The Muadhin & Imaam at Masjid An Nabawi returned back to their original locations within the Rawdhah. However restrictions for the congregation still are being applied as per the authorities instructions.
Ya Arhamur rahimeen, have we become so wretched and low that we are no longer worthy of standing in the rawdah mubarak and convey our Salam to Habibullah, imam ul ambiya, sayidduna mursaleen, rahmatulil aalimeen. Ya Allah your mercy is greater than our broken tauba, your forgiveness vaster than our sins. Ya Allah open the doors of your mercy and the haramain sharifain. Do not deprive us of the closest thing to jannah we have. Ameen
Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (Hafidhahullah) during du'a after Bukhari khatm last week (Translated from Urdu, cannot do justice to the heartfelt words)
"O Allah! We did not value the Haramayn Sharifayn and our Masaajid and they have been closed to us. O Allah! Forgive us!"
Such true words. Was just pondering today how we have taken everything for granted, friends, family, children, food, fresh air, freedom etc etc. The list can go on and on. Feels like we needed this wake up call.
The more I think about this the more I realise its the Muslims who are the real losers in this. Kuffar may have lost their clubs pubs bars sports etc but we have lost our masaajid and the 3 sancturies.
It may be cos we didn't value the haramain but I think it's cos we have left the deen and sunnah. We left Al wala wal nara. We left jihad and hijrah for sake of Allah. Blood of a believer is superior to the kabah yet you listen to people like shaykh dorat youde think haramain is more important. We didn't help our fellow Muslims so Allah took away what is beloved to us.
The holiest mosques in Makkah, in Madina and in Jerusalem, are all empty. In Saudi Arabia, the holiest sites were shut down weeks ago, long before many ordinary places had even heard of the coronavirus. The speed and diligence of the decision has likely saved thousands of lives!
Turkish minister: Saudi Arabia kept the world in dark about coronavirus
Middle East Monitor
26 March 2020 23:34
Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu in Ankara, Turkey on 2 August 2019 [Barış Oral/Anadolu Agency]
Saudi Arabia failed to tell any country, including Turkey, about the coronavirus threat amid pilgrimages to the country, leaving Turkish authorities to take measures right after confirming the first case among those returning from Mecca, when the damage had already started, said Turkey’s interior minister on Thursday, Anadolu reports.
“Saudi Arabia did not inform us or the world about any cases” of the deadly virus, Suleyman Soylu told news channel A Haber.
“People returned from Umrah [lesser pilgrimage]. The Health Ministry took measures right after the first case was observed” and put the pilgrims in isolation centers, he added.
More than 15,000 people coming from abroad were put under quarantine in Turkey in 48 dormitories in 29 provinces, he said.
Soylu said the Interior Ministry has so far issued a total of 38 notices to prevent the spread of the outbreak, adding that Turkey closed its borders to many countries before the outbreak gained momentum.
“In this period, we’re focusing on four different fundamental points just like the rest of the world: the healthcare system’s survival, maintaining public order, ensuring social isolation, and continuing the supply chain,” he said.
When asked if Turkey would announce a nationwide curfew, he said it would not do so now, but that measures could be stepped depending on the spread of the outbreak.
Soylu added that Turkey is the only country in the world where public servants directly bring services to the elderly – now under a curfew due to the outbreak – adding that 320,000 of them were extended a helping hand so they would not go out and risk their lives.
Saudi Arabia urges Muslims to wait on Haj plan amid coronavirus outbreak Saudi Gazette report
JEDDAH — Saudi Arabia is exerting all its efforts to fight coronavirus and urges Muslims to wait until there is more clarity about the coronavirus pandemic before planning to attend the annual Haj pilgrimage.
Speaking on Al-Ekhbariya television on Tuesday, Minister of Haj and Umrah Dr. Muhammad Saleh Benten said: “Saudi Arabia is fully ready to serve pilgrims and Umrah seekers, but under the current circumstances, as we are talking about the global pandemic... the Kingdom is keen to protect the health of Muslims and citizens and so we have asked our brother Muslims in all countries to wait before doing (Haj) contracts until the situation is clear."
Some 2.5 million pilgrims visit Makkah and Madinah each year for the Haj.
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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