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#7156 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2022 09:50
Pakistani pilgrim saved after his heart stopped while performing Umrah
November 15, 2022

MAKKAH — The rapid response team at King Abdullah Medical City in Makkah was able to save the life of a Pakistani pilgrim whose heart was stopped for about 120 seconds while performing the rituals of Umrah.

The Healthcare Cluster in Makkah said that the pilgrim was transferred to the medical city after receiving urgent primary healthcare at the Grand Mosque Hospital. At the medical city, he underwent the necessary tests and CT scans, which showed severe stenosis in the aortic valve with weakness of the myocardium.

The medical team carried out the surgical operation in which the aorta was successfully dilated and placed on extracorporeal oxygenation (ECMO) device, due to the weakness of the cardiac muscle. His condition was followed up in the cardiac intensive care unit until he recovered, and left the hospital in good health, the healthcare Cluster said in a statement.
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#7157 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2022 17:14
After receiving the details about current situation in Haramain, it is waste of energy, time and money visiting haram. You can't do tawaf, you cannot enter mataf etc.
And expenses are doubled w.r.t pre-covid period.
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#7158 [Permalink] Posted on 17th November 2022 13:37
akbar703 wrote:
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Actually, some people are working towards making Umrah more affordable for IPB (Indo-Pak Bangladesh) visitors. General guidelines are given in this video (in Urdu).

From what Maulana says here, it looks doable if someone is wiling to put in the legwork needed.
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#7159 [Permalink] Posted on 17th November 2022 14:10
akbar703 wrote:
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its always cheaper to book hotels/flights yourself. never go with group they rinse you especially if they got a guide/imam. even though . just do 1 long tawaf on middle or top inshAllah you'll get same reward as doing your usual. ive always done 3 or more under normal circumstances but this ramadan i only managed 1 or 2 due to the time it takes.. or if your hotel is close to haram, just take spare ihram and keep swapping over for every salah and do tawaf.
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#7160 [Permalink] Posted on 18th November 2022 10:11
Saudi Hajj minister launches online Nusuk pilgrim service

Saudi Arabia’s minister of Hajj and Umrah said that the platform, Nusuk, offers more than 100 services that help enrich the experience of pilgrims visiting Saudi Arabia, as part of the goals of Vision 2030.

MAKKAH: Saudi Arabia’s minister of Hajj and Umrah has announced the official launch of the online platform for pilgrims.

Tawfiq Al-Rabiah said that the platform, Nusuk, offers more than 100 services that help enrich the experience of pilgrims visiting Saudi Arabia, as part of the goals of Vision 2030.

Al-Rabiah said that Nusuk offers 75 services to businesses and 45 for individuals. He added that it will help more than 30 million people, in cooperation with more than 10,000 entities in the business sector and 25 government agencies.

He said that Nusuk was part of the Vision 2030 Pilgrim Experience Program, which is being run in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and the Saudi Tourism Authority.

Al-Rabiah said that the platform aimed to introduce pilgrims to all stages of performing Umrah and to the historical areas and religious sites in Makkah and Madinah.

He said Nusuk was a reliable platform providing integrated services with full transparency. It offers a planning gateway and introduces health services, regulations and procedures and guidance for pilgrims.

The minister made his announcement during the Digital Government Conference, which brings together businesses, specialists and officials to discuss progress and challenges, review future direction and discuss investment opportunities.

Ahmed Saleh Halabi, a Hajj and Umrah services adviser, said that Nusuk showed pilgrims what was available in Saudi Arabia and had done away with an old system where many pilgrims would arrive in Makkah and Madinah to perform their rituals, then leave without experiencing anything else.

Halabi said that Nusuk introduced pilgrims to monuments and facilities they can visit while in Saudi Arabia.

Ahmed Bajaifer, an investor in Umrah companies, said that the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah had made pilgrimages easy and well-regulated, and visitors could be certain of the quality of all the services provided through Nusuk.
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#7161 [Permalink] Posted on 20th November 2022 13:25
abu mohammed wrote:
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our relatives are back, could do much in makkah. Time wasted on going to masjid ayesha for ihraam and doing umrah.
Restriction were hurting them.
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#7162 [Permalink] Posted on 20th November 2022 13:42
abu mohammed wrote:
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tourism industry is exploiting muslims sentiments, expensive airlines tickets, expensive stay in hotel, VAT, transport, other new expenses like insurance etc. muslims who missed the visit for 3 years are crowding and being exploited. Umrah is very expensive.
Earlier zaireen used to do 10 20 tawafs per day are limited to one or two tawafs per day.
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#7163 [Permalink] Posted on 20th November 2022 17:12
Whilst I agree and share everyones anger and frustration at how saudis are managing umrah and the ridiculous prices DO NOT say things like waste of time or hated it. Alhamdulillah Allah has taken me multiple haj and umrah and although the last few times not been as enjoyable as early ones I wouldn't have sacrificed it for anything else. All iv spent going multiple times I could of done world tours or 5* luxury hotels etc but what can beat lookin at the kaba, doing tawaf and standing before imamul ambiya (saw)

Let's not utter words which may cause Allah and his rasool (saw) displeasure. People have saved entire lives to go. Sahaba and others gave their actual lives for makkah and madina and we complain and say we regret going cos it was expensive or had to do tawaf upstairs?

We don't go there out our own will. Allah invites us. Allah save me and us frm day he withdraws his invite to us cos we complained over petty things
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ummi taalib's avatar
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#7164 [Permalink] Posted on 21st November 2022 08:12
mkdon101 wrote:
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Well said!
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akbar703's avatar
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#7165 [Permalink] Posted on 21st November 2022 11:11
mkdon101 wrote:
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It is getting worse day by day, qiyamat is getting nearer.
So thousand times Alhamdulillah!!. One tawaf is better than millions of pounds.
But the harees (greedy), they say, we did 150 tawaf in previous visit, but now we could do only one per day.
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#7166 [Permalink] Posted on 21st November 2022 12:06
akbar703 wrote:
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so what? Allah dont look at quantity he looks at quality. before new rules i managed to do 16 in 1 day and average 8 or so in mataf. last time i went lucky if i did 2 a day but Allah knows intention was to do more had i been given a chance. maybe Allah teaching us a lesson. one slow long difficult tawaf is better than 100 quick ones were im weaving in and out? also in 1 long tawaf you can do more tasbih. 99% of us have done more tawafs umrahs and haj than sahaba and tabieen yet look at our quality compared to them

as for money never has going there made me poorer or anything. a few yrs ago i did rough calculations and worked out at that time if i added up all the amount i spent going there i think it was over 50k but strange thing is i never recall ever earning that much to go so ofte and still have savings as im not on a particularly high wage.

a day in madinah and makkah is better than years in new york london paris dubai or going to world cup finals grand prix boxing matches. we will inshAllah see the fruits of going in akhira but lest not throw it away with complaints. go ask poor people who love makkah and madinah more than us but will never be able to afford to go,
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#7167 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2022 11:30

Imam Of Masjid Al Nabawi In Hospital Over Heart Surgery
MADINAH: His Eminence Sheikh Ali Al Hudaify, Chief Imam and Khateeb of Masjid Al Nabawi, Madinah has undergone a catheterization procedure on the heart at King Fahd Hospital in Madinah Al Munawarrah, a General Presidency source told on Saturday.

The honorable Imam is said to be in stable condition and is currently recovering in hospital.

Sheikh Ali Hudaify is the longest serving Imam and Khateeb of Masjid Al Nabawi, Madinah spanning over 40 years. The Imam in the last couple of years suffered from health problems including a stroke in 2019.
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#7168 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd December 2022 13:34
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#7169 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2022 10:10
Hajj Ministry: Smartphone biometrics for issuing Umrah visa from 5 countries
December 04, 2022

The beneficiaries of biometric service on smartphones include pilgrims from the United Kingdom, Tunisia, Kuwait, Malaysia, and Bangladesh.

MAKKAH — The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah announced that it has granted permission to register vital features of biometrics on smartphones to issue online Umrah visas for those coming from five countries. The beneficiaries of this service include pilgrims from the United Kingdom, Tunisia, Kuwait, Malaysia, and Bangladesh, the ministry said in a statement.

The procedures for the issuance of Umrah visas electronically will be completed based on biometrics prior to their arrival in Makkah and Madinah. The decision comes as part of the efforts by all government sectors to facilitate the procedures for the arrival of Hajj and Umrah pilgrims.

The ministry noted that the registration process will be completed through the Saudi Visa Bio smartphone application by self-registration of vital characteristics from the country of arrival. The registration of the biometric features of the face, eye, and fingers, and self-photocopying of the passport via the application will enable Umrah visa applicants to register vital characteristics electronically by themselves without the need to visit the embassies and consulates of Saudi Arabia or visa issuance centers in their respective countries. This will facilitate their entry through all Saudi land, sea, and air ports with less time and effort thanks to the simplified procedures.

The registration of vital features on the app is carried out through four steps, such as the automated reading of the passport; identification of the type of visa; taking a photo of the face; and fingerprinting.

The facilitation of vital characteristics registration procedures is part of efforts by all government sectors in Saudi Arabia to serve the Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. It is noteworthy that the Kingdom is the first country to use the registration of vital features of visa applicants via smartphones.

— Agencies
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#7170 [Permalink] Posted on 7th December 2022 09:21
Volunteers at Grand Mosque in Makkah serve 30 million worshippers

RIYADH: About 30 million worshippers have benefitted from volunteering services offered at the Grand Mosque in Makkah, Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

According to figures released by Saudi Arabia’s Social, Volunteering and Humanitarian Department, volunteers from 35 entities across 17 fields exerted a total of 1.2 million hours in serving around 30 million worshippers from August last year until the first quarter of this year.

Volunteer services included serving breakfast to 5.9 million worshippers, providing 366,500 umbrellas, and distributing 2.3 million Zamzam water bottles.

In the Prophet’s Mosque in Al Madina, 7,000 volunteers served pilgrims over the past eight months, reported SPA.

The 350,000 volunteering hours covered helping elderly pilgrims and people with disabilities, organizing pedestrian flow, providing specialized first aid and offering guidance on locations in several languages.
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