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CANCER called Saudi Arabia

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 11th July 2011 10:17

Asslamo Allaikum,

I don't know how long Muslims will continue to defend this ABOMINATIOn & CANCER on the heart of this Ummah called "Saudi Arabia"!!!

Fun in Al-Madina Al-Munawwara??? These people are SICK IN THE HEAD!!!

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 11th July 2011 10:56
I posted an article some time back regarding the building of a new landmark where the kuffar can come and stay IN Madinah but not be all owed near the Masjid. The Cancer will enable the city of Our Beloved Prophet SAW to be infested with a foriegn cancer too.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will spend Billions on NOT the finding the cure but implanting another Cancer.
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 11th July 2011 10:59

"abu mohammed" wrote:
I posted an article some time back regarding the building of a new landmark where the kuffar can come and stay IN Madinah but not be all owed near the Masjid. The Cancer will enable the city of Our Beloved Prophet SAW to be infested with a foriegn cancer too. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will spend Billions on NOT the finding the cure but implanting another Cancer.

Asslamo Allaikum,

I have worked in Saudia and Kuffar stay in the Holiday Inn which is "maybe" outside the city limits and may be not and depends who you ask.

Non-Muslims from our company also used to stay there...

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 11th July 2011 11:08
I've just taken a look into my posts and blog but cant find the info regarding the building of this new Skyscraper city INSIDE Madinah. I will need to look further into the emails too and InshaAllah share it here too.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 11th July 2011 13:39

From: abu mohammed
Sent: 14 May 2010 14:43
Subject: Non-Muslims to be allowed to live in part of Medina
To: abu mohammed

this is what made our friends angry in the first place, hence all the fighting. This is going too far. Allah knows best

The Prophet (saw) on his death-bed, gave three orders saying, "Expel the pagans from the Arabian Peninsula.” [Sahih Bukhari 4:52:288]

The Prophet (saw) said: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.” [Sahih Muslim 19:4366]

“If anyone introduces an innovation, he will be responsible for it. If anyone introduces an innovation or gives shelter to a man who introduces an innovation (in religion), he is cursed by Allah, by His angels, and by all the people.” [Abu Dawud 39:4515]

The non-muslims can live in any muslim country except arabian peninsula, this is agreed upon by the scholars of hadith.


Non-Muslims to be allowed to live in part of Medina

Wael Mahdi, Foreign Correspondent

Last Updated: May 10. 2010 9:46PM UAE / May 10. 2010 5:46PM GMT

An artist’s rendering of Knowledge Economic City, which is planned to become a hub of technology industries and tourism to draw Muslim professionals back to the region as well as offer opportunities for non-Muslims. Courtesy Afkar International

JEDDAH // Non-Muslims can never get the feel of what is it like to live in Mecca or Medina, Islam’s holy cities, as only Muslims are allowed to enter them. But this is about to change when the new "smart city" being built in Medina is completed.

Knowledge Economic City (KEC), Saudi Arabia’s first “smart city” – its buildings are all connected via voice, data and video links – will open its doors to non-Muslims as the city is planned to be a window on Islam to the world, one of the project owners said.

Sami Baroum, the managing director of Savola group, the largest private owner in the project, said that one-third of the new city, which will be developed on an area of 4.8 million square metres, will be outside of the forbidden area known as the Haram. It is expected to open in five years.

“For the first time, non-Muslims will be able to experience living within a Muslim holy city,” Mr Baroum said. “They will not live inside the Haram area, but they will be very close to it as they can see the lights of the Prophet Mohammed’s Mosque.”

The city, known as KEC, will be developed fully over 15 years at a cost of 30 billion riyals (Dh29bn) to serve both the tourist and commercial needs of Medina.

The Saudi King Abdullah, who donated the project’s land, worth one billion riyals, owns the majority stake in KEC through his King Abdullah Foundation for His Parents for Charitable Housing. All the revenues generated through property sales in KEC will go to the foundation to provide housing for poor Saudis.

According to design plans, KEC will accommodate up to 150,000 people in its residential areas, which will be supported by planned commercial complexes, hospitality facilities, a theme park and an Islamic museum.

“All surrounding countries are interested in building Islamic museums with large investments. Medina should be the city where non-Muslims come to understand the history of Islam instead,” Mr Baroum said.

The mosque areas in Mecca and Medina are sanctuaries for Muslims, according to Islamic law. The forbidden area of the Haram in both cities is well defined, but with expansion over the years many parts of the two cities are now outside the forbidden zones.

In Medina, the residential area surrounding the holy mosque is limited and has reached its accommodation capacity.

Mr Baroum said KEC allows Medina to grow outside of the central area close to the mosque and towards a new international airport that is under construction. He said he wants the airport to become a hub for Muslim travellers, particularly during Haj.

“Muslim flocks will come to Medina from all around the world once the airport is completed, and we want to make sure that non-Muslims as well can come to Medina and have a place to stay,” he said.

Saudi Arabia is investing heavily to develop a religious tourism sector as part of its efforts to move its economy away from oil, and for the first time, the kingdom hopes to attract non-Muslim visitors.

Mr Baroum said the KEC will also have a train station for a 450km high-speed railway linking the two holy cities to Jeddah.

“The new train station will be built in the one-third area located out of the Haram area, and non-Muslims can come to Medina by land to enjoy Islamic tourism attractions we will build there,” he said.

The KEC developers also plan for it to cater for the needs of the local population as well. Medina’s population stands at one million and the developers expect it to double in 20 years.

“Out of the additional one million people, we only want to attract 75,000 or 7.5 per cent to live in the KEC. The other half of KEC’s inhabitants should come from outside of Medina,” Mr Baroum said. He hopes to attract retirees as well as highly skilled workers.

As for its business and knowledge core, Mr Baroum said, the city is expected to be home to biomedical and information technology-related industries.

Developers hope the project will position Saudi Arabia and young Muslim entrepreneurs as internationally respected leaders in knowledge-based industries. They estimate that employers based there will create more than 20,000 jobs.

Employees of those industries would be able to live nearby.

“We want to make a reverse brain drain to attract back all the Muslim minds from the West to develop an Islamic knowledge-related economy in one of Islam’s holy cities,” Mr Baroum said.

“Attracting the right people ... is the difficult part,” he said. “Providing them with the right infrastructure to do it is the easy part.

“We already hired the world’s largest network solution company, Cisco Systems, to do the job.”

According to a press statement after the signing of a contract in 2008, Cisco said it would provide the network architecture for the city.

“We have non-Muslims eager to understand Islam, and we have 1.4 billion Muslims who need to visit Medina. I can’t think of a target market better than this,” Mr Baroum said.

When it was launched by King Abdullah and announced by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority in 2006, KEC, to the east of Medina, was the fourth of six economic cities designed to diversify the country away from oil and to provide jobs to a rapidly expanding population.

According to the investment authority, KEC will also have an Islamic civilisation studies centre designed to be a hub of intellectual activity, focused on collecting, developing and transmitting the knowledge, values and artwork of Islamic civilisation, as well as finding Islamic solutions to contemporary problems such as designing Islamic banking products.

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Yasin's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 11th July 2011 17:17
I've felt sick from the saudis way towards the sacred land since I saw what they've made of Jabal Rahmah at 'Arafah around 2005/6 - It's not long before it turns into an "Islamic" disney land. It's almost there already
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 11th July 2011 17:22

"Yasin" wrote:
I've felt sick from the saudis way towards the sacred land since I saw what they've made of Jabal Rahmah at 'Arafah around 2005/6 - It's not long before it turns into an "Islamic" disney land. It's almost there already

At non Hajj times, they had Scooter rides, donkey rides, camel rides, stalls with all sorts and photographers. It was sad to see.

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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 11th July 2011 17:38

"abu mohammed" wrote:
At non Hajj times, they had Scooter rides, donkey rides, camel rides, stalls with all sorts and photographers. It was sad to see.

Exactly. Quad bikes from what I saw, zooming around . They pick up kids and put them on a camel. take photos, then ask for 200 Riyals and cry when it's not given. Honestly, they cry. The Ka'bah, Masjid-un-Nabawi, Madinah, Makkah, Haramayn, Arafah, Mina, Zam Zam, Jannatul Baqi, Quba etc is such a joke to the people there. Can anyone honestly say it's a place that changes/effects you, makes you go into a trance?

Elders tell me about how they felt back when they went after saving up for so long. Like that was the only place on the planet and the rest was hazey like it didn't exist. Like the life before felt like a dream and only the present state in Makkah/Madinah is reality. Best friend's names seemed peculier. The only thing on your mind is the Seerah, Tareekh, Sahabah's work, Islam in the air, smiles on faces, a welcoming atmosphere. Compare that with todays Ziyaarah of holy lands.

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 11th July 2011 17:43
I first went in 1995, it wasnt too bad. The only down side then were the beggers and the Hilton.

Now even the Hilton looks tiny. The love of becomming Kuffaristan is rampant there more than it is here.

The Cancer is Spreading.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2024 09:47
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Evidence of this cancer in X thread.
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In a video, two girls were seen trying to enter the mosque without hijabs and were wearing revealing clothes, but they were stopped by a security guard.

Opening the door to Jews
Serious violations targeting the city of Medina and its sacred Prophet's Mosque directly.
It all started with a Jew named Ben Tzion in 2017, who took a photo of himself from inside the Prophet's Mosque wearing clothes with Hebrew inscriptions!

In Feb 2023, Israeli media, through its Channel 13, broadcasted a report for the first time from the heart of Medina, which was filmed with an Israeli camera and reported by an Israeli correspondent just meters away from the Prophet Muhammad's grave (peace be upon him).

Their frequent visits to Medina made them bold enough to place signs and symbols confirming their desire to return to it again!
One of the effects of their frequent trips to Al-Madinah was noticing the "star" symbol on one of the sign boards at the airport!

Mount Uhud faced an attempt to erase its traces after announcing the establishment of a medical rehabilitation resort, which provides rehabilitation, leisure, and recovery services!
Meanwhile, the Jewish monuments, such as Bani Nadir, Kaab bin al-Ashraf, and others, are being restored under the supervision of the Jewish Homeland Project

The crown prince attempt to target Islam, Medina, its people, heritage, and identity carries serious connotations
With the frequent visits of rabbis to the kingdom, we fear that the name "Yathrib" will be circulated again
We ask Allah to protect from all the evils
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#11 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2024 11:30
MBS told Mike Evans the founder of the
'FRIENDS Of Zion Heritage Center' , that he considered the Ethiopian Jewish evangelical Woman who was hired to raise him, to be his mother.

MBS is honouring his "Zionist" mother. By waging a war against Islam, and sanctities of Islam.
Testimony straight from the horses mouth in the following video.

This has become a perennial problem across the muslim world. The ruling and political classes have a disdain for Islam, and raise their children as non-muslims.

The children then grow up to become leaders pretending to be muslim in order to fool the masses. But infact atheists and non muslims at heart.. And seeing Islam as a back ward religion.
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akbar703's avatar
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2024 18:03
We can't change the system.

Hence we stopped thinking about others.

We are helpless onlookers.

Last few years many of us had plans to visit Haramain, we have postponed it indefinitely. Visit to these places was to get peace of mind, but the visit is adding to miseries, hurting our souls.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2024 18:09
akbar703 wrote:
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Ever heard of dua?

We make our selves helpless :(

Allah is sufficient for us.
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akbar703's avatar
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2024 18:12
abu mohammed wrote:
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for the Last 30 years, our elders were doing dua for haramain, to save them from evil forces. We were wondering, how the atmosphere in haramain can get corrupted.

We din't see and didn't know what was happening there.

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akbar703's avatar
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2024 07:27
In the past we used to debate with the fanatics in India. We quoted the example of Saudia for tranquility, peaceful, crime less society. We boasted that, you can witness the results of implementation of shariah here.
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