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#166 [Permalink] Posted on 18th April 2015 13:20

Spider silk is an extremely strong material, a strand thick as a pencil, enough to stop a jet plane in flight!

Yet the frailest of houses is that of the the spider (Ankaboot)!
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#167 [Permalink] Posted on 5th May 2015 19:18
​Mysterious 'X-Files' noises captured 22 miles above Earth's surface

Published time: May 05, 2015

For the first time in 50 years, mysterious 'X-Files' sounds have been recorded from the edge of space. A helium balloon built by a student for a NASA project captured the eerie hisses and whistles 22 miles above the Earth's surface.

The bizarre noises were captured using equipment designed and built by Daniel Bowman, a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, according to LiveScience.

The instruments recorded atmospheric infrasound – sound waves at frequencies below 20 hertz. Since infrasound is below human hearing range, the noises can only be heard when the recording is sped up.

"It sounds kind of like 'The X-Files,'" Bowman said. He added that the intensity of the sounds came as a shock, stating that he was “surprised by the sheer complexity of the signal.”

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Capturing the noises wasn't exactly a simple task – it involved infrasound microphones dangling from a helium balloon which flew above the US states of New Mexico and Arizona last year. Launched on August 9, 2014, the flight was part of an annual project conducted by NASA and the Louisiana Space Consortium. Bowman's experiment was one of 10 payloads flown as part of the High Altitude Student Platform (HASP) last year.

During its nine-hour flight, the balloon floated some 450 miles (725 km) and reached a height of more than 123,000 feet (37,500 meters). This is a distance of 62 miles (100 km) above the Earth's surface – an area above where airplanes fly, but below the boundary which marks the top of the stratosphere. It was the first time an infrasound study has reached such heights.

The source of the noises, which were captured 22 miles above Earth, remain a mystery to scientists, though many have speculated about the cause.

Those speculations include ocean waves, gravity waves, clear air turbulence, noise from the balloon cable itself, and even a wind farm under the balloon's path.

Natural occurrences such as storms and earthquakes can also cause infrasounds.

Regardless of the cause, the fact the recording exists is a big step forward, as it marks the first time acoustic recordings have taken place in the stratosphere in 50 years, according to Bowman.

Scientists are hoping more information will be revealed during this year's HASP balloon launch, scheduled to take place this summer.

"I think this work has opened new ground for more research," said Omar Marcillo, a geophysicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, who was not involved in the study. "It's very important for the entire [infrasound] community."
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#168 [Permalink] Posted on 5th May 2015 19:28
abu mohammed wrote:
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^^^ All praise is due to Allah...everything sings the praises of Allah but we understand not (video of sound added to above post)
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#169 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2015 09:47

Astronomers find most distant galaxy ever measured repeat;"> Click for a zoom view

06 May 2015 20:39 GMT


Astronomers have located the most distant galaxy ever measured in the universe, and it looks like a bright blue mass of stars some 13.1 billion light-years from Earth.

The galaxy, called EGS-zs8-1, is "one of the brightest and most massive objects in the early universe," according to a statement from Yale University.

Calculating its exact distance from Earth was possible using the MOSFIRE instrument on the W.M. Keck Observatory's 10-meter telescope in Hawaii, researchers said.

The galaxy was first spotted in images from NASA's Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes.

Astronomers at Yale and the University of California, Santa Cruz say that EGS-zs8-1 is still forming stars rapidly, about 80 times faster than our galaxy, the Milky Way.

Details of the discovery were published Tuesday in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.;

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#170 [Permalink] Posted on 18th May 2015 11:41
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#171 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd May 2015 20:35
12bn suns, 13bn light years away: Ancient black hole blows scientists’ minds

An artist's impression of a quasar with a supermassive black hole in the distant universe. (Image: Zhaoyu Li/NASA/JPL-Caltech/Misti Mountain Observatory)

A gigantic black hole has been discovered with an astonishing mass 12 billion times bigger than the sun’s. Its age – it was formed 900 million years after the Big Bang – undermines modern scientific theories.

The new “object,” dubbed SDSS J0100+2802, was found 12.8 billion light years from Earth at the center of a quasar – a core element of a galaxy that emits radiation – with a million billion times the sun's energy output.

The newly discovered quasar SDSS J0100+2802 is the one with the most massive black hole and the highest luminosity among all known distant quasars. (Image: Zhaoyu Li/Shanghai Observatory)

The results of the finding by an international team of astronomers were published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.

The black hole was formed right at the dawn of our 13.8 billion-year-old universe, and was called “the brightest lighthouse in the distant universe” by Xue-Bing Wu, the leading author of the paper. What astronomers find unexplainable is the fact that such an enormous black hole was formed following the first stars and galaxies, which contradicts theories that black holes are formed while sucking in celestial objects nearby.

“Forming such a large black hole so quickly is hard to interpret with current theories,” co-author Fuyan Bian from Australian National University said in a statement. “This black hole at the center of the quasar gained enormous mass in a short period of time.”

The team of astronomers from China, the US, Australia, and Chile were studying materials obtained by several telescopes from all over the globe, when they found the brightest ever quasar with a black hole, with a “redshift” of 6.30. The “redshift” is a way to measure the distance and age of an object emitting light by the stretching of light to the red end of the spectrum. Quasars exceeding a “redshift” of 6.0 are extremely rare – only 40 of them have been discovered so far.

“Our finding of an ultra-luminous object with a mass of 12 billion times than the mass of our Sun in the early Universe is a surprising discovery. Before our work, there is no black hole with so huge mass within 1 billion years after the Big Bang. That makes our discovery unique and important,” Wu told RT.

Mysterious quasars were discovered in the 1950s. For the time being, scientists have counted over 200,000 quasars, which are extremely difficult to find. They are believed to consist of heated matter, surrounding supermassive black holes that can be found in the center of galaxies. The black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy has a mass of three million suns.

“This quasar is a unique laboratory to study the way that a quasar’s black hole and host galaxy co-evolve. Our findings indicate that in the early universe, quasar black holes probably grew faster than their host galaxies, although more research is needed to confirm this idea,” co-author Yuri Beletsky from the Carnegie Institution said.

“It's very difficult to explain how to grow the black hole to 12 billion solar masses within just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. It requires either very special ways to grow the black hole or a huge seed black hole mass. Both are difficult to be explained by the current theories,” Wu told RT. “We need to improve our theories or input some new physics to explain the discovery of this supermassive black hole.”
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#172 [Permalink] Posted on 24th May 2015 11:55
NASA finds distant galaxy shining as bright as 300 trillion suns

Ever tried looking at the sun with your bare eyes? Too bright, right? Now imagine looking at something with the brightness of 300 trillion suns. That's how intense "the most luminous galaxy found to date" is, so much so that NASA has created a new classification for it and the 19 other similar galaxies it has discovered: extremely luminous infrared galaxies, or ELIRGs. Scientists have recently spotted the ELIRGs in infrared images of the sky taken by the agency's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope in 2010. This particular one is located 12.5 billion light years away, which means it started forming soon after the universe was born 13.8 billion years ago. As for why it's so incredibly brilliant, NASA JPL scientist Chao-Wei Tsai says it "may be from the main growth spurt of the galaxy's black hole."

See, some galaxies have supermassive black holes in the center that actively absorb gas, dust and other matter that form a disc around them. These discs radiate a ton of energy and make the black holes look brighter than stars. Some black holes are a lot more ravenous than others, though, attracting more matter than their less voracious counterparts and, as such, are several degrees more luminous and massive. To wit: the bigger the black hole, the larger the disc and the brighter the whole galaxy.

There are several possible reasons why the black hole in this record breaker is so huge. According to the scientists' paper, it could have just been born big, so it's only natural for it to consume more food than usual. We might also just be seeing a period in its life -- remember, the light WISE spotted was from 12.5 billion light years ago!

[Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]

Via: NASA (Twitter)
Source: NASA
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#173 [Permalink] Posted on 8th June 2015 09:49

Stunning space animation shows night sky with faraway galaxies much, much closer (VIDEO)

Published time: June 05, 2015 16:35 
Edited time: June 05, 2015 17:12
Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios

Still from youtube video/roskosmos studio

An amazing video by Russian space agency Roscosmos shows the horizon with some celestial bodies like black holes very much closer to earth than they really are – and it’s wonderful and eerie.

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Whirpool Galaxy (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)

Whirpool Galaxy (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)


The video is not a scientific simulation – a black hole or a supernova exploding star couldn’t exist in such proximity of the Earth, or rather vice versa – but a splendid illustration of what celestial bodies look like, as documented by telescopes like Hubble.


Black Hole (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)

Black Hole (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)


Among the celestial bodies in the video, are, for instance, the Whirlpool Galaxy, which is 30 million light years from Earth, and the Andromeda Galaxy, about 2.5 million light years from Earth.


Supernova (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)

Supernova (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)



Ring Nebula (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)

Ring Nebula (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)


The footage followed another video, showing how our horizon would look like if other Solar System planets were at the distance of the Moon.


Crab Nebula (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)

Crab Nebula (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)



Andromeda Galaxy (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)

Andromeda Galaxy (Still from youtube video/roskosmos studios)

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#174 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd July 2015 17:35
Allah tells us in the Quran:

Loading Qur'aan Verse
When the sky has split [open]
And has responded to its Lord and was obligated [to do so]
And when the earth has been extended
And has cast out that within it and relinquished [it]

In another Surah
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When the sky breaks apart
And when the stars fall, scattering,
And when the seas are erupted
And when the [contents of] graves are scattered.

The Scientist today are saying:
This is the way the world ends: not with a bang, but with a Big Rip
New model suggests that as the universe expands everything from galaxies to space-time itself will be torn apart - but not for about 22 billion years (OK, SO THEY ARE SPECULATING ON THE TIME)

The end of the world (and indeed the universe) as we know it won’t be an explosion but a separation of the constituents of all matter, say scientists at Vanderbilt University. Photograph: Ace Stock Limited/Alamy

Everything we know, and everything else besides, burst into existence at the Big Bang. Now scientists have concluded that we could be heading for an equally dramatic cosmic finale: the Big Rip.

A new theoretical model suggests that as the universe expands, everything, from galaxies, planets and atomic particles to space-time itself, will eventually be torn apart before vanishing from view.

There’s no need for immediate alarm, however: the extreme sequence of events is predicted for around 22 billion years from now.

Dr Marcelo Disconzi, the mathematician who led the work at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, said: “The idea of the Big Rip is that eventually even the constituents of matter would start separating from each other. You’d be seeing all the atoms being ripped apart ... it’s fair to say that it’s a dramatic scenario.”

Scientists are now fairly convinced that the universe began with the Big Bang, around 13.8 billion years ago – starting at a pinpoint of incredibly high density and expanding to what we have today.

But our ultimate cosmic destiny is still the subject of intense debate.

“The only thing we definitely know is that the universe is expanding and that the rate is accelerating,” said Disconzi. “That’s about the only thing we know for sure.”

The latest work suggests that this acceleration may become faster and faster until every point in space itself is moving apart at an infinite rate – at which point the Big Rip occurs.

The timeline of the universe, from Big Bang to Big Rip, according to the new theory. Photograph: Jeremy Teaford, Vanderbilt University

“Mathematically we know what this means,” said Disconzi. “But what it actually means in physical terms is hard to fathom.”

The evidence for an accelerating expansion comes from observations of distant supernovae. The further away they are the redder they appear, because the light has been stretched out as it travels through space to reach us.

To explain this increasing rate of expansion, scientists have come up with a cosmological placeholder, known as dark energy, which is believed to make up about 70% of the content of the universe.

“It’s the physicists’ way to hide their ignorance by giving it a mysterious name,” said Professor Carlos Frenk, a cosmologist at the University of Durham. “We don’t have any physically compelling way to explain it.”

Whether the universe’s expansion continues to speed up or gradually eases off comes down to a sort of gladiatorial battle between two opposing cosmic forces.

“You have this competition between dark energy, that tries to expand the universe, and gravity, that tends to make it collapse again,” said Disconzi. The question is who wins?”

Under the gravity wins scenario, known as the Big Crunch, the expansion eventually slows down and a kind of reverse of the Big Bang occurs.

But scientists have been shifting in favour of a situation called the Big Freeze where the universe continues to expand, eventually growing so vast that supplies of gas become too thin for new stars to form and a thin soup of radiation is left. Eventually this cools down to the point where time loses any meaning because nothing happens any more.

The latest work suggests that we could be heading for less a gentle finale, and predicts that dark energy wins out in the most dramatic possible fashion.

The paper, published in the journal Physical Review D, refines current models by finding a more consistent way to account for a property called bulk viscosity, a measure of a fluid’s ability to expand or contract. In this case, the fluid is the universe itself.

Previously, according to Disconzi, viscosity had been included in the equations but in a way that predicted that under certain conditions fluids could travel faster than light.

“This is disastrously wrong, since it is well-proven that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light,” said Disconzi.

The latest formulation gets rid of this inconsistency, but also gives a revised prediction of where the Universe is heading, suggesting that eventually the expansion of the universe will accelerate at an infinite rate.

“A Big Rip scenario is a natural consequence of the equations,” said Disconzi.

One way to think of the lead-up to the event, is a speeding car that goes 10mph faster for every mile it travels. But the rate of acceleration gradually increases until it goes 10mph faster for every half mile, and then every quarter of a mile and eventually every foot. Ultimately, the front and the back bumpers tear apart from each other and then rip apart themselves.

Whether this occurs in the cosmic version depends on how dark energy behaves in the distant future - a question that Frenk describes as the realm of pure speculation.

“Under the rip scenario, dark energy gets stronger and you get this wild expansion that essentially rips space-time apart,” he added. “The universe would vanish in front of your eyes. Basically, you don’t want to be around for it.”

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#175 [Permalink] Posted on 10th November 2015 11:57

A local photographer captures the formation of the saucer-shaped puffs amid a skyline he described as "unbelievable".

Residents of Cape Town may have thought they were seeing UFOs in the sky - but instead they were being treated to a special cloud formation.


The lenticular clouds appeared over the South African city late on Sunday afternoon and photographer Kyle Mijlof was among those capturing the scene, which he described as "unbelievable".

Mr Mijlof told Sky News the clouds started forming over Table Mountain - about five miles from the city - at around 3pm and his picture was taken three hours later as the formation peaked.

He added: "Honestly, the whole skyline that day was unbelievable and a bit of an eerie stillness in the air.

"I was on my scooter at the time, driving along Signal Hill back home to Camps Bay, I stopped to get this quick shot - I still had my helmet on."

Mr Mijlof said he has seen similar clouds during his travels elsewhere in the world but not in Cape Town.

Sky News meteorologist Chris England said: "They are formed at the top of waves in the atmosphere caused by air going over mountains and are quite common, although more often as long bands of simple arcs."


He said the shapes are formed by either variations in humidity within the air or the originating hills being "fairly isolated peaks".

Picturesque Cape Town is framed by peaks, including Table Mountain, which is around 3,500ft high.

England added: "Lenticular clouds don't really signify anything in particular about the weather, apart from fact that the atmosphere is stable at the time and so not much convection likely - and that can change quite rapidly."

Lenticular clouds, which come from a Latin word meaning "lens-like", can form in many places around the world and have been blamed for a number of previous "UFO sightings".

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#176 [Permalink] Posted on 12th November 2015 09:45

Astronomers spot most distant object in solar system

11 November 2015 21:41 GMT


Astronomers have discovered a mysterious dwarf planet that is three times farther away than Pluto and believed to be the most distant object in our solar system.


The discovery of the dwarf planet known as V774104 was announced Tuesday at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society near the US capital and could indicate the presence of more rogue planets in our celestial neighborhood.


The dwarf planet currently sits 15.4 billion kilometers (9.6 billion miles) from the Sun.

It is believed to be between 310 and 620 miles across.

Scott Sheppard, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, announced the discovery and said its orbit remains unknown, for now.


"It could end up joining an emerging class of extreme solar system objects whose strange orbits point to the hypothetical influence of rogue planets or nearby stars," said a report in the journal Science.


The discovery was made using Japan's eight-meter (25 feet) Subaru Telescope in Hawaii.


The dwarf planet lies at a distance of about 103 astronomical units (AU) away from the Sun. One AU is the distance between Earth and the Sun.


Previously, the most distant solar system object was announced in 2005 -- a dwarf planet named Eris that was 97 AU from the Sun.


"The discovery of V774104 is more proof that the solar system is bigger than we thought," said Joseph Burns, professor of engineering and astronomy at Cornell University.


"We need a little more time to pin down the orbit and determine the object's exact size, but it must be big to see it at this distance."

© 2015 AFP

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#177 [Permalink] Posted on 12th November 2015 09:54

New planet discovered: Venus-like 'exoplanet' GJ 1132b found in solar system close to our own

The rocky planet is slightly larger than the Earth and, like Venus, its surface is too hot to support liquid 
GJ 1132b’s star (Gliese 1132) is considerably smaller than the Sun

A Venus-like planet has been discovered in a solar system relatively close to our own  in what some astronomers are describing as arguable the most important “exoplanet” found orbiting a star other than the Sun.

The rocky planet, called GJ 1132b, is slightly larger than the Earth and, like Venus, its surface is too hot to support liquid water – but scientists believe the planet will be invaluable in the search for extraterrestrial life.

At 39 light years away, GJ 1132b is the nearest rocky exoplanet yet discovered. Its relative proximity to Earth and the fact that it orbits its star once every 1.6 days means that astronomers now have an important test-bed to study the atmospheres of other far-away planets with telescopes that could detect the first chemical signatures of life beyond the Solar System – such as atmospheric methane.

Planet GJ 1132b orbits so close to its own star that its temperatures reach a scorching 232C, which although too hot for life – at least as we know it – are still cool enough for the planet to possess an atmosphere, raising hopes that scientists will be able to analyse its chemical composition from Earth to study its winds and even the colours of its sunsets.

“Our ultimate goal is to find a twin Earth, but along the way we’ve found a twin Venus. We suspect it will have a Venus-like atmosphere too, and if it does we can’t wait to get a whiff,” said David Charbonneau of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who led the study published in the journal Nature.

Astronomers discovered the planet by monitoring and measuring the small fluctuations of light from the star Gliese 1132 as the planet passed in front of it every 1.6 days. The scientists calculated that the planet is orbiting at a distance of 1.4 million miles from the star, compared to the 36 million miles between the Earth and the Sun.

“If we find this pretty hot planet has managed to hang onto its atmosphere over the billions of years it’s been around, that bodes well for the long-term goal of studying cooler planets that could have life,” said Zachory Berta-Thompson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“We finally have a target to point our telescopes at and dig much deeper into the workings of a rocky exoplanet and what makes it tick…. This planet is cool enough that it can retain an atmosphere. So we think this planet probably still has something of a substantial atmosphere in its current state,” Dr Berta-Thompson said. 

GJ 1132b is about 16 per cent larger than the Earth and although its solar orbit is much closer than that of our own planet, its sun is a “red dwarf” star far smaller than the Sun . The planet is probably in a locked orbit, meaning that one side of its surface permanently faces its star while the other always points out to space, much like the Moon’s orbit around Earth.

“The temperature of the planet is about as hot as your oven will go, so it’s like burnt-cookie hot. It’s too hot to be habitable. There’s no way there’s liquid water on the surface, but it’s cooler than the other rocky planets that we know of,” Dr Berta-Thompson said.

“We think it’s the first opportunity we have to point our telescopes at a rocky exoplanet and get that kind of detail, to be able to measure the colour of its sunset, or the speed of its winds, and really learn how rocky planets work out there in the Universe,” he said.

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#178 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2015 09:18
Alien planet seen being battered by 5,400mph winds in first weather map outside our solar system ever
The wind travels seven times faster than the speed of sound

This artist's concept shows exoplanet HD 189733b orbiting its yellow-orange star, HD 189733. Rex Features

Winds of up to 5,400mph have been discovered around an alien planet, after scientists produced the first ever weather map outside our solar system.

Researchers from the University of Warwick found winds that were 20 times faster than anything ever recorded on Earth.

The wind was found on a planet named HD 189733b. Located 63 light years from Earth, it is one of the most studied planets in a group known as “Hot Jupiters”.

The winds were recorded travelling at 2km per second - around seven times faster than the speed of sound. They blow around the planet's equator, from the heated day side of the planet to the night side.

Lead researcher Tom Louden, from the University of Warwick’s astrophysics group, said: “Whilst we have previously known of wind on exoplanets, we have never before been able to directly measure and map a weather system.”

The planet is 10 per cent larger than Jupiter, but is 180 times closer to its star. Its size and its relative closeness to our solar system makes it popular with astronomers for research.

Co-researcher, Dr Peter Wheatley says: “We are tremendously excited to have found a way to map weather systems on distant planets.

“As we develop the technique further we will be able to study wind flows in increasing detail and make weather maps of smaller planets.”

Scientists hope these measuring techniques can be used to study the weather on other planets that are similar to Earth.

The measurements were made with the help of Harps telescope in La Silla, Chile.
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#179 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2015 09:35
51 Eridani b: Astronomers discover young planet that 'looks like Jupiter' 100 light years away
The new planet is estimated to be just 20 million years old

An artist’s illustration of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b – some 100 light years from Earth PA

Astronomers have detected a methane-shrouded world 100 light years away that may hold the key to understanding how planets form in the dust clouds swirling around stars.

An instrument mounted on a telescope in Chile that was designed to study “cool” planets beyond the Solar System has found its first Jupiter-like object – a young, gas-filled planet rich in methane.

The Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) attached to the Gemini South telescope in the Atacama desert, was built to discover faint, young planets orbiting bright stars – and in its first month of operation it found one, scientists said.

Astronomers described the extra-solar planet, called 51 Eridani b, as having about twice the mass of Jupiter, and the strongest methane signature of any “exoplanet” (a planet that orbits a star other than the Sun).

The new planet is estimated to be just 20 million years old, compared with the 4.5bn years of Earth, which will allow astronomers to study the early stages of a planet’s evolution.

Travis Barman, a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona who took part in the study published in the journal Science, said: “51 Eri b is the first young planet that probably looks like Jupiter did billions of years ago, making it ... our most important corner-piece of the planet-formation jigsaw puzzle.”
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#180 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2015 17:40
سبحان الله

These gigantic creations of the Creator سبحانه وتعالى are of course amazing, but those which are tiny are also astonishing and wondrous.
Every creation, small or big, is a universe in itself (like a mosquito).

If we want to see the sophistication, we can see it in tiny creatures (like a mosquito as thin as thread contains multiple hearts and many other systems), but at the same time we can't say that the big creations are less sophisticated, but actually each and every creation of Allah JJ is infinitely sophisticated, and there are infinite further details in each and every detail.

سبحان الله

Keep on posting brother abu mohammed. May Allah سبحانه وتعالى bless you.
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