I think that wearing t-shirts with an Islamic message is a copy cat of non Muslims. a plain t-shirt is just fine for me. Yeah I wouldn't spend good money on a shirt like that as well.
Some of the wood under the bathroom tiles at my university's masjid rotted, presumably because of excess water dropped by people performing wudoo'. It became so dangerous that they had to take apart that area of the floor and replace the wood and everything.
One can do wudu from 2/1.5 Glasses of water..
If you open the tap too much, its difficult to control the water.. so it better to open it less otherwise we will waste water,
and also that may become a source of giving Takleef to another muslim.. they may slip,
Causing difficult for the cleaner to clean it.
Giving a bad impression to non muslims or other muslims who dot practise..
An easy way to do wudu is take a 1/2 litre bottle with you and do wudu from it..
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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