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#7246 [Permalink] Posted on 27th March 2023 15:09
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#7247 [Permalink] Posted on 28th March 2023 09:25
20 Umrah pilgrims killed in bus crash near Abha
March 28, 2023

The scene of the accident.

Okaz/Saudi Gazette

ABHA — At least 20 Umrah pilgrims were killed and 29 others injured when a bus carrying the pilgrims overturned and caught fire at Aqaba Shaar in the southern Asir region Monday afternoon.

The accident took place on a road at Aqaba Shaar that links Abha city with Mahayil Asir governorate.

The passenger bus lost control following a brake failure and crashed into a bridge, overturned, and caught fire. The victims were on their way to Makkah to perform Umrah.

Civil Defense and Saudi Red Crescent teams as well as the security authorities rushed to the scene after receiving information about the accident and started rescue operations.

Traffic movement was obstructed along the road for several hours following the accident. The bodies of the deceased pilgrims as well as the injured were taken to a number of hospitals in the region.

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#7248 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2023 09:16
Saudi Arabia announces new Hajj, Umrah photography rules
The updated guidelines were issued taking into account the sanctity of the sites

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah issued new guidelines for pilgrims regarding photography and videography at the Grand Mosque in Makkah and the Prophet’s Mosque in Madina. The new rules have been announced with consideration of the sanctity of the holy sites.

“In the Two Holy Mosques, we take into account the sanctity of the place, so we have the etiquette of photography, and we preserve the rights of others,” The ministry said via a statement released on Twitter.

  • New guidelines to be followed
  • Not to take others’ pictures without their consent
  • Not to take anyone’s pictures while they are praying
  • Not to disturb anyone during worship

On Monday, it was also announced that pilgrims will not be allowed to repeat Umrah during the month of Ramadan. Pilgrims only have the right to perform it once.

The decision was taken with consideration of the large number of pilgrims wanting to perform Umrah during the holy month and to be able to provide equal opportunity to all.

The ministry added that pilgrims must obtain a permit from the Nusuk app to perform Umrah, and stressed that they give “importance of their commitment to the specified time.”
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#7249 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2023 09:44
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#7250 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd April 2023 09:46
Registration for Itikaf in Prophet's Mosque to start on Tuesday

MADINAH — The Agency of the Affairs for the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah announced the date of registering for Itikaf in the mosque during the holy month of Ramadan.

The agency said that registration for Itikaf will start Tuesday, April 4, through the "Zaeron - Visitors" app.

It also noted that issuing the Itikaf permits will be according to the absorptive capacity.

The Itikaf is a ritual of staying in a mosque solely for the purpose of worship and meditation.

The Prophet's Mosque has received during Ramadan days a huge number of fasting worshippers and visitors, and the agency provides them with all kinds of care, supervision and guidance services to ensure their safety, comfort and security.
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#7251 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd April 2023 09:47
104 minutes is average time to perform Umrah

MAKKAH — The total average minutes of Umrah performance from the beginning of Tawaf until the end of Sai takes 104 minutes, the General Presidency of the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques revealed.

This came during the Presidency's clarification in an infographic on its official Twitter account of the average time for performing Umrah rituals during the first 10 days of the holy month of Ramadan.

It has also revealed that the average time of performing Tawaf takes 49 minutes, while it will take 11 minutes for pilgrims to move from the Tawaf to Sai, as Sai takes 44 minutes.

It is worth mentioning that the General Presidency, represented by the Agency for Security, Safety, Confrontation of Emergencies and Risks has provided more than 500 security personnel to serve Grand Mosque' visitors during Ramadan.

The security personnel are there to ensure the readiness of safety means inside the Grand Mosque, and prepare all the corridors leading to Tawaf, as well as preserve and protect the main entrances, follow up on the regulating of crowds and manage it.

Additionally, there are more than 15 security observers who speak different languages to serve the visitors of the Grand Mosque in the best possible way, the undersecretary of the General President of the Security, Safety, Confrontation of Emergencies and Risks Affairs Fayez Al-Harthy confirmed.

He noted that among the languages they speak are the Chinese language, Sinhalese (Sri Lankan), Urdu, Hausa, Persian, English and Turkish.
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#7252 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2023 09:38
Thousands of Indian women to perform Hajj without male guardian

NEW DELHI: More than 4,300 Indian women have registered to perform this year’s Hajj on their own, in what authorities say will be the country’s largest female contingent to embark on the pilgrimage without a male guardian.

With over 200 million Indians professing Islam, the Hindu-majority South Asian nation has the world’s largest Muslim-minority population. Under the 2023 Hajj quota, about 175,000 of them will travel to Saudi Arabia in June for the spiritual journey that is one of the five pillars of Islam.

In a first, among the pilgrims will be women who applied individually and will reach the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah on their own, following last year’s decision by Saudi Arabia to lift a rule that required women to be accompanied by a mahram, or male guardian. Those who had no such companion could previously travel only in large groups of other women.

India tweaked its Hajj policy accordingly in February, and the Ministry of Minority Affairs announced its list of pilgrims on Monday, saying that this year 4,314 pilgrims were selected in the Ladies Without Mahram category, marking the country’s “largest ever contingent of women proceeding on Hajj alone without a male member.”

A.P. Abdullakutty, chairman of the Haj Committee of India, a statutory body of the Indian government that organizes Islamic pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia, told Arab News that the fact that so many Indian women are going on Hajj without a mahram was an indicator of social development.

“It’s a good sign,” he said. “This is an empowerment of women, especially the empowerment of Indian Muslim women.”

Shaista Ambar, a resident of Lucknow, is one of the women who applied to travel alone.

“I lost my husband and a son in the COVID pandemic, but I did not lose my hope to go for Hajj and I applied all alone,” she told Arab News.

“Women have been asking the Haj committee to change the rules for (so) long. Qur’an gives women equal rights to education and freedom (as men).”

To make the new pilgrimage policy even more fair, Indian authorities have also abolished the VIP quota for pilgrims, which earlier had 500 reserve spots set aside for top government officials. They also made special arrangements to provide forex facilities to pilgrims, allowing them to carry sums that are based on their actual requirements.

“In front of Allah everyone is equal,” Abdullakutty, said. “There is a complete transparency in the selection ... The whole idea is to make pilgrimage as smooth as possible for Indian Muslims.”
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akbar703's avatar
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#7253 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2023 10:10
abu mohammed wrote:
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“It’s a good sign,” he said. “This is an empowerment of women, especially the empowerment of Indian Muslim women.”

Shaista Ambar, a resident of Lucknow, is one of the women who applied to travel alone.

“Women have been asking the Haj committee to change the rules for (so) long. Qur’an gives women equal rights to education and freedom (as men).”

Mutwalli of Haramain is agreeing to this.
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#7254 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2023 13:54
As per Shafi and Maliki they have below opinion

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Is there a dispensation in the Shafi`i school for a woman to travel with a safe group upon need when she does not have a mahram (unmarriageable kin) that she can travel with?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
When a woman travels without her husband or mahram, there is some detail to discuss. If the purpose of her travel is to perform an obligation, such as the hajj or umra, according to our school, it is permissible for her to travel by herself, if she feels it is safe for her. Included in this is travel for seeking a livelihood, if no one else spends on her, as the scholars have explicitly stated, because seeking halal livelihood is obligatory. However, she must be sure to observe the rules of covering and not be in seclusion with men.

As for a trip that is for something non-obligatory, it is haram for her to travel without a husband or mahram, even if she feels it is safe, and I have not heard anything in our school that permits it.

I have seen in Maliki works a position that it is permissible if the travel is with a secure group and some of the later scholars have relied upon this. I asked the erudite scholar, Shaykh Muhammad al-Hafiz al-Shanqayti al-Maliki and he said that it is permissible to follow this opinion and to act upon it in their school, such as airplane passengers if they are many. In this is some room for ease.

– Amjad.
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#7255 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2023 14:46
Honest servant wrote:
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Hajj without mahram

Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymin (may Allah have mercy on him) said: This action – Hajj without a mahram – is haram because of the hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, when he was delivering a sermon, “No woman should travel except with a mahram.” A man stood up and said, “O Messenger of Allah, my wife has set out for Hajj, and I have signed up for such-and-such a military campaign.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Go and do Hajj with your wife .” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3006; Muslim, 1341)
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#7256 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2023 14:51
Honest servant wrote:
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If maharam is not there, whether it is obligatory on her to travel for Haj?

If she cannot find someone to accompany her, then she is not obliged to do Hajj so long as that is the case.

quote from Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (11/92).
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#7257 [Permalink] Posted on 6th April 2023 02:12
akbar703 wrote:
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This should be read to get a better idea of everything pertaining to this: za/book-downloads/general-books/821-the-prohibition-women-travelling-without-mahrams


The concession of the other Math-habs is not available for general application. It is not a licence for unnecessary abandonment of the ahkaam of the professed Math-hab. Fourthly, the concession is inextricably interwoven with safety from fitnah, especially the type of fitnah in which humanity (Muslim and non-Muslim) is drowning.
Regarding the impermissibility of adopting a concession due to fitnah, the Shaafi’iyyah had even ruled that due to the fitnah prevalent in the Haram Shareef (the fitnah of concupiscence), it is not permissible for women to enter the Haram Shareef for even Tawaaf. The Shaafi Fuqaha had issued this fatwa centuries ago.

(If your response causes the slightest pain in my head, I'll know you didn't do justice by reading the book. I'm joking, but not really.)

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#7258 [Permalink] Posted on 6th April 2023 06:39
mSiddiqui wrote:
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Before reading the quoted book. I thought let me browse through the list of books.

I got valid reasons to do قطع تعلق with the site itself. I don't like to take Islamic teachings form that site. May be there are good books, but in general, I would like to keep distance from those ulema.

The kind of language used by the ulema in the site is not acceptable in this part of world.
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#7259 [Permalink] Posted on 6th April 2023 06:55
akbar703 wrote:
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Then it's clear you haven't read enough of the works of our Akaabireen. The language you find so hard to swallow is everyday talk for a Senior Alim to address younger Ulama or students of knowledge. It's a form of Islaah, but to each their own. Your childlike sensitivities have become a barrier for you in attaining knowledge. If I were you I would do Istighfaar in abundance. No more talking on this thread because it would be off topic.
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#7260 [Permalink] Posted on 6th April 2023 07:09
mSiddiqui wrote:
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We have direct access to khulafa of Maulana Maseehullah khan sahib, Hakeemul ummat, Hakeemul Islam, Maulana Ali Mian Nadvi RA sahib , Maulana Manzoor Nomani RA, etc.

The language used in that site is not acceptable to pious muslims in this part of world.

Matter closed.
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