, there are always alternate explanations that might fit the data.”

New equipment allows scientists to capture pictures of objects that are close to a nearby star, which are much brighter than the thing next to them. But it remains difficult to spot such objects, because the atmosphere around the object is so whipped up.

"When you look through the Earth's atmosphere, what you're seeing is cold and hot air mixing in a turbulent way that makes stars shimmer," Professor Laird Close, who advised on the research, said. "To a big telescope, it's a fairly dramatic thing; you see a horrible looking image.”

But the relatively new Large Binocular Telescope was purpose-built for spotting such objects, which allows scientists to see them much more sharply.

They could then confirm the discovery by seeing the deep red light that is emitted from the hot process of planets forming. Such light was seen coming from both the star and the planet itself.

"It's fantastic to see these cutting-edge instruments now enabling us to make such exciting discoveries," Professor Tuthill said.

The paper, 'Accreting Protoplanets in the LkCa 15 Transition Disc', is published in Nature.

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#182 [Permalink] Posted on 20th November 2015 16:40
Nick Risinger has pieced together over 34 thousand images after travelling 60 thousand miles around the world to form this amazing "virtual tour" of the universe as seen from earths location. He has his work featured in the Royal Hotel Clock Tower Astronomy Center in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Its a 5 Gigapixel image and the milky way looks amazing.

We love it - check out his website here and you can go direct to the panorama by following this link

Check out the link, Amazing. Also available for Apple users on their devices

Take a VIRTUAL 360 Degree Tour now. Click link above or click on image. (NOT MOBILE FRIENDLY, USE A COMPUTER)
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#183 [Permalink] Posted on 25th November 2015 03:12
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#184 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd December 2015 09:54
A Mesmerizing Animation Shows Just How Weird Our Solar System Is

NASA's Kepler space telescope spotted thousands of worlds during its four-year mission, proving that our galaxy is filled with planets. But even more surprising is what the Kepler database highlights about our own solar system: namely, that we're a bunch of celestial oddballs.

That fact is made obvious by Kepler Orrery IV, an animation produced by astronomy graduate student Ethan Kruse of the University of Washington. In it, Kruse compares the orbits of hundreds of exoplanets in the Kepler database to that of our own solar system, shown on the right. The animation indicates the relative size of the Kepler planets (although obviously not to scale compared with their stars), as well as their surface temperatures.

Once you get over the hypnotic effect of all those twirling dots, you'll start to notice just how strange our planetary choreography is. Before the Kepler mission began in 2009, astronomers assumed that most exoplanet systems would be constructed like our own: small rocky worlds toward the center, large gas giants hovering around the periphery. But when scientists started detecting planetary transit events en masse, we realized we weren't being nearly imaginative enough.

Kepler revealed “hot Jupiters,” jumbo-sized gas planets practically touching their parent stars, and rocky lava worlds orbiting much closer than Mercury. As Kruse explains, the nature of Kepler's detection method is biased toward planets in tight orbits. “Smaller systems orbit faster, so over the four years of Kepler's life we observe many more transits which makes them easier to find,” he told Gizmodo. “Also, smaller systems have a higher probability to be aligned just the right way for the planet to pass in front of the star creating the transit signal Kepler needs to notice a planet.”

“That said, it is interesting just how common these very compact systems are,” he continued. “[It] has made a number of astronomers wonder why our Solar System doesn't have any very short period planets.”

One theory posits that our Solar System once harbored a primordial clan of planets on tight, but unstable orbits. Perhaps these luckless worlds fell into the Sun or were flung violently out of the Solar System long ago. “It's still too early to tell, but these very compact Kepler systems are definitely helping us refine our theories about planet formation,” Kruse said.

Kepler Orrery IV—the “sequel” to the
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Kepler Orrery series produced over the years by the University of Santa Cruz's Dan Fabrycky—shows all of the Kepler multi-planet systems to date (1705 planets in 685 systems). Kepler's primary mission ended in 2013 after the space telescope lost two of its stabilizing reaction wheels, but the trove of information it collected has continued to yield discoveries ever since.

“[Fabricky] has been busy and hadn't released [a Kepler Orrery] in two years even though we've probably at least doubled the amount of known planets and systems since then,” Kruse said. “Now that the Kepler mission is over, this will likely be pretty close to the final version.”

Kruse, for his part, hopes to continue sharing science and data with the public through clever animations, so we're excited to see what he cooks up next.

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#185 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd January 2016 18:03

Venus, Jupiter and Mars align for skyline display

Venus, Jupiter and Mars can all be seen together in the sky this week, in a rare grouping of the three planets.

The planetary conjunction - in which planets "line up" due to the timing of their orbits around the Sun - has been visible for days and will continue until at least the end of the week.

The planets are best seen before sunrise and will form a particularly neat triangle on Thursday.

The next time the planets cluster this close together will be in January 2021.

But how do would-be astronomers see the spectacle before it is gone?

How do I see it?

The planets can be seen without equipment, towards the east. The best time to see them is just before sunrise because at this time they are high in the sky but it is dark enough to see them. Binoculars and telescopes can be used to see the planets in more detail.

Which planet is which?

The easiest planet to see is Venus, which is about 12 times brighter than Jupiter. Jupiter appears second brightest.


Mars is about 250 times less bright than Venus. To see Mars it may be necessary to get up an hour before sunrise.

Where can I see them?

Wherever there are clear skies.

Where you are in the world does not affect how the planets appear.

Within the UK, said BBC weather presenter Alex Deakin, northern Scotland and the north-west and south-east of England would have the clearest weather at the beginning of the week, while Wales and south-west England would be best later in the week.

He added that all parts of the UK should have at least one clear morning this week.

How long will they visible?

The planets have been visible together from 23-24 October and will remain visible until at least the end of the week, according to Affelia Wibisono, astronomer at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.

On Wednesday and Thursday, as Venus - because it is closer to Earth - passes Jupiter and "catches up" with Mars, the planets will form a flattened triangle, with Venus almost directly between the other two planets.

Is a grouping of this kind unusual?

Two planets appear together in this way at various times throughout the year, but it is much rarer to have three grouped together.

The fact the planets can be seen without binoculars or a telescope is one of the things that makes this grouping special, Ms Wibisono said. By contrast, it would not be possible to see a grouping of Uranus, Neptune and Saturn without equipment, she said.

Why are the planets grouping together?

Each planet is tracing out its own orbit of the Sun, and each takes a different amount of time to do so. This week, they have reached a point where - as seen from Earth - they line up in our sky.

Are the planets actually closer to each other than usual?

No. In fact the planets remain millions of kilometres apart and the appearance of them being close together is a consequence of their relative positions in the Solar System. The Sun acts as a torch lighting them up, and from our vantage point on Earth it is difficult to see the "depth" of space that separates the planets.

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#186 [Permalink] Posted on 25th January 2016 09:35
5 brightest planets gather in the pre-dawn sky this month and next for a heavenly show

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn all align for first time in 11 years

Starting this week, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are gathering together in the pre-dawn sky. It's the first time these five planets have converged like this in more than a decade. No telescope is needed. Just gaze up from almost anywhere in the world.

All five planets will appear together until Feb. 20. For a decent shot at spotting Mercury, it's best to look next week or the beginning of February.

Astronomers put optimal viewing at 45 minutes before sunrise. Any earlier, Mercury will be low on the horizon. The five planets will be together again in August — and again in 2020 — but Mercury will be even harder to see.

“If you miss this month's viewing opportunity, the five will be back in the evening sky in late July through mid-August, but Mercury and Venus won't be easily visible from northern latitudes,” NASA said.

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#187 [Permalink] Posted on 27th January 2016 15:50
The Largest Solar System Is So Big You Would Never Reach Your First Birthday

Scientists in Australia have found what they believe to be the largest solar system ever discovered.

Astronomer Simon Murphy and his colleagues from the Australian National University discovered what they originally thought to be a rogue planet known as 2MASS J2126-8140.

Well it turns out that they were wrong, 2MASS J2126-8140 isn't drifting through space, it is in fact orbiting a star, albeit 621,000,000,000 miles away.

To put that into perspective that's the equivalent of Earth being over 6,000 further away from the sun than it is currently.

Now being that far away presents a number of problems, the most crucial of which is that no 2MASS J2126-8140 could never support life. It's simply too far away.

The second being that even if it could support life we'd all die of old age before the planet could complete a single orbit, that's because a single orbit takes 2MASS J2126-8140 around a million years.

To make this even more depressing, that's five times longer than humanity has even existed on planet Earth.

2MASS J2126-8140 is a gas giant generally believed to be between 12 to 15 times bigger than our own gas giant Jupiter. Despite its enormous size the gas giant is still barely clinging on to its own orbit.

In fact the only reason it hasn't been thrown out into space is because Murphy and his team believe the solar system is something of a galactic loner, with very few nearby solar systems able to interfere with the solar dance that has been taking place.
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#188 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd April 2016 16:41
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The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into orbit around the Earth 26 years ago, on April 24, 1990, and to celebrate the momentous occasion, a gorgeous new image has been added to the Hubble Heritage gallery.

NGC 7653 is also known as the Bubble Nebula, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why. It looks like a delicate soap bubble hanging in space. It's so large, this is the first time we've seen it in its entirety in one image, made possible by the Wide Field Camera 3, installed on the telescope in 2009. Previously, Hubble imaged the nebula in 1998 and 2000.

It's actually an emission nebula (the kind that emits its own light from within), located 7,100 light-years away within the constellation of Cassiopeia, discovered in 1787 by William Herschel. It's lit by two sources: inside the nebula is a very young, hot, massive star, the winds from which are blowing the gas and dust outward to shape the nebula.

Meanwhile, a giant molecular cloud nearby excites the nebula, which causes the material itself to glow.

These two factors are also shaping the nebula. The star, called SAO 20575 and 10 to 20 times more massive than the sun, is pushing the nebula outward at a rate 0f 100,000 kilometres per hour. It currently measures 10 light-years across, a distance that could fit the solar system (if you take its border as the heliopause) over 3,500 times.

But the molecular cloud contains the rate of this expansion, and the result is a beautifully symmetrical cosmic object.

It's not entirely symmetrical. SAO 20575 is the bright star you see inside the bubble toward the top left; and, as you can see, it's not centred exactly. Astronomers aren't sure why, therefore, the bubble itself is so beautifully shaped, though perhaps the molecular cloud has something to do with that.

If you look just to the right of the star, you'll see a structure. This is made of cometary knots, which are thought to be a common feature of planetary nebulas (so named because they resembled planets to Herschel, not because they contain planets). They are about the size of the solar system, with masses comparable to Earth, and are named for their shape, a knot of matter with a trailing tail. The knot is generally 1,000 times denser than its tail.
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#189 [Permalink] Posted on 10th May 2016 11:18
  • Transit of Mercury across the sun

  • On May 9, the planet Mercury made its slow transit across the face of the sun – a rare event that was visible from various countries in Europe, Asia, North America and South America. This was Mercury's third pass across the sun this century. The next transit will take place in 2019.

    (Pictured) A NASA handout shows Mercury as tiny black dot on the yellow circular shape of the sun, as seen from Boyertown, Pennsylvania, U.S.

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#190 [Permalink] Posted on 8th July 2016 09:35

Astronomer Spots Planet With Three Suns

THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2016 9:06 PM GMT

A planet with three suns has been discovered 320 light years away.

It means that an observer on the planet - known as HD 131399Ab - would either experience constant daylight or triple sunrises and sunsets each day, depending on the season.

Scientists said they were surprised that a world could survive at all, because the instability of its orbit could have ejected it into deep space.

The planet sits in the constellation of Centaurus, and follows a wide orbital path around the brightest of the three stars.

The other two stars, which twirl around each other, lie outside the planet's orbit.

They also circle the central star, which is believed to be 80% bigger than the Sun.

HD 131399Ab is one of the few planets outside the Solar System which has been directly imaged by astronomers.

Astronomer Kevin Wagner, from the University of Arizona, who identified the planet, said: "For about half of the planet's orbit, which lasts 550 Earth-years, three stars are visible in the sky, the fainter two always much closer together, and changing in apparent separation from the brightest star throughout the year.

"For much of the planet's year the stars appear close together, giving it a familiar night-side and day-side with a unique triple-sunset and sunrise each day.

"As the planet orbits and the stars grow further apart each day, they reach a point where the setting of one coincides with the rising of the other - at which point the planet is in near-constant daytime for about one quarter of its orbit, or roughly 140 Earth-years."

The planet, which is around 16 million years old, has been described in the latest edition of the Science journal.

It has a mass equivalent to four Jupiters and a surface temperature of around 580C.

PhD student Mr Wagner said: "It is not clear how this planet ended up on its wide orbit in this extreme system, and we can't say yet what this means for our broader understanding of the types of planetary systems, but it shows that there is more variety out there than many would have deemed possible."

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#191 [Permalink] Posted on 17th November 2016 09:48

Supermoon in Makkah

14 November 2016

Supermoon in Madinah

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#192 [Permalink] Posted on 29th March 2017 16:32
NASA just captured a photo of Jupiter that you won’t believe is real

NASA has managed to capture some pretty stunning photos of all the cool stuff they’ve spotted over the years, and rarely does it fail to amaze. There’s images of planet surfaces, the rings of Saturn, and even black holes flying through space totally unchecked. Rarely, however, does a photo look so unreal that at first glance you’d be likely to mistake it for a work of Earthling art. A new photo captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft falls into that category, and oh what a sight it is.

The image, originally taken by Juno’s “JunoCam” camera, was taken in early February and shows Jupiter’s ever-swirling mass of storm clouds from an altitude of roughly 9,000 miles. The storms which continually rock the planet take on a milky appearance when captured up close, and a citizen scientist named Roman Tkachenko took the liberty of enhancing the photo’s colors to bring out even more of the defining lines and edges.

The Juno craft, packed with all kinds of fancy monitoring equipment, made its fifth flyby of the planet on Monday, which is also the fourth “science orbit,” which is the name they give the flybys when all the instruments on board are up and running. The craft’s next flyby won’t happen until late May 2017, so it’s a rare and exciting event when one of these close passes goes by without a hitch. The craft’s data is currently being sent to Earth where researchers will continue to mine it for precious information about our solar system’s most intimidating planet.
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#193 [Permalink] Posted on 29th June 2017 22:33

NASA puts Saturn's weirdest moons into perspective

A ravioli, a ring-carver and a UFO walk into a photo. A NASA montage shows off the strangeness of three very different Saturn moons.



Atlas, Daphnis and Pan are shown to scale with each other.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute



With so many odd-shaped moons, it can feel like Saturn's weird satellites all kind of blur together. NASA released a montage on Wednesday that helps to put three of those moons into perspective by highlighting the differences in their sizes and shapes. 

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#194 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2017 18:16
All the posts and pics fill the heart with awe. What a tremendous creation of Allah! Allahu Akbar.
jazaakumAllahu khaira for sharing
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#195 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 15:31

This is a photograph taken by NASA's satellite Cassini, while it was in orbit around Saturn, 1,200,000,000 km away from Earth.

You can clearly see the rings of Saturn. And there, way back there in the background, 1.2 billion km away, as a small blue dot, highlighted by that arrow, is our planet Earth. Your whole life, and mine, and every person whom you've ever met, or heard of, or read about, has lived on that little blue dot.

"This is the creation of Allah! So show me - what have those besides Him created?"
[Luqman: 11]

"Truly, the creation of the heavens and earth is a bigger (miracle) than the creation of people, but most of mankind doesn't understand" [Ghafir: 57].

"He it is who has created the seven heavens in layers. You do not see any flaw in the creation of al-Rahman! Look again - do you see any mistake? And continue looking, again and again...your eyes will become tired, after it has humbled itself (and not found a flaw). And truly, We have beautified the lower skies with its ornaments (i.e., planets and stars)..."
[al-Mulk: 3-6].

PS. Cassini will be 'retired' tomorrow, and crashed into the planet Saturn. It was launched from Earth back in 1997, and reached Saturn seven years later, in 2004.

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