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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd April 2023 01:13

Allah Ta'ala declares:

"And whatever strikes you of calamities – it is due to what YOUR own hands have earned (i.e. misdeeds); although He overlooks much." (42:30)

In Tafseer Ibn Abi Haatim it states regarding this verse:

"When it was revealed, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

"By the one in whose Hands is the soul of Muhammad, there is no scratch from a twig, nor palpitation of a vein, nor a slip of the feet, except (that it occurs) due to a sin. And what Allah overlooks is more."

In an authentic Hadith, Aishah (radhiyallahu anha) narrates that a man recited this verse: "Whosoever does a sin, will be punished for it." and said, "We will be punished for all of our actions (i.e. misdeeds)? We will be destroyed (in that case)!" When this reached Rasulullah ﷺ, he said:

"Yes, the believers will be punished for it (misdeeds) in the Dunya through his affliction in his body in that which harms him." (Musnad Ahmad)

In another authentic Hadith, Rasulullah ﷺ states:

"No vein palpitates, nor an eye (twitches), except due to a sin, and whatever Allah averts from him is more." (Al-Mu'jam as-Sagheer)

Allah Ta'ala states regarding these trials and calamities which are, in reality, "lesser" punishments:

"And verily, We will make them taste of the near lighter torment prior to the greater torment, in order that they may return (i.e. repent) (32:21)

In the Tafseer of Ibn Katheer it is related that Ibn Abbas (radhiyallahu anhu) said regarding the aforementioned verse:

"The near torment means diseases and problems in this world, and the things that happen to its people as a test from Allah to His servants so that they will REPENT to Him."

In the Tafseer of at-Tabari, it is related that Ibn Abbas (radhiyallahu anhu) said regarding this "lesser punishment":

"The calamities of this Dunya, its diseases (both mental and physical), and its misfortunes (of all forms) with which Allah afflicts his servants UNTIL they repent."

These verses are general and apply to everyone, except the sinless such as the Prophets (alayhis salaam). The trials and tribulations of Prophets, rather than cleansing their non-existent sins, serve instead to raise their ranks and also as an inspiration for their Ummah and future nations.

As for the rest of us who are sinful (i.e. virtually everyone), we should reflect on the verses above, introspect, do Tawbah, and resolve sincerely to abstain from the sins which have caused trials and calamities to descend upon us.

Allah’s Punishment is commensurate with the crime. The worse the crime, the greater the calamity.

Remember! Far far worse than sins are justification (Halaalization) of those sins, and even worse than justification of those sins is propagating your justification by which the doors are opened for others to also soothe their consciences while sinning. The trick of hiding behind scholars who legalize (Halaalize) doubtful matters does not work with this Divine Rule of calamities. Rather, such ploys come fully under the purview of the following warning:

"They took their Ahbaar (Muftis and Maulanas) and Ruhbaan (Shaykhs, Peers, Buzurghs) as Lords besides Allah." (Surah Tawbah:31)

In Tafseer Tabari it states that "Ahbaar" refers to the Ulama, and "Ruhbaan" refers to those dedicated to worship (Shaykhs, Peers, Murshids, Buzurghs etc.)

Rasulullah ﷺ said in Tafseer of this verse, as a lesson to this Ummah:

"They did not used to worship them (the Ulama and Shaykhs). But rather, when they (the Ulama) made something Halaal for them, they (the people) would regard it to be Halaal. And, when they (the Ulama) made something Haraam for them, they would regard it to be Haraam."(Tabari)

Today, "Ulama" are legalising picture-making (videos, photos, etc. of animate objects), free-mixing of genders, satanic findings of the atheistic scientists which contradict the Deen e.g. praying with satanic distancing, masking, etc. eating during a fast of Ramadhan based on a moonsighting that is Baatil (false) according to the Shari'ah (e.g. moonsighting declarations controlled and compromised by the evil Saudi regime).

All these come under the purview of this verse.

Note: This is not to be confused with the Waajib Taqleed (obligatory following) of the Mujtahideen amongst whom there is Ijma' (consensus) on the Prohibition of free-mixing of genders, picture-making, Salaat with distancing, masking etc.

Choosing to go for the Haraam Taqleed which contradicts the Waajib Taqleed will most definitely attract the Punishment of Allah both in this life and in the Hereafter.

Humble yourself, repent and turn to Allah wholeheartedly, make proper amends (e.g. Rujoo'), adopt Taqwa (fear of Allah which leads one to abstain from all Haraam and doubtful matters), and you will experience first-hand the Help of Allah and Deliverance from Calamities as guaranteed by Allah Ta’ala:

“Whosoever adopts Taqwa of Allah, He will make a WAY OUT for him, and He (Allah) will provide for him from places he (the afflicted person) could never have imagined.” (65:3)

It behoves a servant suffering from disease, tragedies, pain, and the like, to sincerely search within himself, introspect deeply, and seek to make amends immediately, especially for those sins for which he has thus far obstinately refused to acknowledge as sins, before his pain and suffering is multiplied manifold with the arrival of the Greater Torment.

"And verily, We will make them taste of the near lighter torment prior to the GREATER TORMENT... (32:21)
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd April 2023 16:44
The article lost its purpose in the later part.

Picture-making (when it necessitates), Salaat with distancing (during epidemic), masking (during epidemic) is not a sin at all, no need to repent.

And regarding saudi moon sighting, the sin is on impostors who offer testimony, not on qazi or general public. Their Haj and ramadhan acts are accepted insha Allah.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd April 2023 19:52
You don't seem to think enough before writing.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 24th April 2023 06:37
mSiddiqui wrote:
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You didn't think before writing this:

Today, "Ulama" are legalising picture-making (videos, photos, etc. of animate objects), free-mixing of genders, satanic findings of the atheistic scientists which contradict the Deen e.g. praying with satanic distancing, masking, etc. eating during a fast of Ramadhan based on a moonsighting that is Baatil (false) according to the Shari'ah (e.g. moonsighting declarations controlled and compromised by the evil Saudi regime).

All these come under the purview of this verse.

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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 24th April 2023 07:21

Honorable shaykh from Sub continent who laid the foundation of deobandiat, I quote two incidents from him. (I won't write his name here)

Once Shaykh visited a village, there was zero deen in lives of muslims, "naam ke musalmaan"... They gathered at one place,
Shaykh asked them "what festivals do you celebrate"

They replied, "one is Dasserah and other is Taaziyah (10 days of Muharram).

Shaykh advised them "Stop celeberating dasserah and Continue to celebrate Taaziyah"

The ulema who wrote this article in OP would have bombarded the shaykh with abuses for permitting Taaziyah.

Second incident:

Some one from Aligarh University visited the Shaykh and told "In the university, students never get an opportunity to hear on deen, seerah etc. But students gather to celebrate Meeladun nabi, we use this opportunity to present the seerah of Rasulullah SAS to them, what is your opinion on this."

Shaykh replied "Elsewhere it is Bida'ah, here in this university it is wajib"

Present Ulema " double speak!!! double speak... why do you speak some thing which you don't practice"..........

We ignore the zealots.... Islaah is our prime goal.....
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 24th April 2023 07:53
akbar703 wrote:
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You call those Ulama zealots but the truth is your a zealot of Tabligh. You Tabligihs always think you are the only ones that know how to give Dawah.

I quote: "Attending to the Islaah of ‘drunkards, gamblers, Barelwis and Salafis’ is not exclusively your domain. All others, especially the Mashaaikh of Tasawwuf, always attended to such people – incorrigible sinners and deviates. This is not the preserve of the Tabligh Jamaat. Every sincere Aalim is a Da-ee in his own right. No sincere Naasih turns away ‘drunkards and gamblers’. However, this never means going into the pub and into the brothel. But when these sinners come to us, our doors are always open."

What do you know about Islaah?!

With regards to the things you have a problem with, it just displays more of your own ignorance with what is going on with the world. You bring about points that are not being inferred towards in the post.

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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 24th April 2023 08:15
Do you know what double speak means?
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 24th April 2023 12:13
akbar703 wrote:
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You're wrong.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 24th April 2023 13:44
mSiddiqui wrote:
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I quote a famous Shaykh of Tasawwuf and hadith scholar from pakistan:

Insisting on single opinion is Bida'ah:

No doubt he is a bidaee, one who insists that:
Haq is limited to his opinion, others opinion is based on bida'ah and misguidance, he disintegrates the jamaath of muslimeen, he sows the seeds of hatred in ummah.
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 25th April 2023 07:30
"Teeth are hard, they won't stay till end. Tongue is soft, man dies with his tongue."

An interesting analysis from history.

Among four madhabs, Hanbalis have the lowest followers. The reason given is:

There was a period when Hanbalis were dominant. Harsh fatawah were flowing. Brother and sister were walking on street were attacked with suspicious of illicit relation.

Finally masses sidelined them, Hanbalis dispersed, migrated and settled in different parts of world.

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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 25th April 2023 09:38
akbar703 wrote:
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Yet the tongue is the most lethal!
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 28th April 2023 15:14

Ulema who Are Proclaiming Haq Are Being Accused Of Dividing The Ummah, Whereas They Are Assisting Us To Preserve The Deen Of Allah Ta’ala

Bayaan by Maulana Dawood Seedat:


Currently, we as Muslims, unfortunately, we want to follow the ways of the Kuffaar. In everything in our life, we are thinking that the way the Kuffaar are doing things, that's how I have to do it. And unfortunately, this sickness is creeping into our Deen also. And those of us who are connected, either through Ilm, or through Tableegh or through Tazkiyah - Shaytan uses a different plot to catch us. Shaytan uses different things to catch us.

One is a person who is not really bothered about Deen - Allah save us from having that kind of mindset.

The other is a person who has got some consciousness. Shaytan uses other avenues to trap that person. So we have to be very, very careful.

Now, for example, there is some virtue mentioned, for a lady who wears an Izhar. Under her cloak or dress or whatever she's wearing, she wears an Izhar. There is some virtue mentioned for that. Because obviously, it is more concealing for her Satr. If she has to trip and fall, if she has to pass away or fall down. Anything can happen, right? Even if her cloak lifted up. She's getting into the Motorcar. She lifted her legs. She's not realizing. The car maybe like a little bit high... But if she's got an Izhar on, her leg will not get exposed.

So now, one is you'll get those women who can't be bothered. They're not even wearing a long dress, forget wearing a pants. They want to expose themselves. Allah save our women from that kind of (mindset).

But now you get the lady who's in purdah - the Aalimah, or whatever. The Molvi Saheb's daughter and all that. So now she is conscious now that I must wear my Izhar also and I must wear my cloak on top.

So, now, what shaytan will do is get the fashion industry, the clothing manufacturers, to make tights. So now all these Aalimahs - what "Izhar" they're wearing now? Tights!

So, with regards to tights, there is a Hadith Sharif, Nabi Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) mentioned a Wa'eed (severe warning) with regards to certain women. One of the things he mentioned is "Kaasiyaatun Aariyaatun" - they are clothed but they are unclothed. In other words, they are wearing clothing which is so tight that you can see the shape of their bodies, or it is see-through, or it is a type of clothing that is revealing. So although they are clothed, but they are unclothed.

So now that lady is feeling that I'm wearing an Izhar, but in actual fact it's not an izhar.

So this trends of the kuffar, when we follow their trends and we forget what is the Asl (the original, correct way), then we will get lost.

Like the Kurta. You see some Kurta people are wearing nowadays. You wonder what is this? Because the upper garment, we call it Kurta, in Arabic it is called Qamees. What is the definition of a Qamees? It is a loose-fitting garment with long sleeves and the minimum length is over the knees and the maximum is above the ankles. That is the Qamees. It's a simple garment.

But now, when you see all these new new Kurtas - not Kurtas - new new outfits on the market with this design here and that design there - some of them even got the Kuffaar name brands on them!!! Motorcar signs, soccer team signs... all funny, funny things on the Kurta!

Now, that Kurta is supposed to be Sunnah, but he is advertising for a soccer team on his "Kurta", he is advertising for Adidas on his "Kurta". Why? Because unfortunately, Allah protect us, but the love for this Kuffaar lifestyle has penetrated our hearts. And although we're wearing a "Kurta", we want to go close to that life of the Kuffar.

I'll give you another example. It's for my own Ibrat (lesson). If it helps you, Alhamdulillah. If it helps anybody, Alhamdulillah.

Before, Insaan ate indoors. Insaan ate in the house. Animals ate outdoors. A man had a dog for security. He put the food outside. Sometimes you got one cat. You put a bowl of milk outside. The cat can drink the milk and go. So you fed the animals outside and Insaan ate inside.

Now, the rules are reversed bhai. The man got a cat. His cat mustn't leave the house. It's dangerous. It might get the virus! The cat is kept like a baby. But his wife must go galavanting outside.

The dog is fed indoors. A man has got a very expensive dog. Pedigree this and pedigree that. That is fed indoors. The man has got an expensive horse. Each horse must go in the stable and eat food in the stable. Can't eat outside. Must eat inside. Special food...

But now see the kuffar trend. He takes his family, his wife, his daughter, his son... they go and sit on the pavement to eat! Just go Durban and other (places) and see all this.

Now they put people on the pavement outside like beggars to eat. So the dog and the cat, he feeds inside the house, and his wife, his mother, his daughter and sister, he feeds them on the pavement!!!

Where is our Aql gone?!

You see this is this intoxication of following the Kuffaar trends. We lose it totally. Our mind is gone. Totally off.

Yesterday I was listening. Somebody sent one bayaan of Mufti Hashim Boda Saheb from De Deur. Mufti Saheb was talking about one programme on Hajj. Hajj - what a great Ibaadat. But a program taking place in a hotel!

Now, how does that work out?! I mean, you're talking about Hajj. What a great Ibaadat. Get connected with Allah Ta'ala. There is so much qurbani connected to that Ibaadat. Such a spiritual journey.

And now where are you teaching that journey? In a hotel, where so much filth takes place, Zina takes place, music, nudity... all Haraam takes place in that kind of environment. And now you teaching Hajj classes in there!

And now, if Ulama speak against it, they say, no, Maulana is not tolerant, he don't respect people's difference of opinion.

Now, how come people will go for Hajj lessons in a place like that? A filthy place like that? How come people will even go there?

It's because we have become accustomed to frequenting it. So we don't see anything wrong in it anymore. We don't find anything wrong. Because we go there normally. Our daughter is running around here. The wife is running around there. Everything is happening there. So there is nothing wrong to us anymore about that place.

So now, we go and do wrong there. Now, we're doing some thawaab. We're doing Hajj class. Very good... because we're comfortable in that environment. Allah Maaf Kore. But you see this trends of the kuffar, what it does to us?

And now, when Ulama will speak out, they will say, "Aah, you see he's got it in for that Molvi Sab. That's why he's talking like that." It's not that. It's our Deen that needs to be preserved. We can't be so shallow. I've got it in for this one, or that one got it in for that one, or all of them are picking on this one...We're not small children! Its our Deen that needs to be preserved.

And those Ulama who are speaking on Deen, on Haqq. They are being accused - that now you all are splitting the Ummah. But that is the Wiraathat of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam was also accused of the same thing.

Now, for example, in the history of our province, we never had Hajj classes in a hotel. People used to have classes. Maulana Usman Saheb in Petermaritzburg - every year he had Hajj classes. In the Masjid, teaching the people. In the classroom, teaching the people. So many places they have Hajj classes. So, did any Aalim ever say that to attend Hajj classes is a wrong thing? They used to encourage the people. Bhai, you're going for Hajj, go and learn the masaa-il.

Now, we bring this innovation. This fitna of going to have a Hajj class in a hotel where Ghuna takes place. So now the Ulama will speak out and say this action is wrong. Now when the Ulama speak out - because this action was not there before. It is a wrong action. It was not there. Now when they speak out - (people will say) "Aaah see this Maulana is now splitting the Ummah!" How foolish can we be?!

For example, no Aalim used to ever go on TV. Every Aalim would tell you TV is Haraam. Now, some decide, we making "Islamic" TV and go on TV. So other Ulama will say, "No, this is a wrong thing" (Then they'll respond) "Noooo, but difference of must be tolerant...why are you splitting the Ummah? You must have Unity..."

Unity on what!? How long are we going to carry on cutting our Deen and believing the Kuffaar!?

Our Hazrat, Maulana Yunus Patel (rahmatullah alayh) used to say, "What they spew out, we want to lick up." He used to summarize it like that. "What they spew out, we want to lick up."

And one thing that hurts me today is that everybody wants to ride on Hazrat's back. Whatever they do, they say, "You know, Maulana Yunus Patel was very tolerant. Hazrat had a Wus'ate Nazar." The people who are doing wrong and using Hazrat's name... to promote their wrong... to promote their evil, they use Hazrat's name.

Hazrat was so against schooling. That's why he encouraged homeschooling. Today people want to take out snippets from Hazrat's bayaan where he spoke something, saying, "Okay, we need the professionals. We need this. We need that." So now they take that snippet and say, "You see Hazrat was saying you have to go University."

Using people's name in the wrong context is a very very wrong thing.

So Deen we have to study but we have to preserve our Deen and we have to be very very careful and don't fall in the trends of the Kuffaar. Everything the Kuffaar are doing, we can't go in that route. We have got our own life. We have got the Shariat. We have got the Sunnah of Huzure Paak sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

Ladies in "purdah" are sitting on a pavement and eating. Now everytime they take a morsel, they pick up the purdah and eat and then put the purdah back. What, what is that!? Who are we fooling? What purdah is that?

And the lady who is not in purdah thinks, "No, I got license, I'm not in purdah so I can sit on the pavement and eat."

Take the animals back, put them outside bhai. Take the family, and put them inside. That is how it was. Animals were outside. People were inside. Now, we put the people to eat outside and put the animals inside! Allah Khair Kore. Allah Khair Kore.

SubhanakAllahumma wa bihamdik. Nash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illallaahu nastaghfiruka wanatoobu ilayk.

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2023 23:44
Beautiful Advice on Photos and Videos by Moulana Ismail Bayat:

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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2023 16:07

Hadrhat Maulana Dawood Seedat (Hafizahullah)

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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2023 10:32

In the famous epidemic in Madinah during the time of Rasulullah ﷺ and also in the plagues encountered by the Sahabah (radhiyallahu anhum), did any of them do ijtihad that salaah must be made with social distancing, masks on face, no sajdah, etc. as the modernists today are promoting?

Answer by Mufti Ubaidullah Ebrahim:

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