It's not a matter of proving the Quran from science. It's the other way round.
The example of the star and the number of letters etc is not evidence, no one has claimed it to be. Evidence and proof is to be taken seriously in matters that are explicit, like the "Alaq" etc etc. Had the verse been explicit, and science said the verse was wrong in it's measurements, then we would discard science and know that it has erred.
Similarly, one cannot use Surah Al-Qadr, and count it's verses/letters, as has been done, to confirm that the Night of Qadr IS on the 27th, because this knowledge, although may end up being correct, it is not explicit. And Allah knows best.
We need to dig into the psychology behind the need to do such a thing. On the one hand, we humans, even Muslims consider science to be one of the ultimate means of success in this world, and on the other hand, the Muslims know that real success lies in the teachings of Quran and Sunnah. So ultimately we try to reconcile the two somehow in order to convince others and ourselves that Islam is the key to success in both this world and the hereafter.
It's a nice thought but unfortunately in today's times it is driven by the Muslims' desire to be accepted by the kuffar. We derive our satisfaction by the opinions of the kuffar.
We were the most humiliated people on earth and Allah gave us honour through Islam. If we ever seek honour through anything else, Allah will humiliate us again. -
QURAN Loading Qur'aan Verse One view of the meaning of the verse 55:17
The sun rises at different cardinal points in the east in winter and in summer: Thus we have the two easts [ mashriqain ]. Similarly, the sun sets at different cardinal points in the west in winter and summer: Thus we have two wests [ maghribain ].
Allah knows best what is meant by the verse precisely, as many verses hold multiple meanings and as time passes and discoveries are made, we get a better understanding.
As we have seen in this thread, Allah talks about stars and their shapes (like a bow for example) and so many other descriptions, yet those meanings or understanding changes as we learn more. Proving Who the Creator is!
And Allah knows best
SCIENCE Where the Sun Sets Twice
NASA's Kepler mission has discovered a world where two suns set over the horizon instead of just one. The planet, called Kepler-16b, is the most "Tatooine-like" planet yet found in our galaxy and is depicted here in this artist's concept with its two stars. Tatooine is the name of Luke Skywalker's home world in the science fiction movie Star War
NASA’s Kepler mission has discovered a world where two suns set over the horizon instead of just one. The planet, called Kepler-16b, is the most “Tatooine-like” planet yet found in our galaxy and is depicted here in this artist’s concept with its two stars. Tatooine is the name of Luke Skywalker’s home world in the science fiction movie Star Wars. In this case, the planet is not thought to be habitable. It is a cold world, with a gaseous surface, but like Tatooine, it circles two stars. The largest of the two stars, a K dwarf, is about 69 percent the mass of our sun, and the smallest, a red dwarf, is about 20 percent the sun’s mass.
Most of what we know about the size of stars comes from pairs of stars that are oriented toward Earth in such a way that they are seen to eclipse each other. These star pairs are called eclipsing binaries. In addition, virtually all that we know about the size of planets around other stars comes from their transits across their stars. The Kepler-16 system combines the best of both worlds with planetary transits across an eclipsing binary system. This makes Kepler-16b one of the best-measured planets outside our solar system.
Kepler-16 orbits a slowly rotating K-dwarf that is, nevertheless, very active with numerous star spots. Its other parent star is a small red dwarf. The planetary orbital plane is aligned within half a degree of the stellar binary orbital plane. All these features combine to make Kepler-16 of major interest to studies of planet formation as well as astrophysics.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt
At opposition, Mars’ entire illuminated face will be aligned toward Earth, making the planet appear brighter and larger than usual. NASA / JPL / MSSS
Early in 2025, the red planet will reach a point known as opposition, a point of peak viewing when Mars, Earth and the sun form a line, with our planet in the middle. Like the moon when it’s full, Mars will be aligned with its entire illuminated face turned toward Earth. This setup makes opposition the “best time to see and photograph a planet,” according to Royal Museums Greenwich.
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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